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The best pills for worms for treatment and prevention: names
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Tablets from worms are used for helminthiasis. There are about 70 kinds of them on the territory of Ukraine, therefore these pills are appointed after taking the analysis and consulting with the doctor.
How do worm tablets work?
Preparations from worms act in different ways. Decaris, say, suppresses glycolysis in parasites, which leads to their death in the first day after administration and removal from the body naturally. Mebendazole disrupts the utilization of glucose, parasites die and can be excreted already digested with feces. Albendazole also interferes with the exchange of glucose and the movement of organelles in parasite cells. The nutrition of the parasites is disturbed, they perish. Pirantel causes neuromuscular blockade. A prazikvantel reduces the musculature of helminths. The level of glycogen in the cells falls, which leads to the death of worms. Piperazine leads to paralysis of the muscles of parasites.
Name of worm tablets
Worms are widely spread in humans, like Pirantel, Wormil and Vermox. They are effective against nematodes, which include pinworm, ascaris and whipworm and tapeworms (echinococcus, alveococcus, dwarf and bovine tapeworm, pork chain). There is also a class of flatworms. This class includes a feline fluke, a liver fluke, a Chinese fluke, a pulmonary fluke and a lancet-shaped fluke, as well as some other representatives. Against flatworms is effective Chloksil and Cysticida.
Vermox from worms
Tablets from worms Vermox taken inside, washed down with water. With pinworms, it is enough to drink 100 mg of tablets once a day, with ascarids and teniosis - 100 mg in the morning and in the evening for 3 days. The drug acts by suppressing the synthesis of ATP. Half-life Vermox occurs in 3-5 hours. 90% bound to plasma proteins and accumulated in the liver. Of the side effects are possible diarrhea, a change in the picture of blood, an allergy. Overdose can cause nausea and diarrhea. There is no antidote. You can drink activated charcoal.
Pirantel from worms
Tablets from worms Pirantel are covered with a yellow-orange shell. They cause helminths blockade of muscles and nerves and ensures the expulsion of parasites from the digestive tract. Metabolized in the liver and mainly excreted by the intestine and kidneys. With pinworms, Pirantel is drunk at a rate of 10 mg / kg, with ascarids - 10 mg / kg for 3 days.
Dekaris from worms
Tablets from the worms of Decaris act on helminths, causing their paralysis and death. Indications: ascaridosis, non-carotid, trichostrongilez, enterobiosis. Assign a single 0.15 g. Children 2.5 mg / kg.
Wormed from worms
Wormil - tablets from worms, their synonym - albendazole. It is active against nematodes, cestodes, trematodes and protozoa. It is excreted with bile and urine, the elimination half-life is 8.5 hours. Indications: enterobiosis, ascariasis, shadows, capillarosis, gnatostomosis, lamblia in childhood. Tablets must be chewed. When treating ascaridosis and pinworms, it is enough to drink 1 tablet 400 mg per day for 3-4 days. With mixed infestation, you should drink 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days. When treating lamblia, children are given 1 tablet 400 mg for 5 days. When echinococcus, if a patient weighs more than 60 kg, drink 1 tablet 2 times a day for 28 days. With a lower weight, the dose should be divided into two doses (15 mg / kg body weight). You can spend 3 cycles of treatment, making a break between them for 14 days. When the body is affected by skin migratory larvae, Vormil is drunk once a day for 3 days. With capillarosis, you should drink 1 tablet 1 time per day for 10 days, with gnatostomosis - 1 tablet once a day for 15 days.
Side effects: vomiting, stomatitis, abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, drowsiness, disorientation, auditory and visual hallucinations, decreased visual acuity, dermatitis and pemphigus. Contraindicated in pregnancy and children under 2 years, during breastfeeding. In case of an overdose, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, orange color of urine, saliva and tears may occur. There is no antidote. Treatment of an overdose is symptomatic. It is necessary to do a gastric lavage.
Drontal from worms
Tablets for cats are sold separately, separately for dogs. 1 tablet is enough for 4 kg of the animal's weight. They act on round and banded helminths. You can give kittens from 3 weeks. A tablet is given with food. For preventive purposes, Drontal is used at intervals of every six months, before the mating and 10 days before lambing. Drontal is given to kittens weakened from illness by cats and nursing cats
Drontal for dogs is also very convenient, has a wide range of actions, safe, proven by many breeders drug. It acts on round and tapeworms. One tablet is enough for a dog weighing 10 kg. You can give it to old animals, pregnant and nursing dogs.
Drontal is not used to treat people.
Milbemax from worms
In the veterinary practice, Milbemax tablets are good. In the case of shadows and echinococcosis in cats, the Milbemax preparation for cats is especially effective. It is given with food or forcibly. At a weight of up to 1 kg, you need to give the kitten half a pill for kittens, 1-2 kg - a whole tablet. At a weight of 2-4 kg give ½ tablets for adult cats. At a weight of 5-6 kg - a whole pill.
There is Milbemax for dogs, and it is divided into two types: Milbemax for puppies and small dogs and Milbemax for adult dogs.
Do not apply for severe disorders in the work of the kidneys, as well as the liver. At a weight of a dog from a pound to 1 kg it is enough to give half a tablet for puppies. At weight of an animal of 1-5 kg - 1 tablet, for dogs more than 5 kg Milbemax is given for adult animals - 1 tablet at weight 5-25 kg, at weight 25-50 kg - 2 tablets, 50-75 kg - 3 tablets.
Dirofen from worms
Tablets from worms Dirofen are intended for use in veterinary medicine. They are suitable for treating various helminthic invasions in cats and dogs. Dyrofen fights with both cestodes and nematodes. The parasite develops depolarization of cells, and it dies. It is excreted mostly with feces, in part (very small part) - with urine for 1-2 days. Tablets are given once with food or forcibly on the root of the tongue in the morning. 1 tablet is enough for 5 kg of weight. In case of severe invasion, the tablets are given repeatedly after 10 days. Dirofen is also given for 3 weeks before delivery under the guidance of a veterinarian and 2 weeks after delivery. There are some side effects: vomiting, refusal of feed.
Alben from worms
Tablets from worms Alben is the same albendazole. It breaks the metabolism of carbohydrates in parasite cells. As a result, they die and are withdrawn naturally along with feces. It acts on nematodes, cestodes and trematodes only in animals. It is especially often used in agricultural practice. Alben reduces the infection of pastures with eggs and larvae of parasites.
Indications for use: bunostomosis, ostertagios, neoascariosis, strongyloidiasis, parascarious disease, ascariasis, toxocariasis, hookworm disease, ascaridosis. Mülleriosis, metastrongele, dicroceolysis, paramfistomidosis. Exhausted animals and females in the first half of pregnancy, Alben can not be given. It is enough for cattle to give 1 tablet for 50 kg of animal weight, for sheep and goats - one tablet for 70 kg, for fascioliasis of sheep and goats - for 45 kg, for horses the basic dose is 1 tablet for 50 kg of weight, for pigs - 1 tablet for 35 kg kg, with toxocarosis, ankylostomosis - 1 tablet per 7 kg. For birds, the dose is 1 tablet per 35 kg. Milk and eggs of animals that are dewormed are used for food after 5 days.
Kanikvantel from worms
Kanikvantel is indicated for trematodes, nematodes, cestodoses of dogs and cats. It is given with meat, preferably in the morning, 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. You can give puppies and kittens, starting from 3 weeks after birth. Destructive for trematodes, cestodes and nematodes. It inhibits the synthesis of ATP, and this leads to the death of worms. Symptoms of overdose: vomiting, diarrhea. When pregnancy, you can not give medicine.
Pratel from worms
Tablets from the Pratel worms contain pyrantel embonate and praziquantel. The tablets are yellow and round in shape, notched in the middle. They lead to paralysis of the helminth musculature in cats and dogs. At a weight of a dog up to 2 kg, it is enough to give a quarter of a tablet, for a 5 kg animal you need a half, a whole tablet - for an animal weighing 5 to 10 kg, two tablets give at a weight of 10-20 kg, 3 - at a weight of 20-30 kg, 4 - at a weight of 30-40 kg and further for every 10 kg dose increase by 1 tablet. For kittens, a quarter of a tablet is enough, and for adult cats, halves. Strongly drained animals Pratel can not be given.
Mebendazole from worms
Mebendazole is prescribed at pinworms for adults and adolescents 0.1 grams 1 time, for young children - 0.25-0.5 g also once a day. With ascarids, the course of treatment lasts three days. When strongyloidosis 2 times a day, drink 2 tablets for 3 days. Children one dose to reduce to 100 mg per day. Multiplicity of admission is the same as for adults. You should also take only one pill a day. The drug changes energy processes in parasite cells, disrupts the absorption of glucose, and gradual degeneration of cells occurs. The greatest efficiency can be achieved with ascarids, hookworm, as well as with pinworms. Can be used for the therapy of mixed helminthic invasions. The half-life of the drug from the human body is 2.5-5.5 hours. Tablets should be swallowed whole, washed down with enough water. Side effects are infrequent, but sometimes there may be headache, dizziness, gastrointestinal disturbances, diarrhea, diarrhea, flatulence, tremors, blurred vision, urticaria, convulsions, anemia and other abnormalities in blood analysis. Severe liver disease and Crohn's disease are contraindications for taking the drug. Do not give Mebendazole to children younger than 2 years. This medicine is also used with caution in those who suffer from diabetes mellitus. Antidote is not present, at an overdosage do a lavage of a stomach.
Zentel from worms
Zentel is an anthelmintic medicine. Its effect on the inhibition of the polymerization of tubulin is based. This leads to a disruption in the metabolism of parasites and their death. Indication: ankylostomiasis, ascariasis, enterobiosis, strongloidosis, various types of chainworm, as well as lamblia, echinococcus and neurocystocercosis, capillaria, gnathostomosis, toxocariasis. Zentel is taken with food. With ankylostomiasis, pinworms and ascarids drink 1 time 1 tablet. In the case of shadows and strongloids, tablets are drunk one for each day for 3 days. With opistarchosis take 1 tablet twice a day for 3 days. With cutaneous larvae - 1 tablet a day for 3 days.
The drug is hardly excreted by the kidneys, so if anyone has diseased kidneys, dose correction is not necessary for them.
The course of treatment of echinococcosis is long - 28 days. Then take a break and drink the drug for the same amount of time. In the presence of cysts in the brain, a third and even a fourth course can be prescribed.
With capillariasis, Centel needs to drink 10 days, every day on a pill, with gnathostomosis - 15 days, with toxocarose - 10 days.
Possible, especially if you take medicine, itching, urticaria, headache and other reactions for a long time, both immune and nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract. Possible drug hepatitis. Hair can drop out, but after treatment they grow back again. There may be aplastic anemia. Sometimes the body temperature rises. Centel can not drink pregnant. Overdose can cause diarrhea and increased heart rate.
Metohit from worms
Metovit is not an antihelminthic agent, but a bioadditive that strengthens the body. Operates against viruses, fungi, heals wounds and helps fight against parasites. Indications for the use of this dietary supplements are very extensive, especially it is good for gastrointestinal diseases, nausea, belching, for autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, female diseases, problems with ovaries during menopause, ovarian cysts, myomia, salpingitis, infertility, endometritis, chlamydia, papilloma , headache, herpes, acute respiratory infections, influenza, sinusitis. Adults drink 1 capsule 2 times a day, children - 1 capsule per day. Take 3 months and take a break after each month of taking 1 week.
Tablets from worms for adults
Tablets from worms for adults have wide indications. Ascarids and pinworms account for 85% of the identified helminths. Most often parasites enter the body through unwashed hands. Symptoms of infection with pinworms can be revealed by everyone, whereas ascaris is more difficult to detect. A person with an enterobiosis (pinworm) is disturbed by itching in the anus, sleep is disturbed, small white worms are found in the feces.
The drug Aldazol is used for adults and children over 3 years. To cure enterobiosis and ascaris, it is enough to take one pill, it may take more time to treat echinococcus. Take the drug 2 times a day for 28 days. You may need two or three cycles of echinococcus treatment. Tablets are taken with meals. If you become infected with shinosis, take one tablet a day for 3 days and then repeat the course of treatment 3 weeks later.
Aldazol is not taken with a weakened state of the body during infections, pregnancy or menstruation.
Tablets from worms for children
Female pinworms, the most widespread among the children of worms, during sleep are laid around the anus of the egg, which disturb the babies. Most often, children 5-15 years are infected. In order not to get infected with pinworms, it is enough just to clean the toilet after a day, wash your hands before meals, cut your nails, do not take your fingers into your mouth.
The preparation Zentel in tablets on 400 mg well helps. Usually, it is enough to take one pill, but if the symptoms do not pass, after another 3 weeks drink another one.
Pyrantel is available in tablets of 250 mg. The dose is 11 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The maximum dose is 1 g.
If the child has a good complexion, he is not pale, eats normally, do not give drugs against worms for prevention, as some doctors advise.
If the worms are still found, then the treatment is carried out by everyone in the family.
The safest is piperazine. It acts only on pinworm and ascaris. It can be to small children and pregnant women. With a strong infection of piperazine may be small, stronger means are needed.
Vermox is one more preparation from worms, which is used in pediatric practice not only with pinworms and ascarids, but also with strongyloidoses, capillaries, alveococcosis. Adults and children take only once 100 mg Vermox. When taking Vermox, you need to keep the liver and kidneys under control.
How to give pills from worms?
Animal is often problematic to give tablets from worms. To cat such a tablet swallowed, it is better to dip it into sour cream or butter. When the cat tries to spit it out, the butter, since it is slippery, will push the pill into the stomach. Some animals swallow without problems, if you simply mix the pill into the food. You can also open the mouth of a cat or dog and put the pill right on the root of the tongue, as deep as possible.
Diet pills with worms
"Wonderful" pills with worms are delivered to us illegally! They have a lot of pimples, like nausea, vomiting and abscesses on the body. The poisons, which poison the body, exhaust it for three months. And then the worms are expelled, the tablet from them the manufacturer "carefully" included in the kit. During this time, kilograms literally melt before our eyes. You can lose about 15 kg, but the way is a bit exotic and dangerous. But the weight can return, but the health of the digestive tract leaves much to be desired. You will be threatened with cholecystitis and even cirrhosis. Do you want to take this risk? Maybe it's better to try just eating less and doing exercises? We can recommend as an option a diet number five - this is recommended for patients with pancreatic and liver problems. This food is balanced, just there is nothing flourish, fatty and fried. In general, there are many diets for weight loss, not all of them are safe, but this is a topic for a separate conversation.
Chewable tablets from worms
It's summer. Finally you can drink aromatic tea with strawberries, work at the dacha, and then lie on the cot in the fresh air. But almost a quarter of people in the hot season are infected with helminths: ascarids, pinworms, whipworm. Yes, these insidious creatures lie in wait for us everywhere! The temperature rises, they actively multiply in the ground. And we like to eat from a bush of strawberries or raspberries! Who does not love? The benefits are obvious, more than from the market. And we trust our dacha delicacies more. But unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as our pets, are still sources of contamination. Helminths are transmitted through underwear, toys, fleas.
All worms cause damage to the body: when they appear thinned and hair falls out, there may be rashes on the skin. What to do?
There is a way out. There are chewable tablets from worms Wormil. They act on the principle of disturbance of biological reactions in the body of the parasite. It is shown with pinworms, roundworms, whipworms and protozoa. Once a year, they can be prevented, especially if the house has children and animals. It is enough to drink Wormil once a day for 3 days.
Tablets from worms are sold in every pharmacy, if this has happened to you, it does not matter! The assortment of anthelmintic agents with high efficiency allows to cure almost any helminthic invasion.
Tablets from worms during pregnancy
Worms are almost all, it is already established medical fact. During pregnancy, every woman can face them, as the immune system weakens. If the disease is found, the chaotic administration of drugs can do more harm than the worms themselves. Tablets from worms during pregnancy exist, but do not fit every. The development of pathologies in a child when taking certain medicines is a very real threat. In the first trimester of pregnancy, when the laying of organs occurs, the worms do not heal.
That they did not appear during pregnancy, it is necessary to observe the hygiene rules known to everyone from the kindergarten bench: you need to wash your hands after washing with soap, after contact with animals and before eating, wash fruits, vegetables and greens very carefully.
With pinworms, you can easily find out about the infection in the itch in the anus, sometimes you can suspect the presence of helminthic invasion in pregnant women due to inadequate weight gain. May disturb insomnia, vomiting, and with ascarids - a painful prolonged cough.
Medicinal preparations from worms are effective only if you follow the rules of hygiene. Especially it concerns infection with pinworms. Mostly for the baby, helminths are not dangerous. In general, do not worry - worms during pregnancy - not fatal.
The only pesticize tablets allowed during pregnancy are piperazine at a dose of 1.5-2 g for ascarids for 2 days in 2 divided doses per hour before meals, with pinworms for 5 days at the same dose.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "The best pills for worms for treatment and prevention: names" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.