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Antibiotics for cystitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Modern antibiotics for acute cystitis do not require the definition of a pathogenic microorganism (through the laboratory study of urine) and the determination of its sensitivity to a particular drug.
Pharmacological drugs of the new generation are universal agents that suppress the activity of most pathogens (staphylococcal infection, E. Coli, etc.).
In the chronic stage, on the contrary, a complete examination is performed in order to establish the root cause of the disease. Antibiotics for chronic cystitis are selected especially carefully, after the urine is analyzed and the sensitivity of the viruses to one or another antibiotic is revealed.
Therapeutic tactics for cystitis of bacterial nature (acute and chronic stage) include the use of antibiotics. The fact is that a cured acute process stabilized for a while by adherence to a special diet and regimen can go into a latent, sluggish pathology, with the first irritating factor (stress, hypothermia, etc.) growing into a chronic form.
Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics
Inflammation of the bladder requires diagnosis to identify the form of the disease (acute, chronic and relapsing), as well as the construction of an individual therapeutic regimen based on the data of the analysis and the clinical course of the pathological process. Only a competent doctor can recommend antibiotics for cystitis, reducing pain, burning sensation and rezi when urinating. Self-medication with antibiotics can lead to aggravation of the condition.
Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics, creating the required concentration in the urine, is conducted with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, patients are often encouraged to stimulate the body's immune forces.
The course of antibiotic therapy can be 1, 3 and 7 days. Groups of medicines for the treatment of cystitis:
- penicillins - cephalexin, ampicillin, dicloxacillin and others;
- containing tetracycline - tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline;
- sulfonamides - sulfisoxazole, sulfamethisole;
- nitrofurantoin - an antiseptic used in therapy of the urinary sphere;
- erythromycin - is active against staphylococci, gonococci, streptococci.
Pick up the drug, the duration of administration and dosage, as well as the possibility of using universal antibiotics that suppress most pathogens, should be a urologist.
It should be noted that over time, bacteria have developed resistance to a number of drugs. For this reason, a decrease in the therapeutic effect is noted in the following substances:
- Biseptol - activity against E. Coli is 25-85%;
- Ampicillin - does not help in 30% of cases when an E. Coli is detected;
- a group of nitrofurans (furadonin, furagin) - are used purely for preventive purposes;
- group of non-fluorinated quinolones - characterized by a narrow spectrum of action in comparison with fluorinated agents;
- the first generation of cephalosporins (cephalexin, cefradine, cefadroxil, etc.) are inactive against gram-negative pathogens.
Treatment of chronic cystitis with antibiotics
If you suspect a chronic form of inflammation of the bladder, you should confirm this diagnosis and establish the cause of the disease through laboratory tests, as well as additional diagnostic procedures.
Treatment of chronic cystitis with antibiotics is prescribed after the detection of a microorganism-provocateur pathology and its sensitivity to a number of antibiotics. In the case of a chronic process, fluoroquinolone group agents are recommended: ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin. These drugs cause an antimicrobial effect against most known pathogens of lower urinary tract diseases. The advantage of these drugs is a pronounced activity in the suppression of pathogenic flora, even in the case of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The success of therapy largely depends on the correct dosage and duration of the medication. These antibiotics for cystitis are not used in the treatment of children under 15 due to possible anomalies in the formation of skeletal muscles, pregnant and lactating women. The fluoroquinolone group should not be administered to individuals with intolerance to individual components.
Treatment of acute cystitis with antibiotics
Medical tactics for acute inflammatory process does not require the detection of a microorganism and can be based on the use of antibacterial agents of a wide range of effects. In order not to start the process and prevent a chronic stage, acute cystitis needs to be cured in a timely manner.
The most popular drug on the basis of fosfomycin trometamol is the drug monoral. The antibiotic is widely spread due to its ability to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria and to resist their penetrating ability in the bladder's mucosa. A unique antibacterial agent can relieve acute inflammation at one time.
Treatment of acute cystitis with antibiotics is not accidental. Completely cope with a bacterial infection without relapse in the future and the absence of exacerbations (chronic process) without the use of antibiotics is not possible. When phytopreparations therapy, the disease is able to retreat for a while, and then manifest with new strength at the slightest irritating factor (hypothermia, stress, immune shifts, etc.).
Alternative antibiotics for acute cystitis:
- co-trimoxazole;
- phosphomycin;
- norfloxacin.
The duration of the course, the dosage of the drug substance is prescribed by the doctor according to the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.
Name of antibiotics for cystitis
In the treatment of the inflammatory process of the bladder apply:
- antibiotics - are necessary in the fight against bacterial, fungal microorganisms and parasitic infection;
- phytopreparations are an integral part of complex therapy in parallel with antibiotics or as independent drugs in the initial stages of the disease;
- probiotics - combined with antiviral treatment to normalize intestinal and vaginal microflora;
- antispasmodics - as an anesthetic.
Antibiotics for cystitis - an integral part of the treatment process in cases of acute and chronic course of the disease. Control of the effectiveness of therapy is led by the attending physician, who, if necessary, can replace the drug.
The name of antibiotics for cystitis, which have found the greatest application:
- monural - the popularity of the modern drug in the treatment of acute cystitis is associated with the possibility of taking without a laboratory test of urine;
- nitroxoline (5NOK) - refers to the group of oxyquinolines, is used for cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, epididymitis;
- furadonin (the base of nitrofuran) is an effective remedy in the case of the bacterial nature of inflammation;
- furagin - used in case of infectious-inflammatory process;
- rulid - group of macrolides, is a substance of a wide spectrum of action, it is applied only under doctor's prescription;
- palin - a group of quinolones, is effective in combating gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms;
- Nolycin - a fluoroquinolone group, a modern antibiotic has a wide range of uses in antimicrobial treatment;
- nevigramon - the basis of nalidixic acid with pronounced antibacterial properties.
Antibiotics for women with cystitis
Cystitis is more common in representatives of the weaker sex due to anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary sphere (for example, the urethra is in close proximity to the anus and vagina).
Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women requires careful diagnosis with a visit to the gynecologist, the delivery of urine analysis / culture, DNA research, ultrasound of the genital area. Duration of treatment and antibiotics for cystitis in women are prescribed based on the type and severity of the inflammatory process. The course of therapy is 2-3 weeks. Modern antibacterial agents do not have a toxic effect on the body and have a minimal list of side effects. Women are recommended the following antibiotics for cystitis: sulfonamides, amoxicillin, fluorochlorins, phosphomycin. It is often required simultaneous reception of drugs from different groups.
At the time of treatment, it is important for a woman not to overcool, drink more water, keep to a diet (not to eat fried, spicy, salty), to exclude tobacco and alcohol, and to engage in sex using a condom. After recovery, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations and maintain the defenses of the body. For preventive reception fluoroquinolones and nitrofurans are suitable.
Antibiotics for cystitis in men
Malorasprostranennoe phenomenon - cystitis in men occurs against a background of prostatitis / urethritis due to a violation of the function of urine outflow and its stagnation in the bladder.
Inflammation of the bladder mucosa can be detected at any age due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, the presence of sexual infection (gonorrhea, mycoplasma, etc.), with testicular inflammation, frequent illnesses (influenza, sinusitis, etc.), kidney tuberculosis, hypothermia. When the first symptoms of the disease - burning and pain syndrome with urination - it is better to visit a urologist.
The choice of treatment regimen will depend on the diagnostic results:
- bacterial urine with the establishment of pathogenic microflora;
- the quantitative content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, mucus for general urine analysis;
- urogenital research for hidden infections;
- ultrasound examination of the kidneys and prostate;
- cystoscopy and biopsy, determining the presence of stones, neoplasms.
Antibiotics for cystitis in men are prescribed according to the revealed causative agent of the disease:
- fluoroquinolone group - nolycin, ciprolet, normax, digitan;
- nitrofurany - furadonin;
- cephalosporin group.
Eliminate the painful sensations will help no-shpa, nimesil, diclofenac, papaverine. The average duration of therapy is a week.
Antibiotics for children with cystitis
The cause of cystitis in children according to statistical data is more often the E. Coli, but before the treatment it is recommended to determine the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora to the pharmacological preparation.
Urinary tract infections are a fairly common problem of bacterial nature in childhood. In 1-5% of cases, the disease occurs without significant symptoms. And the inflammation is more often detected in boys under one year, which is due to congenital anomalies of the urinary sphere. In the age range from 2 to 15 years, the greatest number of cystitis occurs in female patients.
Antibiotics for cystitis in children with acute process:
- clavulanate or amoxicillin in tablets / suspension three times a day for 40-60 mg per kg of body weight, over 12 years at 375 mg;
- cefixime - 8 mg per kg of weight once a day, over 12 years - 400 mg;
- cefuroxime - twice a day: 30-60 mg per kg of weight for newborns, 30-100 mg per kg of weight for children under 12 years; over 12 years old -250mg.
- An alternative choice may be: co-trimoxazole, nitrofurantoin, nalidix acid.
Antibiotics for cystitis in acute form are prescribed by a seven-day course. One-time administration gives a large number of relapses. With the preventive goal, nitrofurantoin is recommended for a half-year / one-year course in the amount of 1-2 mg per kg of weight per day.
How to treat cystitis with antibiotics?
Antibiotics for cystitis are recommended depending on the microorganism-causative agent of the infection. Cope with the pain will help anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs: nurofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, the reception of which lasts from 10 to 21 days. As an antispasmodic, no-shpa, ketorol and baralgin are widely used.
In therapy with antibiotics, the duration of administration and dosage, which the urologist determines according to individual indications, is very important. The doctor controls the healing process, the combination of the main drug with the plant components.
How to treat cystitis with antibiotics of a group of fluoroquinolones? Preparations levofloxacin and norfloxacin are taken orally in the following dosage: 250 mg once a day and 400 mg twice a day, respectively. These drugs have a high bactericidal activity, have a wide range of antimicrobial effects, are characterized by good penetrability in the tissue and a long half-life.
Alternative means of treating acute inflammation of the bladder are:
- phosphomycin - a single dose of 3g .;
- amoxicillin and clavulanate - three times a day for 375 mg;
- nitrofurantoin - three times a day for 100 mg.
Antibiotics for cystitis are taken once, or courses of 3 to 7 days. The duration of therapy increases with:
- age of the patient over 65;
- relapse of the disease;
- diabetes mellitus;
- disease in men;
- pregnancy;
- separate types of contraception (diaphragm, spermicide).
Antibiotic for cystitis monoral
Monural - a universal agent based on phosphonic acid for the treatment of infectious processes of the lower urinary tract. Advantages of the drug: active against most known microorganisms (E. Coli, Staphylococcus, etc.).
For an acute pathological process, an antibiotic with cystitis monural is taken orally once, except for particularly severe cases (hematogenous type cystitis), when repeated use of the drug is required. The drug has a fast penetrating ability in the blood and kidneys. The maximum concentration of the drug in urine is maintained for a day or more, which allows you to fully cope with the pathogenic microflora.
The activity of the monural is the inhibition of enzyme activity, which is a building material for the walls of infectious cells. Antibiotic for cystitis monural does not cause toxic reactions, so taking the medicine is possible in pregnant women.
The medicine is not prescribed: in cases of individual sensitivity, serious pathologies of the kidneys, in the treatment of children under 5 years of age, during the period of breastfeeding (with milk it gets to the baby).
Monural is rarely used in cases of chronic process, as it will cope with the neglected form of cystitis with a one-time drug intake will not work.
In order to control the quality of the treatment course, a urinalysis is performed.
Antibiotic for cystitis nolycin
Nolitsin belongs to the second generation of fluoroquinolones and is a drug with a wide spectrum of action. Tablets are indicated for the treatment of cystitis in patients of either sex. They are not prescribed for children under 18 years of age, as well as for women during gestation and lactation.
Based on the specificity of inflammation, the antibiotic for cystitis nolitsin is recommended in the following dosages:
- with a view to prevention - 200 mg / 2 days by a course of 10 days for three months;
- uncomplicated acute cystitis - 400 mg / 2 days from 7 to 10 days;
- chronic process - 400 mg / 2 days from 2 to 4 weeks;
- complicated conditions - at the discretion of the doctor.
The medicine is drunk on an empty stomach with a large volume of water.
Nolitsin is not used for individual intolerance, in cases of hepatic / renal insufficiency, in the state of enzymatic deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
The drug rarely causes side effects, which, in addition to allergies include: digestive problems, dizziness, fatigue, convulsions and headache.
Antibiotic is not compatible with alcohol and a group of nitrofurans.
Antibiotic once for cystitis
Quickly return to the usual way of life, forgetting about the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis, it became possible due to the preparations of a new generation. To such high-speed drugs include monural and digitan - antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. The therapeutic effect is achieved by prolonged action, based on the ability of the drug to create the maximum concentration in the infectious focus.
Fosfomycin trometamol (monomial analogue) - a single-use antibiotic for cystitis - is also effective in suppressing the majority of known microorganisms. Treatment is achieved by maximizing the accumulation of the active substance in the urine.
Advantages of a single therapy are:
- early recovery with minimal effort;
- small financial costs;
- minor side effects;
- lack of probability of the emergence of resistance from microorganisms.
Single dose is typical for the treatment of acute uncomplicated inflammatory process of the bladder. Antibiotics for cystitis, used by short courses:
- amoxicillin / clavulanate - penicillin-protected β-lactam antibiotics;
- cefixime, ceftibuten, cefuroxime, cefaclor - oral cephalosporins II-III generation;
- co-trimoxazole.
Antibiotics for cystitis in pregnancy
Treatment of diseases in anticipation of the child should be gentle, consistent with the doctor and the expediency of its appointment is confirmed by the results of the analyzes.
During the gestation of a baby, cystitis manifests itself more often in the early stages, when the immune system is weakened as much as possible. The choice of therapy, both traditional and folk, should be approached with extreme caution. No doctor predicts the reactions of the pregnant body to the usual herbal remedy. It is also known that common antibiotics in cystitis adversely affect the embryo.
In the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women, it is necessary that the pharmacological agent act directly in the source of the infection, i.e. In the bladder. Fortunately, the pharmacological market is actively developing and to date there are permitted antibiotics for cystitis in pregnancy:
- monural - a powder with a wide spectrum of action, is recommended in case of acute inflammation. Most often, the therapeutic course consists of one intake of 3 g dissolved in water substance. The medicine is used according to medical indications, sometimes it is necessary to take a second dose, and in a more severe clinical picture - systematic maintenance of the drug concentration within seven days;
- kanefron - on the basis of vegetable raw materials, helps to get rid of spasms in acute and chronic inflammation, has an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. The daily norm of the medication is 2 tablespoons;
- cystone - is characterized by anti-inflammatory and diuretic action. The selected complex of plant components not only cope with the symptoms of cystitis, but also helps to remove sand / stones and kidneys. The recommended dose for adults is 2 tables / 2-3;
- amoxiclav - to this tool are used less often because of possible negative effects on the fetus.
Often, women wait for the baby to spend the installation of the bladder, during which by means of a catheter drugs (boric acid, rivanol, oils, etc.) are injected directly into the pathogenic focus. Such therapy is possible only in the early stages of gestation and for special indications.
Cystitis after antibiotics
The use of pharmacological drugs at their own discretion or therapy with alternative methods can damage health and cause an exacerbation of the pathological process. The state of acute cystitis after antibacterial treatment is a frequent phenomenon in clinical practice. In women, bladder pathology is joined by bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis ("thrush").
As it turns out, that cystitis after antibiotics is quite natural consequence of self-treatment or illiterate built medical tactics. The culprit of the disease is conditionally pathogenic microorganisms present in the vagina, on the head of the penis and perineum. In a healthy organism, the microflora is restrained by the immune system.
In cases of cystitis with candidiasis, the use of antimicrobial agents is strictly forbidden. Therapy is based on the use of flucostat with the processing of the genital organs from the outside with nystatin ointment or candida cream.
Antibiotics for cystitis are provocative exacerbations of candidiasis, so their intake requires mandatory maintenance of the body's defenses. In order to improve immunity for 1.5-2 months is necessary daily:
- to drink on a dream coming on a glass of yogurt with lactobacilli. Even better, if you prepare kefir yourself from the acquired starter or will take probiotics with live strains of fermented bacteria;
- drink two complly pills;
- twice a day to drink tincture of echinacea (half a cup of water 25 drops);
- in the afternoon before the main meal, drink a tablespoon of pasty phytolysin, dissolved in half a glass of warm water.
The described preventive measures will help to prevent cystitis after antibiotics and will maintain the normal state of the intestinal microflora without manifestations of consequences in the form of dysbiosis.
The best antibiotic for cystitis
Patients' feedback and clinical practice data indicate that the best antibiotic for cystitis to date is a monoral that suppresses the proliferation of microorganisms and improves bactericidal characteristics of urine. Improvement of the condition patients are noted after a couple of hours after taking the drug.
It should be remembered that monural is effective for acute inflammation of the bladder, therefore, only a urologist can prescribe the treatment on the basis of diagnosis and the established type of cystitis. No less effective antibiotics for cystitis, used only on the recommendation of the attending physician:
- nevigramon;
- nitroxoline;
- normax;
- nolicin;
- norbactin.
If symptoms of an ascending infection are detected, in addition to antibacterial drugs, sulfonamides (biseptol, 5HOK) should be taken.
According to doctors, the best antibiotic for cystitis is an individually selected remedy in accordance with the peculiarities of the disease (pathogenic microorganism, severity of the process, accompanying pathologies, etc.).
Natural antibiotic for cystitis
Modern medical science develops funds on the basis of only plant raw materials, not inferior in effectiveness to the usual antibacterial drugs. Advantages of innovative medicines are:
- absence of side effect;
- not influence the beneficial bacteria of the body;
- the possibility of using in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.
Cetrazine - a natural antibiotic for cystitis has not only good antiviral, antibacterial properties, but also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the body's defenses, without causing dysbacteriosis. The main component of the drug is Icelandic moss with usnic acid, which is active against streptococci, staphylococci, mycobacteria, and the like.
To overcome viruses by stimulating immune cells, helps extract from the andrografis plant. Antibiotic for cystitis cetrazine contains propolis and St. John's wort known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects. Pancreatin provides enhanced action and digestibility of the drug.
A multi-component preparation is recommended for use in urology and gynecology. The course of treatment in adults is 10 days in dosage - 1tab / with meals.
How to cure cystitis without antibiotics?
Antibiotics for cystitis are prescribed in the acute and chronic stages of the inflammatory process, as well as in cases of recurrence of the disease. Conditions that are not accompanied by a strong pain syndrome and temperature can be treated with phytopreparations:
- Monorail - tablets with cranberry extract and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), preventing the attachment of bacteria to the bladder mucosa. Used as a preventive agent for long-term use;
- cyston - Ayurvedic remedy, which contained more than a dozen vegetable components. Has a pronounced diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. The use of the drug for a long time removes inflammation, increases the activity of antibiotics, causes the removal of stones from the kidneys;
- paste phytolysin - a herbal mixture of nine plants with the addition of pine, orange and sage oils. Water-alcohol extract is antispasmodic, has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, causes the excretion of sand from the kidneys;
- cranberry leaf - the most active against Staphylococcus aureus, in addition to antimicrobial action contributes to increased immunity;
- kanefron - a preparation based on plant raw materials (rosemary, centenarius, lovage root) is sold in tablet form, dragee and solution. Reduces pain, rubbing with urination. Prevents complications of cystitis in the chronic stage.
The above natural remedies answer the question of how to cure cystitis without antibiotics. In order to accelerate the treatment process and the absence of relapses, one should adhere to the rules:
- adherence to bed rest;
- warming the lower abdomen with a warmer;
- foot baths;
- drinking anti-inflammatory decoctions of chamomile, dill, calendula, etc .;
- Exclusion from the diet of salines, smoked products, sharp and fried foods;
- refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol-containing beverages;
- drink more liquids (compotes, decoctions, fruit drinks, green tea).
If no effect is observed for one to two weeks, you should consult a specialist who prescribes antibiotics for cystitis.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Antibiotics for cystitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.