

Overview of medicines

Tablets from cystitis

Tablets from cystitis - a series of drugs that are used to treat inflammation of the bladder. Let's consider the indications for the use of drugs from cystitis, the most popular and effective tablets. And also features of their reception.

The best pills for worms for treatment and prevention: names

Tablets from worms are used for helminthiasis. There are about 70 kinds of them on the territory of Ukraine, therefore these pills are appointed after taking the analysis and consulting with the doctor.

Eye drops from conjunctivitis

Eye drops from conjunctivitis are selected taking into account what caused the inflammatory process. Before the treatment of the disease it is required to find out the nature of the inflammation: bacterial, viral, allergic.

Antibiotics for intestinal infections

Antibiotics for intestinal infection are needed when the patient is in a very serious condition, he has a fever and dehydration due to diarrhea and it is reliably known that the disease is not caused by the virus.

Eye drops from cataracts

Cataract treatment with eye drops lasts long enough, as the disease is characterized by chronic course. As a result, with the discontinuation of the use of drops and the continuation of the effect of the irritating factor (computer), a relapse occurs with typical clinical manifestations.

Dental pain pills

Sometimes, with strong toothache, there is no way to immediately consult a dentist (holidays or weekends, night time, etc.) and in this situation, the help of a toothache pill that significantly reduces the intensity of pain, and in some cases completely eliminates it.

Tablets from smoking

According to its principle of action, all tablets from smoking are divided mainly into three types: nicotine substitutes - in the composition there is nicotine or cytisine (a substance that exerts an effect similar to a smoked cigarette on the body).

Drugs that increase testosterone

Frequent stressful situations, unhealthy habits and malnutrition are the main "enemies" of testosterone. If you get rid of them, then the amount of the necessary hormone will increase by itself. However, when such simple and natural ways do not help, you have to take drugs that raise testosterone.

Antibiotics for acne

What to drink antibiotics from acne and what is better - to apply antibiotics externally or drink in tablet form?

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults: when appointed, the names

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are used in the presence of a bacterial pathogen in the human body, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi develops.


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