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Cevicap is vitamin C, ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum), γ-Lactone 2,3-dehydro L-gulonic acid. Refers to vitamin preparations.
Indications Cevicape
Among the indications for the use of Cevicap are the following:
- vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis C, scurvy;
- hereditary disorders of blood coagulability, hemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding or bleeding of various etiologies (from the nasal cavity, gums, lungs, uterus, etc.);
- period of radiation therapy;
- infectious diseases, intoxication syndrome;
- overdose with drugs that affect blood clotting;
- inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder;
- atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
- period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, toxicosis, nephropathy;
- Addison's disease;
- badly tightening burn wounds, traumatic skin lesions, ulcerative skin lesions, bone fractures;
- congenital methemoglobinemia;
- Dental diseases, stomatitis, periodontal disease;
- large physical and mental overload, overwork;
- recovery after long-term illness;
- support of the organism in the winter-spring season, in the period of epidemics;
- chronic form of vaginosis, vaginitis, elimination of dysbacteriosis of the vagina.
Release form
Cevicap is available in the form of dragees, tablets (including chewing gum, with various flavors and flavors), soluble powder for making beverages, effervescent soluble tablets (with lemon flavor), in the form of drops for oral administration, solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration and etc.
The following are the most common forms of the preparation:
- drops for oral administration, 100 mg / ml, dark glass jar-dropper with a volume of 10 ml, in a cardboard package;
- drops for oral administration, 100 mg / ml, dark glass jar-dropper with a volume of 30 ml in a cardboard package;
- Cevicap-tablets, 500 mg, 10 pieces in cellulose or cell packs;
- Cevicap-tablets, 500 mg, 2 pieces in a cellulose or cellular contour pack;
- Cevicap-tablets, 500 mg, in dark glass jars.
The drug is produced by the Polish pharmaceutical joint-stock company Medan Pharma Terpol Group.
The active substance of the drug Cevicap - ascorbic acid - a pronounced reducing agent. This substance affects the reduction and oxidation reactions, the blood coagulability, normalizes the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the permeability of capillary walls, promotes the restoration of tissue structures (enhances the production of collagen, elastin and proteoglycans), participates in the production of steroids, the formation of DNA and RNA, strengthens immunological ability of the body.
Ascorbic acid is not produced by the human body. His admission is carried out with food. With infectious pathologies and inflammatory processes in the body, the level of this vitamin in the blood cells drops sharply, which negatively affects the immune system. Lack of ascorbic acid can provoke the development of hypovitaminosis, not only vitamin C, but also vitamins B¹, B², A, and E.
Intra-vaginal administration of the drug contributes to a decrease in the ph of the vaginal environment, to the inhibition of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as to the regeneration and stabilization of the vaginal microflora.
Absorption of the drug is carried out in the small intestine, under the influence of glucose. When taking Cevicup up to 200 mg, absorption increases to 70% of the amount consumed. If the dosage continues to increase, the absorption may decrease by half, up to 20%. Diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, the presence of parasites, giardiasis), or vitamin C deficiency worsen the degree of absorption of the drug in the intestine.
The highest level of active substance in the blood serum (with internal application) is found after 4 hours. Ascorbic acid enters the blood cells without problems, and then into the tissue structures. Vitamin can accumulate in the neurohypophysis, adrenal glands, eye tissues, liver, brain tissues, spleen, urinary organs, respiratory organs, thyroid gland and pancreas.
In childhood (up to 11 years), the level of vitamin C in tissues is higher than in adults. The highest level of ascorbic acid is found in newborns.
The removal of the active substance occurs by the method of biological transformation, mainly in the liver. All formed metabolites leave the body through the kidneys.
Partially vitamin C is excreted from the body with breast milk.
Nicotine and ethyl alcohol accelerate the transformation of the vitamin, significantly lowering its level in the body. Women who are breastfeeding, practically neutralize the content of ascorbic acid in breast milk.
Dosing and administration
The drug is used orally (after meals), by injection or by intravaginal administration.
For preventive purposes, Cevicape accepts:
- adult patients - from 50 to 100 mg / day;
- children from 3 to 6 years - 25 mg / day;
- children from 6 to 14 years - 50 mg / day;
- adolescents under 18 years of age - 75 mg / day;
- pregnant and lactating women: during the first 2 weeks - 300 mg / day, then - at 100 mg / day.
For therapeutic purposes, Cevicapus accepts:
- adult patients - from 50 to 100 mg to 5 times a day for 14 days;
- children - from 50 to 100 mg to 3 times a day for 14 days.
For the treatment of scurvy, the dosage is increased:
- adults take 1 g / day;
- children - 0.5 g / day.
The maximum daily dosage for an adult patient is up to 1 g, for a child up to 0.5 g.
The drug in powder should be used for breeding and making beverages (1 g of powder per 1 liter of liquid).
For intravaginal use, only those dosage forms that are suitable for the appropriate administration can be used.
When using Cevicape drops, note that 1 drop of solution contains 5 mg of vitamin C.
Use Cevicape during pregnancy
The least amount of ascorbic acid, which requires the body in the II and III trimester - at least 60 mg / day.
The least amount of vitamin in breast feeding is at least 80 mg / day.
However, despite the need and constant need of the body of a pregnant woman in ascorbic acid, you should not abuse the drug. The drug passes unhindered through the placenta. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the baby developing in the womb is able to "get used" to the large doses of vitamin C that the expectant mother uses, which subsequently, after the birth of the child, can provoke the development of the so-called "withdrawal syndrome".
Ascorbic acid penetrates into breast milk. Usually, with the normal full nutrition of the nursing mother, the use of an additional medication Cevicap is not required. In such cases, the expediency of prescribing the drug is assessed by the doctor, having weighed all risks and potential benefits.
Cevicap is not designated:
- with individual allergic hypersensitivity to ascorbic acid;
- with a tendency to thrombosis, with thrombophlebitis;
- with caution - with diabetes and kidney disease (with urolithiasis).
Side effects Cevicape
Prolonged excessive use of ascorbic acid leads to suppression of pancreatic function, which, in turn, can influence the development of diabetes mellitus. In some cases, prolonged use of medication provoked depression of renal function or increased blood pressure.
There may be increased fatigue and sleep disturbance, irritability.
With intravaginal use, itching can occur in the vaginal cavity, the appearance of discharge, redness and swelling of the mucosa.
There is no reliable information about the possibility of an overdose of Cevicap. It is assumed that taking the drug above the prescribed dosage (more than 1 g / day) can trigger the development of side effects.
Vitamin C, used in high dosages, can influence the results of laboratory tests conducted with the help of oxidation and reduction (for example, Gergersen's reaction (fecal occult blood test), blood and urine analysis for glucose and creatinine.
Interactions with other drugs
Medicines containing iron. The drug Cevicap, due to the activity of the active substance, accelerates the absorption of plant iron in the digestive tract up to 4 times, especially in patients with iron deficiency.
Deferoxamine mesylate. In people with elevated levels of iron in the blood, the use of deferoxamine and Cevicapa (in the amount of 150 to 250 mg per day) accelerates the excretion of iron. The use of dosages above 250 mg per day does not affect the further increase in the rate of excretion of iron.
Aspirin. The use of acetylsalicylic acid in large quantities lowers the bioavailability of vitamin C.
Tocopherol. Vitamin E and ascorbic acid have similar properties with respect to antioxidant effects. The joint use of these vitamins allows each to complement and strengthen each other's action.
Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (Co-trimoxazole). When combined with Cevicape, there is a risk of salt crystals in the urine.
The use of Cevicap in larger doses (more than 2000 mg / day) can lead to a decrease in ph urine, which in turn can influence the excretion of certain medications (salicylic acid derivatives, nitrofurantoin) through the kidneys, and also speed up the removal of antidepressants and drugs phenothiazine.
Storage conditions
Cevicap is recommended to keep in a room temperature condition, not allowing the heating of the medication and exposure to direct sunlight. Vials with a liquid drug should be tightly closed, and the tablets should be stored in their original packaging. It is necessary to protect the place of storage of medications from free access of children.
Shelf life
Shelf life Cevicap - up to 2 years, with careful observance of storage conditions.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Cevicape" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.