

Overview of medicines

Antibiotics for tonsillitis

Antibiotics for tonsillitis are used when it is not possible to stop inflammation by other methods, high temperature rises, and the phenomenon of intoxication of the body increases.

Drops from rhinitis

Drops from rhinitis have always been considered effective. Especially if it was a question of more serious forms of the disease. But, despite all the effectiveness, there is everything, and the risk of harming health.

High-pressure tablets

People who suffer from hypertension are forced to constantly and in large quantities take high-pressure tablets. Such medicines are now quite a lot, as they say, for every taste and color. Determine your choice will help your doctor, and, hopefully, our article.

Ointment for scars: which is better to choose?

The scars ointment is a relatively inexpensive way to reduce the visibility of skin imperfections. For many years, scientists have developed methods to combat scars.

Ointment from couperose

Ointment from couperose has long established itself as a good medicine, in the fight against vascular mesh. But do not forget that you need to apply it correctly, and most importantly pick up.

Tablets from excitement

Tablets from excitement greatly facilitate the life of modern people. Constant stress and critical situations can knock a person out of the rut.

Antibiotics for ureaplasma

Antibiotics for ureaplasma are a necessary measure for suppressing this disease. But not always when a given microorganism is found, it is worth starting treatment.

Antibiotics for ovarian inflammation

Antibiotics for inflammation of the ovaries have an effective effect and are able to quickly get rid of the problem. It is necessary to take them only in full accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Antibiotics in breastfeeding: particular application

There are many situations in which it is necessary to use antibiotics for breastfeeding. The whole question is, which ones.

Suppositories from cervicitis

Suppositories from cervicitis are used for inflammation of the uterus, at the moment when it is necessary to act immediately and remove an unpleasant sensation. To do this, you need to apply a comprehensive treatment, led by special candles.


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