

Overview of medicines

Drugs that prevent thrombosis and improve blood rheology

In the prevention of the formation of multiple microthrombi during shock and their destruction, various pharmacological approaches may occur that use drugs that prevent thrombosis and improve blood rheology

Medications that improve electrolyte and energy metabolism of the heart

The problem of urgent correction of the disturbed fundamental properties of the heart cells and the organ as a whole is a very difficult task, and a reliable solution to it has not yet been found.

Medicines that increase the energy potential of cells

Medications that increase in one way or another the energy potential of a cell can be divided into four categories of prevention and therapy of shock

Medicines that protect biological membranes from damage

As exogenous pharmacological antioxidants, synthetic substances (dibunol, 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives, sodium selenite, etc.) and natural antioxidants (tocopherol, plant catechins of the vitamin P group, reduced glutathione, etc.) can act as exogenous pharmacological antioxidants.

Medications to prevent and correct heart failure

The general strategy of drug prevention and therapy for acute heart failure (OCH) is not limited to the additional use of the cardiac reserve by stimulation of the myocardium

Preparations for the purification of the liver

Preparations for liver cleansing perform two main functions and are divided into two groups: Function of protection and recovery of liver cells. Function of activating the biliary excretion.

Drugs that protect against stress

Stress protective action, that is, protects against stress to varying degrees, have drugs of many pharmacological groups, but not all of them are for various reasons suitable for preventive and therapeutic use in shock


Antihypoxants - drugs that can prevent, reduce or eliminate the manifestations of hypoxia due to the maintenance of energy metabolism in a regime sufficient to preserve the structure and functional activity of the cell, even at the level of the permissible minimum.


Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody to the CD20 antigen of B cells (rituximab, MabThera). Rituximab has been used since 1997 to treat B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, as well as other lymphomas that are resistant to standard therapy.

Mycophenolate mofetil

Mycophenolate mofetil is a synthetic immunosuppressant, mycophenolic acid morpholinoethyl ester. After ingestion of mycophenolate, mycophenolate quickly and completely turns into its active metabolite, mycophenolic acid.


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