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Ointment for stomatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Ointment in the treatment of stomatitis is used as a local anesthetic or antiseptic. Application of the medicine in the form of ointment promotes the reduction of inflammation, prevents the development of complications, accelerates the healing of wound surfaces. Ointment from stomatitis creates on the inflamed focus a unique protective film, under which the epithelialization of damaged tissues occurs, in addition, many ointments contain antibacterial components, which makes it possible to influence many pathological processes simultaneously.
An undeniable advantage of the ointment is the fact that the active medicinal components are not absorbed into the blood, affecting only the selected inflamed area, in addition, the ointment form is convenient in the dot, application treatment of single aft, ulcers. In the treatment of stomatitis, such ointments have proven themselves well:
- Solcoseryl.
- Miconaz.
- Methyluracil ointment.
- Sanguirithrin.
- Anestezin.
- Levomekol.
- Miconazole.
- Florenal ointment.
- Propolis ointment.
- Dactarine.
- Nystatin ointment.
- Clotrimazole in the form of an ointment.
- Zovirax in the form of ointment.
- Bonaphoton.
- Acyclovir in the form of an ointment.
- Tebrofen Ointment.
- Oksolinovaya ointment.
In general, it should be noted that modern pharmacology no longer produces ointments on a mono-base, more often they have a complex effect, that is, they work with viruses and bacteria, have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. The only relative disadvantage of the ointment in comparison with the gel form can be considered insufficiently rapid absorption. However, the form of the medicine directly depends on the type of disease, so ointment with stomatitis has found its worthy place in the list of drugs that stop inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
Solcoseryl for stomatitis
With local treatment of stomatitis, difficulties sometimes arise, since the salivation process not only interferes with the absorption of drugs, but often they are simply washed away. This problem is successfully solved by the drug of Swiss pharmacologists - Solcoseryl. The history of the preparation is amazing. It turns out that in the middle of the last century a certain scientist, while traveling through alpine meadows, heard the story of the shepherds and the extraordinary ability to heal wounds in very young calves. The curious mind of the scientist did not leave the information without attention, the properties of the blood of the "milk" calves began to be studied and soon the answer was found. In the bloodstream of animals, a specific component was found that activated the regenerative processes in the tissues, as compared to mature cows, the wounds in calves healed 2 times faster. So a unique Swiss drug was born, which was named Solkoseril. Since then, a lot of time has passed, Swiss pharmacologists with their inherent responsibility have developed many other effective medicines, but Solcoseryl continues to confidently hold the palm tree among many other drugs.
Dental solcoseryl as well as its "colleagues" from the category of topical preparations is available in the form of an ointment. Solcoseryl consists of active biological components (dialysate of blood), polydocanol, essential oil of mint, menthol, gelatin, pectin. All the ingredients of the ointment contribute to the healing of tissues, the dialysate of blood is very effective, which activates the blood supply to the wound surface, improves the nutrition of tissues and accelerates their regeneration. Polydocanol acts as an anesthetic, the pain subsides after a few minutes. Ointment solkoseril with stomatitis and other inflammatory processes of the oral cavity works as a kind of antiseptic "dressing", which on top closes aphthae, ulcers, protecting the damaged areas from getting into them an additional infection. Ointment is able to hold and act as a wound-healing remedy for 4-5 hours, before this time it is almost impossible to wash it with saliva or water. Three hours is enough for the active components of the ointment to start working, the pain subsided and the process of epithelialization of the wound began.
Method of application of ointment solcoseryl for stomatitis. The tube is opened, a small strip of ointment with a length of no more than 0.5 cm is squeezed out of it. The strip is applied as thinly as possible on the dried portion of the mucous membrane. The application is conveniently carried out using a gauze sterile tampon. Treatment of the oral cavity with solcoseryl should be carried out at least 3 times a day after eating, the regimen is usually as follows:
- Morning, 8.00.
- Lunch time is 14.00.
- Evening - 20.00.
The last application is best done before bedtime, the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, it corresponds to the amount of ointment in the tube - 5 grams. Thus, solcoseryl can be used until the entire remedy is complete. The drug does not cause complications, it can be prescribed to pregnant women, children, elderly patients.
Nystatin with stomatitis
Nystatin is an effective drug that helps to neutralize a fungal infection, respectively, nystatin with stomatitis will be necessary only in case of diagnosing candidal inflammatory process in the oral cavity. Preparations containing nystatin can not only stop candidiasis of the mucous membrane, but also help in the prevention of its relapse. The drug is capable of destroying the Candida cell membranes, then penetrating into the cell itself and gradually beginning to destroy it. Currently, nystatin is available in various forms - vaginal suppositories, ointments, tablets, rectal suppositories. As a local treatment for stomatitis, nystatin is used as an ointment. For all its effectiveness, the drug has contraindications and has side effects in the form of local manifestations of allergies, so it is prescribed only by indications and only for adult patients. Previously nystatin treated and children, the modern pharmaceutical industry produces safer drugs that are much more effective, operate in a comprehensive manner and do not carry the risk of complications. For example, the suspension of nystatin is superior to the same form of fluconazole, fluconazole is 75% faster than nystatin by its effectiveness and safety. Recipes using nystatin are still found in many sources, including the Internet, however, it is obvious that they refer to outdated information and should not be used in practice. Nystatin with stomatitis candidiasis etiology is more a history of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity than a really necessary and effective therapeutic procedure.
Nystatin ointment for stomatitis
Nystatin is a specific polyene antibiotic with antifungal activity. The main task of nystatin is to neutralize the cells of Candida and Aspergillus. This is due to the binding of nystatin to the molecules of the sterols of the membrane of fungal cells, as a result of which ions enter the cell and begin the process of its destruction. Small prolonged doses of nystatin ointment help to slow the development of candidal stomatitis, high doses and frequent application can completely eliminate Candida. A positive property of nystatin ointment is its availability, ease of use, in addition, the components of the drug are not practically absorbed into the blood. However, currently nystatin is rarely prescribed, only in cases where other drugs have not had the desired effect. This is due to the presence of other, complex
Nystatin ointment when stomatitis is applied very carefully, directly into the area of aft or ulcers, an overdose or too frequent use of ointment can cause such complications:
- Sensation of itching in the place of application.
- Hyperemia of the oral mucosa.
- Puffiness of the mouth.
- Burning in place of application.
- Allergic reaction.
Nystatin ointment is quite active, so the application procedures are conducted no more than twice a day, and the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. If stomatitis is diagnosed as chronic, then after the first course of treatment with nystatin it is necessary to take a break in 21 days, and then the application with ointment can be repeated.
Oxolin ointment for stomatitis
Oksolinovaya ointment - an active antiviral that helps reduce the risk of infection, but is not a universal drug. Oksolinovaja ointment at a stomatitis it is appointed at a herpetic kind of an inflammation, as a rule, 0,25% concentration is applied. Ointment should be applied to the vesicles, but before that, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity. Antiseptic rinses, irrigation not only neutralize the main signs of infection, but also slightly dry the mucous membrane, thereby creating conditions for fixing the ointment.
Mode of application - at least 3 times a day, with exacerbations or a common process, the agent can be applied every 2 hours. A good result is a complex treatment, when between the ointment applications the patient takes Imoudon tablets that activate local immunity.
It should be remembered that oxolin ointment with stomatitis can have an effect only on the herpes virus, with bacterial infection it is powerless as well as against allergic or ulcerative necrotic stomatitis.
Apply ointment from stomatitis is advisable in the initial stage of the disease, when the vesicles are only formed, the acute development of the process with oxolin ointment is not supervised, and such cases require more active drugs such as zovirax, acyclovir.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointment for stomatitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.