Toxicosis in early pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Toxicosis early in pregnancy begins to manifest itself during the first three months.
The condition of a pregnant woman is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, nausea (usually in the morning hours), vomiting, severe salivation, a decrease in blood pressure, a strong reaction to various smells. Apparently, toxicosis is not only nausea and vomiting, as many people mistakenly suggest. In addition, toxicosis is not a disease, it is a woman's condition, which is caused by some changes in her body with the onset of pregnancy.
Usually, women suffer from toxicosis during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, usually the first symptoms of toxicosis begin to appear from 5-6 weeks. But there are sometimes cases when the toxicosis developed in the first days of menstruation, in some cases even earlier - as early as the first week of conception. Some women claim that the feeling of nausea arose the next morning after unprotected sex, but experts are skeptical of such statements. As doctors suggest, in this case, the psychological factor can play a decisive role when a woman experiences such unprotected sexual intercourse so much that she has all the signs of pregnancy, in addition to the general malaise due to pressure surges or poisoning that coincided with unprotected intercourse, can cause morning sickness of nausea.
Toxicosis in the first three months of pregnancy is experienced by most women. Rarely there is a late form of toxicosis (in the last months of pregnancy), which presents a greater threat to the health of a woman than the early one.
Toxicosis is the normal physiological state of a woman in early pregnancy. If the toxemia is mild or moderate, then special treatment is not required in this case. If a woman's condition is aggravated by frequent vomiting, severe weakness, significant weight loss - it is necessary to seek medical help.
Absence of toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy does not indicate any deviations in the development of pregnancy. The misconception is that pregnancy must necessarily be accompanied by a constant feeling of nausea and vomiting in the morning.
The duration of this condition depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. Typically, the toxemia passes by the beginning of the second trimester. Toxicosis continues until the placenta is completely formed in the uterus, about 12 to 14 weeks. After this, the most quiet period of pregnancy occurs. At the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester, toxicosis may begin again, in this case it is called gestosis, then a special treatment for a woman is required, since gestosis is much more dangerous than early toxicosis. According to signs, gestosis also differs from toxicosis in the early stages (severe puffiness, increased pressure, etc.). In rare cases, gestosis begins in the second trimester, which is most dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.
Causes of Toxicosis in Early Pregnancy
Experts believe that toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is the result of a beginning change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman. Such changes are extremely important for the normal course of pregnancy and the preservation of the fetus in the uterus. However, it was not possible to establish the cause of this very rare malaise of women during pregnancy. But experts know for sure that women with existing diseases of the digestive system, liver, thyroid, smokers are more prone to toxicoses.
At various researches toxicosis was provoked also by chronic diseases, too young age of the pregnant, hereditary factor, and also psychological unreadiness to become the mother.
Some experts suggest that toxicosis is the protection of the embryo from possible harmful habits of the mother (malnutrition, smoking, etc.). Most people consider the appearance of nausea, vomiting, general malaise during pregnancy is quite normal process for a woman who is preparing to become a mother. However, this condition can threaten the health of women and her child. With mild toxicosis (slight irritability, drowsiness, etc.), there is nothing terrible, but the severe manifestations, which are accompanied by strong and frequent vomiting, which lead to the loss of a woman's large amount of water and nutrients and the loss of strength, do not contribute at all to normal development the fetus.
It is normal if a woman in a position feels a feeling of nausea or vomiting about 2-3 times a day, mostly in the morning on an empty stomach. If the woman's condition does not deteriorate, she can fully eat, does not lose weight - then toxicosis can be considered a natural phenomenon that does not require correction.
Symptoms of toxicosis in early pregnancy
Toxicosis in early pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- weak or strong feeling of nausea;
- vomiting (rare or frequent and profuse);
- moderate or severe salivation;
- general weakness;
- a sense of oppression;
- irritability;
- weight loss;
- persistent drowsiness.
There are also more rare symptoms of toxicosis: liver atrophy, dermatosis, osteomalacia, bronchial asthma, etc.
Diagnosis of toxemia in early pregnancy
Toxicosis in early pregnancy can be of varying severity. What happens is toxicosis manifested only by increased salivation, not a strong feeling of nausea, infrequent vomiting in the mornings, in other cases, a habitual way of life is violated because of strong and frequent vomiting, when a woman can not normally eat because of this, go out, etc. .
The severity of a toxicosis a woman can fully determine by herself. Infrequent (once or twice a day) vomiting in the day is considered quite normal and refers to an easy degree of toxicosis. In this case, it is necessary to establish a source that provokes vomiting (a certain odor, food, etc.) and, if possible, eliminate it. If vomiting occurs more than five times a day, while a woman loses a lot of weight, it is already a serious form of toxicosis and it is necessary to consult a doctor, and as soon as possible.
Who to contact?
Treatment of toxicosis in early pregnancy
There are several options for treating a woman who suffers from severe forms of toxicosis. However, not all of them are safe and not all lead to the desired result.
Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy physicians are treated with medications, there are more than twenty such drugs. Usually, in severe conditions, No-shpa, microelements and vitamins in the form of droppers are prescribed - this treatment is relatively harmless for a woman in the position. Other drugs have a high toxicity and are used only in extreme cases, when the life of a woman is at risk. In the treatment of toxicosis an integrated approach is used with the use of several drugs and necessarily in a hospital. But such treatment is not always effective. Timely treatment usually improves a woman's condition, but it happens that there are no improvements. Heavy forms of toxicosis lead to dehydration of the body, severe weight loss, the appearance of acetone in the urine, tachycardia, disorders of the nervous system (apathy, delusions, etc.), icterus of the skin. Usually, in this condition, doctors recommend that the pregnancy be terminated, but such conditions of pregnant women are extremely rare.
Today, immunocytotherapy is becoming very popular. This treatment consists in the introduction of a woman's lymphocytes to the child's father. Usually, well-being is improved about a day later. This method requires mandatory hospitalization, as well as a thorough examination of the child's father for possible infections (hepatitis, HIV, Wasserman's reaction, etc.), but the risk of infection is still there.
A completely safe way of treatment is homeopathy, which also shows an effective result. This type of treatment occurs with an individual selection of funds, in addition, treatment is directed to the entire body of a woman. With homeopathy, there is practically no chance of overdosing, adverse reactions and addiction.
Essential oil of peppermint well eliminates the feeling of nausea. You can drop one or two drops of mint oil on a pillow or a handkerchief placed at the head of the pillow, which will help to avoid morning sickness. The smell of mint has a soothing effect on the body, in particular on the stomach.
Essential oil of ginger helps with severe attacks of malaise. To cope with the approaching nausea, you need to drop a little oil on your hands and rub it a little deep and take a few breaths. When vomiting can be carried out steam inhalation with several drops of this oil. As a rule, such methods help to successfully cope with mild or moderate form of toxicosis. Also used are acupuncture, electrosleep, hypnosis, and the like.
To combat the toxicosis yourself, you can follow some recommendations:
- in the morning, before getting out of bed, you need to eat a few nuts, cookies;
- during the day you need to eat in small portions, every 2-3 hours;
- Overcome the feeling of nausea helps chewing (nuts, a slice of lemon, mint candies, tangerines, dried fruits). Removing the feeling of nausea is also helped by cumin seeds or ordinary chewing gum;
- remove from your menu fried, sour, salty foods, chocolate, as well as foods that are difficult to digest;
- vitamin B6 can reduce the feeling of nausea, so you need to diversify your table with foods that are high in this vitamin (beans, eggs, chicken, fish, avocados);
- ginger good antiemetic. A piece of ginger root can be chewed or added to tea. Also any other foods that contain ginger (cookies with the addition of this root) will help eliminate an unpleasant feeling of nausea;
- you need to eat light and nutritious food - bread, fruit, porridge (preferably on water), etc., but if you are obsessed with a strong desire to eat something tasty, do not deny yourself, but only within reasonable limits;
- after eating it is recommended to lie down (if it does not torment heartburn);
- when toxicosis you need to eat meals in a warm or chilled form, also a glass of water drunk on an empty stomach will help overcome the feeling of nausea and general malaise;
- Alkaline water without gas reduces the urge to vomit. The use of a large amount of liquid (all you can drink) in small portions will help to dehydrate the body with frequent vomiting;
- with strong salivation is very helpful rinsing the oral cavity infusion of chamomile or sage. Infusions of valerian, mint help to remove spasms, and have a positive effect on the digestive and nervous systems;
- frequent and prolonged stay in the open air helps to get rid of toxicosis, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible, especially the kitchen.
Preventive maintenance of a toxicosis at early terms of pregnancy
Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy can be prevented (or a little easier to condition) with the help of some preventive methods. However, some doctors are sure that early toxicosis (in an easy degree) is beneficial for women and for the child, as it helps to protect themselves from harmful microorganisms and substances.
But in any case, if you are planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo a complete examination of the body, treat chronic diseases, lose weight. Also, you need to abandon the existing bad habits (alcohol, smoking, unhealthy food). Just before you conceive a child, you need to adjust your own food - start eating more fruits, greens, sea fish, meat. It is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks, smoked products, canned food, condiments (especially those rich in sodium glutamate).
It is worthwhile to do physical exercises that will help strengthen muscles, cardiovascular system. Pilates, yoga, gymnastics are good. Also it is possible to resemble a psychologist who will help to remove an unpleasant internal state (excitement about a changed figure, lifestyle, etc.).
If you are already experiencing an early toxicosis, then to prevent morning sickness, you can rub the oil mixture into the area above the navel (a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and a drop of ginger essential oil).
Toxicosis in early pregnancy, unfortunately, is a condition that most women experience. The exact causes and ways to eliminate this condition are unknown, physicians can only slightly relieve the severe symptoms of toxicosis. There are several preventive measures that can prevent the development of severe forms of toxicosis, but usually it all depends on the woman's overall health, her way of life before pregnancy.