

Overview of medicines

Antibiotics for angina in children

Antibiotics for angina in children - this is the easiest and most effective way to ease pain and relieve the symptoms of the disease. But is it possible for children to take antibiotics, how effective are they in treating angina, and how to choose them correctly?

Antibiotics after tooth extraction

Antibiotics after tooth extraction are necessary in order to minimize painful sensations and prevent inflammation. Let's consider the indications for taking antibiotics and the features of their use.

Low-pressure tablets: pharmacotherapy for arterial hypotension

When a doctor prescribes low-pressure tablets to a particular patient, he first of all takes into account the etiology of the disease.

Antibiotics for ARVI

Many people think that there is no sense in prescribing antibiotics for ARVI, since these are antibacterial drugs, and they do not work for viruses. So why are they still appointed? Let's figure it out.

Antibiotics for furunculosis

Treatment of furunculosis with antibiotics is carried out, first of all, with diffuse or recurrent furuncles, and also with their localization in the region of the head and upper part of the trunk.

Antibiotics for tracheitis: when you can not do without them and when they are not needed?

It is in connection with the presence of a bacterial factor in the etiology of tracheitis that the question arises: are antibiotics necessary for tracheitis?

Tablets from motion sickness and nausea

Doctors recommend choosing the most appropriate pills for motion sickness and nausea, assuring that there is no universal remedy. To detect exactly "your" drug may need several attempts.

Antibiotics for toothache

Antibiotics for toothache - this is an emergency, which is able to calm the aching tooth before going to the dentist. Let's look at the most popular and effective antibiotics for toothache and the principle of their action.

Antibiotics for otitis

Antibiotics in otitis are prescribed necessarily, based on the severity and stage of the process, the sensitivity of microorganisms, the degree of development of clinical symptoms, the age of the patient. Untreated ear infections require the appointment of stronger antibiotics.

Names of ointments from bruises

Ointments from bruises are considered one of the effective ways to neutralize the symptoms of trauma, external medicines are well absorbed, penetrating into the subcutaneous tissue, relieve local inflammation, have analgesic effect, improve the trophism of damaged tissues.


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