Cystitis before, during and after menstruation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Soreness in the lower abdomen, increased urge to urinate, discoloration of the urinary fluid - such symptoms may occur with the onset of menstruation, and during inflammation of the bladder. But sometimes menstruation and disease appear together. What is the difference between cystitis before, during and after menstruation from the usual inflammatory process? Is there a relationship between these two states?
Can there be acute and chronic cystitis due to menstruation?
By itself, the monthly cycle does not affect the development of cystitis. However, a number of factors are known that contribute to the appearance of the disease, and these factors are to some extent related to menstruation:
- pronounced hormonal changes in the period of monthly bleeding, before or after it;
- non-observance of individual hygienic rules in the period of monthly bleeding;
- sex during menstruation;
- untimely change of pads or tampons;
- a sharp change in nutrition on the eve of menstruation (the so-called "hormonal zhor", the use of a large number of sweets);
- acute or chronic pathologies of the reproductive apparatus.
Any of these nuances may be the reason that cystitis will be activated at the time of the beginning of the new monthly cycle, although menstrual bleeding itself is understandable here, nothing to do with it.
Causes of the cystitis during menstruation
Cystitis associated with menstruation can develop for several reasons:
- activation of pathogenic microbes;
- drift of infection from the sexual partner;
- uncontrolled medication, self-medication;
- mechanical damage to the mucous tissues of the urethra or bladder.
The reproductive organs of a woman closely coexist with the urinary apparatus, therefore, indirectly affect each other. Pathogenic microbes, initially provoking cystitis, easily "migrate" to the genitals. Therefore, it is possible to influence both cystitis on menstruation, and vice versa.
Menstruation, its onset and course depend entirely on the hormonal background of the woman. Often with impaired progesterone balance after menstrual cystitis begins due to its relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the urethra. As a result, the infection becomes much easier to enter the urinary canal and bladder.
However, there are other circumstances that can lead to a problem.
For example, why before monthly cystitis? Perhaps this is the result of impaired vaginal microflora, changes in nutrition. Other reasons cannot be excluded:
- stagnation of blood clots in the vagina and on the external genitals, which is usually associated with the untimely replacement of gaskets and tampons;
- inflammation in the genital area (for example, in the ovaries);
- thrush;
- allergic reactions to pads or tampons, to detergents.
Cystitis with delayed menstruation does not always indicate the beginning of pregnancy. Of course, the regularity of the cycle depends on the hormonal background, and on the normal functioning of the ovaries, and inflammatory processes can cause disruptions, both hormonal and functional. Experts indicate that the delay sometimes occurs during the inflammatory process, and even when the symptoms of cystitis have subsided. The latter is due to the influence of certain drugs on the work of the reproductive organs.
So can cystitis cause the delay of menstruation? Most often there are several factors at once. For example, hormonal disruptions or inflammatory diseases of the genital area provoke the development of cystitis, and, as a result, the monthly cycle is lost. By itself, the inflammatory process in the bladder, in the absence of additional factors, rarely becomes the immediate cause of the delay.
If cystitis begins during menstruation, the reasons are fairly obvious:
- it is possible that the particles of secretions got into the urethral canal and then into the bladder, which caused the inflammation reaction;
- sometimes irritation of the mucous membranes occurs during the use of unsuitable sanitary pads - especially flavored;
- we can talk about sexually transmitted diseases (in the early stages they sometimes reveal themselves to be the development of cystitis);
- there may have been untreated candidiasis - a fungal infection that is activated with the onset of monthly bleeding.
Thus, if you are worried about thrush, cystitis, menstrual periods disappeared, the causes must be sought through diagnostics. This condition is a serious stress for the body, and it requires urgent treatment. It is necessary to begin the examination with blood and urine tests, as well as with performing pelvic ultrasound.
Risk factors
Cystitis before, during or after menstruation can cause the following factors:
- sexual intercourse during menstruation;
- exacerbations of chronic pathologies of the reproductive apparatus;
- impaired vaginal microflora;
- frequent constipation associated with intestinal atony;
- ignoring individual hygiene rules;
- changes in nutrition on the eve or during menstruation (for example, eating a large amount of sweets, smoked meats);
- hypodynamia;
- frequent partner shifts, unprotected sex practices;
- overwork, reduced immunity, chronic diseases in other organs;
- regular hormonal changes;
- untimely change of pads, long-term use of tampons;
- swimming in open water during menstrual bleeding;
- special anatomical structure in some women (for example, too close location of the external opening of the urethra to the vaginal vestibule).
Most often, cystitis in menstruation is caused by Escherichia coli, Proteus or Staphylococcus aureus. These microbes belong to the category of conditionally pathogenic, and are activated only under the influence of certain factors that contribute to inflammation. In addition, cystitis can also occur for reasons unrelated to the monthly cycle - this is a chemical, toxic and parasitic effect.
The fact that cystitis and menstruation often go “shoulder to shoulder” can be explained by the special anatomy of the female urogenital apparatus. Short and wide channel for urination, paraurethral glands, which can serve as a place of accumulation of bacteria - all of these factors are often indicated in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Other supporting factors are:
- the prolapse of the pelvic organs, which is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to the urea and topographic changes in the bladder and urinary canal;
- sex during menstruation, because this causes retrograde penetration of the vaginal contents into the urethral opening;
- lack of hygiene of the genital organs during menstruation;
- hormonal fluctuations leading to temporary atony of the urinary canal, which contributes to the infection.
A significant role in the pathogenesis of the disease is played by pathogens of infectious pathologies - for example, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis; the penetration of bacteria into the bladder is possible from the inflamed tissues of adjacent organs - for example, a similar mechanism of infection is characteristic of salpingoophoritis.
Symptoms of the cystitis during menstruation
Most women with the appearance of cystitis, associated with menstruation, are found such first signs:
- frequent and painful urge to urinate;
- relatively small amount of excreted uric fluid;
- burning sensations in the urethra during urinary fluid excretion;
- violation of the general condition, pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubis;
- slight fever, signs of intoxication.
The shade of urine also changes: even the appearance of turbidity, blood (especially at the end of the urinary process) can be determined visually.
With the spread of the inflammatory reaction to the kidneys, more severe symptoms occur: lumbar pain, dyspepsia, high temperature values.
Some patients complain of a feeling of cystitis before menstruation, cystitis a week before menstruation can manifest itself with such symptoms:
- pain during urination;
- frequent and minor emptying of the bladder;
- pain of a different nature over the pubis;
- general discomfort;
- urine turbidity.
Such exacerbations are universally associated with a weakening of the immune defenses, hormonal imbalances. To accurately verify one reason or another, you must pass the appropriate tests in the laboratory.
Cystitis and menstruation delay is a relatively infrequent development of events. But, if this happens two or more times, then the problem must be solved comprehensively, since in such a situation there are necessarily violations from not only the urinary, but also the reproductive system. Failures in the cycle should always be alarming, and such “signs” from the body cannot be ignored. It is necessary to investigate the hormonal state, to check the functionality of the entire female sexual apparatus.
Cystitis and menstruation at the same time is not just a coincidence. In many cases, with careful questioning, other “hidden” symptoms are found in a woman:
- difficulty conceiving;
- menstrual disorders;
- chronic female inflammatory processes;
- hormonal disorders.
For hormonal problems, cystitis before each month can be manifested by the following symptoms:
- constant urge to urinate, frequent overnight visits to the toilet;
- aching and tingling sensations above the pubis;
- abdominal cramps in the groin;
- pain when urinary fluid is excreted.
Women may especially complain of constant fatigue that has no explanation. If you collect the urinary fluid in a glass jar, the change in its color attracts attention - dregs appear, the hue becomes dark or pinkish.
When cystitis and menstruation are both troubling at the same time, a negative test can indicate inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. For such a situation are typical:
- lumbar pain;
- chills, constant subfebrile temperature;
- recurrent nausea and general weakness;
- sleep disturbances, pain in the head;
- pain during sexual intercourse;
- frequent periods of irritability, nervousness.
If you are concerned about similar symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor. First, to find out the exact cause of the symptoms. Secondly, to treat and get rid of several problems at once: from the inflammatory process and disorders of the monthly cycle.
Cystitis and pain during menstruation can be a coincidence, but sometimes they are still connected by one reason. And this reason most often lies in problems with the female genital sphere. Consider: where is pain most often localized? In the groin, back, in the stomach (in the center, on the sides, below)? Have you been to a gynecological clinic for a long time? The fact is that chronic pathologies of the internal genital organs are not always accompanied by clearly expressed symptoms. Therefore, cystitis can be one of the manifestations of the problem. And only the doctor will be able to recognize the true root cause, guided by the results of the diagnosis.
Cystitis with blood during menstruation is a reason to go to the doctor as soon as possible. You should not expect the painful process to spread to still healthy organs and tissues. After all, some changes may become irreversible.
Complications and consequences
The most unfavorable complication of menstrual cystitis may be pyelonephritis. The fact is that on the background of the inflammatory process, the function of the urea is upset, the ureteral-vesicular reflux is formed - a disorder associated with the discharge of uric fluid into the ureter and even into the kidneys. In addition, the edematous mucosa can put pressure on the ureter, which will disrupt the release of uric fluid from the kidney. The pressure inside the pelvis rises, which contributes to the development of acute inflammation.
Does cystitis occur during menstruation? It is hardly necessary to hope that the inflammatory process will subside by itself. To avoid unpleasant complications, it is necessary to visit the doctor in time, conduct a number of diagnostic procedures and begin treatment.
Diagnostics of the cystitis during menstruation
The diagnosis is established on the basis of the patient's complaints, as well as information obtained during examination and palpation. Additionally, data from laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are taken into account.
The following tests are carried out in the laboratory:
- complete blood count will help fix the symptoms of the inflammatory response (leukocytosis, accelerated ESR);
- urinalysis will assess the work of the kidneys and bladder, detect pathological inclusions;
- biochemistry of the urinary fluid provides information on the content of salts, proteins, nitrites, etc.;
- seeding the urinary fluid to identify the pathogen and evaluate its antimicrobial resistance;
- analysis of genital and fungal infections (gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis, etc.).
Additional instrumental diagnostics:
- ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder visualizes the size, configuration, condition of organs and tissues;
- cystoscopic examination and biopsy (microscopic examination of the bladder mucosa).
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out after consulting a urologist and a gynecologist. Cystitis-like symptoms may occur in diseases of the female reproductive system - for example, with adnexitis, parametrize, perimetric. At the same time, there are often signs of inflammation on the uretic mucosa, since the infection can spread to nearby tissues.
In addition, it is necessary to exclude the presence of stones or tumors in the bladder.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the cystitis during menstruation
After the necessary diagnostic measures are taken, the doctor will prescribe medication therapy. Medicinal products are commonly used in the treatment regimen, depending on the etiology of cystitis. Thus, antibiotics are used for microbial nature, fungicides for fungal infections, and an allergic reaction requires the administration of antihistamines. Other possible prescriptions may include antispasmodic, analgesic, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. Herbal medicines are also shown - in particular, Canephron.
An essential condition for successful treatment is diet. The use of products that can irritate the mucous tissue of the urinary apparatus is limited or eliminated. Among such products are sharp spices, salt, marinades (vinegar or sauces), smoked meats, sweets. Showing abundant fluid intake.
It is possible to connect physiotherapeutic methods: electrophoresis, inductothermy, EHF-therapy, ultrasound therapy, laser treatment.
If the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy, then the reception of appropriate medicines should be carried out a full course, and not until the disappearance of the main signs of the disease. Untreated acute cystitis is able to quickly transform into a chronic form of pathology.
What to do with cystitis during menstruation?
If the cystitis periodically begins to disturb with the onset of menstruation, then the first thing to do is to go to an appointment with a specialist (urologist or gynecologist). Attempts to cope with the disease themselves can cause a new aggravation, since incomplete or incorrect effects on the infection can cause the “adaptation” of bacteria or fungi to a new type of treatment. And some drugs may even be useless or even harmful.
What can advise a woman suffering from cystitis during menstruation?
- try not to overcool the body;
- wash regularly, change intimate hygiene products (tampons, pads);
- give up sharp spices, alcohol, soda, sweets, establish a drinking regime;
- refuse sexual intercourse at the time of treatment.
There are a lot of reasons that can lead to the appearance of an inflammatory reaction during menstruation. Therefore, the doctor prescribes treatment due to the detected causes of the disease.
The choice of medication to eliminate cystitis during menstruation is the business of the doctor. It’s not worth trying to solve the problem yourself so as not to create conditions for the development of a new round of the disease.
In most cases, the doctor prescribes any of the following medications to eliminate the inflammatory response and destroy the pathogenic flora:
Monaural |
An antibiotic successfully used to treat acute and recurrent microbial cystitis. The drug in the amount of one packet is diluted in a third glass of water, drunk before sleep on an empty stomach, pre-emptying the bladder. In most cases, a single dose of the drug is enough, but sometimes it can be prescribed a second dose after a day. Possible side effects: heartburn, dyspepsia. |
Furagin |
The drug furazidina, a representative of antimicrobial agents nitrofuranovogo series. Take 100 mg 4 times a day (I day), then 3 times a day. The average duration of therapy is one week. Treatment may be accompanied by drowsiness, allergic reactions, nausea. |
Furama |
Another drug furazidina, which is taken on 50-100 mg three times a day for a week. In general, Furamag rarely causes side effects, and only rarely are allergic reactions, pain in the head, nausea. |
Amoxiclav |
Combined antimicrobial drug that combines amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Tablets are taken with food, in an individually defined dosage. The duration of treatment is from one to 2 weeks. Side effects: nausea, bloating, stomatitis, allergies. |
Nolicin |
Antimicrobial agent based on norfloxacin - quinolone preparation. Take 1 tablet twice a day, between meals. The treatment can last from three to ten days, at the discretion of the doctor. Nolitsin can cause digestive disorders that pass at the end of treatment. |
Ciprolet |
Fluoroquinolone antibiotic based on ciprofloxacin. Take in tablets, 250-500 mg twice a day, regardless of the meal (at regular time intervals - that is, once every 12 hours). Side effects are reversible: tachycardia, loss of appetite, sweating, pruritus, allergies. |
In order to alleviate the pain, which appear on the background of menstruation, use drugs with spascolitic effect - for example, Drotaverin or Papaverine.
Drotaverinum |
Antispasmodic, eliminating cramps and spastic pains. Take 40-80 mg two or three times a day, or one-time. Side effects: decrease in blood pressure, headache. |
Papaverine |
Myotropic drug, which is used in individually selected dosage. Side effects: weakness, sweating, constipation, nausea, hypersensitivity reactions. |
In addition to basic therapy, it is appropriate to prescribe herbal remedies that have diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These remedies include Canephron and Fitolysin.
Kanefron |
Herbal preparation with lovage, centaury, rosemary. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Recommended taking two tablets of the drug in the morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of treatment is determined individually. In the course of therapy, allergic manifestations and stool disorders are sometimes noted. |
Phytolysin |
Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and analgesic drug. Take one teaspoon of pasty mass in 100 ml of warm water, up to 4 times a day, for a long time. Side effects - allergies. |
Vitamins for cystitis associated with menstruation
Doctors recommend regularly taking courses of multivitamin preparations, which include antioxidants. Be sure to include in the treatment regimen:
- ascorbic acid, 0.5-1 g per day, to strengthen the immune system;
- omega-3 fatty acids (for example, flax oil or fish oil) in one tablespoon, or two capsules twice a day, to speed up the recovery of the body;
- preparations with probiotics (from 5 to 10 billion CU per day), to improve the microbiome;
- grapefruit juice, or an encapsulated extract of grapefruit seed, for mild antimicrobial and anti-fungal action.
How to treat cystitis during menstruation at home?
When periodically worried about cystitis in the background of menstruation, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor.
As for the procedures that can be carried out independently at home, we can recommend the following:
- during the day, perform several washings with warm boiled water with the addition of baking soda (1 tsp. Per 200 ml of water);
- drink plenty of pure water or herbal tea, without sweeteners;
- temporarily refuse to eat sweets, bread, milk, vinegar, sauces, salt and seasonings;
- lean on plant foods (preferably vegetables and greens);
- give up drinking alcohol.
What else is needed? With severe pain and spasms, first aid for cystitis during menstruation may consist in taking 1-2 tablets of No-shpy. We should not forget to wear warm clothes in order not to overcool, to remember about frequent hygiene of the genital organs, to rest more, not to be nervous.
Is it possible to warm the bladder area during cystitis during menstruation? No, it is better not to do this, as menstrual bleeding can significantly increase. It is more reasonable to use medicines and herbs in anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic properties.
Alternative treatment
Alternative methods of treatment were used by people for many centuries: proven drugs helped to overcome the infection, ease pain, and also had a pronounced antifungal, antispasmodic and analgesic effect.
For the prevention and treatment of cystitis associated with menstruation, you can use different tinctures, decoctions, and even fresh plants - they are taken orally or externally, depending on the formulation.
Before trying to cure cystitis during menstruation with the help of alternative means, you should consult your doctor in advance.
To improve the quality of the urinary fluid and eliminate its irritant action, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of warm water with lemon juice at least three times a day. Such juice can be replaced with cranberries, or infusion of horsetail.
The parsley-based remedy has a good therapeutic effect. One teaspoon of crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused under a lid for a couple of hours. Take the tool for a third cup before meals.
Perfectly proved and cranberry broth. For its preparation, half a glass of berries is interrupted in a blender, squeezed juice and placed in the cold. The resulting cake is placed in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water, boil for 6-8 minutes. The resulting tool is cooled, add the juice obtained earlier, as well as 2 tbsp. L honey Drink a drink during the day.
Herbal medicine
To eliminate the cystitis associated with menstruation, it is necessary to take herbal infusions or decoctions every day, not skipping receptions and not reducing the dosage. Optimally used such herbs and plants:
- Yarrow - it knits, leads the bladder to tone, relieves spasms, destroys fungus and bacteria.
- Thyme - perfectly relieves pain, facilitating the painful discharge of urine during exacerbation of cystitis after menstruation.
- Plantain leaves - have a diuretic effect, soothe and alleviate the symptoms of inflammation.
- Parsley leaves are able to clear the urinary system of toxic products, stop the development of the inflammatory process.
- Juniper - has antiseptic properties, contributes to the destruction of fungal and microbial infections. The plant is used in the chronic course of cystitis outside the acute phase, for the prevention of relapse.
- Horsetail is a mild diuretic and antimicrobial agent that, if used for a long time, can even cure chronic forms of cystitis.
- Horse chestnut - strengthens not only the vascular walls, but also the bladder.
- Ivy - suitable for external use (leaching, sitting baths), eliminates spasms in the acute period of cystitis.
- Ginseng - optimizes immune defense, enhances the body's response to a bacterial infection.
- Echinacea - is widely used for often recurrent cystitis, as it quickly eliminates the inflammatory response, due to antimicrobial and antiviral capabilities.
- Pyrei - eliminates pain and cramps in the allocation of urine, reduces the frequency of urge, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
- Chamomile color is appropriate for both outdoor and indoor use. Infusion of flowers is taken internally instead of tea, used for leaching and irrigation. The plant has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory properties.
- Dandelion leaves - accelerate the cure of cystitis by accelerating the elimination of toxic substances from the urinary tract.
- Burdock - has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.
- Alfalfa is an effective antiseptic and diuretic drug that will alleviate the healing process.
Treatment with homeopathic remedies is an excellent complement to basic therapy. It qualitatively enhances the body's immune defense, promoting active resistance to the pathogen of pathology. In addition, these drugs have a number of advantages:
- practically do not cause allergies;
- do not lead to addiction;
- available and safe;
- they can be combined with any other types of treatment (including antibiotic therapy);
- suitable for both treatment and prevention;
- allowed for both adults and children.
Usually the course of homeopathic remedies is long, lasts several months (at the discretion of the specialist).
Recommended drugs:
- Kantaris - used for severe pain and burning, frequent urination, dark bloody urine. The most frequent dosage is 5 9CN granules every hour and a half.
- Mercury Corusivus - prescribed for painful tenesmus, blood excretion in the urine. The dosage can be 5 granules 7 or 9 CH every hour and a half.
- Arsenicum Album - take with burning pains that can be alleviated by applying heat. Dosage - 5 9CN granules every 2.5 hours.
- Terebintin - prescribed in the presence of dark urine with sediment, 5 SCH granules every six hours.
After eliminating the acute signs of cystitis, the frequency of taking the drug is reduced. During the whole treatment, it is recommended to pay enough attention to rest, drink plenty of fluids.
In most cases, during the development of cystitis during menstruation, the doctor will prescribe medication therapy. Only in difficult, neglected situations may need the help of a surgeon. Surgical intervention is indicated in the presence of a tumor process, or a growing cystic formation.
More information of the treatment
Cystitis before, during and after menstruation is always easier to warn. To do this, just remember a few rules:
- observe hygiene before and after sexual contact;
- to refuse synthetics in linen;
- carefully choose washing hygiene products;
- regularly visit a gynecologist for a routine examination;
- do not overcool, dress for the weather;
- change pads frequently (both daily and those used during menstruation);
- eradicate bad habits (do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, limit the use of sweets, do not overeat);
- stop using tampons.
Cystitis is a frequent, but not so harmless disease as it seems at first glance. If such a problem appears, then it will not disappear on its own: the lack of treatment can cause a host of other problems in the body. Therefore, in order to avoid health troubles, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first painful symptoms.
The prognosis of cystitis, directly or indirectly associated with the beginning of the monthly cycle, may depend on a lot of factors. However, the main condition for a favorable outcome of the disease is the timely start of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Independent searches for a miracle cure usually do not lead to anything good: in most patients, as a result of self-treatment, cystitis acquires a chronic course.
The first thing the doctor will do is try to diagnose the root cause of the inflammatory process by diagnostic means. Only by knowing this reason precisely, will the doctor be able to prescribe the appropriate individual treatment.
Cystitis before, during and after menstruation can be cured without much difficulty: the main thing is not to start the painful process and consult a doctor in a timely manner.