

Overview of medicines

Cream for couperose

Effective cream with couperose, is there such a tool? In fact, everything here is purely individual. To speak in general terms on this topic simply does not make sense. Therefore, one should consider the most effective means by examples.

Antibiotics for pneumonia

Antibiotics for pneumonia - the main component of the healing process. Lung inflammation begins acutely, with fever, a strong cough with brown or yellowish sputum, chest pain when coughing and breathing.

Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia

Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia are drugs that help to eliminate a pathological disease. Hyperplasia should be treated in a comprehensive manner, with the therapy should consist of several consecutive stages.

Probiotics for children

Probiotics for children are best chosen in liquid form, since they have a greater concentration of beneficial bacteria, do not dry them, and also contain a nutrient medium for them. Among liquid forms it is necessary to distinguish trilact (from two years) and ecoflor (from 3 years).

Antibiotics for pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process of the mucosa of the pharynx, which can be caused by both bacterial and viral infection. Do I need to take antibiotics with pharyngitis? After all, there is an opinion that pharyngitis can pass by itself for 15-20 days and without treatment.

Probiotics for intestines

The frequency of dysbiosis has recently increased several times. This is due to the emergence of new generations of antibacterial drugs, which have a harmful effect not only on the pathogenic agent, but also on beneficial microorganisms of the intestine.

Antibiotics for colds

Antibiotics for a cold: are they needed, and is there any sense in their appointment? What antibiotic for a cold? After all, it is known that taking antibiotics without good reason is not recommended. Let's try to understand this question.

List of probiotics

All probiotics are divided into several groups, depending on what is the basis of the classification. The probiotic composition may contain several components, in this connection, monocomponent preparations are isolated that have only one specific type of bacteria. These microorganisms are undoubtedly useful for the intestine, in particular for microflora.

Ointment from itching

Ointment from itching is an effective remedy that can remove itching and burning on different parts of the body. Let's consider the peculiarities of the use of ointment from pruritus, the most popular and effective antipruritics and recommendations for their choice.


Probiotics are a complex of microorganisms that are beneficial to the body. The main part of these microorganisms are bacteria, but yeast is found. They represent the normal human microflora, which is mainly observed in the intestine.


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