Treatment of muscle pain
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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Treatment of muscle pain always depends on the identified cause, type of disease. However, most often painful muscle symptoms are caused by myofascial syndrome, whose therapy is difficult. This is due to the lack of etiologic factors, which are still the subject of sharp discussions between rheumatologists, orthopedists, neurologists, phlebologists and other specialists.
Obviously, the polysymptomicity of muscle pains dictates the need to apply all possible and accepted methods of the medical world.
We offer a general scheme that determines the treatment of pain in the muscles. Of course, a more accurate plan of therapeutic actions can be made only by the attending physician after a comprehensive examination taking into account all the individual characteristics of your body.
- Muscle pain, myalgia, uncomplicated concomitant symptomatology (temperature, purulent inflammation and others), are treated at the first stage without the use of medications. First of all, the treatment concerns the unloading of the muscles, the correction of the position of the body when performing professional actions, relaxation, correction of posture, possibly body weight.
- Massage, rubbing muscles with the help of external warming agents (ointments, gels).
- Manual ischemic compression of a specific pain (trigger) zone to improve blood flow in the muscle tissues.
- Physiotherapy (thermal).
- Acupuncture, acupuncture.
- Complex of therapeutic physical training.
If the pain in the muscles is intense, strong, acute, it is stopped with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both topically and in tablet form. In addition, myelorelaxants and some types of psychotropic drugs may be prescribed to neutralize the depressive state.
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How to get rid of muscle pain?
In order to get rid of muscle pain, an integrated approach is needed, so therapy is aimed at the impact of all body systems that are involved in the pain syndrome.
A typical purpose of the first stage of treatment is ointments, gels, topical topical preparations. Their task is to change the pathological connection "muscle-pain". As a rule, funds from the group of myelorelaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and less often analgesics are prescribed. In addition, a good effect is provided by means of distracting, irritating action, warming ointments, often based on medicinal herbs, poisons containing essential oils. Among the most popular means are Voltaren-gel, Deep-Heath, Diclofenac-gel, Apizatron, Myoton, Vipratox and others.
Algorithm of therapeutic actions for pain in the muscle:
- Immobilization of a site of a body, finitenesses, maintenance of rest of a muscle.
- Application, rubbing with external means.
- Purpose of myelorelaxants.
- The appointment of NSAIDs is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
- With pain, the appointment of injections (analgesics) in the trigger zone.
- Acupuncture.
- Massage.
- Perform special muscle stretching exercises.
- If the pain in the muscle is secondary, treatment of the main symptom provoking the disease.
Ointment for muscle pain
Ointment from pain in the muscles - this is usually the first remedy that can relieve the painful symptom, spasm. Ointments can be different in effect:
- Analgesics, analgesic.
- Relieving inflammation.
- Strengthening blood circulation, hyperemic.
- Warming up, irritating.
- Removing the puffiness.
A list of the most popular and effective remedies that are used in the treatment of myalgia:
- Viprosal is based on the poison of gyurza, which also contains essential oil of fir camphor and other active substances. Ointment has contraindications - an allergy to the etheric little and poison.
- Capsicum, containing bekzilnikotinat, camphor, turpentine, dimexid. Ointment relieves muscular pain well, but it can not be applied to the surface with wounds, cuts.
- Finalgon, containing a nicotinic acid ester, vanillamide vanillamide. It activates the blood supply, expands blood vessels, has a local warming effect.
- Fort-gel.
- Diklak-gel.
- Denebol-gel.
- Ben-Gay.
- Fastum-gel.
- Olfen.
- Analgos.
- Dolobien.
- Tarfleks.
- Apisatron.
- Finalgel.
- Traumeel.
- Diklosan.
- Believed.
- Deep Heath.
- Rheumatic Gel.
- Espoo.
Ointment from muscle pain can be bought without a prescription in any pharmacy, but it is better if the injured muscle is examined by a doctor, determines the extent of the lesion, the cause of the pain and appoints a specific, acting drug.
Medicine for pain in muscles
The medicine for myalgia can be a drug of external action, tablets, injections, and massage, physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic gymnastics.
It all depends on the severity of the pain, the location of the muscle and the prevalence of the symptom.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly based on diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin:
Ointments with diclofenac:
- Diklovit.
- Diklak.
- Dicclore.
- Voltaren.
- Diclofenac.
- Orthophene.
- Diklobene.
- Dicloran plus.
Ointments with ibuprofen:
- Nurofen
- Dolgit
- Also, Movalis, Nurofen, Nimid and other means of this group are effective.
The local irritating, pain-reducing effect is possessed with ointments containing poisons, extracts of peppers, such as Viprosal, Dr. Theiss, Espol, Efkamon, Camfocin and others.
On the area of the damaged muscle compresses are applied with alcohol - ant, camphor, with balsams.
Appointed warming massages of the application with the help of heat, warming external means, warmers.
Immobilization with a tight bandage is indicated.
Effective sets of exercises for stretching spasmodic muscle, (postisometric relaxation).
The pains are stopped with the help of pain medications, analgesics, antipyretics are prescribed.
With concomitant depressive conditions (fibromyalgia), antidepressants are indicated.
With fibromyalgia, a good course of treatment is provided by psychotherapy, especially with the use of behavioral techniques, relaxation techniques, autogenous rhenium.
Pain Relief for Muscle Pain
Before you stop the pain symptom, choose an anesthetic from the pain in the muscles, you need to determine the root cause and what kind of damage the muscle fibers. If myalgia is caused by vascular disorders, the analgesic should be selected in accordance with the effect on the vascular system, and if the pain is caused by the microtraumatic fibers, a completely different preparation is chosen in the same way as for neutralizing pain in the myositis-inflammation of the muscle. An anesthetic for pain in muscles should act on excessive irritation, excitation of deep tissue receptors that react to damage reflexively.
As a rule, for the relief of pain, tablet forms of NSAIDs are prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretic drugs and analgesics that help to eliminate inflammation foci, reduce swelling of tissues, and anesthetize the symptom. It should be noted that virtually all NSAIDs have an adverse side effect on the digestive system, so when prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, always take into account their negative effect and the benefits of use. Also, indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, analgin can adversely affect the body. In order to avoid gastropathy, NSAIDs are always prescribed 30-40 minutes after meals and only by a limited course. In addition, there are more gentle methods of treating muscle pain - these are external agents that do not have toxic properties and are effective enough to stop the pain symptom.
Risks of prescribing anesthetics for myalgia:
- Age (children, elderly people).
- Gastrointestinal diseases in the anamnesis.
- Incompatibility with glucocorticosteroids.
- Pregnancy.
- Long-term use (inadmissible use of NSAIDs for more than 7-10 days).
Advantages of anesthetizing NSAIDs for the treatment of myalgia:
- Local application in the form of external agents has a pronounced analgesic effect.
- Anti-inflammatory effect.
- Decreased edema.
- Activation and increase in the volume of movements.
- Activation of local microcirculation.
Plaster for muscle pain
Hypertonus muscles, spasms and microtraumas of muscle fibers provoke pain and can limit the person in motion. Modern treatment of myalgia includes all available methods and species, but the most common and effective method remains local thermal action on the trigger pain zone. As a warm-up, applications with ointments, gels, tinctures, as well as kinesioplastic (from kinesis - movement) are used. The patch for muscle pain is easy to use, effective and helps to quickly neutralize the pain symptom, relieve swelling and relieve spasm. Local action is provided by transdermal penetration of medical substances contained in the patch and warming of the muscles on deep layers.
A patch for muscle pain is also used for such diseases, conditions:
- arthritis, arthrosis.
- bruises (concussion).
- stretching.
- lumbulgia.
- swelling of soft tissues.
A great advantage of kinesioplastic is the absence of side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, as in the appointment of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics or analgesics. The patch is perfectly combined and supplements the basic therapy, significantly reducing the recovery time. Previously, popular hot pepper bandage today pushed new types of pain relievers - Extraplast, plasters based on Chinese medicinal herbs, Nanoplast Forte, Ketonal Thermo and other plasters that do not irritate the skin, have breathable and hygroscopic properties.
Bananas from muscle pain
Myalgia, muscle strain, especially after training, is accompanied by a decrease in glycogen levels in muscle fibers. This is due to the fact that glycogen supplies energy to muscle tissue in the form of glucose, if glycogen is not enough, the food is disturbed, the pain symptom increases until spasms, the process of catabolism (disintegration) of muscle cells develops. The situation can be rectified in various ways, including carbohydrate-rich nutrition. However, the usual carbohydrate products can not so much affect the muscles, how much to give an extra kilocalorie, and therefore affect the increase in body weight.
An alternative option, which is considered dietary and at the same time nutritious, are bananas.
How can bananas help with muscle pain? First of all, due to a large number of vitamins, trace elements, natural sugars and a minimum amount of kilocalories. As an argument, we list the useful substances per 100 grams of bananas:
Substance |
Grams, kilocalories |
Proteins |
1.5 g |
Water |
74.0 g |
Fats |
0.5 g |
Starch |
2.0 g |
Carbohydrates |
21.0 g |
Polyunsaturated fatty acids |
0.2-0.4 g |
Monosaccharides |
12.0 g |
Diazaccharides |
8.0 g |
Fiber, dietary fiber |
1.7-2.0 g |
Vitamin A |
0.2-0.5 g |
Vitamin C |
10.0 grams |
Vitamins В1, В2, В3, В6 |
1.0 g |
Vitamin B9 |
10.0 grams |
Potassium |
350g |
Magnesium |
40-45 grams |
Sodium |
30-35 grams |
Phosphorus |
28-30 grams |
It is obvious that bananas with muscle pain "work" due to a large number of typical "muscle" trace elements - magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.
In addition, it is possible to restore not only strength, but also muscle tissue, eating 2-3 bananas a day, they are often used as an external anesthetic for myalgia. The recipe is:
- clear 5-7 bananas.
- wash, grind the skin.
- pour the shredded skins of bananas 0, 5 liters of vodka (in the dishes of dark glass).
- keep the infusion in a dark cool place for at least 14 days.
- after 2 weeks the tincture is ready, it can be rubbed into painful points, do appliques, compresses.