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Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults: when appointed, the names
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are used in the presence of a bacterial pathogen in the human body, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi develops.
Bronchitis refers to one of the most common pathology of the respiratory system.
The cause of the disease can become viruses, so before using antibacterial agents, one should be convinced of the etiology of the disease. There is a possibility that the disease can begin with an acute respiratory viral infection with typical clinical manifestations - chills, small fever, weakness, nasal congestion and possibly sore throat. However, as it progresses, the trachea and bronchi may be involved in the pathological process.
At this stage, it is rational to use antiviral drugs to combat the causative factor. In some cases, with inadequate treatment, it is possible to attach a secondary infection, which in most cases is caused by bacteria. Only at this stage should take antibacterial drugs.
Among them, macrolides, penicillins, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins and tetracyclines can be identified, however, in each case, the degree of intoxication and the state of the overall human health should be considered.
Indications for the use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults
Indications for the use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are based on the presence of a bacterial pathogen in the body, as well as the clinical picture of the disease.
In the case of viral origin of bronchitis, the use of antibacterial drugs not only can not rid the pathogen and alleviate the condition, but also negatively affect the condition of the organism as a whole. Adverse reactions can be expressed in changes in the microflora of the intestine with a violation of its functioning and the development of diarrhea.
In addition, antibacterial drugs have an immunosuppressive effect on the body, which prevents the appearance of an adequate level of human immune defense in response to toxic damage to the bronchi by the pathogen.
Indications for the use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults also take into account clinical manifestations of the disease. Among them, the most important is the temperature, especially exceeding 38 degrees, a cough with sputum secretion with a green tinge, as well as severe weakness and malaise.
Form of issue
The form of release of antibacterial drugs is a tablet form or as a powder for the preparation of solution and suspension. The latest form of release is used mainly in childhood, since babies can not take a pill.
A tablet is a dosage form of a drug substance of a solid consistency. In the process of its production is the pressing of medicinal and auxiliary substances, for example, sugar, talc, starch, sodium chloride.
Some tablets are covered with a protective coating. It is necessary to prevent its premature dissolution along the digestive tract.
Each tablet contains a certain amount of the main active substance and excipients. Based on these data, the tablet is characterized by its dosage, so that it is possible to clearly observe the recommended doses.
For adults, a tablet and powder form for intramuscular or intravenous administration of a different dosage is used, which is selected taking into account the intensity of clinical manifestations, the duration of the pathological process and the presence of concomitant diseases.
Pharmacodynamics of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults
Pharmacodynamics of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults is due to reactions that arise from direct contact of the drug with a bacterial pathogen. This interaction is observed after the antibacterial drug enters the common bloodstream and takes a certain shape, through which it can circulate in the blood and enter the foci of maximum accumulation of bacteria.
The success of the interaction of a medicinal antibacterial agent with a bacterial agent depends on the activity and life cycle of the latter. This phase can last from a couple of hours to several days, given the fact that some antibacterial drugs are characterized by a modified release, which maintains a certain concentration of the main active substance in the blood.
The pharmacodynamics of antibiotics in adults with bronchitis determines the effect on the bacterial pathogen. In addition, it should take into account the method of administration of the drug, which determines the time of antibiotic entry into the blood and the beginning of its action, as well as dosage.
Pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults
The pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in adults with bronchitis is divided into a phase of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug. During these periods, the preparation and exposure of the main active substance to the bacterial pathogen is provided. Duration of pharmacokinetics consists of a period of time - from the moment the antibacterial drug enters the blood before it is excreted from the body.
Intravenous administration of the drug provides direct contact of the antibacterial agent with the causative agent, which circulates in the blood, which ensures the maximum rapid entry of the substance into the pathological focus.
The pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults with intramuscular injection depends on its ability to dissolve in water and fats. Also, it is necessary to take into account the presence of barriers in the body, for example, blood-brain, which inhibits the activation of the antibacterial drug.
An obstacle to the effects of these drugs on the pathological focus may be the formed capsule due to the presence of a prolonged inflammatory process that has passed into the chronic stage.
Use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults
The use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults is justified only if there is a bacterial pathogen in the body. A significant percentage of bronchitis is viral etiology, which determines the use of antiviral drugs. In this case, the use of antibacterial agents will not only be unnecessary, but also harmful.
The fact is that antibacterial drugs have a negative effect on the microflora of the intestine, which leads to its dysfunction and diarrhea. In addition, drugs depress the body's immune defense, which makes it even harder to cope with the infection.
The use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults is necessary only if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the clinical manifestations of intoxication, prolonged course (more than 3 weeks), severe cough with sputum and pain in the chest.
From laboratory studies it is necessary to pay attention to the ESR indices exceeding 20 mm / h, the presence of leukocytosis and other signs of bacterial infection.
Dosing and Administration
The way of administration and dose of each antibiotic is selected individually, taking into account the severity of the process, age and the presence of concomitant pathology.
Thus, the daily dosage of protected penicillins (Amoxiclav, Flemoclav) to adults weighing 40 kg is calculated based on the weight of a person, according to the formula from 20-60 mg / 5-15 mg per 1 kg of weight, depending on the severity of bronchitis. This dose should be taken three times.
Of the macrolide group, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin with a dosage of 250 mg and 500 mg is used. Given the severity of bronchitis, the daily dose can be 500 mg or 1000 mg, divided into 2 doses.
As for fluoroquinolones, they are reserve drugs, since they are used in severe stages. Ciprofloxacin is used in a dosage of 250 mg to 750 mg at a time. Thus, the daily dose is 500-1500 mg for 2 times.
The way of application and dose of cephalosporins is to use Ceftriaxone, Loraxon in the form of intravenous or intramuscular injections. Calculation of the dose is carried out taking into account the stage of bronchitis and can be 1-2 g per day for single use or twice a day for 1 g.
Contraindications to the use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults
Contraindications to the use of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults concern individual intolerance due to the development of a different genesis of adverse reactions from organs and systems. These features are laid at the genetic level and do not depend on a person.
Any antibacterial drug can cause the development of an allergic reaction, the clinical manifestations of which have different symptoms. The time of their appearance and intensity depends on the method of administration of the antibacterial drug, as well as on the dose.
So, a slight itch of skin, a rash, redness, swelling up to anaphylactic shock is possible. When the first symptoms of an allergy to an antibacterial agent appear, discontinue its administration immediately. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the drug in the blood and speed up its elimination.
Contraindications to the use of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults with prolonged use can provoke a change in the intestinal microflora with further disruption of its activity. The manifestation can be a dysbacteriosis with a diarrhea or a candidiasis of various prevalence.
Some antibacterial drugs are not allowed for use during pregnancy, lactation, as well as liver, kidney and other systemic lesions.
Side effects of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults
Side effects of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults may differ depending on the dose and group of antibacterial agents. Next, a list of adverse reactions that occur most often and is characteristic of all types of antibiotics will be given.
In addition, it is worth considering the reactions caused by a particular antibiotic. Among the most common adverse reactions should be allergic manifestations with the appearance of rashes, itching and swelling of the skin. The digestive system can respond to antibacterial drugs with pain syndrome, nausea, diarrhea and dyspepsia.
Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults can be observed in laboratory tests: increased levels of eosinophils, cellular composition and decreased blood clotting. According to biochemical analysis, the degree of disruption of the liver, pancreas and kidneys is assessed.
Some groups of antibacterial agents have neurotoxicity, have a negative effect on auditory function and the immune system.
Overdose is manifested by adverse reactions in a more pronounced degree. For example, allergic reactions can achieve anaphylactic shock, the clinical manifestations of which are lowering blood pressure, cold sweats, shortness of breath, vomiting, and swelling of the larynx and loss of consciousness.
Treatment includes symptomatic therapy with the maintenance of the heart and respiratory organs, antihistamines, hormones, and if necessary, ventilation or tracheostomy.
Overdose can be manifested by kidney damage under the condition of taking a large dose of the drug in the presence of diseases of the urinary system. Therapeutic tactics in severe cases involve the use of hemodialysis.
Hepatic insufficiency develops as a result of damage to the liver cells with an increase in the level of transaminases. Clinically, pathology can be suspected by the beginning of jaundice and the biochemical blood test.
In some cases, hematopoietic oppression and teratogenic effects are observed. The digestive system reacts to large doses of an antibacterial agent with a disorder of the intestine, pain syndrome, nausea and vomiting.
Interaction of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults with other drugs
The interaction of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults with other drugs is based on the effect of the main antibacterial component on concurrently taken drugs. In the case of co-administration of anticoagulants and some antibacterial agents, there is an increase in the probability of bleeding.
When taking ACE inhibitors, diuretics with a potassium-sparing mechanism of action and other drugs that contain potassium, hyperkalemia can be noted.
The interaction of antibiotics in bronchitis in adults with other drugs, for example, oral contraceptives, provides a decrease in the effectiveness of the latter, which increases the risk of pregnancy.
Anticonvulsants are more effective and therefore have side effects when taken with antibacterial agents at the same time.
The same happens with the intake of cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic drugs, as a result of which their enhanced effect is observed. Means used for anesthesia also increase the likelihood of oppression of the respiratory center and enhance neuromuscular blockade.
Conditions for storage of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults
The storage conditions of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are characterized by certain parameters that must be observed to ensure normal storage of the drug.
So, should keep the room temperature not above 25 degrees, humidity at a certain level and ensure that no direct sunlight gets on the antibacterial agent.
Conditions of storage of antibiotics for bronchitis in adults ensure the safety of the medicinal product during the indicated shelf life. During this period, the drug has medicinal properties up to a certain date.
If the recommendations are not followed, the medicinal antibacterial agent is more likely to lose therapeutic abilities and to have a negative effect on the body after it is taken.
In addition, it is necessary to store the drug in a place where children do not have access, since the high risk of overdose is in childhood. Also, tablet preparations can close the lumen of the bronchus, which leads to the development of an acute condition that threatens life.
Shelf life
The expiry date represents the period during which the manufacturer guarantees the availability of the medicinal properties specified in the instruction. Shelf life can have two dates: the first - the time of manufacture, and the second - the last reception of antibacterial agent.
In some cases, one date is indicated on the outer or inner packaging - the last use. After the expiration of this period, it is prohibited to use the medicine in order to avoid the development of side effects.
Most antibacterial drugs have a shelf life of 2 years, however, under the conditions of storage. If the temperature regime or the integrity of the product package is not violated, its further use is not recommended.
Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are used quite often, because in the beginning people try to be cured by domestic methods, but only after a few weeks of unsuccessful therapy, they seek help from a doctor. In addition, sometimes antibacterial drugs are used for viral infection, which not only does not bring the desired result, but also prevents the body from coping with the viral agent.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults: when appointed, the names" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.