

Antibiotics for acne

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What to drink antibiotics from acne and what is better - to apply antibiotics externally or drink in tablet form?

With mild forms of rashes, you can use external means. And with a more serious form of the disease, it is better to take the medicine inside - in pills or in the form of injections.

The most common drugs for external use: 

  • Gel "Baziron", effective in inflammation caused by bacteria Staphilococcus epidermidis and Propionibakterium acnes. 
  • Ointment "Zinerit" with erythromycin. 
  • Cream "Differin" on the basis of adapalene. 
  • Gel and cream "Skinorin" based on azelaic acid. 
  • Gel "Curiosine" based on zinc and hyaluronic acid.

With abundant rashes, severe forms of acne, it is better to drink antibiotics, for example in the form of the following drugs:

"Kpinesfar" - a drug based on tertinoin and erythromycin. You need to take every day, but the percentage of effectiveness is low - only 30%.

"Benzamycin" is a preparation based on benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin. The course does not exceed 2 weeks, in addition, the drug should be combined with moisturizing face masks, since it dries very much the skin.

"Zinerit" - a drug that is produced in tablet form. In the composition of zinc acetate and erythromycin, which increases the efficiency several times, but the effect does not last long, the course of administration should be repeated periodically.

To take antibiotics from acne should be combined and according to the following scheme:

In the morning, "Baziron" or "Skinoret", at night put on the affected area "Zinerit";

In the morning "Zinerit", at night "Differin".

With oral administration of antibiotics, they can be combined with topical agents, and therapeutic moisturizing cosmetics. With this use, the concentration of the drug in the blood rises rapidly, and the result may appear in a few days - the skin will become much more clearly healthier. But it is important to remember that antibiotics affect the entire microflora of the body than often cause the intestinal dysbacteriosis, and this is a very serious complication. To prevent it, you need to use prebiotics (contained in fermented milk products). In day it is necessary to drink not less than 0,5 liters of kefir or yoghurt.

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Acne Treatment with Antibiotics

Treatment of acne with antibiotics has its advantages and disadvantages. The use of antibiotics in the treatment of certain forms of purulent rashes is simply necessary - it will not only help to cope with inflammation many times faster, but also help to improve the skin condition at least. Also, antibiotics for the treatment of acne are effective for other reasons: 

  • There is always a wide range of antibiotic choices - both for external use and for internal use. Adhering to the advice of a doctor, you can determine the most optimal means, determine its dosage and draw up a schedule and timing of treatment. Plus, you can always replace the antibiotic of one row with another, with the appearance of allergies or other unpleasant sensations. 
  • After a short period of time, the concentration of antibiotic in the blood reaches a maximum level, which gives a quick effect and positively affects the skin's health. 
  • In addition, using antibiotics to treat severe forms of acne, you can get rid of other diseases that do not even make themselves felt.

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Antibiotic doxycycline from acne

Antibiotic doxycycline from acne and acne is taken in extreme cases, when there are profuse rashes on the skin, obvious signs of discomfort, inflammation and intoxication. The reasons for the appearance of acne are several - in adolescence, acne appears due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands and enlarged pores of the skin, at a more mature age due to dysfunction of the digestive organs. Basically, the cause of severe purulent eruptions is Staphylococcus aureus, which penetrates into the expanded pores of the skin and is rapidly developing there. In such cases, the antibiotic is more effective to take in.

Doxycycline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic that belongs to the tetracycline group, suppresses the growth of bacteria and blocks the protein synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms. Doxycycline is effective against: 

  • Kokkov - Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus), including Staphylococcus aureus, causative agent of many dermatological diseases, including acne and acne; Streptococcus, including pneumococci; 
  • Aerobic spore-forming bacteria; 
  • Aerobic non-spore-forming bacteria; 
  • Aerobic bacteria - Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli, pathogenic forms that can cause many diseases; Klebsiella, which causes urogenital infections; Rickettsia, causative agents of rickettsiosis, among them such diseases as epidemic typhus, spotted fever, tick-borne rickettsiosis.

In general, doxycycline is well tolerated, but has a number of contraindications: 

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy.

Among the side effects - nausea, allergies, dysbiosis, photosensitivity.

A high and rapid result in the treatment of acne with doxycycline can be achieved if taken in a dose established by the doctor and in combination with additional medications and appropriate cosmetic care for the inflamed skin, and not in self-medication.

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External antibiotics from acne

External antibiotics from acne are prescribed for mild forms of rashes and acne. Almost all external drugs have a good antibacterial property, but their effect on the skin is not always favorable. Such drugs have selective efficacy, mainly due to an aggressive environment (acid, alcohol, peroxide), so too much concentration of such drugs is unacceptable - this can harm the skin.

External antibiotics used for acne:

Erythromycin (zinerite) - violates protein synthesis, stops the growth of bacteria. Due to zinc acetate, the drug can penetrate into pores and fight off pathogens, zinc acetate also heals and is an effective antiseptic.

Clindamycin (delazin, mirror, clenzite-c, clindovit) is effective against staphylococci, propionibacteria. The effect occurs after 6-8 weeks of use, but the course of treatment can last up to 6 months, depending on the severity of the rashes, and the drug should be applied twice a day. With external application, clindomycin is also absorbed into the blood, which can lead to side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis. In this case, the use of the drug should be stopped and replaced with a more suitable one.

On the skin, external antibiotics zinerite and dalacin are needed according to the following scheme: 

  1. First clean and dry the skin. 
  2. Apply the drug to the entire affected area. 
  3. Adhere to the individual scheme of application of the drug. 
  4. Do not use both antibiotics at the same time. 
  5. Do not use the medication for longer than the indicated in the instructions.

Also, other external antibiotics can be used to treat acne, but they need to be selected individually, so doctors can not do without the help of doctors.

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Antibiotics from pimples in pills

Antibiotics from acne in tablets are prescribed in severe forms of acne and rashes. Treatment with antibiotics is the most effective way to fight infections that provoke acne, but at the same time, antibiotics change the natural flora of the intestinal skin, which can also affect health. Independently drinking antibiotics is strictly prohibited, only the attending physician will be able to prescribe an effective drug in this situation under a special admission scheme.

Often antibiotics against acne are combined, appointing simultaneously a drug for external and internal use, for example: 

  • for external application - zinerite, dalacin; 
  • for internal use - doxycycline, unidox.

Antibiotics for ingestion are prescribed in severe cases, if the rash extends to the back, shoulders, chest - these places are difficult to handle with antibiotics for external use.

Antibiotics from acne in tablets are generally quite effective, but not always. The antibiotic acts on a specific type of pathogen, if the colonies of bacteria are sensitive to the antibiotic, the effect of the treatment will be rapid and effective. If the antibiotic adversely affects the colony, then the result can be assessed independently the next day: 

  • redness decreases; 
  • there are no new redness; 
  • dry pustular eruptions.

It is important to remember that when using antibiotics, you always need to use a sun cream, as during treatment the skin loses its natural resistance to sunlight and because of this, there may be zones of pigmentation, burns.

In no case should antibiotics be administered alone - these are not vitamins and not a harmless food supplement. Uncontrolled use can seriously disrupt the work of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys. Dosage indicated in the instructions may vary greatly from that prescribed by the physician. It is better to abandon experiments on your body, and seek qualified help.


Ointment with an antibiotic against acne

Ointment with an antibiotic against acne is designed specifically for the treatment of mild forms of rashes. Antibiotics, developed to treat such skin problems, are included in the drug Zinerit. The main active ingredients are zinc acetate and erythromycin. Zinc acetate promotes rapid healing of scars and a deeper penetration of the antibiotic into the skin, and erythromycin effectively blocks protein synthesis in many species of bacteria, thereby blocking their growth and inhibiting the development of inflammation.

Ointment "Zinerit" can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, there is nothing complicated to use, all the features of the application are fixed in the instructions. The drug should be applied to the cleared skin, to the affected area, a single dose of 0.5 ml. After application the product becomes invisible, and it needs to be applied 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, for 10 weeks. You can not use the ointment longer than the time specified in the instructions, and the first results can be seen after the second week of use - the skin will become more even, small inflammations will disappear, larger pustules will dry up, decrease in size, the skin will become less greasy, and the characteristic shine will disappear.

Ointment with an antibiotic against acne "Zinerit" can be used with other local drugs, you can use it in pregnancy, lactation. If there is a feeling of dryness of the skin, the use of the drug can not be stopped, but in addition use moisturizing cosmetics - lotions, creams. Plus, the first positive changes will be visible after the first week of use and will be fixed for a long time.

Anti-Acne Cream

Cream with antibiotic against acne is an effective tool for cleansing and healing the skin. But it is worth remembering that any antibacterial agents should be applied to the skin not for a long time, but with courses with a certain break, so as not to destroy the natural protective properties of the skin and not to do much more harm, having developed resistance to certain groups of antibacterial drugs.

Cream Dalacin-T is indicated for purulent rashes on the skin, inflammation, acne, knots, cysts. Often Dalacin-T is prescribed as an independent medicine, and in conjunction with Differinom, Baziron, but additional treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. As with another drug based on an antibiotic, Dalacin-T can also develop addiction if you neglect the schedule and timing of treatment. Otherwise, after a while the drug may be completely useless. The drug does not dry the skin, does not cause flaking or redness, but it is better to stop using the allergic reaction.

Like any external remedy for acne, Dalacin-T needs to be applied to cleansed skin, twice a day. It is better to avoid areas with very delicate skin - around the eyes, lips. Also, during treatment with antibiotics, the skin becomes especially vulnerable to ultraviolet rays, so you need to use sunscreen.

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Gel with antibiotic against acne

The gel with antibiotic against acne gives a very good and lasting result when treating severe forms of acne, pustular skin rashes. An example of such a tool is the gel "Skinoren", the active ingredient of which is azelaic acid. It just has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, reduces the severity of inflammation, reduces the fat content of the skin and regulates the production of sebum.

Azelaic acid is effective against the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which are the cause of acne. Plus, Skinoren means that it not only fights against the pathogen, but also has a healthy, cosmetic effect on the skin (it regulates the fatness of the skin, narrows the pores, smooths the tone and texture of the skin, and reduces the growth rate of the horny skin cells).

Plus "Skinorena" is also in the fact that although it has a selective bacteriostatic effect on the bacterium-causing agent of acne (Propionibacterium acnes), but it is not an antibiotic at the same time. Consequently, with the long-term use of this drug there will be no addiction and other complications, in the form of dysbiosis or photosensitivity. The visible stable result is shown already at the 4th week of treatment, in addition, the drug can be used by adolescents with 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating.

Use the gel at least 2 times a day, applying a thin layer on the cleansed skin. Excessive amount of the drug should be removed with a cotton swab or cosmetic napkin. It is very important not to interrupt the course of treatment - this will help to consolidate the result for a long time.

Antibiotics from acne on the back

Antibiotics from acne on the back appoint after finding out the reason for their appearance. For example, the causes of acne on the back can be several: 

  1. Hormonal imbalance, most often observed in adolescence. Often such a violation has a hereditary character and is tied to the sexual characteristics - in boys, the rashes have a more severe form. In adults, the cause of acne on the back may be problems with the endocrine glands. 
  2. Gastrointestinal problems. 
  3. Hyperkeratosis - thickening of the upper layer of the skin due to lack of vitamin A, trauma, exposure to aggressive chemicals. 
  4. Features of skin microflora. 
  5. Stressful situations. 
  6. Weakened immunity. 
  7. A hot climate and high temperatures, leading to aggravation of acne.

With a minor rash, shallow pimples and moderate redness, it is enough to wipe the back with 3% levomycetinic or 2% salicylic alcohol or propolis tincture, then apply salicylic-zinc paste to the lesions of Mili, it is useful to use Nagipol inside.

If the pimples are deeper, then antibiotics for internal use are prescribed for treatment, as well as preparations for external use based on antibiotics, for example, internally prescribed Unidox, externally - Zinerit.

When merging pimples and extensive rashes are prescribed Roakkutan (a derivative of vitamin A), acting as an anti-inflammatory, healing and restoring agent. For external use I prescribe another preparation of vitamin A - Airol. Produced in the form of gel, lotion, cream, applied to the affected area 2 times a day. Promotes the opening of acne, their rapid healing without scars, prevents the appearance of new rashes.

Wounds formed after the opening of the pimples are treated with Solcoseryl, Argosulfan, but only after pretreatment with Furacillin or Chlorhexidine, it is better to apply bandages to large lesions. Also a good healing property is lavender oil - they can be lubricated as wounds after acne, and acne itself.

It is also important to remember that before you apply this or that remedy, you first need to consult a dermatologist. This will help accelerate recovery and avoid severe systemic complications.

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Antibiotics against acne on the face

As soon as the rash begins to appear on the cheeks, forehead, chin should immediately begin treatment, otherwise the inflammatory process can take a more severe form. If the rashes are small, single, then you can confine yourself to external means. They are produced in different forms - like gel, cream, lotion, ointment. This makes it possible to choose the most convenient form of use.

The most common anti-acne remedies are Curiosin Gel, Casirone Gel, Skinoren Gel and Cream, etc. Recently, external acne preparations based on antibiotics have been produced only in the form of gel, emulsion, lotion. The fact is that ointments that are prepared on a fat basis clog pores, and this only aggravates the inflammation and tightens the process of the disease because of the spread of the rash. Oily remedies are prescribed only if the skin is too dry and stiff.

With more severe forms of acne, a combination treatment is prescribed. Inside, according to a certain scheme, prescribed antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets or injections, in the local - lotions, gels, emulsions based on antibiotics (Erythromycin, Unidox, Doxycycline, Clindamycin). If excessive rashes, when the skin has a lot of festering bulging acne, outwardly appoint Metrogil. Antibiotics drink 2 tablets 2 times a day, except Doxycycline - it is prescribed 3 times a day. In addition, the guarantee of an early recovery is skin hygiene. It is necessary to wash at least 2 times a day, after which get wet with a clean towel and wipe with antibacterial agent.

It is also important to remember that uncontrolled self-administration of antibiotics can result in serious impairments on the part of all body systems, therefore, before proceeding to treatment, one should consult a doctor.

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Mask of antibiotics from acne

Mask of antibiotics from acne can be attributed to effective external means against rashes on the skin. The main task pursued in the way of getting rid of acne is to destroy bacteria that cause inflammation and ulcers.

A good, pronounced result can be achieved after the application of masks based on synthomycin ointment (limiter of synthomycin). The composition of the ointment contains castor oil, which nourishes the skin and levomycetin, an antibiotic for topical application, which acts on many colonies of bacteria.

So, to prepare the mask you need to mix a small amount of ointment with liquid vitamin E, which perfectly regenerates the skin, add vitamin A (retinol acetate), which helps restore the skin and improves the complexion. After mixing all the components, a thick mixture is obtained, it is necessary to apply it on the cleansed face and hold for an hour or more. In addition, in addition to problems with acne, the components of the mask will save you from fine wrinkles.

You can also prepare a mask based on streptomycin. For the preparation you need: balsamic liniment (Vishnevsky's liquid ointment), streptomycin - one package, aloe vera gel. After mixing, a thick, uniform mixture is obtained. Apply the mask to the cleansed face for 10 minutes, after which you can remove the remedy with cotton wheels, and then rinse off the rest with a baby soap.

Before using a face mask based on an antibiotic, you need to consult a dermatologist, and before applying to the skin, first make an allergic test - apply a small amount of remedy on the back of the forearm. If after 10 minutes there was no redness, itching, dryness, you can safely use a mask.

Antibiotics against acne on the face appoint only a doctor and with severe forms of acne, and funds for external use on the basis of antibiotics can be bought at any pharmacy and without a doctor's prescription.

The negative impact of antibiotics on the body is almost no less: 

  • Heavy load on the liver. With prolonged use of antibiotics, the liver can not fight toxins and produce enough glycogen. This affects the tone of the body - a person is sluggish irritable, there is a strong appetite, and as a consequence and excess weight. 
  • Antibiotics reduce the defenses of the body, affecting the so-called "intestinal immunity". 
  • Often antibiotics cause allergies. 
  • Antibiotics, although they refer to potent drugs in the fight against acne, but their concentration in the body over time, is declining, and with the termination of the course of admission, a relapse of the disease may occur. 

In addition, with prolonged treatment, the resistance of bacteria to a given antibiotic develops.

As a consequence, there is practically no safe method for treating severe forms of acne, so to take antibiotics or not, the patient himself decides. In any case, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to seek medical advice from a dermatologist.

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To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Antibiotics for acne" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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