Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Myalgia is a symptom accompanied by pain in the muscles (diffuse or in a certain group) that occurs both spontaneously and during palpation.
Myalgia is inherent in a large number of pathological conditions caused by inflammatory processes, edema. More often, myalgia occurs acutely with hypothermia, trauma, overload, but can also occur with diseases of veins, arteries, lymphatic vessels, and innervation disorders. It is the initial symptom of the development of myositis and polymyositis, in particular, rheumatoid, in which there are constant pain, increasing weakness and hypotrophy of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, passing to the pelvic girdle and lower limbs.
Myalgia differs from neuralgic pains by diffuse muscle soreness during palpation, lack of typical pain points in the ball: in places of passage of nerves, but painful at the points of attachment of muscle fibers, there are no sensory disorders and characteristic symptoms of nerve tension (Lasega, Neri, etc.). In differential diagnostics with radicular syndrome, Bragar's technique can help - in a patient lying on the back, the upright leg is raised up in the knee joint before the pain occurs and dorsal flexion of the foot is performed - with radicular pathology the pain intensifies, with myalgia not increasing.
Code for micro-10
Each disease has its own unique classification. So, myalgia refers to muscle pain. M00-M99 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. M00-M25 Arthropathies. M30-M36 Systemic involvement of connective tissue. M40-M54 Dorsopathy. M60-M79 Diseases of soft tissues. M80-M94 Osteopathy and chondropathy
M95-M99 Other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
M60-M79 Diseases of soft tissues. M60-M63 Diseases of the muscles. M65-M68 Lesions of synovial membranes and tendons. M70-M79 Other soft tissue disorders
M70-M79 Other soft tissue disorders. M70 Diseases of soft tissues associated with exercise, overload and pressure. M71 Other bursopathies
M72 Fibroblastic disorders. M73 Lesions of soft tissues in diseases classified elsewhere. M75 Shoulder Lesions M76 Enthesopathy of the lower limb, excluding the foot. M77 Other enteropathies.
M79 Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified. M79.0 Rheumatism, unspecified. M79.1Myalgia. 79.2 Neurology and neuritis, unspecified. 79.3 Panniculitis, unspecified. M79.4 Hypertrophy of the popliteal pads. M79.5 Residual foreign body in soft tissues. M79.6 Pain in the extremities. M79.8 Other specified soft tissue lesions. M79.9 Disease of soft tissue, unspecified.
Causes of myalgia
Myalgia most often develops as a result of myositis: inflammatory, neuromyositis, polyfibromyositis, ossifying and occupational myositis; acute, subacute, chronic. Morphologically they are accompanied by the development of alterative, exudative and proliferative inflammation (purulent inflammation of the muscles is not affected, they can be affected only by anaerobic microflora, or they are affected again, with vascular changes in them with necrosis in subfascial phlegmon).
The main cause of this disease can be spasms in the muscle tissues. They provoke compression of nerve endings, thereby provoking painful sensations. Often the problem arises against the background of constant fatigue. This condition leads to the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products in muscle tissues, which also contributes to the development of chronic pain.
Myalgia can be accompanied by neurologic symptoms. This indicates that there was an imbalance in the nervous system. In particular, the problem is able to go hand in hand with sleep disturbances, as well as emotional stress.
Overloading the emotional nature leads to muscle spasms, they also represent a disease. In addition, overload significantly affect the metabolic processes in the body, violating them. The problem may be hidden in rheumatism, which occurs against the background of diseases of an infectious origin.
Perhaps the most interesting thing is that the carrier of the infection is still a person. After all, the viruses in his body penetrate through the mucous membranes and digestive tract. It's enough just to eat something or have a contact with a sick person.
All this can lead to the development of diarrhea, pharyngitis and other diseases. After the negative microelements have accumulated in the body, a manifestation of some pathology begins. This process is characterized by damage to internal organs and other body systems. After the transferred disease, the body becomes weak, the immune system does not fully perform its protective functions. Therefore, a general malaise is possible, there is a constant pain in the muscles. Perhaps, this is the pathogenesis of pathology. It is difficult to say unambiguously how the pathological process proceeds. It all depends on the reason why it began to develop.
Myalgia due to inflammatory myositis
Myalgia spontaneous or occurs with palpation and active movements, often accompanied by cramps, sharply painful places of attachment of muscles to the bones. When palpation muscle fibers are strained, with subacute and chronic - are hypotrophic. The mobility of the affected area of the body is limited. Sometimes palpation reveals a swelling, in the thickness of the seal from the millet grain to the size of the bean (Cornelius symptom), these seals can change shape and size when pressed (Mueller symptom). In the depths, it is possible to palpate elongated gel-like seals-myogeloses. There may be hyperesthesia.
Polymyositis - infectious and allergic processes with a wide variety of inflammatory diseases, respiratory and viral infections, drug disease, hormonal changes, especially in pregnancy. They are accompanied by a moderate diffuse myalgia, with muscle weakness and the formation of Erb-like myodystrophy. In the later stages of the process, tendon contractures develop.
Rheumatoid polymyositis is characterized by drawing, "volatile" pains that increase at night and when weather changes. In chronic course, moderate atrophy develops. When involved in the process of the joints, the limb functions are disturbed. There can be a "dry" Sjogren's syndrome: dryness of mucous membranes, skin, myalgia, dry "crunchy" polyarthritis with severe pain. There may be rheumatoid polymyofibrositis (Govers syndrome), characterized by diffuse or local pain, the presence of eight zones with painful points (1st - anterior intervertebral fissures of IV-VI cervical vertebrae, 2nd - joint of 2nd rib with cartilage, 3rd - the area of the medial fold of the subcutaneous tissue of the knee joint, the 4th is the middle of the upper margin of the trapezius muscle, the 5th point is located above the shoulder blade, the 6th is the point located above the lateral condyle of the ulna, the 7th region intervertebral ligaments IV-VI of the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum, the 8th is the point located in the upper quadrant of the gluteus muscle), with pressing on which there is a sharp pain, increased fatigue, a specific disturbance of sleep (sleeping like a "princess on a pea") and neurological disorders.
Myositis can be caused by a specific infection: tuberculosis, subfascial cold sores, syphilis, brucellosis, some parasites - trichinosis, cysticercosis, toxoplasmosis. They proceed as polymyositis, but are accompanied by the formation of pseudocysts, calcints, which is established by radiography.
Neuromyositis is characterized by the fact that along with a condition such as myalgia, neurology is also noted, due to the involvement of muscle nerve fibers or trunks in the process. In this case the pains are very sharp, the symptoms of both myositis and neuralgic syndrome, myalgia, are revealed.
Polifibromiositis refers to systemic diseases of connective tissue with the formation of fibrotic changes in them. This is accompanied by a restriction of mobility, development of contracture, thickening of the muscles, myalgia is observed. Often the joints are also involved in the process.
Ossifying myositis (Munich disease) is a metaplastic process in muscles with calcification of connective tissue. As a systemic disease develops in boys as the outcome of dermatomyositis. After 20 years is most often a consequence of injuries with the formation of muscle hemorrhages. In the process, tendons can be involved with the formation of spurs - calcaneal, ulnar or osteophytes - Pellegrini-Stida disease.
Toxic myositis develops with some chronic intoxications more often alcoholism and drug addiction during the period of abstinence. It is accompanied by sharply painful edema of the muscles, paresis and myoglobinuria with secondary renal insufficiency. Often combined with abstinence psychosis.
Symptoms of myalgia
The symptomatology is completely dependent on the variety of the disease. So, the most common disease is fibromyalgia. It is characterized by the manifestation of pain in the muscles, as well as tendons. Often, the pain syndrome is localized in the lumbar region. Also affects the cervical and humeral divisions. This type of pathology includes a couple of varieties. So, it is divided into primary and secondary fibromyalgia.
The first type is characterized by painful sensations, which are clearly expressed by palpation. This condition is accompanied by manifested asthenia and sleep disorders. There is a problem exclusively among the fair sex. But only those who are constantly exposed to the negative influence of stress and anxiety. Overloads can cause increased pain. The second type is most common in men. This phenomenon is caused by excessive physical exertion.
Myositis is another form of myalgia. It is characterized by inflammation of the muscle tissue. It develops as a complication after some diseases, including influenza. Causes of development can become a strong load. The pain syndrome is aching, the main place of localization is the limbs and trunk. It increases with movement.
Poliomyositis is another type of myalgia. It provokes muscle weakness, which is accompanied by pain in the neck muscles. Sometimes the disease can lead to muscular dystrophy. With this form a person complains of a headache, nausea, joint tension is felt.
A separate type of disease is epidemic myalgia. Developed pathology during the penetration of the Coxsackie virus. It causes vomiting, chills and high fever. Pathology makes people 3-5 days, sometimes a week.
Myalgia of the muscles of the legs
This phenomenon is among the most frequently encountered. The most basic reason for the appearance of pathology is the presence of vascular disease. Usually, this process is accompanied by swelling and fatigue of the legs. And the pain is a "dumb" nature. Ultimately, varicose veins may develop. Pain in the muscles of the legs is often associated with the spine. Many of his pathologies cause this unpleasant symptom. In this case, any pain in the spine may be completely absent.
During this disease, muscles can get so sick that a person simply can not move normally. Because the pain syndrome is only increasing. Myositis develops due to injuries, physical overstrain. Sometimes it is a complication after a person has been ill with the flu.
Fibromyalgia can affect the thigh region and cause a number of discomforts in the "area" of the knee joint. This pathology is common in women. This happens on the background of living in damp conditions, with strong physical strains and injuries.
Myalgia of the neck
The main causes of this condition are found in problems with metabolism. Usually it is associated with diabetes, intoxication, trauma and cooling. As you can see, the factors influencing this state are quite diverse. Usually the problem has only one symptom, which is the manifestation of muscle pain.
So, the phenomenon is based on changes in the chemistry of muscle tissue. This leads to a disruption of the normal sequence of the entire process. All can manifest simultaneously both during movement and at rest. Perhaps the emergence of symptoms.
Cooling of the cervico-occipital region leads to a painful symptomatology in the muscle region. This can lead to the development of reflex painful sensations from the internal organs. Therefore, ignore the symptoms is not worth it, but it is best to prevent the development of the problem. In order not to meet with complications in the future.
Myalgia of the back
The reasons for which pathology develops abound. Often due to the presence of problems with the spine. As a rule, the existing osteochondrosis promotes the development of the disease. Dystrophy is quite painless, but complications are manifested by increased sensitivity, strong pain sensations. Excessive muscle strain causes myalgia.
The problem may be hidden in the curvature of the spine. It can be both structural and non-structural. Scoliosis of the first type is characterized by changes in the vertebral column. Nonstrukturnoe development is due to abnormalities of pelvic bones. All these conditions entail an increased sensitivity of the muscles and a significant pain syndrome. This develops against the backdrop of defects in the skeleton.
Myalgia is not in all cases associated with pathologies of the spine itself. Not so seldom the pain can be connected with the presence of bronchitis, cold and pneumonia. It occurs on the background of increased work of the muscles of the back, which occurs during coughing. Even an ordinary trauma or swelling can contribute to this condition.
Intercostal myalgia
This condition is accompanied by a persistent pain syndrome. He feels in the thigh and is not at all connected with possible injuries of the chest. The main cause of the problem may be squeezing the roots of nerves in the place where they originate from the spinal column. Often this happens in the presence of osteochondrosis. Identify the presence of the problem is not so simple, even extremely difficult.
Therefore, specialists, first study the possible causes, and then undertake a diagnosis. It takes a long time to reveal the true cause. The patient passes far not one inspection. The disease is really serious, especially this look. This requires a correct course to eliminate.
The main symptoms are pain along the intercostal spaces. Can pester excessive muscle tension. Especially often this is manifested by coughing, sneezing, physical exertion. Factors provoking the disease: the pathology of the spine, as well as the lungs. The state can be created because of the large accumulation of salts.
Rheumatic myalgia
For a long time there was such an opinion that the rheumatic type of pathology is not able to flow difficult. This fact to some extent attracted many researchers. As it turned out, women are more prone to illness than men. Usually, it affects women of fair sex at an age. The infection begins with infection in the body.
As for etiology, it has not been clarified. The mechanism of development originates in the defeat of blood vessels. The disease begins acutely, pain syndromes are pestered in the collar zone, as well as the shoulders. They are able to spread to the hips and legs, without bypassing the elbow joint. Symmetric damage of zones is possible.
At palpation, soreness is especially pronounced on the back. Movement in the joints is limited. It is not excluded inflammatory processes in the joints. Perhaps, this is the most unpleasant course of the disease. Because it significantly reduces a person's capabilities and forces him to give up many of his usual things.
Chronic myalgia
This is a fairly common phenomenon that causes symmetrical pain throughout the body. The main symptoms are sleep disorders, difficulty awakening, excessive fatigue and meteorology. The latter factor is very interesting. It means the manifestation of severe symptoms during the period of weather change. Muscles respond to this with pain.
A person can be pestered with headaches, excessive tension. Cramps often occur, concentration of attention is lost. Often, the symptoms include depression, as well as mood swings. Low mood is not always associated with pain. Psychological deviations are not excluded.
It is practically impossible to get rid of pathology at this stage. Eliminate all it was necessary even at the first symptomatology. Now it's just worth maintaining your own state. The pains appear not so often and as a result of the influence of special factors.
Epidemic myalgia
This disease is characterized by a sharp onset. Usually it provokes its development of the presence of influenza, an acute infectious disease. It is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen. Often the pain passes into the sternum, accompanied by headaches and fever.
It's all complicated, the temperature can reach 40 degrees. All is accompanied by paroxysmal pains in the upper abdomen. Children often complain of pain in the tummy, adults - breasts. Attacks sharp, last for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes they recur after an hour or a couple of days. A person feels heart palpitations, as well as breathing. As soon as the fever reaches its peak, it will disappear until another attack occurs.
Often, the ailment lasts 3 days. Half of the victims complain of a strong second wave of seizures. Often, all this can be accompanied by serious meningitis. If the disease occurs in a child, he suffers from severe headache and discomfort in the muscles. At palpation lesions are painful. During the radiography, no abnormalities are observed. Leukocytes are normal.
Myalgia of the shoulder
It arises from hypertonic muscle. All this manifests as in a relaxed state, and tense. Therefore, what kind of activities a person does, it does not matter at all. The phenomenon can arise not only in mature people, but also affect adolescents. This pathology has no age limits.
There are several main causes of the phenomenon. Everything can be connected with hypothermia, a strong overstrain of the muscle, as well as increased activity. The presence of injuries and bruises often lead to myalgia. Infectious diseases of cold character can affect it. An increased amount of sugar in the blood, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - all these are the main causes of pathology. Even a sedentary lifestyle refers to them.
As for the symptoms, its main manifestation is nausea, dizziness and weakness. Do not exclude the drawing pain in the joints, as well as a violation of the rhythm of the heart. A person can sweat much.
Diffuse myalgia
Perhaps, this is the most vivid expression of myalgia. It arises in the presence of inflammatory processes. The main reason is the presence of polymyositis. This disease is systemic and affects mainly the connective tissue. All this leads to symmetrical muscle weakness and partial atrophy. The process is accompanied by painful sensations.
Etiology has not been determined. There is a pathology in the form of a change in gait. A person can not just stand up from a low chair, he needs help. It is also not possible to climb a high step. Lifting your head from the pillow is hard.
Muscle weakness just does not allow you to live a normal life. If the disease affects the throat, then dystonia occurs, the esophagus - dysphagia. Through time, atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle can appear. The late stage is characterized by contracture of the joints. Pain syndrome is pronounced. With palpation, the muscles become more dense. Static stress leads to a strong pain syndrome.
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Myalgia of the knee joint
Everything develops against the background of existing inflammatory processes. Affect all capable of professional myositis, as well as neuromyositis. It is accompanied by all the development of inflammation, but the purulent secretions of the muscle do not strike.
As a result of inflammatory myositis, pain is felt with active movements. Sharp pain syndromes are manifested in the muscles located at the bones. Muscle fibers are very tense. The affected area has limited activity. Sometimes palpation is accompanied by a pronounced swelling.
Is not excluded and muscle weakness. In later stages, tendon contracture is observed. If the flow is chronic, then the joints are involved in the process. There is also dry Sjogren's syndrome. The mucous membrane is dry, there are crunchy polyarthritis. For this, characteristic severe pain.
The disease can occur against the background of tuberculosis, syphilis and toxoplasmosis. It is also accompanied by neuralgia. The problem can affect a person's movement. Therefore, we must deal with the elimination of the disease.
Myalgia of the thorax
The condition is accompanied by pain, which is localized in the rib area. This has nothing to do with chest injuries. The only reason for the pathology lies in squeezing the nerve roots. This situation is typical for the presence of osteochondrosis. Determining the presence of pathology is not so simple. Therefore, specialists try to find the reasons for the disease.
Diagnostic procedures take a lot of time. Therefore, it is not so easy to quickly determine the disease. After all, it is complex and proceeds not so simply. Symptomatic is extensive, mainly characterized by pain syndromes of intercostal spaces.
A person is being tormented by a strong muscle strain. What is most interesting, it arises against the background of a debilitating cough. Factors provoking the problem: diseases of the spine, lungs. Even infections and injuries can lead to this pathology. Excessive accumulation of salts also provokes pain syndrome.
Eosinophilic myalgia
There is a syndrome on the background of taking medications based on tryptophan. These are Japanese drugs, to date they have been discontinued. They negatively influenced the lungs and led to the development of darkness in them.
Systemic disease of this type often affects the skin directly, as well as internal organs. Usually the course is chronic. Deaths occur not so often. Initially, it was difficult to determine the etiology. After it became known that the problem lies in tryptophan, it became possible to identify the main factors. So, the agent caused the activation of eosinophils, as well as toxic proteins.
The disease is accompanied by marked outbreaks. The main symptoms include weakness, coughing and wheezing. A severe lesion is observed in the lungs. The person is tired of fatigue, weakness and swelling. All cases are caused solely by the negative effect of tryptophan. Elimination of the disease can be either fast or slow. In any case, it should immediately begin, because the percentage of deaths though not great, but all the same there.
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Postload Myalgia
Excessive muscle strain leads to the appearance of pain syndrome. In most cases, discomfort is associated with certain factors provoking it. The disorder is due to a heavy load. Most likely, the reason is hidden in obtaining microscopic ruptures. This leads to neurochemical lesions.
Any load can lead to this phenomenon, and in an excessive form. Even strongly compression of teeth leads to a strong activity and entails myalgia. Especially often this happens against the background of constant chewing gum.
At night, the problem arises unconsciously. And the symptomatology can be both pronounced and moderate. Much depends on the emotional state of a person. Therefore, the patient is not always able to explain on his own what happened to him. There is nothing to worry about, it's enough just to reduce the level of emotional and muscular overstrain.
Myalgia in children
A kid can complain about a pain syndrome after an active day of play. Normally, the shoulders, arms or legs suffer. It can be connected with swimming, running. Irregular pain syndromes are sometimes associated with active growth of the child. This is not a cause for concern.
Muscle pain can occur in both active and quiet children. It is enough to make the baby a relaxing massage and it will become much easier. The pain is of a varied nature, both moderate and strong. Usually after several days of rest it passes by itself. There are also cases when the child does not become easier. On the contrary, symptomatology is supplemented by new signs. It starts to appear high fever, swelling of the joints. This usually indicates a serious injury.
Spasms are able to occur absolutely in everyone. But most often they are observed in children who are actively involved in sports. The lack of important elements in the body can lead to the development of the problem. We are talking about calcium, magnesium and vitamins related to group B. It is important to fill their deficit.
Myalgia in pregnancy
This is due to sudden changes in the body of a woman. Especially often pain pain in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that before the pregnancy skeletal muscles supported the press and formed it. Now their main task is to keep the uterus, which is rapidly increasing in size.
The pelvic muscles work directly in the generic process. There is a significant expansion of these. The back begins to ache due to the displacement of the center of gravity. After all, now the spine is overloaded. The chest hurts because of hormonal changes, as well as increased blood circulation.
Inguinal muscles ache a bit because of overexertion or influence on them of a special hormone - relaxin. In the vagina, the pain syndrome occurs against a background of increased vascular load. After all, the elasticity of the tissues begins to decrease, the pain appears. There is nothing terrible in these processes. This is quite normal and will pass as soon as a woman gives birth.
In some cases, the problem lies in the presence of pathological processes. These include diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, neuralgia, inguinal hernia and varicose veins. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of pain. Additional symptoms may indicate the presence of cholelithiasis and even indicate a possible miscarriage.
Painful sensations can cause a person only discomfort. In addition, he is constrained in the movements, which leads to the impossibility of normal vital activity. It is worth noting that some processes are irreversible.
Pain sensations in the muscles often arise against the background of the existing osteochondrosis. This can occur because of complications, such as a hernia and protusion. This indicates that treatment should not be postponed. It should be understood that osteochondrosis and its complications in many cases lead to the development of disability. To endure pain in no case can not be, it must be eliminated.
Blood vessels during the spasms are squeezed, so metabolic processes are violated. This occurs in the spine. As a result of this action - the development of dystrophic desiccation of intervertebral discs. This leads to the appearance of an intervertebral hernia.
Other consequences are a deterioration of the innervation of tissues and internal organs, the appearance of energy blocks. Ordinary pain in the back and muscles can lead to the development of serious illnesses. The inflammatory process is not excluded.
People who are faced with this problem know first-hand what discomfort it causes. Painful sensations in the back are accompanied by difficult movements, and interfere with normal full-fledged life. All this can be prevented by proper treatment.
It is necessary to understand that the pain in the muscles is not normal. If a person does not actively engage in physical exertion and is sufficiently mobile, the problem is likely to lie in the presence of the disease. If spasms occur in the back, this is an osteochondrosis. It can lead to serious complications. Delay treatment can not be in any case.
The intervertebral hernia often develops, even disability is possible. This concerns mainly lesions of the spine. But the very fact the problem is really capable of getting out of control. Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature are not excluded. All this, which is confirmed by the fact that joking with myalgia is not worth it.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostic procedures are performed exclusively by a doctor - a rheumatologist. There are several basic techniques that are constantly applied. So, first of all, a visual examination of the patient is carried out. You should listen to his complaints, assess the condition.
Then more serious diagnostic techniques begin. So, a person should pass a general and biochemical blood test. Then take rheumatic tests. Electromyography and radiography are performed for accurate diagnosis. Thanks to this method, the doctor receives a snapshot of the changes.
Not the last role in the entire research process is played by CT and MRI. Thanks to them it is possible to get a full picture of what is happening. CT scan allows to obtain a layer-by-layer snapshot, for evaluation of the condition. A biopsy is also prescribed, which leads to a histological examination. Consultation of a neurologist and other doctors is conducted (depending on the cause of the appearance of the pathology). It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination.
Analyzes with myalgia
To obtain the maximum picture of what is happening, special tests must be submitted. Usually they consist in a biochemical and general study of blood. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to track the content of ESR. In the presence of diseases, it increases significantly. The level of proteins in the blood also changes. This is particularly pronounced in the active phase of the disease. There is mild anemia.
In order to check the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to donate blood for the presence of a rematoid factor in it. The study lends itself to lupus cells. Usually, with myalgia they are not observed. If the inflammatory process has touched the knee joint, it is taken to analyze the synovial fluid. It will reveal the presence of aseptic inflammation. Data analysis to create a complete picture of what is happening is not enough. Usually after the studies, instrumental diagnostics is prescribed.
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Instrumental diagnostics
This diagnosis includes several basic methods of investigation. Initially, people are sent X-ray. This will allow you to see the changes in the muscles, thanks to getting an X-ray. But, not always this is enough. Therefore, in addition, the patient may be referred for computed tomography and MRI.
CT scan allows you to obtain a layered image and ideally examine the site of the lesion. It is this technique that gives a complete picture of what is happening. In fact, CT is the same radiography, but more detailed. The study of layers will allow the specialist to identify not only the presence of the disease itself, but also the causes that provoked it.
Mr. Allows to study internal organs and changes in them. Usually, only one radiography and blood test is sufficient. But if the problem can not be diagnosed in any way, almost all available techniques are used.
Differential diagnostics
This method of investigation is to obtain laboratory data by donating blood. The patient is required to give a general blood test. Here, the presence / absence of anemia is checked. The indicator of ESR is also checked. If there is a disease in the body, it increases dramatically.
In addition to the general analysis, biochemical is also given. Here, the level of alpha2 and y-globulin is checked. With pathology, they are at a high level. The level of sialic acids, seromucoid is checked.
Active blood is used on the RF and LE cells. The result should be negative. Otherwise, myalgia occurs. Differential diagnosis includes a muscle biopsy. She should not show any pathologies.
Laboratory tests are very important in determining the causes of myalgia. But without instrumental diagnostics, they are not enough. Therefore, all studies are conducted in the aggregate.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of myalgia
Elimination of pain should occur in a certain order. If the muscle pain is associated with the spine and the locomotor apparatus, then it should be treated in a special way. So, usually resort to complex treatment. For this, medicines, physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic gymnastics are used.
More information of the treatment
Preventive actions can be either primary or secondary. Primary type includes activities that are aimed at eliminating emotional and physical overstrain. It is necessary to avoid psychoemotional nagrzuki, to deal with stresses, not to let emotions constantly "absorb". It is desirable to exclude excessive physical exertion. Negatively affect the overall human condition and hypothermia, so in the cold season it is necessary to dress warmly. It is important to give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle and engage in physical education.
Secondary preventive actions include several other methods. They include taking medications, performing physiotherapy procedures. It is worth noting that secondary actions are used exclusively after the transferred illness, in order to prevent relapse. Secondary methods include the restriction of heavy loads, diet and limited stay in the sun and cold.
It is worth noting that treatment usually involves the elimination of all drugs, based on tryptophan. After all, on the contrary, it negatively affects a person's condition and causes a number of side effects. It is desirable to exclude and glucocorticoids. Once they are eliminated, the person will recover. The forecast in this case is favorable. Treatment can be either slow or fast. It all depends on the state of man. Despite the fact that the disease is not serious, there have been deaths. They are few, but, nevertheless, it was.
If a person in time to go to a medical institution or start an independent elimination of the problem, the forecast will be positive. True, alternative methods can carry a particular danger. To conduct treatment without knowing the reason for which myalgia arose is dangerous. There is a risk of harming one's own health and leading to complications. Naturally, the forecast in this case is clearly not positive. Observance of all rules and strict adherence to the recommendations of a doctor will lead to a speedy recovery.