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Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia are drugs that help to eliminate a pathological disease. Hyperplasia should be treated in a comprehensive manner, with the therapy should consist of several consecutive stages. At each stage, certain drugs are used that correspond to one or another form of endometrial hyperplasia.
Under complex treatment with the use of drugs, there are four stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to stop bleeding, on the second, to perform hormone therapy, to normalize the menstrual cycle, to regularly undergo examinations and preventive medications.
Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, are divided into:
- Single-phase and three-phase oral contraceptives (duration of application not less than six months).
- Pure gestagens - Norclout, Dyufaston, Medroxyprogesterone (duration of application not less than six months).
- Antiestrogens - Danazol, Gestrinone (continuous regimen for six months).
Let's consider how the whole process of treatment of endometrial hyperplasia passes from the first stage to the last stage, and what preparations are taken during the treatment.
- At the first stage, it is necessary to stop bleeding. For these purposes, a woman is prescribed oral contraceptives that contain gestagens and estrogens (Janine, Yarina, Marvelon, Logest). Preparations are taken in the hemostatic regime. If a woman's condition does not improve, then doctors will scrape the uterine cavity. And to stop bleeding, a number of haemostatic drugs (1% solution of Vikasol, Dicinone, 10% solution of calcium gluconate) are administered. If necessary, the patient is administered blood substitutes and drugs that normalize the water-salt balance in the body (Stabisol, Refortan). In some cases, a woman is injected intravenously with vitamins B, C, rutin and folic acid.
- The second stage of treatment is hormone therapy. Treatment is aimed at reducing the tendency of the endometrium to proliferate. The doctor makes up an individual treatment regimen for the patient and selects hormonal drugs.
- As a rule, use gestagens (Norkolut, Progesteron, Dyufaston, Depo-Provera).
- The doctor may prescribe drugs from the gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRH) group to eliminate abnormalities at the endocrine-level level, normalize the autonomic and central nervous system (Buserelin, Gozerelin). Such drugs take from three to six months.
- In addition to the above preparations, oral contraceptives of the combined type may be prescribed to treat endometrial hyperplasia. Such multiphase drugs are taken during the menstrual cycle. There are single-phase contraceptives (Femoden, Marvelon, Jeanine, Miniziston) and three-phase (Triziston, Triestep).
- The third stage of treatment is designed to restore ovulation, menstrual cycle and hormonal status of women. So, for women of reproductive age, such preparations are used to stimulate ovulation: Clomiphene, Prophase, Phenobarbital, Metrodine. Dosage and duration of use are selected by the attending physician. If a woman is in a period of menopause, then the doctors' task is to stop cyclical menstruation and return persistent menopause. For these purposes, use drugs that contain male sex hormones - Methyltestosterone, Testosterone.
- At the last stage of treatment, a woman should undergo regular examinations, control ultrasound examinations and curettage, and take a vitamin complex. If there is a suspicion of recurrence of endometrial hyperplasia, the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives.
Hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia
Hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia is designed to suppress pathological processes, that is, stop the growth of the endometrium and inhibit the release of gonadotropic hormones and streeridogen in the ovaries. For the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, a number of drugs are used, the application of which depends on the severity of proliferation.
- Combined compounds - COC estrogen-estagenic drugs. Most often, preparations containing third generation progestogen are used, since they have a minimum of adverse reactions and do not cause metabolic effects (Regulon, Mersilon, Silestus, Marvelon).
- Progestogen drugs are used to treat endometrial hyperplasia with a blocking effect on epithelial growth.
- GnRH agonists are used to treat various hormone-dependent pathologies. The most popular and effective drugs from this group: Buceril, Goserelin, Tryptorelin. The drugs are highly effective, and a positive therapeutic effect is achieved by blocking the affected cells.
Hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia is a kind of alternative to surgical intervention. So, with uterine bleeding, hormone-containing IUD is used. And to prevent recurrence of the disease and restore the hormonal background - combined oral contraceptives.
Hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in patients of reproductive age
The type of treatment and the drugs used depend on absolute or relative hyperestrogenia. So, for women with relative hyperestrogenia, COCs are prescribed, and with absolute - gestagens. If a patient of a young age was diagnosed with a simple hyperplasia of the endometrium, then Medroxyprogesterone is prescribed for her treatment. If there is no therapeutic effect, then the dosage is increased and a continuous dose is prescribed (this treatment is also used for atypical endometrial hyperplasia).
Women of reproductive age who are contraindicated in systemic hormone therapy and those who need contraception are prescribed hormone-containing IUD for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia. In addition to the treatment of the underlying disease, the task of doctors to restore the ovulatory menstrual cycle. For this, ovulation stimulants are used.
If the endometrial hyperplasia recurs, this indicates insufficient therapy or the presence of hormone-active structures in the ovaries. To clarify, a woman undergoes endoscopic ovarian biopsy or resection with laparoscopy. If there are no morphological changes, then this is an excuse for continuing hormone therapy, but with higher doses of drugs. In some cases, the ineffectiveness of hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in women of reproductive age indicates the presence of infections and inflammatory processes.
Hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in pre-and perimenopausal women
During the perimenopause, hormone therapy consists of drugs that suppress the production of estrogens and the mitotic activity of endometrial cells. Antigonadotropins, progestogens and GnRH agonists are used for treatment. Very often the choice of a hormonal drug in the perimenopausal period is difficult, because hormonal treatment can be a relative or absolute contraindication.
Hormonal treatment without polyps and atypia in the period of pre and perimenopause is carried out by such drugs as: Norethisterone, Medroxyprogesterone, Goserelin. Duration of application is at least six months. With relapses of endometrial hyperplasia and internal endometriosis, indications for surgical intervention, that is, removal of the uterus, expand.
Hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal women
To treat the disease in women during the postmenopause, hormonal therapy is used with prolonged gestagens, anticoagulants, hepatoprotectors in continuous mode. At this stage, ablation of the endometrium is possible. Hormonal treatment is performed with regular ultrasound and cytological monitoring. If endometrial hyperplasia recurs in postmenopause, then this is a direct indication for surgery, that is, extirpation of the uterus with appendages.
Hormonal treatment of atypical endometrial hyperplasia
The only correct and effective method of treating this disease with atypia is complete removal of the uterus. But the question of amputation of the organ is individual for every woman. With the advent of highly effective synthetic hormonal drugs, the question of surgical intervention is not so acute. That is, hormonal treatment is able to cure the initial forms of endometrial cancer and endometrial hyperplasia with atypia. For treatment, use gestagens (Medroxyprogesterone, Hydroxyprogesterone caproate), GnRH agonists (Goserelin, Buserelin), antigonadotropins (Danazol, Gestrinone).
The results of hormonal treatment completely depend on the type and nature of atypia. Thus, treatment with progestins is effective at structural atypia, but is not effective in cell. Hormonal treatment is not effective in atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium and pathologies of the ovaries and myometrium. In the process of treatment, small doses of progestins and estrogens are added, this allows to improve the results of therapy.
An organ-preserving hormone therapy should be performed under the strict supervision of a physician. The criterion of recovery, in this case, is the total atrophy of the endometrium. If after the termination of taking hormonal drugs the disease recurs, the woman is amputated by the uterus and ovaries.
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with duphaston
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with duphaston is an effective hormonal therapy. Duphaston is a medicinal product that uses to increase progesterone in the female body. The drug does not possess an androgenic, corticoid, estrogenic, anabolic or thermogenic effect.
The main indications for the use of the drug are treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. The drug is effective in the treatment of infertility, which occurs due to luteal insufficiency. Dufaston is effective for various disorders of the menstrual cycle and for dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The drug is effective as a hormone replacement therapy.
The drug is released in the form of tablets, the active ingredient is dydrogesterone. Due to its molecular structure, pharmacological and chemical properties, the active substance is similar to natural progesterone. Since dydrogesterone is not a derivative of testosterone, it does not have side effects that are characteristic of synthetic progestogens. The drug selectively affects the layer of the endometrium and prevents the development of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinogenesis with an excess of estrogens.
The drug is not a contraceptive, so it makes it possible to conceive a child and maintain a pregnancy even during treatment. Duphaston is rapidly absorbed and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is excreted in the urine, usually in the form of conjugates of glucuronic acid. For the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, Dufaston is taken continuously for 10 mg three times a day, from day 5 to day 25. Side effects of the drug manifest themselves in the form of headache, migraine, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, weakness, breakthrough uterine bleeding. There may be rashes and other skin allergic reactions. Duphaston is contraindicated to take with individual intolerance of the components of the drug. The drug is dispensed only on medical prescription.
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with Norcolut
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with norocolut is a therapy that is very often used in gynecology. The drug is available in tablet form. The structure of Norkolut includes hormones that affect the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus, that is, the endometrium. The drug reduces the tone of the uterus and increases the number of tissues in the mammary glands that are responsible for lactation.
The active substance of the drug is norethisterone, a substance that belongs to the progestogen, but has the properties of estrogens and androgens. Therapeutic doses of the drug contribute to the inhibition of ganadotropic hormones in the pituitary gland, which inhibits the maturation of follicles and prevents the onset of ovulation. After ingestion, the drug is rapidly absorbed, the maximum concentration is observed after 2 hours after ingestion. The drug is excreted by the liver, and the half-life is from 3 to 10 hours.
- The main indications for the use of the drug: menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, mastodynia, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine adenomyoma, cystic-ferruginous changes in the endometrium, uterine hemorrhage in the climacteric period.
- The scheme of taking the prima of the drug is the doctor. Dosage and duration of treatment depend on the disease and pathologies that require treatment. So, if the drug is taken with cystic-glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium, then the patients are prescribed 5-10 mg of the drug, for 6-10 days. With uterine bleeding, the drug is taken in the same dosage, but from the 16th to the 15th day of the cycle. With hormonal disorders, the drug is taken for a long period of time in a dose of 5 mg.
- The use of the drug can cause side effects, which are manifested as: headache, dyspepsia, increase or decrease in body weight, engorgement of the mammary glands, asthenia.
- Norkolut is contraindicated for use in atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium, malignant mammary gland and reproductive organs. The drug is not prescribed to patients with epilepsy, pathologies of the liver, heart or kidneys, with violations of blood coagulability, bronchial asthma.
- Norkolut is not recommended to be used simultaneously with hypoglycemic drugs, steroids and drugs that affect the processes of the liver and kidneys. The drug is dispensed only by prescription.
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with buserelin
The treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with buserelin is hormonal therapy, which is used in combination with other drugs. Buserelin suppresses the synthesis of testosterone and the hormone that causes the formation of a yellow body in the ovary. The use of the drug causes a kind of pharmacological castration, that is, a condition that is similar to the removal of the gonads. Buserelin is well absorbed by the mucosa and creates high concentrations in the blood plasma.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are prostate cancer therapy, a drop in testosterone level in the blood. The drug is used in the complex hormonal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia.
- They take the drug according to an individually formulated doctor. Duration and dosage depend on the form of hyperplasia, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of her body. Since the drug is released in the form of injections and a spray for the nose, the dosage should be clearly controlled by the attending physician.
- The drug causes side effects, which are manifested as hot flashes, digestive disorders, decreased sexual desire and thrombosis. Buserelin is not prescribed for individual intolerance of the components of the drug.
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with jam
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with zhamin has proved effective. And this is not surprising, since the prognosis of any disease depends on how well the drugs are selected for treatment. During the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, it is very important to normalize and restore the menstrual cycle. Conventional contraceptives do not always cope with this task because of the hormonal level. That's why, for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, Jeanine is used.
Zhanin is a low-dose oral multiphase combined contraceptive drug, which includes estrogen and progestogen. The effect of the drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation at the level of hypothalamic-pituitary regulation, changing the endometrium, which makes it impossible to implant a fertilized egg and change the properties of the cervical secret, which makes it impenetrable for spermatozoa. The use of the drug makes the menstrual cycle regular, reduces the intensity of bleeding and the soreness of menstruation.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are contraception. With endometrial hyperplasia, the drug is used in a complex of hormone therapy. Zhanin is effective in treating this pathology in women of reproductive age, performing therapeutic, contraceptive and preventive functions.
- Failure to comply with the rules for the use of the drug, dosage and duration of use, recommended by the doctor, cause side effects. The main side effects of the drug Jeanine are manifested as an increase, tenderness and tension of the mammary glands, the appearance of discharge from the chest, breakthrough uterine bleeding and spotting, abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in libido, allergic reactions, weight change, fluid retention and others.
- The drug is contraindicated to take with arterial and venous thrombosis, after suffering heart attacks and strokes. The drug is prohibited for patients with migraine and focal neurological symptoms in history, diabetes, pancreatitis, liver failure and kidney tumors. Janine is not used to treat atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium and in malignant diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant women and during lactation. Individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug is a contraindication to its use.
- In case of an overdose, Janine causes vomiting, nausea, metrorrhagia, spotting. With the above symptoms, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment, since there is no specific antidote.
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping is a course of hormonal therapy. The choice of the optimal drugs depends on the patient's age, concomitant diseases and the type of endometrial hyperplasia. Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia are selected by the attending physician, individually for each woman.
- Most often, in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, after scraping, drugs that contain gestagens are used, since they are suitable for women of all ages. Tablets are taken on the 16th-25th day of the menstrual cycle, and the duration of therapy is 3-6 months. For treatment after curettage, such gestagens as Norkolut, Norluten, Utrozhestan, Provera, 17-OPK, Progesterone, Depo-Provera are used.
- With complex hyperplasia of the endometrium, which is accompanied by endocrine-metabolic disorders in patients older than 35 years, use drugs of the agonist group GnRH. Drugs are taken at 50-150 mg daily, the course of treatment is combined with taking progestogens and takes 3 to 6 months. The most effective drugs from this group: Buserelin, Goserelin, Diferelin.
- In addition to agonists GnRH and gestagens, for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping, combined therapy with estrogen-progestogen is used. Drugs of this group can be monophasic and three-phase oral contraceptives. Such drugs are effective for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in women younger than 35 years. Monophasic drugs take from 5 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle of one tablet, three-phase - from 1 to 28 days of the cycle. Effective monophasic combined preparations: Marvelon, Logest, Rigevidon, Miniziston, Zhanin, Femoden. Of the three-phase drugs, for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after the procedure of curettage, recommend: Triziston, Trikvalar, Triestep.
Pay attention, after a course of hormonal treatment, it is mandatory to undergo a control ultrasound and aspirate the contents of the uterine cavity. Typically, the study is conducted three and six months after the start of hormonal treatment.
Mirena with endometrial hyperplasia
Mirena in hyperplasia of the endometrium is used for hormonal therapy. Clinico-pharmacological group of the drug - intrauterine contraceptive. The Mirena IUD, i.e., the intrauterine therapy system consists of a white hormone-elastomeric core, has a high release rate of 20 μg / 24 h, a T-body with loops at one end, and strings to remove the system. Mirena, placed in the conductor tube, while the system itself and the conductor do not have impurities. The active substance of the IUD is levonorgestrel.
Navy Mirena, has a gestagenic effect, levonorgestrel is released into the uterine cavity. High concentrations of active substance reduce the sensitivity of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Due to this, the endometrium becomes immune to estradiol and has a strong antiproliferative effect.
Mirena, is effective in preventing endometrial hyperplasia and as a therapeutic and preventive agent in endometrial pathologies. The drug is injected into the uterus, the release rate of the active substance is 20 mg per day, and after five years of use, the rate is reduced to 10 mg per day.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are contraception, prevention and treatment of endometrial hyperplasia during the course of estrogen replacement therapy.
- The drug is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and with suspicion of it. Mirena, is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, malignant neoplasms of the cervix and uterus, with dysplasia of the cervix, pathological bleeding of unclear etiology, cervicitis. IUDs are not used for congenital or acquired anomalies of the uterus, with liver diseases and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- The effectiveness of the Navy Mirena, is maintained for five years. The spiral is placed on women who receive hormone replacement therapy in combination with transdermal or oral estrogen preparations.
- Before installing Mirena it is very important to completely exclude pathological processes in the endometrium. Since in the first months after the installation of the spiral there may be irregular bleeding and spotting. The system is removed after five years.
- Side effects of the Navy Mirena, manifested in the form of nausea, headaches, bleeding, lengthening or shortening of the menstrual cycle. In this case, adverse reactions, as a rule, are manifested only in the first month after installation of the system. The drug is dispensed only on medical prescription.
Organometrium with endometrial hyperplasia
Orgometriol with endometrial hyperplasia is a monohormonal oral contraceptive used at the time of hormonal therapy. The active substance of the drug is linestrenol, a progestogen, which, in principle, is similar to natural progesterone. The substance affects the transformation processes in the endometrial layer in the uterine cavity and promotes the treatment of diseases that are associated with menstrual irregularities.
The drug is used as an adjuvant for post therapy and premenopausal disorders, which are caused by endometrial hyperplasia. Prolonged use of the drug suppresses the processes of ovulation and menstrual functions. Organometr is effective in the treatment of atypical hyperplasia.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are endometrial hyperplasia, malignant neoplasms and pathological processes in the endometrium, polymenorrhea, amenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, mastopathy, endometriosis, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, the need to suppress ovulation.
- The drug is taken by mouth with plenty of water. The treatment regimen with the use of the Organometr is made by the doctor, individually for each patient. But, as a rule, in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, the drug is taken at 2.5-5 mg per day, in the first two weeks of each month, in combination therapy with estrogen preparations.
- Side effects of Orgmetil are manifested in the form of nausea, diarrhea, headache. In some cases, the drug causes jaundice, chloasma, allergic reactions to the skin, decreased libido, increased or decreased body weight, breakthrough bleeding, a sense of anxiety, swelling and tension of the mammary glands.
- Organometr is not prescribed for individual intolerance of the active substances of the drug, with liver pathologies, jaundice, congenital disorders of cholesterol metabolism, porphyria, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, ectopic pregnancy and skin itching. With extreme caution, it is prescribed to patients with arterial hypertension, thromboembolism, depression and CHF.
- Since the active substance of the drug has a low toxicity, no cases of overdose have been recorded. Sometimes, patients develop symptoms of depression.
- The drug is released in the form of tablets, 30 pieces per pack. The drug is dispensed according to the prescription, the shelf life of the organometr is five years from the release date indicated on the drug package.
Utrozastan with endometrial hyperplasia
Utrozestan with endometrial hyperplasia is an effective drug based on female sex hormones. The active substance of the drug is progesterone (a hormone, the yellow body of the ovary). The use of the drug promotes normal secretory transformations in the endometrium of the uterine cavity. Utrosestan potentiates the transition of the mucous layer from the proliferative phase to the secretory phase. So, when fertilizing an egg, the drug causes changes in the endometrium, which contributes to the development of the embryo, that is, implantation. Antialdosterone effect of the drug contributes to increased urination.
- The drug is prescribed for corrective therapy with endogenous progesterone deficiency. Oral use of hormone helps in the treatment of infertility caused by a deficiency of the yellow body, with menstrual irregularities due to ovulation disorders, with premenstrual syndrome and in combination with estrogenic drugs for hormone replacement therapy for endometrial hyperplasia and menopausal syndrome.
- Intravaginal application of the drug helps maintain the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in preparation for in vitro fertilization and donation of eggs. The drug is used to prevent endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids. Utrozestan is effective in treating abortion threats that have occurred against the background of progesterone insufficiency.
- Apply the drug orally or introvaginally. Dosage and duration of use are indicated by the attending physician. For example, with progesterone deficiency, women are prescribed 200-300 mg of the drug, which must be divided into an evening and a morning reception.
- Utrozhestan causes side effects that manifest as intermenstrual bleeding, dizziness after a couple of hours after taking the drug, drowsiness, hypersensitivity reactions.
- The drug is contraindicated for bleeding from the genital tract of an unknown genesis, with incomplete abortion, porphyria, a tendency to thrombosis, allergic reactions to the active substances of the drug. Utrozhestan is not prescribed for patients with malignant diseases of the reproductive organs and impaired hepatic functions.
- Overdose of Utrozestan causes symptoms similar to the symptomatic side effects. As a rule, the symptomatology of an overdose passes after a reduction in the dose of the drug.
Lindinet 30 with endometrial hyperplasia
Lindineth 30 with endometrial hyperplasia is used with hormonal therapy. The drug is a combined oral contraceptive. That is, the main indications for the use of the drug is contraception - prevention of unwanted pregnancy.
- Lindineth 30 is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with migraine with focal neurological symptoms, with liver diseases and thromboembolic processes, arterial thrombosis. The drug is not prescribed to patients with hormone-dependent malignant diseases of genital organs and mammary glands, that is, the drug is not effective in atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium.
- Side effects of Lindineth 30 are manifested in the form of headaches, migraines, low mood. The drug causes disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in body weight, changes in vaginal secretion, soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands. In some patients, taking the drug causes fluid retention in the body and sensitivity reactions.
Byzanne with endometrial hyperplasia
Byzanne with endometrial hyperplasia is a gestagen. That is, the drug is used for hormonal therapy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia. The drug is released in the form of tablets. The active substance of the drug is dienogest micronized, is a derivative of nortestosterone, which has anti-androgenic activity. The main indications for the use of the drug are the treatment of endometriosis, endometrial pathology and endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus.
- The drug is taken orally, the drug is rapidly absorbed, and its bioavailability is about 91%. After oral administration, about 86% of the drug is excreted within 6 days, with the major part being excreted in the first 25 hours, usually by the kidneys.
- The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor, individually for each woman. Typically, the duration of the drug is six months. Byzanne can be taken any day of the menstrual cycle, but the reception should be continuous, even there will be breakthrough bleeding from the vagina.
- In case of an overdose, Byzanne causes disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, spotting spotting, metrorrhagia. With the above described manifestations, symptomatic treatment is performed.
- Side effects of the drug may appear in the first months of admission. The most common of them: headache, decreased mood, bleeding and smearing discharge from the vagina, acne.
- The drug is contraindicated in cases of acute thrombophlebitis or venous thromboembolism, diseases of the cardiovascular system and arteries, diabetes mellitus. Byzanne is not prescribed for women with severe liver diseases, including tumors, with hormone-dependent malignant tumors, bleeding from the vagina of an unknown genesis. The drug is prohibited for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in children and adolescents under 18 years due to the fact that the effectiveness and safety of such treatment are not established.
- With special care, Byzanne is prescribed for patients with an ectopic pregnancy in history, chronic heart failure, depression and hypertension.
Yarina with endometrial hyperplasia
Yarina with endometrial hyperplasia, used with hormonal therapy, as a low-dose monophasic oral contraceptive with atrirogenic effect. The main indications for the use of the drug are the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, that is, contraception. The drug is used in hormonal therapy for pathologies of the uterine endometrium. The drug is useful for women who suffer from acne and hormone-dependent fluid retention.
- Dosage and duration of the drug, selected by a doctor, individually for each woman. As a rule, with hyperplasia of the endometrium, Yarin is taken for six months.
- The drug causes side effects that manifest as soreness and discharge from the mammary glands, headache, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in vaginal secretion, changes in body weight and sensitivity reactions.
- Yarina is not assigned to patients with thrombosis, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications. With severe liver disease, hormone-dependent malignant diseases of the genital organs, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin and with increased sensitivity to any component of the drug.
- In case of an overdose, the drug causes nausea, vomiting, vaginal bleeding. Treatment of an overdose is symptomatic, since there is no special antidote.
Regulon for endometrial hyperplasia
Regulon with endometrial hyperplasia is used as a combined contraceptive with estrogen component and gestagen. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on inhibition of the production of gonadotropins, which makes it impossible to ovulate, increases the density of cervical mucus, changes processes in the endometrium and prevents the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, hormonal therapy for endometrial hyperplasia, contraception, treatment of menstrual irregularities, PMS and dysmenorrhea.
- Dosage and duration of use of the drug are selected by a doctor, individually for each woman. Regulon is recommended to be taken from the first day of the menstrual cycle. The drug is taken one tablet a day, preferably at the same time.
- Side effects of Regulon are manifested as abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, violations of the liver, the occurrence of intermenstrual bleeding, violations of the normal microflora of the vagina, decreased libido, changes in vaginal secretions. In rare cases, Regulon causes an increase in blood pressure, weight gain, headache and an allergic rash.
- Regulon is contraindicated for individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not prescribed for women with liver disease, hypertension, migraine, herpes of the second type and epilepsy. Regulon is contraindicated for patients with estrogen-dependent tumors, disorders of the coagulation system, bleeding from the genital tract of unclear etiology and in severe forms of diabetes mellitus.
- An overdose of the drug causes headache, cramps in the calf muscles, dyspepsia. Treatment of an overdose is symptomatic, since there is no antidote.
Marvelon with endometrial hyperplasia
Marvelon with endometrial hyperplasia is used during hormonal treatment. The drug is an oral contraceptive. The main indications for the use of Marvelona are pregnancy prevention, that is, contraception. The drug is taken from the first for the menstrual cycle and for 21 days. Every day a woman needs to drink one tablet of the drug, at the same time.
Marvelon is recommended to be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, since the drug is contraindicated for violations of liver function, gallbladder inflammation, propensity to thrombosis and in the presence of malignant tumors. In some cases, the drug causes side effects in the form of increased body weight and swelling of the mammary glands. Marvelon is released in the form of tablets of 10 mg each. One tablet contains progestin, desogestrel and estrogen ethinylestradiol.
Clijr in endometrial hyperplasia
Clirare in endometrial hyperplasia is a low-dose combined oral contraceptive. The drug refers to multiphase drugs, so it is well tolerated by patients of all ages. Clayra tablets have a different color, indicating that they contain different doses of hormones. The drug is released with two inactive tablets, which allow you to take the contraceptive continuously. The contraceptive effect of the drug is due to oppression of ovulation, a decrease in the sensitivity of the endometrium to the blastocyst and an increase in cervical mucus.
- The drug is used to reduce the duration and intensity of bleeding during menstruation. The drug reduces pain in the period of premenstrual syndrome and menstruation. Hormonal low-dose contraceptive significantly reduces the risk of gynecological diseases and hypertrichosis.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are oral contraception of women of reproductive age. The drug is prescribed for combined treatment of endometrial hyperplasia or at the stage of hormonal therapy.
- The drug Claira is taken orally, it is advisable to swallow the tablet whole and drink plenty of water. Each drug package contains 26 colored tablets with active substances and substances and two white pacifier tablets. The drug is taken regardless of food intake, but at one and the same time. In the early days of Claira's admission, minor bloody discharge may appear.
- The drug causes side effects that provoke varicose veins, thrombosis, changes in blood pressure, disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Claira provokes the appearance of headaches, depressive conditions, migraines, convulsions. Side effects can affect the reproductive system, causing intermenstrual bleeding, vaginal dryness, increase and soreness of the mammary glands, the appearance of benign cysts in the mammary glands. In rare cases, Claira causes allergic reactions in the form of acne, skin itch and rash, swelling, baldness, the appearance of herpes.
- Clayra is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Tablets are prohibited for patients with lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome. The drug is not prescribed to patients with thrombosis, angina attacks, diseases of the vascular system, diabetes mellitus, numbness of the limbs and speech disorders.
- With special care the drug is prescribed for pancreatitis, liver diseases, atypical hyperplasia and malignant tumors of hormone-dependent type. Claira is not used for vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology, with pregnancy or suspicion of it, for patients under 18 years of age and during lactation.
- Only after the doctor's permission, the risk assessment and the benefit of the drug, Clayra is prescribed to patients with a history of breast cancer, stroke, hereditary angioedema, smoking patients and with chloasma.
- An overdose of the drug is possible when taking high doses and exceeding the duration of application. In this case, women develop vomiting and vaginal bleeding. Specific antidote does not exist, therefore, when symptoms of an overdose appear, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take enterosorbent drugs.
Traneksam with endometrial hyperplasia
Traneksam with hyperplasia endometrium is used as a drug that affects the processes of tissue metabolism, that is, the growth of the endometrium. Tranexam is an inhibitor of fibrinolysin. The drug has a local and systemic hemostatic effect. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antitumor and anti-infectious properties. After taking Traneksam evenly distributed in the tissues, penetrating through the blood-brain and placental barriers. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is observed three hours after taking and remains for 17 hours. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.
- Indications for the use of the drug are based on the effects of its components. Tranexam is used as a haemostatic agent for bleeding and the risk of their development due to an increase in the amount of fibrinolysin in the blood. The drug is used for uterine and nasal bleeding, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, with eczema, hives, skin rashes and allergic dermatitis. Tranexam is also effective as an anti-inflammatory agent.
- The drug is released in the form of tablets and a solution for intravenous drip. So, in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia and prophylaxis after operations on the cervix, the drug is taken at 15 mg three times a day for two weeks.
- Side effects of the drug manifest from the gastrointestinal tract, causing heartburn, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite. Traneksam causes dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, visual impairment, tachycardia, skin rash, and chest pain.
- The drug is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, with subarachnoid hemorrhages. With special care, Tranexam is used for thrombosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, kidney failure and color vision disorders.
Rigevidone with endometrial hyperplasia
Rigevidone with endometrial hyperplasia is used for hormonal therapy. The drug is a combined oral contraceptive. Rigevidone refers to multiphase drugs, each tablet of the drug contains estrogenic and progestogen components in equal amounts. The drug effectively protects from unwanted pregnancy, causes suppression of ovulation, increases the viscosity of cervical mucus and reduces the susceptibility of the endometrium to the blastocyst.
- The drug blocks luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, slows the maturation of the follicle and its rupture. Active components of the drug depress the process of ovulation and prevent fertilization. Rigevidone has not only a contraceptive effect, but also contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of various kinds of gynecological diseases, including with endometrial hyperplasia. The composition of the package of 21 tablets, includes 7 tablets, placebo. That is, taking Rigevidone does not cause hyperdrug syndrome.
- The active substance of the drug is ethinyl estradiol. After oral administration, Rigevidone is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is observed 1-2 hours after ingestion. The drug is produced in the form of metabolites with feces and urine.
- The main indications for use Rigevidone is contraception in women of reproductive age. The drug can be used to correct functional disorders of the menstrual cycle, with uterine bleeding, PMS, severe pain in the middle of the cycle.
- Take the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor. So, before taking the drug, you need to undergo a general clinical examination and gynecological examination. The drug is taken orally with a sufficient amount of water. Accept Rigevidon from the first day of the menstrual cycle, the duration of application of 21 days.
- The drug has good tolerability and almost no side effects. But in some women, Rigevidone causes nausea, vomiting, headaches, increased fatigue, cramps calf muscles, decreased libido. The drug can cause engorgement of the mammary glands, the appearance of allergic reactions on the skin and intermenstrual bleeding. In rare cases, Rigevidone causes hyperpigmentation of the facial skin, changes in body weight, arterial hypertension, changes in vaginal secretion. Side effects occur in the first three months of taking the drug.
- Rigvedon is contraindicated in patients with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, with violations of the liver, congenital elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood. The drug is not taken with hepatitis, chronic colitis, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension. The drug is contraindicated in patients with impaired endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus. The drug is not used to treat endometrial hyperplasia in patients with vaginal bleeding of unexplained genesis.
- Overdose Rigevidone can cause the appearance of headache, vomiting, nausea, vaginal bleeding, painful sensations in the epigastric region. There is no specific antidote, therefore, with the above symptoms, complete withdrawal of the drug is indicated. Patients are washed with gastric and receive the enterosorbent. In rare cases, symptomatic therapy is required.
Depo-Provera with endometrial hyperplasia
Depot-Provera with endometrial hyperplasia is a gestagenic drug. The drug has gestagenic and corticosteroid activity. If the drug is taken by women of reproductive age, it helps to prevent ovulation due to the inhibition of ripening of follicles. Depo-Provera is effective in the treatment of hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms, that is, atypical endometrial hyperplasia. The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the impact on the metabolism of hormones at the cellular level.
The drug, in its principle of action, is similar to progesterone, since it has a pyrogenic effect. High doses of Depo-Provera contribute to the treatment of cancer. With intramuscular injection, the active components of the drug slowly release, which helps maintain low doses of the drug in the blood plasma.
The maximum concentration of the drug is observed 4-10 days after intramuscular injection. Binding to blood proteins is at the level of 95%. The active substances of the drug pass through the blood-brain barrier, therefore Depo-Provera is contraindicated to use during lactation. The half-life of the drug is 6 weeks, but the active ingredient - medroxyprogesterone acetate is determined in the blood and 9 months after use.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are based on the action of its components. Depo-Provera is used for the treatment of cancer, with relapses and metastasis of breast and endometrial cancer, in kidney and prostate cancer. The drug is used to treat atypical hyperplasia of endometrium, endometriosis and vasomotor manifestations during menopause. Depo-Provera is not allowed to be used as a contraceptive in patients of childbearing age.
- Apply the drug intramuscularly, introducing a suspension into the gluteus or deltoid muscle. Duration of use and dosage are selected by the doctor, individually for each patient. If the drug is used to treat endometrial hyperplasia during the postmenopausal period, then Depo-Provera is prescribed a meek course. But in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, the duration of application can be six months.
- Side effects of the drug depend on the nature of the disease and the frequency of use of the drug. Depo-Provera causes disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired liver function, headaches, impaired concentration, visual impairment and convulsions. In some cases, the drug provokes thromboembolism of different locations. It is also possible the appearance of allergic reactions on the skin, the appearance of menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, mastodynia and others.
- Depo-Provera is contraindicated for individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The drug is forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation, with bleeding from the vagina of uncertain etiology and with severe violations of the liver. The drug is not used until the onset of the menstrual cycle.
- With special care, the drug is prescribed for patients with epilepsy, migraine, chronic renal and heart failure and bronchial asthma.
- High doses of the drug can cause symptoms of overdose, which is typical for glucocorticosteroids. To eliminate the side symptoms, you need to adjust the dose of the drug, that is, reduce it. Acute cases of overdose are not fixed.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Preparations for the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.