Children's stomatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Stomatitis is one of the most frequent diseases of the oral cavity, especially in small children.
Causes of stomatitis in children
Each of the types of stomatitis is caused by a certain infection or other irritants. But the most important factor that plays a role in the formation of stomatitis is the immunity of the child, as well as a special device for the oral mucosa. Children's mucous membrane is still very tender and thin, so it is very easy to apply a microtrauma. There gets an infection, immunity, in turn, is very weak and can not withstand the pathogen, so the likelihood of stomatitis in children is very high.
The protective mechanism of the oral cavity includes saliva. In semiannual children, salivary glands only adapt to work, so saliva is very abundant. Since the body only "adjusts" this mechanism, not all the necessary enzymes are already put into use, so the antiseptic effect of the saliva of a young child is not yet as powerful as that of an adult. That's because of all these factors, young children are so often sick with stomatitis.
Candidiasis of stomatitis in children
The most common dental disease in childhood (especially among infants) is candidiasis of the oral cavity or so-called thrush. Its cause is an infection-pathogen - fungus of the genus Candida. He can stay in the passive state for a long time in the oral cavity and not manifest at all, but it is only necessary to arise the appropriate conditions, as he easily begins to develop.
The causative agent can enter the oral cavity of the child in various ways, but the main way of transmission of this disease is through the parents. First, the fungus can be transmitted to the child from the mother even during pregnancy and fetal formation. Secondly, the parents, of course, kiss their child, thus transferring the fungus, even if they have them in a passive stage. Another way of transferring candidiasis can become breastfeeding (if the mother is sick with candida of the nipple) or artificial feeding (if the mother took a pacifier or a bottle with the baby's food in her mouth).
The problem is that parents can have a fungus in a passive stage and not show up. When he gets into the still fragile body of the child, then immunity is often unable to cope, therefore, candidal stomatitis in a baby begins to develop and progress.
Candidial stomatitis in a child begins to develop against the background of a weakened organism, for example, after a previous illness. Candidiasis of the oral cavity can occur in weakened children, premature or born in low weight, in those who often get sick. But a completely healthy baby can get candidiasis of the oral cavity, especially if oral hygiene is not observed. There are also cases that this disease occurs against the background of prolonged use of antibiotics, however, as practice shows, the newest antibiotics do not lead to the development of candidal stomatitis in children.
There is acute and chronic candidiasis stomatitis, children often have acute candidiasis of the oral cavity. He, in turn, is also characterized by light, medium and heavy forms.
Often at first, candidal stomatitis occurs without symptoms. Then the baby begins to burn in the mouth, there is excessive dryness, itching. Quite small children are capricious at the time of food intake, do not want to eat, preschool children and schoolchildren suffer from an unpleasant taste of food and bad breath.
A characteristic sign of candidal stomatitis in children is a plaque on the oral mucosa - most often white or dirty gray in the form of curdled milk or a curd. When the fungus multiplies more and more, the plaque turns into a film on the inside of the lips, gums, cheeks and the line of teeth closing. It happens that the plaque manifests itself in the language. Redness covers the entire oral mucosa, often the posterior wall of the pharynx is affected.
With candidal stomatitis, the temperature may rise. All, of course, depends on how bad the disease is. The moderate form of candidiasis of the oral cavity is accompanied by a temperature of 38º, heavy can provoke a higher temperature. In more severe forms of the disease, lymph nodes can also increase.
With lighter forms of the disease under the plaque, which can easily be eliminated with a spatula, a bright red, non-bleeding mucosa can be seen. If we are dealing with a medium-heavy and severe form, then in the plaque will be observed filaments of fibrin with pseudo-fungal fungus, then the plaque acquires a yellow-gray hue. Remove it from the mucosa is very difficult and often completely it is not eliminated, the mucous under it swells and becomes bleeding. Breasts and small children endure such a disease very hard, in schoolchildren and preschool children it is much easier.
Candidiasis in children is not hard to cure, but the disease can get a chronic form. The most formidable complication is when babies with a weakened body can earn fungus spread throughout the body due to the spreading with the help of blood and lymph. In this situation, most organs and systems will be affected by candidiasis. In adolescence, candidiasis of the oral cavity can move to the genitals.
If the child's candidal stomatitis is repeated many times, it may indicate other more serious illnesses, for example, leukemia, HIV, diabetes, etc. Moreover, when candidiasis of the oral cavity the child often refuses to eat, this can lead to the fact that physical development the child will go unplanned.
Candidiasis can be similar to the usual lagging of the tongue. The main difference is that when the tongue is lined with the tongue, there are no problems with eating, there is no burning, itching, and, of course, a rise in temperature. To accurately diagnose, you need to do scraping from the tongue to identify the presence of fungus and pseudomycelia.
Herpetic stomatitis in children
Viral stomatitis in children has the most common form - it is herpetic stomatitis. The herpes virus is in principle distributed among 90% of the population, in children it is also directly related to the work of immunity. Every tenth child suffering from herpetic stomatitis, he can develop into a chronic stage and periodically there can be relapses.
Herpes virus is very diverse in its manifestations - it can affect the central nervous system, internal organs, the reproductive system.
Most often, herpetic stomatitis occurs in children aged 1.5 to 3 years. Most often, an airborne pathway is involved in its transmission, and can also be transmitted via a contact. Again, an important role in its development is played by accompanying factors, especially the immunity and mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
The development of herpetic stomatitis begins with the fact that the herpes virus penetrates the body. Also there are three forms of this disease - light, medium and heavy. The severity of the disease depends on the amount of rash. From two days to seventeen in children older than the incubation period is taking place, in very small children it can drag on up to a month.
With a mild form of herpetic stomatitis, symptoms of intoxication are not present, first the temperature is raised to 37.5º. The mucous cavity of the mouth becomes bright red, the formation of vesicles occurs, which is called the vesicle stage. Then these bubbles begin to burst, there is an erosion of the oral mucosa - this is the next stage of the disease. The rash becomes a marble color when the disease begins to fade.
The moderate and severe form of the disease manifests itself in symptoms of intoxication of the child's body. Before the rash appears, the general condition of the baby worsens, there are manifestations of weakness, drowsiness, the child refuses to take food. At first, parents may think that this is an acute respiratory disease, an ordinary cold. Lymph nodes increase, the temperature rises to the level of 38º. When the rash starts to show up, the temperature reaches 38 - 39º, there is nausea and vomiting. Moreover, not only the oral cavity can be sprinkled, but also the surrounding tissues of the face. In addition, the viscosities of the saliva are observed, the gums are inflamed.
In medical practice, severe forms of herpetic stomatitis in children are less common. When the form is moderate, cardiovascular system disorders, nasal bleeding, nausea, vomiting are observed. The temperature in some cases reaches 40º. After a few days, the oral cavity sprinkles, the entire face is affected by infection, sometimes even the ears and gums. The rash can recur and merge. Then the baby must be immediately hospitalized.
Aphthous stomatitis in children
Doctors now do not have a unanimous opinion about the causes of this disease, there are specialists who agree that aphthous stomatitis in children arises from failures of the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, aphthous stomatitis occurs in school children, rarely observed in children of lesser age.
Ulcers with aphthous stomatitis are similar in appearance to eruptions in herpetic stomatitis. Characteristic features of aphthous stomatitis are rounded or oval ulcers, which have smooth edges and a smooth bottom of bright red color. Basically they arise on the lips of the cheeks.
When the disease begins to progress, aphthous sores cover a cloudy film, which then breaks through. If a secondary infection is added to all of this, the disease can be complicated. There is a change in the child's condition, he suffers from drowsiness, lack of appetite, fits, often refuses food. Possible temperature jumps of up to 38º, although quite rare.
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Types of stomatitis in children
Depending on the cause that caused the disease, and the process of development of the disease, distinguish such basic types of pediatric stomatitis:
- candidal stomatitis in children;
- herpetic stomatitis in children;
- aphthous stomatitis in children.
Other types of pediatric stomatitis
There are other varieties of viral stomatitis. They can be provoked by various infectious diseases. Let's say that chicken pox causes a rash in the mouth, which quickly turns into painful erosion.
Diphtheria leads to the formation of membranes of fibrin in the oral cavity. If they are removed, the mucosa is damaged, if left for natural self-removal, then after them remains inflamed mucosa.
Scarlet fever causes the formation of a dense plaque in the tongue, on the fourth day the tongue acquires a bright red color, which is achieved because the epithelium randomly sloughs.
To the painful changes in the state of the oral mucosa can lead even to ordinary flu and cold: gingivitis appears (when the mucous membrane of the gums inflames) and the tongue is lined.
Allergic stomatitis in children can be caused by a local allergic reaction to the use of medications and even arise from food. Mucous can swell, there may be ulcers and raids. Such stomatitis is characterized by the fact that in their clinical picture there are no symptoms of intoxication and there is no hyperthermia.
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Treatment of stomatitis in children
If only the child has the slightest signs of stomatitis, he needs isolation from other children so that the disease does not spread. The kid needs a separate dish, towels, toys. It is important that these items are not at the disposal of other relatives in order to avoid the possibility of infection.
When a child is sick, one must always keep an eye on the hygiene of the mouth. After all, if in the period of stomatitis to give her little attention, there may be consequences such as, for example, a bacterial infection added to the rash. After the disease, naturally, the toothbrush is thrown out and replaced with a new one. If the baby is less than a year old, the mouth is treated with dental napkins with xylitol, which is an antiseptic and does not allow additional secondary infection to interfere with the case.
When the baby is still at the breastfeeding stage, the mother must treat the breast before each feeding. To do this, simply rinse the breast with running water, alcohol and soap is unacceptable - the natural lubrication of the breast will be removed in this way. If the baby is on artificial feeding, after eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease, the bottle will also need to be replaced.
When the child refuses to eat because of the pain from stomatitis, you can anesthetize the affected areas of the oral mucosa.
Usually, in this case, analgesic gels are used for teething. It can be: Kamistad (analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect), Kalgel, Babi Doctor (there is no ice medicine, because it can be used in children with allergies to this drug).
When treating stomatitis in children, it is important to monitor the consistency and temperature of food, as well as the diet. Ill children with stomatitis should consume liquid and semi-liquid food, it is best to crush it with a blender or at least knead it with a fork. Cold and hot food is contraindicated, in view of the peculiarities of such a disease as stomatitis, the baby can not eat salty, sour, spicy and canned. After eating, the mouth should be rinsed with an antiseptic solution (hexoral, miramistine) or running water.
When a baby is diagnosed with a thrush in the mouth, the mother is strongly recommended to be examined, as she is the first "suspect" source of infection, and may be sick with vaginal candidiasis and candida of the nipple. If the mother acts as a source of the disease, the baby will be able to recover only when the mother is cured.
Treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity in children
Local treatment of candidal stomatitis in children
In order to cure candidiasis of the oral cavity, it is necessary to create an alkaline pH. Pathogenic organisms usually need an acidic medium for reproduction, the alkaline environment, in turn, slows down the growth of microorganisms and leads to their gradual death.
To create an alkaline medium, use a solution of soda. In a glass of water, dissolve a tablespoon of soda. In other cases, a two percent solution of boric acid is used. The therapeutic effect is achieved with the help of aniline dyes - methylene blue. For the treatment of oral candidiasis, the latter is treated with them five to six times a day or more, but at least three times during the day.
It is especially important that the drugs interact with the cheeks and gums of the child, since it is the dental plaque accumulating at the necks of the teeth that contains the greatest number of pathogenic microorganisms.
The main agent for the treatment of oral candidiasis, including in children, is Candid's solution. The essence of its action is in the destruction of the cell wall of the fungus. Apply Candide is recommended within ten days. The important point is not to interrupt the treatment as soon as the symptoms are removed, otherwise it can form a resistance to this remedy. Sometimes for the treatment of candidal stomatitis doctors use Diflucan, mainly in adolescents. Dosage is prescribed in each case by a doctor.
General treatment of candidal stomatitis in children
If during a disease with candidal stomatitis the temperature rises, antipyretic agents are used. To improve the work of the immune system, vitamin complexes are prescribed. With candidal stomatitis, the child needs a special diet to reduce the volume of easily digestible carbohydrates.
Treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children
General treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children
If there is intoxication, then the baby should drink a lot, also it is necessary to reduce all body temperature by all methods. When the form of the disease is severe, the child often needs to be treated permanently. In this case, symptomatic therapy is provided to alleviate the condition and eliminate the symptoms that accompany it. To increase the body's resistance and to prevent the recurrence, immunostimulants and vitamins are prescribed. For prevention, a course of acyclovir. As with any stomatitis, the diet excludes the presence of sour, salty, canned foods, especially citrus fruits.
Local treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children
Herpetic eruptions are treated with propolis, they are almost always treated with oral infections of the mouth. Propolis has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. To relieve the inflammation of the mouth, apply herbs - make baths, for example, from chamomile and sage. When the baby is too small to rinse the mouth on its own, parents should organize it, moistening the cotton swab in the broth. All these procedures are carried out very carefully, because the child can give a rash pain.
The treatment with propolis, which is indispensable in the treatment of viral infections in the oral cavity, is shown. Propolis has an anti-inflammatory and at the same time antiseptic effect. To relieve the symptoms of inflammation and mucous membrane and gums are shown trays of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage. In the event that the baby is not able to rinse his mouth, parents need to treat the oral cavity by mouth, having moistened the cotton swab in the broth. Carry out such treatment carefully, it should be borne in mind that the child may have pain.
Herpetic stomatitis is treated with acyclovir. It can be used in the form of ointments, as well as in tablets, often apply both. Dosage is established by the attending physician individually. Usually, rashes are smeared three to four times a day.
In addition, when the rash will heal, it is necessary to use means for mucosal repair - the so-called keratoplasty (vitamin A, sea buckthorn oil, dog rose oil).
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children
General treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children
The reasons for the occurrence of aphthous stomatitis to date have not been established by official medicine. Now this is the area of work for an allergist, gastroenterologist and dentist. They all examine the patient to identify what could potentially lead to the disease. If the case is in an allergic reaction, then the main task of physicians is to establish an allergen and determine ways to avoid contact with it. If the development of aphthous stomatitis provoked the gastrointestinal tract, then the doctor tries to remove the causes of the disease. Also, antibiotics and antihistamines are used.
If the temperature rises, as in other cases of stomatitis, take measures to eliminate it. A special diet is prescribed, eliminating unwanted during the disease food.
Local treatment of aphthous stomatitis
The choice of antiseptics is handled by a dentist. They need to treat the baby's cavity from three times a day. The most important point here is that the antiseptic carefully influences the oral mucosa and does not irritate it. When the disease begins to fade away, the attending physician must determine the means that can provide recovery of the mucous membrane.
Stomatitis in children is a common phenomenon. Since the children's body is vulnerable and sensitive, it is important to follow the recommendations of the treating doctor. It is better not to improvise and not to use in the case of a child alternative medicine and homeopathy. Find qualified specialists and follow the procedures that they prescribe, then the risk of complications tends to zero.
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