
Information about doctor

Doctor-urologist and oncosurgeon Leon Agulansky was educated at the First Leningrad Medical Institute, since 1988 he has been living and working in Israel. Trained in Israeli medical centers.

He specializes in the treatment, including operatively, of diseases of the bladder and prostate, including benign prostatic hyperplasia, adenoma and cancer.

Performing minimally invasive urological operations, the specialist uses many innovative technologies that allow for minimal complications to reconstruct the bladder during exstrophy, cystectomy, laparoscopic prostatectomy and transurethral resection of the prostate gland, remove the varicocele and dropsy of the testicle, and make plastic of the penis.

He speaks Hebrew, Russian and English.

Education and work experience

  • First Leningrad Medical Institute. Pavlova, Russia
  • Medical residency at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel-a-Shomer, Israel
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