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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Probiotics are a complex of microorganisms that are beneficial to the body. The main part of these microorganisms are bacteria, but yeast is found. They represent the normal human microflora, which is mainly observed in the intestine.
All probiotics can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: lacto- and bifidobacteria. However, it is worth considering that the composition of each drug is different and has a certain composition of bacteria, so it is necessary to distinguish them for different pathologies. For example, some activate the passage of food through the digestive tract, and also support the immune defenses of the body. Others help to break down lactose in the absence of special enzymes in the body, as a result of which a person refuses dairy products.
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In general, we can identify the main areas for probiotics. They produce antibodies to protect the body and stimulate the immune response to the pathogen, prevent the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the intestinal walls, and also inhibit their growth.
In addition, probiotics strengthen the intestinal mucosa, which is a barrier to infection, block the synthesis of toxic compounds by pathogenic flora and promote their destruction. In addition to fighting microorganisms, probiotics are a source of B group vitamins, responsible for a variety of processes, in particular, skin health, support of the nervous system and the prevention of anemia.
The action of probiotics
The action of probiotics is based on the types of bacteria that make up their composition. Thus, all microorganisms used with a therapeutic purpose in probiotics can be divided into several groups. These are aerobes (genus Bacillus), anaerobes (Clostridium, capable of spore formation), bacteria responsible for the production of lactic acid (lacto- and bifidobacteria) and yeast necessary for the preparation of the probiotic.
The presence of a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine prevents the proliferation of pathogens, their capture of enterocytes and penetration through the intestinal wall. The action of probiotics consists in the formation of a protective shell on the intestinal mucosa, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria can not attach to the wall, thereby preventing the development of dysbiosis.
In addition, an atmosphere is created that acts detrimental to pathogens. Probiotics take part in digestion, biosynthesis and assimilation of protein substances, providing high resistance to humans.
The working capacity of the organism depends on the species composition of the microflora. Absorbed into the blood, the symbiotic flora participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and energy metabolism. Also, the drug enhances the peristaltic and secretory function of the intestines, which ensures the full digestion and absorption of calcium and iron.
Benefits of probiotics
The use of probiotics is very versatile and can be listed for a very long time. However, it should be noted the most pronounced. It is necessary to start with the ability of these drugs to stabilize the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora. As a result, the development of dysbacteriosis and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms are prevented.
In addition, the use of probiotics is the ability of beneficial bacteria to synthesize B and K vitamins. As a result, the process of splitting of food substances with food improves, digestion as a whole is normalized, toxic elements are neutralized and the growth of pathogenic flora is inhibited.
A special place for probiotics is given during pregnancy. It has been proved that during the last 3 months the application of these drugs showed a significant effect. It was observed in preventing premature birth, strengthening immunity, which is important in pregnancy, because any pathology can affect the fetus. In addition, in the third trimester, probiotics have an anti-inflammatory effect that prevents the development of gynecological pathology and infection.
Injury to probiotics
Probiotics are our aides in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, as well as its prevention. However, it is worth recalling that all drugs have side effects and if certain rules for using the probiotic are not observed, even it can cause harm.
In most cases, probiotics can be harmful in the presence of certain characteristics of the body, which are associated with a genetic predisposition and individual intolerance to the components of the drug that make up its composition.
In addition, you must remember about allergic manifestations. They can occur on the components of the drug. The most common allergies develop when using a liquid form or agents with yeast or bacteria capable of sporulation.
The damage of probiotics can also be observed with prolonged use, and then abrupt cancellation. It is possible that the microflora is "used" to the constant supply of beneficial bacteria, and if the probiotic is not taken, pathogenic bacteria can become active.
To avoid such phenomena it is recommended to adhere to a certain intake scheme, not exceeding the permissible dosages and duration of use. It should be borne in mind that not all probiotics are allowed for use in childhood, which can also harm the growing body.
Probiotic composition
The composition of probiotics can be varied, since each drug includes a specific strain of bacteria. Among them are lactobacilli, the number of species reaching 8, and the strains - 4.
The next group is bifidobacteria, of which about 5 species are part of probiotics. In addition, streptococci, enterococci and others are used.
The composition of probiotics causes a certain accessory of the drug. Thus, monocomponent agents can consist exclusively of one species of bacteria (lacto- or bifido-), which is a microorganism of a human microflora.
If the probiotic consists of bacteria that are not characteristic of the microflora, then it represents a group of antagonists with a competitive effect.
Polycomponent probiotics, or in another way - symbiotics, include in their composition several strains that can exist together and potentiate each other for maximum effect.
Combined drugs consist of bacteria and additional components that have an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect.
Representatives of the latter group are preparations consisting of symbiont obligate flora and substances of prebiotic action.
Probiotics after antibiotics
Antibacterial drugs in our time are a means of treating many diseases of bacterial genesis. They are used for bronchitis, sinusitis, cystitis and a huge number of other pathologies.
Of course, the appointment of antibiotics is justified only in the presence of a bacterial pathogen, because if it is absent these drugs will only depress the immune system, thereby preventing the fight against a real pathogenic microorganism.
However, not only immunity suffers from taking antibacterial drugs, but also the digestive tract, namely the intestinal microflora. The spectrum of antibiotic exposure can extend to bacteria that colonize the intestine and are useful.
As a result, a person has a disruption of the intestine with the development of diarrhea. To avoid this, it is recommended to take probiotics after antibiotics or during their intake. Some probiotics should be used from the first day of the course of antibiotic therapy to prevent the death of normal microflora.
How to take probiotics?
Many people have experienced dysbiosis, but far from everyone knows how to treat it and how to take probiotics. The method of use and dosage depends on the form of their release. Thus, dry and liquid probiotics are distinguished. The dry form is presented by tablets, powder or capsules, where the dried bacteria are. Liquid - has a nutrient medium, in addition to the main components.
For babies up to 1 year it is necessary to use liquid probiotics (biogai), since the other form will not work. In this regard, before use should determine the form of the drug.
Older children can take capsules or powder, for example, linex, lactove, forte. Up to 2 years, it is recommended to take 1 capsule a couple of times a day. In the future, the dosage is increased to several capsules at a time.
The probiotic should be used after meals after an hour. In some cases, the dose of the drug may be diluted to facilitate administration. When used in conjunction with antibacterial agents, you must follow the rules of admission.
Probiotics and prebiotics
Probiotics and prebiotics belong to the group of medicines that have a beneficial effect on the human microflora. Probiotics are living microorganisms, represented mainly by lacto- and bifidobacteria, sometimes yeast.
All these bacteria are the inhabitants of the microflora and perform important functions, such as help in digesting food and the immune system. In addition, useful microorganisms, attaching to the mucous membrane, fill themselves with free places, thereby preventing the propagation of pathogenic flora.
Prebiotics include indigestible food components that can stimulate beneficial bacteria by activating their growth and metabolic activity.
Prebiotics include low-molecular carbohydrates, insulin, lactulose, fructose oligosaccharides and lactitol. These products are found mainly in dairy products, cereals, cereals, corn flakes, garlic, onions, peas and bananas. A special role is played by oligosaccharides with fructose, which purposefully acts on beneficial bacteria. Probiotics and prebiotics, which are part of a single drug, form a symbiotic.
Eubiotics and probiotics
Eubiotics and probiotics are considered as helpers of human microflora, because due to them the normalization of the ratio of useful and pathogenic microorganisms of microflora occurs.
Thus, the clinical manifestations of dysbacteriosis are eliminated and the full functionality of the intestine is restored. In addition, beneficial bacteria, forming a microflora, provide a high level of immune defense of the body.
Probiotics are also used for traveler's diarrhea, when the body does not have time to get used to new foods, with which these drugs help. Do not forget about the effect of antibacterial agents on the microflora, the influence of which is leveled by probiotics.
Eubiotics are an additive (biologically active) in the diet, which includes living microorganisms, as well as their metabolites. Some argue that eubiotics and probiotics are the same drug, but probiotics provide irreplaceable benefits to microflora, delivering beneficial bacteria. In turn, the eubiotic can not exert such a powerful action, although so do the bacteria.
Probiotics for the vagina
Probiotics for the vagina are means for normalizing the composition of microflora in the presence of dysbacteriosis. Infringement of a parity of bacteria can occur owing to reduction of level of immune forces as a result of any accompanying pathology, for example, a diabetes mellitis or a HIV. Such diseases help reduce the number of beneficial bacteria on the vaginal mucosa.
In addition, the microflora may suffer from hormonal changes that occur during the adolescent period, with menopause or pregnancy. Probiotics for the vagina are also necessary for long-term use of antibacterial agents as therapeutic therapy for most diseases of the genital system.
Violation of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa can be observed when it changes in the intestine. In this case, probiotics are doubly necessary. They should be taken in parallel with the main drugs that eliminate the infection.
Thanks to the beneficial bacteria that make up the probiotics, the immune defense of the vagina is restored. So, it is recommended to take a linex for oral administration, or bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin in the form of suppositories or gynofor - special tablets for the vagina.
Probiotics for thrush
Probiotics for thrush have an indispensable effect, because the quantitative and qualitative composition of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms is normalized. The drug consists of bacteria that are familiar to microflora, which, after getting into the body, try to get rid of the excessive number of pathogenic microorganisms.
Due to the impact of certain negative factors, for example, taking antibacterial drugs or changing the diet, may lead to an imbalance of bacteria in the flora. As a result, the activation of pathogenic bacteria takes place, as well as the reproduction of yeast fungi.
Probiotics for thrush inhibit the activation of fungi and stabilize the ratio of microflora bacteria. In addition, it is worth noting that not only pharmaceuticals can benefit, but also conventional food.
It can be representatives of a sour-milk group of products - kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, as well as sauerkraut, onions, garlic, bananas and many others. With their regular use, prevention of dysbacteriosis and thrush development is ensured.
Probiotics for weight loss
Probiotics are necessary for fighting pathogenic bacteria, gradually displacing them from the microflora of the body. Normalizing the bacterial ratio, the drug contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins, which is an important factor in losing weight.
It's not for nothing that dietary food allows the use of low-fat kefir, yogurt and other lactic acid products, because they contain microorganisms useful for microflora.
Also do not forget about sauerkraut, rice, cereals and bananas. All these products ensure the normalization of digestion, during which all substances coming from food are digested, without being deposited on the sides.
In addition, weight loss probiotics work great in combination with soluble fiber, which provides a sense of saturation while maintaining blood glucose levels. As a result, a large amount of insulin is not produced to lower the level of sugar and fat gradually begins to come out of its "hiding places" and split.
If the amount of insulin increases, then the fat will remain in its place.
Probiotics for immunity
Probiotics for immunity play a very important role, since the lacto-and bifidobacteria that enter into the lactoid interact with lymphoid plaques of the intestine and stimulate a pronounced immune response of the organism to infection. Thanks to the activation of the process of reproduction of immune cells, which ensure the recognition of infection by antibodies, there is strengthening of protection against the effects of pathogenic factors.
However, do not forget that not only probiotics for immunity, but also everyday food can have no less effect. Thus, it was confirmed by studies that when using twice a day for half a year of sour-milk products, consisting of beneficial microorganisms, the immune defense of the organism was strengthened.
This was manifested in a decrease in the number of cases of influenza and ARVI. Especially this phenomenon was noted in preschool-age children. If, after all, the child was sick, then immunity coped with infection more quickly, and intoxication was characterized by less pronounced clinical symptoms. So, the baby recovered faster without complications.
Probiotics for the skin
Skin covers like the intestinal mucosa or vagina are inhabited by a huge number of bacteria, which include useful and pathogenic microorganisms. When the balance of these species is in equilibrium, then the skin looks healthy and well-groomed.
However, when there is an imbalance towards pathogenic bacteria, they begin to activate and multiply intensively, increasing their number. In the future, in the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin, pathogenic bacteria penetrate into deeply located layers of the skin, which causes an inflammatory reaction.
In addition, in this situation, the skin becomes unprotected and undergoes negative influence of various external factors. Then you should use probiotics for the skin, which will ensure the restoration of microflora and skin protection.
They are a set of beneficial bacteria, performing immune and barrier function. In addition, after taking probiotics, the appearance of the skin changes for the better, attracting attention with one's health.
Probiotics for the oral cavity
Many believe that probiotics for the oral cavity are a completely pointless undertaking, because getting inside, the drug is split only in the intestines, where useful bacteria begin to multiply and fill the empty areas on the mucous membrane. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms can not be activated and increase their number.
The same occurs in the oral cavity, with an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, inflammatory processes develop in the gums and teeth. Probiotics for the oral cavity are necessary to protect the mucosa from pathogenic flora and prevent inflammation.
There is still one probiotic EvoraPro, which has original strains. It is a tablet drug that can be used by babies and adults, dissolving the pill in the mouth.
With the help of this medication, it is possible to monitor the condition of the teeth and the oral cavity as a whole, which prevents premature fallout. Contraindication to the use of the agent is expressed immunodeficiency states.
Probiotics in cosmetics
Probiotics in cosmetics are a relatively recent discovery. On the skin, as well as the intestinal mucosa and vagina are useful bacteria. They are adapted to change the temperature, humidity and pH of the skin.
Their main function is protective, because supporting the acidic environment of the skin, pathogenic bacteria do not have the ability to multiply.
It happens that useful bacteria do not withstand aggressive environmental factors, which leads to an imbalance between useful and pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the pathogenic flora penetrates through the skin, and can cause itching, flushing and irritation in the form of rashes.
The skin becomes more sensitive and reacts violently to minimal damage or the impact of any factors. Probiotics in cosmetics are necessary to restore the protective "film" on the surface of the skin. These can be gels, creams, lotions or tonic for washing. They not only protect the skin, but also moisturize it and give it firmness.
Probiotics in Pregnancy
Probiotics consist of beneficial bacteria that are necessary for the vaginal mucosa and intestines to create a normal microflora. Thanks to them, a strong protection of the mucosa and the body as a whole is created, as the level of the immune response rises.
Not all probiotics are allowed during pregnancy, but not only drugs have medicinal properties, but also food products, for example, dairy products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese). They provide the restoration of microflora with the help of their beneficial bacteria.
Studies have found that the full composition of the microflora reduces the risk of premature birth and prevents the development of children in bronchial asthma, eczema and dermatitis.
Probiotics in pregnancy help to cope with thrush and its unpleasant manifestations. The basis for its development is the reproduction of yeast fungi, the number of which prevails over beneficial bacteria. As a result, there is itching, redness and a threat to the fetus. In addition, the risk of infection in the process of labor is reduced.
Contraindications to the use of probiotics
Contraindications to the use of probiotics include quite a few conditions, as a whole, these drugs are practically harmless.
Before using probiotics it is necessary to consider the expiration date and the rules for its storage. This nuance is mandatory, because at the end of the term, any drug loses its healing properties and can lead to unforeseen consequences.
Contraindications to the use of probiotics also provide for their use during pregnancy and toddlers, since not every remedy is allowed in such a period of time.
Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, because a person may be allergic to certain components of the probiotic that are included in its composition. As a result, the risk of developing an allergic reaction, manifested by rashes, swelling and dizziness, increases.
Another group of contraindications are immunodeficiency states, such as AIDS, HIV, cancer of the blood and lymphatic system, which leads to an increased likelihood of infection of the body.
Allergies to probiotics
Allergy to probiotics can occur at any age, but most often it occurs in newborns and older children. Allergic manifestations are characterized by the appearance of redness, rash, swelling and other symptoms. The localization of these clinical signs may be different, but most often the cheeks, neck, and thorax suffer.
The allergy to probiotics develops in two cases. Firstly, it can be caused by the presence of genetic characteristics of the organism, in particular, when it is unable to digest a certain component of the probiotic. In another case, an allergy to the probiotic itself and dairy products is possible.
This condition requires the intervention of a specialist, because there may be a deficiency of a certain enzyme in the baby's body, which is responsible for its cleavage and absorption.
In some cases, it is sufficient to select another probiotic, and sometimes more serious treatment is required. In the future, the allergy may be manifested in other products and preparations that include "intolerable" ingredients.
Overdose with probiotics
Overdose probiotics theoretically can not be, because these drugs consist of beneficial bacteria and colonize the microflora. At a dysbacteriosis at hit in an organism probiotics are attached to a mucous membrane and interfere with reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
As a result, a balance is restored between pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. When all the "vacant places" on the mucous membrane are already occupied by useful microorganisms, then with each subsequent admission, the rest simply do not attach, but are in the lumen of the intestine.
An overdose of probiotics is impossible, since all unattached beneficial bacteria, even when taking a large amount of the drug, go out naturally from the intestine, without having a harmful effect.
In the case of non-compliance with dosages and excessive excess, dyspepsia may occur in the form of gravity in the abdominal region, bloating, or upsetting of the stool. Such clinical manifestations are very rare. It is possible that even these symptoms may indicate an intolerance to any constituent probiotic, and not an overdose.
The best probiotic
In order to find out what is the best probiotic in our time, it is necessary to investigate their composition. So, testing was conducted with the most popular drugs - linex, bifiform, yoghurt rosel, symbiator, lactovit forte and yoghurt. Goodman.
After the study, it was found that only bifiform and linex contained as many beneficial bacteria as claimed by the manufacturer. As for lactovite and symbiote, they contain in their composition much less useful microorganisms.
Yogurt rosel actually has 2 times less lactobacilli, and yoghurt. Goodman - half the size of bifidobacteria.
In addition, it should be noted that when examining preparations for their delivery to the intestine in intact form it was revealed that only the bifiform did not respond to the influence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and entered the intestine with the whole composition.
As a result, the best probiotic is bifiform, as it has completely entered the intestine. Others, for example, lineks - as it moves along the digestive tract, about 99% of bacteria die, in symbiot - about 90%, while the amount of bacteria in the composition was initially exaggerated.
Microorganisms lactovite forte showed a 40% survival rate, and yoghurts - no more than 15%.
Products containing probiotics
Probiotics include useful types of bacteria, but it is not necessary to take these drugs on a regular basis, because food also has similar bacteria.
So, numerous products containing probiotics can be regularly included in your diet and forget what is dysbiosis and disruption of the intestine.
To begin with, it should be noted kefir, which is obtained from whole milk. It contains more than a dozen types of beneficial microorganisms obtained naturally. However, not only kefir has similar properties, but also other representatives of dairy products - yoghurt, ryazhenka and yogurt.
Such products containing probiotics, such as pickles and sour cherries - apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, in which vinegar was not added during preparation, are also an excellent source of useful microbes.
A huge amount of microflora necessary for microorganisms is found in cheese, cottage cheese, onion, soy, raisins, rice, rye flour and many other products. In addition, of the listed ingredients, you can prepare quite tasty dishes, which will be twice as pleasant.
Reviews about probiotics
Probiotics are a universal helper for a large number of pathologies. It can concern the digestive system, when the intestinal microflora suffers from the influence of pathogenic microorganisms or the intake of antibacterial agents.
Also, do not forget about the ability of this drug to have a stimulating effect on the body's immune system, enhancing the production of interferon.
Reviews about probiotics are more positive. There are almost no side effects from the drugs. In exceptional cases, with intolerance to any component, an allergic reaction is possible. However, this phenomenon is very rare.
Each person picks up an individual probiotic for himself, because for one, the drug can have a positive effect, while others will not notice any improvement at all.
In addition, positive reviews of probiotics are also related to drugs that are used during the neonatal period and at a young age. After all, babies often face dysbacteriosis in the absence of their strong microflora.
Probiotics are used in numerous pathological conditions, in which the flora of the organism takes part. Thanks to the normalization of the ratio of useful and pathogenic microorganisms, stabilization of the functioning of the organism is observed.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Probiotics" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.