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Suppositories from chlamydia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Currently, doctors can offer a lot of different medications for the treatment of chlamydia. The most popular among such medications are tablets, enemas, bath and douching solutions. This range includes the suppository of chlamydia - they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is undesirable to purchase them without consulting a doctor. Which of the candles are most effective, and how to apply them: this is our article.
Indications for use of suppositories from chlamydia
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease, one of the variants of the spread of which is open sexual contact with an infected partner. Chlamydia are intracellular parasites capable of reproduction. They represent something between the virus and the bacterium, so the disease is difficult to diagnose and treat. Unfortunately, in most cases, chlamydia is found already in the chronic stage of the disease. This is due to a little clinical picture of chlamydia. However, modern medicine does not stand still, and with every year there are more and more new medications that can effectively affect the pathology and cure it forever.
The therapeutic regimen should consist of several different drugs, as the causative agent quickly enough becomes resistant to any one medicine. For this reason, drugs from chlamydia, including candles, should be selected from different pharmacological groups, with different spectrum and degree of influence.
It is better not to self-medicate: after a few days of treatment, chlamydia will develop resistance to the drug and stop responding to the chosen medicine.
Pharmacodynamics of suppositories from chlamydia directly depends on the composition and pharmacological activity of a particular preparation.
Interferons have an immunomodulatory effect, stimulating mainly the cellular stage of immune defense (phagocytosis, activity of T-killers and T-helpers). Activation of leukocytes entails the removal of the inflammatory reaction, the normalization of the synthesis of IgA. In addition, processes of vital activity in the cellular structures of pathogenic microorganisms are disrupted.
Candles-antiseptics interact with microbial cells, violate their vitality, inhibit reproduction and development, which leads to the death of the pathogenic microorganism.
The use of candles-antiseptics helps not only in the fight against parasitic bacteria. Such suppositories can be used to prevent sexual infections (in particular, chlamydia).
Vaginal suppositories and suppositories are absorbed through the mucous membranes during local use. Absorption of active components in the systemic blood stream with intravaginal application is insignificant. Excretion from the body occurs mainly through the liver and gall bladder, to a lesser extent - through the urinary system.
Rectal suppositories allow the active ingredients to be absorbed through the rectal mucosa, which allows direct entry of the drug into the bloodstream, without interfering with the digestive system. The concentration of the drug in the blood rises within the first hour after the application of the suppository. The level of active substances can gradually decrease, for about 12 hours, after which the repeated administration of the drug is required.
Names of suppositories in chlamydia
Medicines in the form of suppositories, or suppositories, are actively used in the scheme of treatment of chlamydia in both female and male patients. Suppositories for chlamydia are divided into 2 types:
- candles for rectal administration - they are injected into the rectum, wherece the therapeutic components are absorbed into the bloodstream;
- vaginal suppository for chlamydia is a suppository for chlamydia in women who are intended for local action on the affected area.
It makes no sense to determine which type of suppository is better, and which is worse. Treatment of chlamydia is prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism, since there is no universal treatment for this disease.
Popular names of suppositories from chlamydia are the following:
- Hexicon is a drug based on chlorhexidine - an antiseptic substance that detrimental to gram (-) and gram (+) microbes and protozoa. It is able to inhibit the development of chlamydia, treponema, ureaplasma, gardnerella, trichomonads, etc., without simultaneously destroying the beneficial microflora of the vaginal environment. The hexicon suppository for chlamydia is prescribed even for pregnant and lactating women: this drug is not toxic and does not have a negative effect on pregnancy and fetus;
- Polyoxidonium (azoxime bromide) is an immunomodulator that increases the body's resistance to infection, and also affects phagocytes and killer cells and stimulates the formation of antibodies. Polyoxidonium potentiates the action of antibiotics and reduces the duration of treatment, can be used both rectally and vaginally;
- Betadine (Povidone-Iodine) - antiseptic and disinfectant, has a pronounced antimicrobial activity. Destroys staphylococcus, E. Coli, fungi, viruses and protozoa, as well as gram (+) and gram (-) bacteria. With chlamydia, the drug acts quickly and effectively;
- Genferon is an antiviral interferon. Improves local and systemic defense of the body, has antiviral and antimicrobial effect. Violates the processes of vital activity in pathogens: viruses, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonads, fungi. Genferon can be used rectally or vaginally;
- Viferon - interferon with antiviral activity. Acts as an antiviral drug, immunomodulator, as well as an agent that suppresses the excessive proliferation of various cells. Viferon suppository for chlamydia is successfully used for the reason that this drug can disrupt the structure of the cell not only the virus, but also some other microorganisms, for example, chlamydia. The use of Viferon suppositories does not lead to the formation of antibodies that neutralize interferon, even with prolonged use of the drug.
Which suppository for chlamydia is used more often than others?
Firstly, these are antimicrobial suppositories that have antibacterial activity, inhibiting the development and depressing life processes of chlamydia.
Secondly, it's immunomodulating suppositories, whose action is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses. It's no secret that chlamydia adversely affects the immune system, thereby creating the preconditions for the prosperity of the infection. Immunomodulatory suppositories allow to raise local and systemic immune defense, which causes the body to fight the infection on its own.
Dosing and Administration
Vaginal suppositories (vaginal) should be inserted deeper into the vaginal cavity 1 suppository 1 to 2 times a day. Duration of therapy - from 1 to 3 weeks, at the discretion of the treating doctor.
In a chronic process, treatment can last up to 3 months, dosage - individual.
Rectal suppositories are prescribed, as a rule, for male patients. Use 1 piece each. 2 times a day, from 10 to 25 days per course.
If the doctor considers it necessary, he can prescribe a second course of treatment, while the dose and frequency of administration of the drug, as well as the duration of therapy, is determined individually.
Use of suppositories against chlamydia during pregnancy
Chlamydia in pregnancy - the problem is not so rare, so the question of using suppositories from chlamydia in pregnant women is always relevant. Not all women decide during pregnancy to drink antibiotics in pills. Whether candles: their impact on the body is less pronounced, which helps to avoid a negative effect on the fetus. What kind of suppository can be used to treat chlamydia in pregnancy and which ones are not?
- Viferon - is approved for use from the second trimester of gestation (from about 14 weeks), as well as during lactation.
- Genferon - allowed to use from 12 weeks.
- Betadine - not applicable in pregnancy.
- Polyoxidonium - do not prescribe during pregnancy.
- Hexicon - is allowed for use by pregnant and lactating women.
Some experts hold the opinion that during pregnancy to treat chlamydia does not generally. However, there is no consensus on this, so make a decision about the possibility of such therapy, having consulted, if possible, with several doctors. Naturally, the self-treatment of chlamydia, especially during pregnancy, speech can not go at all.
Contraindications to the use of suppositories from chlamydia
Are there any contraindications to the use of suppositories against chlamydia?
- Individual intolerance of the constituent drug.
- Allergic or autoimmune disease in the acute stage.
- In some cases, pregnancy.
- Acute kidney failure.
If you have any chronic illnesses, and you are not sure of the possibility of taking this or that drug, talk to your doctor.
Before using suppositories, be sure to read the annotation to the drug.
Side effects of suppositories from chlamydia
Suppositories from chlamydia can differ by side effects only in less than 1% of cases of their use. Most often these actions are expressed in the form of allergic reactions: redness, itching in the vagina, the appearance of secretions, burning. All of these symptoms usually disappear within 72 hours if the drug is withdrawn.
Rectal and vaginal use of suppositories completely exclude the possibility of overdose. No cases of overdose of the suppository were recorded.
Interactions with other drugs
In most cases, the suppository of chlamydia is compatible and well combined with all drugs that can be used in the treatment of chlamydia. It can be antibiotics, immunomodulators and other drugs.
The use of interferons at the same time as other antiviral or antimicrobial agents mutually reinforce each other's effectiveness.
Also, the effect of interferons is increased when combined with tocopherol or ascorbic acid.
There is no information on other interactions of suppositories from chlamydia with other medications.
Storage conditions
Suppositories from chlamydia should be stored in a refrigerator, from + 2 ° C to + 8 ° C. Freezing medicines is unacceptable.
Do not allow children to store their medicines.
Shelf life of suppositories - about 2 years. The exact expiration date should be indicated on the package to the preparation.
Reviews of suppositories from chlamydia
If you analyze the feedback on suppositories from chlamydia, then they are usually positive. Many people advise in no case to interrupt the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and not to replace the drugs themselves with others, since they may be less effective.
In order to prevent the outflow of the drug after softening the vaginal suppository, the patient is recommended to lie on his back and in this position to conduct as deep as possible the introduction of the suppository. Next, you should lie down, if possible, at least half an hour. If the suppository is introduced incorrectly or shallow, it may leak out before it absorbs into the mucous membranes.
During treatment, the suppository should not additionally be douche or wash the sexual organs with disinfectant solutions.
Sexual relationships during therapy should be excluded, otherwise treatment may be meaningless.
In the period of menstruation treatment is in most cases continued.
When choosing a suppository from chlamydia, remember that no matter how popular and safe they are, all medications have their contraindications and side effects. Do not self-medicate and always listen to the advice of a doctor.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories from chlamydia" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.