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Medications for stomatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Since the etiology of the inflammatory process with ulceration is still not specified, a universal medicine for stomatitis does not exist, but in modern dentistry, successful therapeutic complexes are used that help to neutralize inflammation and translate stomatitis into persistent, long-term remission.
The most effective are three main areas:
- Local anesthetic and antiseptic treatment.
- Oral treatment, which helps to eliminate the cause of this or that kind of stomatitis.
- The newest laser technique, which quickly and reliably treats stomatitis.
In determining infectious, bacterial pathogens of inflammation of the oral cavity, antibiotics are prescribed. The medicine for stomatitis is the following antibacterial drugs:
- Lincomycin.
- Ampiox.
- Amoxicillin.
- Penicillin.
- Gentamicin.
- Kanamycin.
- Ofloxacin.
- Doxycycline.
Antibiotic is selected in accordance with the identified pathogen, age and condition of the patient. In parallel, probiotics are prescribed to maintain the microflora of the digestive tract, vitamin preparations, possibly antihistamines, to prevent an allergic reaction. When determining the viral nature of stomatitis, most often it is herpes, antiviral drugs are prescribed:
- Acyclovir.
- Zovirax.
- Immunal.
- Anaferon.
To activate the immune system is shown the intake of B vitamins, vitamin complexes containing betacarotene, ascorbic acid, folic acid.
Candidiasis is treated with such drugs:
- LeVorin.
- Fluconazole.
- Nystatin.
- Dekamin.
- Clotrimazole.
A local medicine for stomatitis is an antiseptic solution that is represented by a variety of mouthwash options:
- A solution of hydrogen peroxide.
- A solution of furacilin.
- Miramistin.
- Chlorhexidine.
- Spray Tantum Verde.
- Decoction of chamomile.
- Decoction of the bark of oak and sage.
- Decoction of marigold.
- Vagotil.
- Rotokan.
- Hexoral.
- Spray Orasept.
- Stomatophyte.
- Galavit.
- Malawi.
Local treatment of inflammation of the mouth, as well as anesthesia involves the use of gels, pastes and ointments, they are selected depending on the type of stomatitis:
- Oksolinovaya ointment.
- Viferon (ointment).
- Acyclovir.
- Lidochlor gel.
- Applications with lidocaine.
- Solcoseryl (dental paste).
- Sea buckthorn oil.
- Vinilin.
- Metrogil Denta.
- Bonaphoton.
- Tebrofen ointment.
Preparations for stomatitis
To date, there are many drugs for the treatment of stomatitis, but it should be recognized that it is rare to quickly cure this kind of oral inflammation, only in the case of timely diagnosis and accurate determination of the underlying cause. Preparations for stomatitis are aimed primarily at neutralizing pain, the second task of treatment is the elimination of the etiologic factor, which is sometimes very difficult to find, so the course of therapy, as a rule, includes the appointment of medications of various groups. The initial stage of bacterial inflammation can often be removed with regular rinses for a week, sometimes simply by replacing the toothpaste that does not contain LPS (lauric sodium sulfate). More complex cases involve long-term treatment, which includes the following drugs from stomatitis:
- Anesthetic, anesthetics, including antipyretic drugs.
- Antiseptic (antibacterial) preparations.
- Antiviral drugs.
- Antifungal drugs.
- Antihistamines.
- Stimulators of tissue regeneration of the mucous membrane.
- General strengthening drugs, immunomodulators.
In addition, medicines can be divided by age, not all funds for adults can be suitable as a treatment for children.
Anesthetics, pain medications that reduce pain, but can not cure aphthae, ulcers. As a rule, such remedies protect the open wound areas from stimuli, thereby reducing the risk of additional traumatization and painful sensations. Together with anesthetics it is recommended to use disinfectants for additional disinfection of the oral cavity. Anesthesia is carried out with the following medicines:
- Lidocaine.
- Trimekain.
- The kamistad.
- Anestezin.
- Benzocaine.
- Holisal.
- Decaturene.
Acute forms of stomatitis are often accompanied by an increase in temperature, in such cases, antipyretic drugs are indicated:
- Preparations containing paracetamol.
- Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
Antibacterial drugs are aimed at eliminating the pathogens of inflammation, therefore, the following drugs can be prescribed in tableted form, as well as in the form of injections, sprays, solutions:
- Chlorhexidine Bigluconate.
- Ofloxacin.
- Metronidazole.
- Amoxicillin.
- Biseptol.
- Lincomycin.
- Gentamicin.
Disinfection of the oral cavity is carried out by such means:
- A weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), is currently used extremely rarely.
- A solution of hydrogen peroxide.
- Miramistin.
- Hexoral.
- Polyresed.
- Sanguirithrin.
- Stomatophyte.
Herpetic stomatitis is treated with such means:
- Tebrnovnaya ointment application.
- Oksolivnaya ointment.
- Viferon ointment.
- Bonofet Ointment.
- Acyclovir.
- Cycloferon.
- Zovirax.
Thrush of the oral cavity or candidal stomatitis involves the appointment of the following antifungal drugs:
- Nystatin.
- LeVorin.
- Amphotericin.
- Candide.
To prevent swelling of the mucous membrane, possible allergic reactions, as well as for stomatitis of allergic etiology, antihistamines are prescribed:
- Tavegil.
- Cetirizine.
- Ketotifen.
- Cromones.
Preparations for stomatitis that promote wound healing:
- Solcoseryl (dental paste).
- Rosehip oil.
- Rose oil.
- Sea buckthorn oil.
- Propolis.
- Vinilin.
- The oily form of vitamin A.
Drugs for the treatment of stomatitis should be selected taking into account the possible long-term use, so they should be as safe as possible and have minimal possible complications.
Anesthetic for stomatitis
Stomatitis is almost always accompanied by pain, it provokes the formed aphthae, ulcers. The pain symptom increases when aphthous vesicles are already formed and begin to open. Such symptoms are not just uncomfortable, they significantly reduce the patient's quality of life, interfere with food intake, provoke a rise in body temperature, resulting in worse overall health. Particularly badly affected are small children, so anesthetizing for stomatitis is perhaps the first remedy that the doctor prescribes.
Anesthetic preparations for the oral cavity are most often produced in the form of ointments, gels, rarely - sprays. Local application anesthesia is effective if the drug is used in the form of a gel. The gel is absorbed well and quickly into the mucous membrane, penetrates into the deep layers of the tissue, reduces its sensitivity, affecting the nerve receptors. Also special are resolving tablets or lozenges, aerosols, which are sprayed in the inflammation zone. Many drugs that act as an anesthetic for stomatitis, contain lidocaine, such as benzocaine, trimechain, lidocaine. Also helps to reduce painful sensations by treating the inflamed areas with the juice of the colanchoe, but this remedy requires a long-term use and is not able to quickly stop the pain symptom.
Among the most effective means for local anesthesia, you can name such drugs:
- Tablet form of hexoral. Hexoral contains benzocaine and chlorhexidine, thus combining an anesthetic and an antimicrobial effect. Its only drawback is contraindications to the use in the treatment of children under 4 years old. Tablets dissolve in the following dosage - adults up to 6 times a day, children from 4 to 12 years - 4 tablets a day.
- Hexoral is also available as an aerosol, which is effective in the treatment and anesthesia of bacterial stomatitis. Irrigation of the oral cavity is carried out three times a day.
- The combined agent Stopangin is the effective analgesic and antibacterial drug. Stopangin contains tirotricin and benzocaine, tablets are used in the treatment of adult patients and children older than 6 years. Dosage - resorption of 1 tablet every 3 hours, the course - no more than 5 days.
- Spray Stopangin can be used as an anesthetic and antimicrobial agent for a longer time - up to 7 days. Irrigation of the oral cavity is carried out at least 4 times a day.
- Kamistad gel. This drug is applied to the inflamed areas. The gel consists of lidocaine and chamomile extract, the procedure for applying the gel should be done three times a day for 5-7 days.
- Lidocaine Asept aerosol. The agent is sprayed into the oral cavity twice a day. The drug has a characteristic inherent in all aerosol forms - the can should be shaken and kept strictly in the vertical position with respect to the oral cavity when sprayed.
- Instillagel - a drug that well anesthetizes the inflamed parts of the mouth, and also removes puffiness. The composition includes chlorhexidine and lidocaine.
- Lidochlor gel - the drug is effective after a few minutes, removing pain. The gel is effective for bacterial and viral stomatitis outside the stage of exacerbation.
- Holisal gel is a popular anesthetic and antibacterial drug, well perceived by the body. The gel is not only fixed on the mucous membrane, but also able to partially penetrate into the deep layers of tissues, while creating a protective film and providing an antimicrobial internal effect.
Closing the pain symptom in the treatment of stomatitis, of course, is an important stage, but it can not be considered the only therapeutic effect. Treatment should continue until the complete elimination of the entire symptom of the complex and most importantly - to neutralize the underlying cause of the inflammatory process.
Spray from stomatitis
Spray as a dosage form is considered more effective than its predecessor - aerosol. Why is the stomatitis spray effective?
- The shape of the spray provides a quick therapeutic result, which is not much less than the intravenous injection rate.
- The disperse formula of the drug helps to increase the activity of the active substance, therefore, the result can be achieved with a lower dosage.
- The small size of the drug particles ensures rapid penetration of the drug into the mucosa and hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity.
- The shape of the spray is convenient in that it allows you to adjust the dosage, in addition, the tightness of the canister guarantees complete antiseptic safety, unlike gel forms or ointments.
How to choose a spray for stomatitis? The medicine should be prescribed by the doctor, since the spray can be both an anesthetic and can only have an anti-inflammatory effect. Among the most effective drugs are the following:
- Givalex, which has at once three active actions - antifungal, antimicrobial and enveloping. Chlorobutanol provides anesthesia, choline salicylate relieves inflammation, thus having a complex effect on the mucosa of the oral cavity. Givalex spray is used in the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children older than 2, 5 years.
- Spray Isatis is a preparation from natural plant material. In the composition - oregano, essential oil of tea tree (antimycotic action), violet grass, arnebia root, dandelion, burdock, waida leaves. The spray has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal action, promotes the acceleration of epithelialization of wounds, has a haemostatic effect. In addition to treating stomatitis, Isatis is used in therapeutic complexes for gingivitis, angina, pharyngitis. As a phytocomplex is indicated for curation of many inflammatory, infectious processes of the oral cavity, both in adults and in children over 2 years old.
- Spray Tantum Verde is a form of the main active substance of the patented drug Tantum. The spray contains benzidamine hydrochloride, which is an active anti-inflammatory substance belonging to the category of indazoles. Local irrigation of the mouth with Tantoum Verde spray ensures rapid saturation of mucosal tissues with medicinal ingredients that help to stabilize the cellular membranes of mast cells and neutralize the activity of sensory receptors. Thus, the spray has an analgesic effect and simultaneously removes the acuteness of the inflammatory process, edema of the oral cavity.
- Iodine-containing spray - Lugol, the most famous of all listed drugs. The composition of the drug includes potassium iodide and glycerol. Spraying form of Lugol is a relatively new type of medicine that has been helping for many decades in antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. Spray Lugol is applied from 4 to 6 times in knocking in the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children older than 5 years.
- Inhalipt is a form of soluble sulfonamides that provide a rapid antimicrobial effect. The most appropriate purpose of Ingalipt in aphthous form of stomatitis. The composition of the spray includes peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, sulfonamides, thymol. Irrigation of the mouth is carried out thrice a day for at least 5 consecutive days.
- Spray Chlorophyllipt is a bactericidal and wound healing agent consisting of a mixture of chlorophylls, obtained from leaves and eucalyptus branches. Chlorophyllipt is effective in the treatment of bacterial stomatitis. Provided regular use of the spray twice a day, the symptomatology is reduced after a day.
- Propolis in the form of a spray is considered a natural preparation with antiseptic effects. In addition, Propolis is an active biostimulator of local immune defense. The only drawback of the drug is a possible allergic reaction in those patients who react to beekeeping products •
- Propofol Spray besides anti-inflammatory action promotes antioxidant protection and helps rapid regeneration of tissues of the oral cavity
Obviously, it is impossible to list all the species diversity in which the spray from stomatitis is presented in the framework of this article. In addition, such a dosage form can not be considered an absolutely safe drug, the doctor should select the spray according to the type of stomatitis and the severity of the symptoms.
Tantum Verde during stomatitis
Tantum Verde is an effective anti-inflammatory drug based on benzidamine hydrochloride. Benzodamine hydrochloride, in turn, is a non-hormonal, anti-inflammatory substance, similar in effect and chemical composition with indazole. Tantum Verde counteracts the production of inflammatory prostaglandins, and also helps to strengthen the cellular and vascular barrier .. As a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Tantum Verde in stomatitis can be used in the treatment of adult patients and children aged 12 years. The preparation has convenient forms of release - tablets, a spray, a solution.
How to use tantum verde in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity?
- The tablets are shown to dissolve at least 3 times a day.
- Locally, Tantum Verde during stomatitis is effective as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory irrigation. Tablespoon solution every 3 hours. Rinse should be done for 2-3 minutes.
- Spray is used from 6 to 12 times a day for 4-8 doses (taps), depending on the type of stomatitis and the age of the patient. Children should be treated with caution, not more than 4 doses per procedure (1 injection is calculated for every 4 kg of the child's body weight).
- Tantum Verde can cause a feeling of dryness, burning with an overdose or too long application. If the patient complains of discomfort, the symptoms do not subside, the drug must be canceled.
In general, the drug is well tolerated by all age groups of patients, side effects are extremely rare. In addition to neutralizing inflammation, Tantum Verde is able to have a quick analgesic effect, which, perhaps, is the most important for a patient with stomatitis in the first days.
Bioparox with stomatitis
Bioparox is an inhalation form of an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent that helps treat both ENT pathologies and many dental diseases. The composition of Bioparox is fusafungin - an active polypeptide antibiotic used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of infectious etiology. Fusafungin is obtained from a weakened Fusarium lateritium fungus culture, so the drug is very effective in treating candidal stomatitis. Bioparox with stomatitis of fungal etiology is perfectly combined with other drugs, without reducing their activity. In addition, the active substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream, which makes it possible to use Bioparox in the treatment of pregnant women and young children aged 2.5 years. The only negative nuance of the drug can be considered the development of dryness of the mucous membrane with prolonged course use, but this is not a definitive contraindication to stop the complex treatment of stomatitis. Bioparox effectively affects the group of streptococci, staphylococci, but is most active against Mycoplasma and Candida. The bacteriostatic effect of the drug is combined with the anti-inflammatory function, in addition, irrigation of the oral cavity Bioparox reduces puffiness and hyperemia of the mucosa.
How is bioparox used for stomatitis? Inhalation procedures should be performed only according to the doctor's prescription, if the drug is recommended, then it is very simple to use. A special spray nozzle is put on the spray gun, the balloon should be kept strictly vertical in relation to the oral cavity. This rule is the same for all aerosol forms of drugs. It is desirable that during the irrigation of the cavity the patient takes a deep breath, thus creating the conditions for treating the oral cavity in all zones, even hard to reach, including in the zone of the oropharynx. This method helps to stop the spread of infection and promotes the maximum antimicrobial effect. Regular use of Bioparox can reduce the severity of symptoms on the second day, and stop the inflammatory process as a whole in a week, especially if stomatitis is caused by a fungal infection.
Inhaliptus with stomatitis
Inhalipt is an antiseptic in aerosol form.
Ingalyptus composition:
- 0.75 grams of liquid norsulfazole.
- 0.75 grams of liquid streptocide.
- 0,015 grams of thymol.
- 0,015 grams of mint oil.
- 0,015 grams of eucalyptus oil.
- 1.8 milliliters of ethyl alcohol.
- 2.1 grams of glycerin.
- 1.5 grams of sucrose.
- , 0.8 - 0.9 g of a tween.
- distilled water.
- gaseous nitrogen.
Inhaliptus with stomatitis is effective due to the presence of synthetic antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components - norsulfazole and streptocide. It is these substances that destroy the bacterial flora in the mouth, stopping the inflammatory process. Menthol component (mint) has a moderate anesthetic effect, eucalyptus promotes tissue epithelization, thymol acts as an antiseptic.
How is Ingalipt used in stomatitis?
- Multiplicity - 3-5 times a day.
- The dose is 1-2 jets.
- Keep the contents of the drug in the mouth - 5 minutes.
- . High sensitivity to essential oils.
- Sensitivity to sulfonamides.
In the treatment of stomatitis in children Ingalipt can be used from the age of three in the absence of allergic reactions to plant components.
Lugol with stomatitis
Modern children hardly know the specific taste of lyugol, and the older generation remembers it well, especially those who often had tonsillitis. It turns out that lugol is also useful in stomatitis.
The structure of Lugol includes such components:
- Iodine.
- Potassium iodide.
- Glycerol.
- Distilled water.
Iodine-containing product was named in honor of the name of its creator, the French doctor Jean Lugol, who at the beginning of the XIX century was successful in this drug of tuberculosis patients.
The external antiseptic effect of Lugol is due to its pharmacological properties. Iodine molecules are able to bind and coagulate protein compounds of bacteria, which subsequently leads to the death of microorganisms. In addition, high concentrations of iodine have a pronounced irritant and cauterizing effect, it is also explainable by the property of iodine to bind to tissue proteins, precipitating them.
Lugol with stomatitis not only disinfects the inflamed parts of the oral cavity, but also affects the outer epithelial layer in such a way that it sluschivaetsya and when rinsing is removed together with bacteria. Apply lugol for the treatment of stomatitis is necessary for the doctor's prescription, like all iodine-containing drugs, it has a number of contraindications and features.
- Do not treat dry, severely ulcerated oral cavity. Before each use of lyugol, the mouth should be rinsed, moistened with a special solution.
- Lugol is not prescribed for pregnant women, but also for lactation.
- With care, lugol is used in the treatment of patients and nephropathology. Even external application promotes penetration of iodine into the kidneys.
- It is strictly forbidden to use lugol for allergy to iodine.
- Lugol is not used in the treatment of children under 5 years of age.
- The oral cavity containing purulent ulcers, aphthae is not subject to lugol treatment. The presence of lipid, purulent secretions neutralizes the antiseptic activity of the drug.
- Lugol can not be combined with rinsing with solutions containing essential oils, since iodine is incompatible with them. Also does not combine lugol with hydrogen peroxide.
How is lugol used to treat stomatitis?
A sterile gauze or cotton swab is wetted in the preparation and applied to the ulcerated areas of the oral cavity. The procedure is repeated 3 to 6 times a day for 5-7 days. Angular stomatitis (zaeida) may require lugol to be applied at night in the form of appliqués. In general, the course of treatment with lugol lasts no more than 10 days, if the drug is ineffective, it is canceled and another, more effective remedy is prescribed.
Zelenka with stomatitis
Treatment of stomatitis zelenok in our time can be considered an anachronism, since there are many other, more effective and simple ways to stop the symptoms of inflammation and neutralize its foci.
Many believe that zelenok with stomatitis is a method tested by decades, however, this drug contributes not only to cauterization of aft, ulcers, but also to drying of the oral cavity. In addition to the inevitable staining of the patient's mucous membrane and the hands of the person who carries out the procedure, the very process of applying green in the presence of convenient aerosols, gels, ointments and solutions looks at least extravagant. Nevertheless, we consider it necessary to give an example of the use of greenery, simply for objective and complete coverage of information on the treatment of stomatitis.
As a moxibustion, a 1% solution of a brilliant green, i.e., a simple chemical, capable of drying out the inflammation focus, is used. The procedure is carried out with a cotton swab or cotton wool stick, which is dipped in the green, and then it is treated with ulceration. After applying the remedy, the patient should not close his mouth for 2-3 minutes, so that the drug really worked. The fact is that to all its shortcomings, the green is quickly washed away with saliva, so the sick person will have to wait until it absorbs and dries the aphthae. Zelenka is used no more than 3 times a day for 3-5 days.
Despite its simplicity and accessibility, zelenka with stomatitis still can not be considered an effective remedy. Agree that the dyed teeth, the risk of drying out the mouth, considering the need to sit with your mouth open while awaiting the action of the drug, collectively neutralizes all the delights of using a diamond green remedy. In addition, zelenok, one way or another, can not be a mono-method in the treatment of inflammation, you still have to use other drugs, so it is better if this "emerald green" remedy remains as a memory of the development of therapeutic methods of getting rid of stomatitis.
Fukortsin with stomatitis
Combined drug fukortsin consists of such active components:
- Phenol.
- Boric acid.
- Resorcinol.
- Acetone.
- Magenta.
- Alcohol.
- Distilled water.
Fukorcin can cause several actions at stomatitis - drying, antimicrobial and fungicidal (antifungal), therefore it is used for various types of aft candidiasis, infectious. However, at present the drug is rarely used, for the following reasons:
- The arsenal of dental medicines has expanded significantly, new, more effective and safe drugs have appeared.
- Fukortsin has a characteristic poisonous-raspberry color, which is very difficult to wash off and gives a not very aesthetic appearance to a sick person.
- The drug has a specific smell of phenol, which is not tolerated by all patients, children are particularly sensitive to it.
- Fukortsin is not used for large ulcers and in principle does not treat large areas of the skin or mucosa due to the phenol contained in it.
- It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.
- With caution use fukortsin with stomatitis in children under the age of 1.5 years.
How to use fucocine in the treatment of stomatitis? In general, Castellani's liquid, also called fucocin, is intended for the treatment of pustules, cuts, erosions and wounds, treatment of stomatitis with this remedy is a kind of discovery by doctors who paid attention to the effectiveness of the drug in terms of antimicrobial and antimycotic action. The oral cavity is considered a very vulnerable zone, unlike the skin outer covers, therefore fukortsin is used in the form of point applications. Before applying the remedy to the ulcer, aphthae, they must be prepared - remove the crusts with a cotton swab soaked in oil solution or a tampon. This provides direct access to the wound for active components of fucocin. Further on the treated ulcers, the drug is applied pointwise within the erosive formation, without touching the surrounding tissues of the mucous membrane. Applications with fucorcine do not more often than 5 times a day, after treatment of ulcers, after 1.5-2 hours, rinse thoroughly or irrigate the oral cavity to avoid overdrying. The drug is most often used within 3-5 days, a long course of treatment with this drug is not provided.
In general, Castellan's liquid can be recommended as a drug, which should be in the first-aid kit of each family. Fukortsin can become the first indispensable assistant in the appearance of the initial signs of stomatitis as well as in the treatment of other wound surfaces.
Furacilin with stomatitis
Nitrofural (Nitrofural), better known to everyone as furatsilin - is an antiseptic agent, produced in such forms:
- Alcohol solution.
- Ointment.
- Tablets for solution.
- Aerosol.
In addition, furatsilin is a part of many antimicrobial agents as an active component, effective against various pathogenic microorganisms.
Furacilin with stomatitis is used as a means for rinsing the mouth, less often for irrigation. Especially effective are procedures for inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by a mechanical factor - irritation with a chipped tooth, wearing uncomfortable dentures.
How to prepare the solution yourself?
In a glass of boiled warm water, 2 tablets of furacilin are dissolved, it is most convenient to grind them first. The solution must be clear, that is, the furacil needs to be dissolved completely. Rinse is done by the ready-made product 4-6 times a day, it is necessary to make sure that the liquid is warm, so a large amount of the solution is not useful to prepare, it is better if it is fresh each time. The course of treatment can be quite long, since furatsilin with stomatitis is used as an aid for oral preparation to apply more active agents, in addition nitrofural is safe and does not cause complications.
Chlorophyllipt with stomatitis
Despite the fact that many preparations of plant origin are considered less active than their chemical "brethren", chlorophyllipt can rightly be called one of the most effective antibacterial agent. Its basis is Eucalypti foliorum extract - eucalyptus extract. Chlorophylliptum is available in the form of an oily solution. In 1 milliliter of the drug contains 20 milligrams of a thick extract of chlorophylls, obtained from the leaves of eucalyptus. The pharmacological activity of eucalyptus is due to the composition of its essential oil:
- Terpenes.
- Cineoles.
- Pineny.
- Aldehydes.
- Organic acids.
- Bitterness.
- Resins.
- Flavonoids.
- Tannin components.
Chlorophyllipt with stomatitis is used as an antibacterial drug that can simultaneously have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect, but unlike broad-spectrum antibiotics, it is effective only against cocci flora, that is, it is directed to the destruction, first of all, of staphylococci. This property is used in the treatment of dental diseases, especially if the detected staphylococcal pathogen is resistant to the action of the penicillin group. In addition, the drug increases the oxygen content in tissue cells, has a visible detoxification effect, increases the activity of local immune defense. Chlorophyllipt with stomatitis is used as a means for antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity, as well as for lubrication and applications in the areas of ulceration, aphthae. Convenient forms of release of the drug allow it to be used as a spray, and in the form of absorbable tablets. In the treatment of stomatitis, spray is much more convenient and effective, since irrigation helps to treat the whole oral cavity, thus disinfecting even the separated, hard-to-reach areas. Local applications with chlorophyllipt should be carried out only with the help of a solution, a clean preparation can cause a mucous burn. 1% solution of the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5, a new ampoule of novocaine can be added to the resulting mixture, this will provide additional anesthesia in the treatment of aft.
The course of chlorophyllipt in the treatment of stomatitis is no more than 3 days, provided that the procedures are performed at least three times a day, if the symptoms do not disappear, the aphthae continue to appear and open, the drug should be canceled and another treatment regimen selected.
Methylene blue with stomatitis
Methylene blue is an antiseptic drug known to everyone since childhood. Currently, it is so rarely used that it is difficult to get it in a pharmacy. Such a situation is explained by the fact that the blueprint has ceased to be the only available external medicine against infection, methylene blue in stomatitis is, as doctors say, the last century. Nevertheless, the drug is worthy of attention, if only because for many decades people were rid of microbial infections, candidiasis, was affordable, and it could be found in almost every home medicine cabinet along with iodine and zelenok.
The mechanism of exposure to tissue on tissue is due to its ability to produce compounds capable of binding the proteins of bacterial cells. Also, blue gets in contact with mucopolysaccharides, which leads to rapid death of pathogenic microorganisms. Sink is absolutely safe and can be used for patients of all age groups, including in the treatment of young children. The drug does not overcome skin barriers and is not absorbed into the blood, so methylene blue in stomatitis is still one of the most effective means 20 years ago.
How to use blue in the treatment of inflammation of the mouth?
- Cotton swab or a shelf is wetted in a solution of blueberry, the drug is applied to aphthae, ulcers in the form of point applications.
- Adults should handle erosive sites at least 6 times a day, often the prescription requires processing aphthae up to 15 times a day.
- Children are shown to use blue as a cauterizing antiseptic for 3 to 6 times a day.
As a rule, after 2-3 days aphthae are tightened with a crust and heal.
There is another way to use blue eyes in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity:
- Acquire methylene blue on a water basis.
- Lubricate the aphthae with blue every 2 hours, with pinpoint cauterization.
- After the treatment, blush the aphthae with stomatidine.
- An hour after the stomatidine, rinse your mouth and apply vinylation to the aphthae.
Methylene blue with stomatitis
Sink or methylene blue with stomatitis is a drug effective against thrush of the mouth. By acting as an antiseptic on the fungi of the genus Candida, blue prevents their spread and contributes to the epithelization of the affected areas of the mucosa.
Currently, methylene blue is used extremely rarely, not only with stomatitis, but also for disinfection of wounds, scratches, erosion. This is due to the huge arsenal of new generation medications that are more convenient to use, but most importantly - they have a complex effect on many factors provoking inflammatory processes.
Sink was really used in the treatment of stomatitis dozens of years ago, then it was burned with aphthae, ulcers. In the treatment, both aqueous and alcohol solutions of methylene blue were used. Witnesses of the time claim that methylene blue healed the patient from stomatitis in just 2-3 days. However, with all the positive characteristics, blue is still quite inconvenient to apply (it stains the mucous membrane, the skin), in addition, the solution is stored for a very limited period. If we consider that blue is the most effective against candidiasis, but it is ineffective against the viruses and many groups of bacteria, it becomes obvious - it's time to become blueberry remedy and "go to rest".
Malavitis with stomatitis
Recently, there has been a trend that can be described in this way: "There is no prophet in his own country." It is about drugs made from raw materials, growing far from the place of residence of patients, sick people. The principle of trust and close attention to such facilities is simple - the further the location of the plant active substance, the more valuable its properties are. Popular all that is indicated by the words - Tibetan, Indian, Siberian, Chinese, to these regions most recently joined and the mountain Altai.
Malawitis is considered a naturopathic preventive agent, helping to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. The key word in the definition of the drug is "preventive". Consciously emphasizing the readers' attention, the author of these lines pursues one goal - one should not rely on and hope that the plant complex preparation will quickly and reliably cure inflammation of the oral cavity. Malavitis in stomatitis may be an additional remedy included in the therapeutic complex.
The creators of Malavita describe it as a multifunctional drug, and the synopsis contains some contradictions:
- It is called hygienic.
- Malavit is described as a natural preventive drug.
- The properties that Malavit possesses are so numerous that they provoke the question - which of them is really basic: deodorizing, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, bactericidal, antihistamine, reflex, regenerating, anesthetic, anti-edematous effects. From the point of view of biochemistry, such a combination or a truly unique find, a constant world recognition, or simply an exaggeration of the effectiveness of the drug.
Malavitis in stomatitis can really be used as a prophylactic or for the treatment of the oral cavity before and after the main procedures (application of gel, ointment, cauterizing applications).
Malavita includes such ingredients (as a rule, in the list of components, the first one on the list is the one that is most active):
- Purified magnetized water.
- Glycerol.
- Food lactic acid.
- Copper (carbonic, sulfuric acid).
- Gum.
- Malachite, silver.
- Cedar pitch.
- Birch buds.
- Oak bark.
- Mummy.
- Incense.
- Chaga.
- Extracts of elecampane, dandelion, calendula, yarrow, mint, thyme, chamomile, mother and stepmother, aira, ledum, peony, sage, immortelle, eucalyptus, echinacea, celandine, plantain.
- Home-cocktail.
Malavitis in stomatitis is used as a rinse or application gadgets.
Rinse - 10 drops are diluted in a glass of water, the mouth rinses 2-6 times a day.
Applications - cotton swabs are wetted in a solution of Malavita in glycerin (1/1). The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
In a word, it is not only possible to apply Malawit, but it is also useful, but you should not rely on its universality and quick action.
Streptocide at stomatitis
Active sulfonamide, streptocide has a bacteriostatic property. Streptocide affects streptococci, gonococci, pneumococci and other coccal microorganisms. The drug is administered in tablet form inward, streptocid is also used for stomatitis as an external antiseptic.
Recipes for the use of streptocides in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity:
- 1 tablet streptotsida dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. The tablet should be dissolved completely, it is convenient to pre-crush it. Rinse should be done for 5-7 days 3-4 times a day.
- Streptocide can be administered internally, especially in the treatment of an infectious disease. However, at present this is rarely practiced, since there are many other, more effective, broad-spectrum medicines in the arsenal of physicians.
- Streptocide is used as an ingredient for a special dental chatterbox:
- 1 ampoule 0.25% of novocaine.
- Tablets furatsilina.
- Tablet streptocide.
- Tablet tetracycline.
Furatsilin pour a glass of hot boiled water, bring to a boil, pre-crushed tetracycline and streptocid tablets are poured into a glass container. There dissolved dissolved novocaine and dissolved furatsilin. All thoroughly mixed, or rather shaken. Aphthy, ulcers smear at least six times a day.
- Rub the streptocid tablet, apply the powder on a small swab that is applied to ulcers, aphthae. Tampon should be kept in your mouth for at least 10 minutes.
Obviously, a streptocid with stomatitis is not the best medicine, especially in treating children, its bitter taste sometimes makes such procedures impossible. Today the drug continues to be used, but extremely rarely, except in the form of a talker, besides streptocide can cause undesirable side effects and in case of an overdose it negatively affects the hematopoiesis system.
Imudon with stomatitis
Imudon is the lysates of a group of bacteria. A multivalent antigenic preparation consists of such inactive microorganisms in a dry, lyophilic form:
- Enterococcus faecalis.
- Lactobacillus acidophilus.
- Enterococcus faecium.
- Klebsiella pneumoniae.
- Lactobacillus helveticum.
- Fusobacterium nucleatum.
- Lactobacillus lactis.
- Staphylococcus aureus.
- Candida albicans.
- Streptococcus pyogenes A.
- Streptococcus sanguis.
- Lactobacillus fermentum.
- Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum.
As can be seen from the composition of imudon with stomatitis - this is an effective remedy against candidiasis form of inflammation, as well as bacterial inflammatory process.
The drug is indicated for the activation of local immune defense of the oral cavity, as it increases the production of lysozyme as an effective antibacterial enzyme. In addition, imudon helps to increase the level of immunoglobulin A in saliva, which is an effective way to prevent recurrence of stomatitis.
The regimen and dosage examples (the exact dose is set by the doctor):
- The acute form of stomatitis. Adult patients and adolescents older than 14 years - from 6 to 8 tablets per day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
- Prevention of stomatitis. Adults and children older than 14 years - 6 tablets per day every 2 hours, the course - 21 days. Prophylaxis is carried out every six months.
- Imudon with stomatitis in acute form. Children from 3 to 14-15 years - 4-6 tablets per day. Course - 7-10 days.
- Prevention of inflammation in the oral cavity. Children from 3 to 14 years old - 4-6 tablets a day for 21 days.
In case of an overdose of imudon, there may be side effects:
- Nausea.
- Dyspepsia.
- Skin rashes.
- Hives.
It should be noted that imudon very rarely has a negative effect, however, to avoid risk, the drug is not used in the treatment of children under 3 years old, and it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
During the treatment of stomatitis with the help of imudona should follow the rule - rinsing the mouth is carried out an hour after resorption of the pill. In addition, a diet that assumes maximum salt restriction in the menu is important, this is due to the presence of a sufficiently large amount of sodium entering into the imudone.
In general, as imunon immunomodulator has a beneficial effect on local immunity, there are no analogs to the drug, therefore its effectiveness is not only justified, but also confirmed by numerous clinical and statistical data.
Rotokan with stomatitis
The vegetable preparation Rotokan is used as an external anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent for stomatitis.
Rotokan composition:
- Flores Chamomillae - chamomile pharmacy.
- Flores Calendulae - calendula.
- Herba Millefolii is a yarrow.
- Alcohol.
Chamomile flowers due to the essential oil content (0.1%) have an anti-inflammatory effect, calendula, which is also rich in esters, soothes irritation in the inflamed cavity of the mouth, has antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Yarrow acts as a bactericidal component, and also stops bleeding due to astringent characteristics. Such an active compound contributes to a complex effect on the manifestations of stomatitis at any stage of its development. How is rotocan used in stomatitis? Rinse is done with a solution that must be prepared shortly before the procedure. The recipe is quite simple - in a glass of boiled water dilute a teaspoon of a remedy, a more concentrated solution can be used the next time if the first application does not cause an allergic reaction to essential oils. Application patches with rotocaine are also effective. The solution for applications is prepared in the same way as for rinsing, cotton swabs are held with tweezers, lightly pressing them to ulcers or aphthae. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day from 3 to 5 days in a row. Contraindications to the use of rotoque:
- Allergy and anamnesis.
- With caution during pregnancy and lactation.
- Rotokan is not used in the treatment of children younger than 5 years.
In general, the drug is low-toxic, does not have a teratogenic effect, and even in the presence of contraindications it can be used as a drug of choice when inefficiencies of similar antiseptics are ineffective.
Hexoral for stomatitis
Hexoral for stomatitis is indicated as an antibacterial, hemostatic and fungicidal agent. The drug is widely used both in dentistry and in ENT-practice and has proven itself as an effective method against fungal, bacterial inflammation of the mucous membranes.
The effect of hexoral is due to its ability to suppress the oxidative processes of the metabolism of pathogenic microorganisms, that is, the drug acts as a thiamine antagonist. Hexoral is effective against gram-positive bacteria, candida, proteus microbes.
Composition of Geksoral:
- Hexetidine.
- Chloksidina dihydrochloride.
- Benzocaine.
- Auxiliary stabilizing substances.
Hexoral after the application is very long, even after a single use, its effect lasts about 3 days. With stomatitis, Hexoral is indicated as a treatment for candidal infection, as well as for the management of aphthous stomatitis.
Forms of Geksorala - a solution for local rinsing, applications, aerosol for irrigation of the oral cavity, tablets for resorption.
How is Geoxoral used?
- Rinse - 4-6 times a day according to the indications. The solution is ready for use and does not require dilution. A single dose is about 15 ml, rinsing the mouth should be at least 1 minute.
- Irrigation of the oral cavity is carried out 3-5 times a day for 1-2 seconds.
- Tablets - children from 4 years old can dissolve 4 tablets a day, adults - up to 8 tablets per day.
Hexoral is not used in the treatment of children under 3 years of age, with caution used during pregnancy and lactation. The duration of the course treatment is determined by the attending physician depending on the severity of the inflammatory process.
Viferon for stomatitis
Viferon with stomatitis can be appointed as a remedy against viral inflammation of the oral cavity, that is, against herpetic stomatitis.
Viferon is a drug based on interferon alfa-2. It has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, suppresses the activity of viruses. Viferon with stomatitis is shown in the form of a gel or ointment, the application of which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucosa of the oral cavity. The use of gel forms promotes the stabilization of cell membrane tissues, has an antioxidant effect. Another feature of viferon is its prolonged effect, even after a single application, traces of drug activity can be found after 48 hours.
Indications for the appointment of viferon in the form of ointment, gel:
- Prevention of recurrences of inflammation of the mouth.
- Treatment of herpetic stomatitis.
- Activation of local immune defense.
Method of application of viferon for stomatitis:
- The drug is applied to a rinsed rinse mucosa.
- The gel is applied directly to herpetic vesicles.
- The multiplicity of the application is determined by the doctor, but it should not be less than 4 times a day.
- The course of treatment is at least 7 days.
- Acute forms of herpetic inflammation are treated within 21-30 days.
Viferon is indicated as an antiviral for stomatitis, the drug is not the only one in the therapeutic complex, its action is enhanced by additional procedures - antiseptic rinses, cauterization, intake of vitamin complexes.
Interferon for stomatitis
Interferon belongs to the category of antiviral drugs, when they talk about the use of interferon in stomatitis, it will be more correct to cover the list of drugs on its basis:
- Laferon.
- Viferon.
- Interferon ointment.
- An aqueous solution of leukocyte interferon.
- Acyclovir or zovirax.
Interferon for stomatitis is indicated for the suppression of reproduction of the herpes virus, provided that the inflammation is diagnosed as viral. The effect of the drug prevents further spread of the infection and increases the activity of local immunity.
How is interferon used in herpetic stomatitis?
- The solution of interferon is dripped into the oral cavity at least 3 times a day, 5 drops strictly after ingestion. Dosage is adjusted by the attending physician depending on the age of the sick person and the severity of the inflammatory process. The solution is prepared from dry powder of interferon and distilled water in a ratio of 1000ED to 2 ml of water.
- Ointment is not sold ready-made, this is due to a short period of storage of interferon, in addition, it requires special sealed storage forms. The ointment on the basis of interferon is prepared by the extemporal method, it includes vinylin as a base, anestezin as a local anesthetic. Ointment is used to lubricate ulcers, aphthae, after having rinsed the oral cavity. The mode of application and its course duration is determined by a doctor who observes the inflammatory process in dynamics.
- The most convenient are the ointments Acyclovir or Zovirax. They selectively affect those parts of the mucosa that are directly infected with the herpes virus. Ointments are perfectly safe for healthy tissue, moreover, they contribute to an improvement from nutrition, have an immunostimulating and anti-relapse effect. The drug is applied to the herpetic vesicle 4-5 times a day for 5-7 days. The most effective use of antiviral ointment in the prodromal period.
- Laferon - drips 1-2 drops per vesicle 4-6 times a day.
It should be remembered that all interferon preparations have a short shelf life, so they need to be applied according to the rules specified in the instructions, but it will be more appropriate to perform therapeutic actions according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician.
Acyclovir for stomatitis
Acyclovir is an effective antiviral drug, it is used mainly in the treatment of herpetic infection. Acyclovir has a moderate anesthetic effect, prevents the formation of new herpetic vesicles, contributes to the drying of sores and stimulates local immune defense.
Acyclovir in stomatitis is effective because of its pharmacological action. The drug inhibits the replication of all herpes viruses, including the Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. Interacting with the DNA of the virus, it penetrates the chain, tears it and creates an obstacle for the further development of DNA. Acyclovir in stomatitis is used in the form of ointment, tablets are usually not prescribed except for the systemic virus process.
Method of using aciclovir ointment for inflammation of the oral cavity:
- The oral cavity is preliminarily treated with antiseptic rinse, irrigation.
- Ointment is applied to aphthae, vesicles from 4 to 6 times a day, depending on the stage of the process.
Features of acyclovir, contraindications:
- Pregnancy and lactation. The drug can be prescribed in exceptional cases, when the benefit greatly exceeds the risk of side effects.
- Severe renal dysfunction.
- Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
- The patient's elderly age.
- Perhaps a burning sensation, itching after applying the ointment on the erosive surface of the mucous membrane.
Acyclovir is not used in the treatment of children under the age of 3 years. Exceptions are severe forms of stomatitis, however, in pediatric practice, the drug is used only to treat infants aged 1 year and for babies a medicinal product of an antiviral category with more sparing and safe characteristics is chosen.
Calgel with stomatitis
Kalgel is a drug with an anesthetic and antimicrobial effect. Calgel with stomatitis can be prescribed for the treatment of children, its use for adult patients is impractical due to moderate activity and poor analgesic effect.
Composition of Calgel:
- Lidocaine.
- Cetylpyridinium chloride.
- Sorbitol.
- Xylitol.
- Ethanol.
- Glycerol.
- Levometod.
- Aromatizer.
How does kalgel work with stomatitis?
Obviously, lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect, but its amount in the preparation is small, so count on maximum anesthesia is not worth it. Cetylpyridinium chloride plays the role of an antiseptic component that is effective against bacterial infection and candida. Thus, kalgel can be prescribed for both infectious stomatitis and thrush of the oral cavity.
How to use calgel?
The drug is applied to the tip of the finger and rubbed into aphthae, ulcers. The mode of application is from 3 to 6 times a day, the course of treatment is up to one week. If the ineffectiveness of calgel, it is canceled and a more active drug is chosen.
Kalgel can be prescribed to children aged 5 months, adult patients, as a rule, do not use it.
Fluconazole for stomatitis
Fluconazole is a synthetic antifungal agent of the class of triazoles, active against such microorganisms:
- Candida spp.
- Cryptococcus neoformans.
- Microsporum spp.
- Trichophytum spp.
- Blastomyces dermatitidis.
- , Coccidioides immitis.
- Hystoplasma capsulatum.
Forms of production of fluconazole:
- Solution for infusion.
- Capsules.
- Pills.
Fluconazole is prescribed for stomatitis as a fungicidal topical preparation, less often it is used in tablet form as a means of treating systemic candidiasis. Chronic form of candidal stomatitis is treated with antimycotics of systemic action - fluconazole (diflucan) or itraconazole.
Fluconazole is well tolerated by patients, not hepatotoxic, so it can be prescribed even to children, of course, according to strict indications
Approximate dosage (adjusted by the doctor):
- Adults - up to 100mg per day.
- Children - 3-5 mg per kilogram of body weight.
- The course of treatment is from 7 to 21 days.
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation.
- Hypersensitivity to the drug.
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Pimafucin with stomatitis
Pimafucin with stomatitis can be prescribed as an antifungal drug, helping to quarantine candidiasis. It is an antibiotic from the class of macrolides, effective against such microorganisms:
- Torulopsis.
- Rhoduturola.
- Candida albicans.
- Trichophyton.
- Microsporum.
- Epidermophyton.
- Aspergillus.
- Penicillium.
- Trichomonases.
The fungicidal property of pimafucin is due to its ability to bind the elements of the bacterial cell membranes, thereby destroying their structure and the ability to reproduce.
Pimafucin is used in the treatment of local candidiasis, but more often it is prescribed as a drug that oversees systemic candidiasis. Due to its specific composition, Pimafucin is perfectly safe for pregnant women and can be prescribed during lactation.
The use of Pimafucine in the treatment of candidal stomatitis:
- Adult patients - 1 ml of suspension 4-6 times a day.
- Children - 0.5 ml 4-6 times a day.
- .Before using Pimafucine suspension, shake vial strongly.
- To apply the drug to aphthae, it is recommended to use a pipette.
The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, during complex therapy, candidal stomatitis takes place within 14-21 days.
Drill with stomatitis
Tetraborate sodium or borax (borax) is a salt of tetraboronic acid, which is used in dentistry as a safe antiseptic with a hemostatic effect. The drill is used only externally as a drying antimicrobial preparation, which is unable to penetrate intact skin into the bloodstream. In addition, the drill with stomatitis can be used as a bacteriostatic and fungicidal agent as an auxiliary part of the general therapeutic complex.
Bura belongs to the category of alkalis, so it helps to normalize the acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Usually it is prescribed as a 20% solution for multiple treatment of the mucosa. The brew is dissolved in blue or glycerin, it is most convenient to purchase a ready-made pharmaceutical product, because at home it is difficult to determine the exact amount of ingredients.
The drill with stomatitis can be prescribed for any form of inflammation, but it is most effective in candidiasis and infectious stomatitis. The method of application is simple - you need to wet a gauze swab or a piece of sterile cotton wool in a borax solution and gently treat the entire oral cavity from the inside. The procedure is repeated in this mode:
- Adult patients - 4-5 times a day.
- Children under 12 years - 3-4 times a day.
Also, the drill with stomatitis is used as an application, spot treatment. Moistened in a solution with a swab, cauterize ulcers, aphthae, slightly restraining the tissue on an erosive surface.
Sodium tetraborate for stomatitis
Tetraborate sodium is a remedy for candidal stomatitis. A drug with such an exotic name is better known as borax in glycerin. Essentially sodium tetraborate is a form of boric acid, which can be effective as an antiseptic and an antifungal method. Currently, the drill is used extremely rarely, sodium tetraborate in stomatitis is a therapeutic anachronism. Bura benefits only when applied locally to inflamed mucous membranes and skin. Through the cells of the oral cavity or skin, tetraborate is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, excreted through the intestines and kidneys for 7-10 days after application.
Sodium tetraborate with stomatitis can be used in the form of a 20% solution for antiseptic treatment of the inflamed parts of the oral cavity, also the drill is used for rinsing, more rarely - point cauterization of ulcers or aphthae. Treatment with tetraborate is carried out 2-3 times a day for a week, as a mono drug drill is ineffective, moreover, a long course of its use can only do harm. Complications look like hyperemia of the mucous membrane, a burning sensation. Sodium tetraborate can not be used to treat stomatitis in children, pregnant women and during lactation. Bura can be successfully replaced with more modern and convenient forms of new drugs that have a complex effect and have no side effects.
Borax in glycerin for stomatitis
The borax in glycerin is the most common form of sodium tetraborate production. Bura is considered one of the simplest and at the same time effective antiseptic agents effective against thrush of the mouth. The borax in glycerin for stomatitis of Candida etiology can be used for patients of all age groups, this is due to the safety of the drug.
The mode and methods of using borax in glycerin:
- Treatment of the entire oral cavity - 2-3 times a day.
- Spot treatment of candidiasis aft - 4-6 times a day.
- The course of treatment is from 3 to 10 days depending on the stage of the disease.
Bura has practically no contraindications, it can not be treated with large ulcers and extensive areas of the mucous membrane or skin due to the risk of metabolic alkalosis. On the areas of the oral cavity, treated with borax, reddening may appear, a burning sensation may be felt, but this is a perfectly acceptable sign, indicative of the action of tetraborate on the microbial focus. In addition, some doctors do not recommend the use of borax in glycerin in the treatment of children under 3 years due to the potential danger of swallowing the drug, since the drug has the property of accumulating in bone tissue and has an insecticidal action of Class IV.
Vinylinum with stomatitis
Vinylinum is also called Shostakovskiy's balm, and indeed, this truly universal remedy was invented in the 40th war years of the last century by a young, talented chemist MF. Shostakovskiy. Balsam at the time was necessary to save many thousands of wounded, in our time, vinilin remains in service with doctors and continues to help in the treatment of infected wounds, contributes to the epithelization of hard-to-break erosions.
Vinylinum is used in stomatitis as a solution or balm, depending on the type of inflammation. Due to its composition, the agent helps in the shortest possible time to destroy bacterial foci and accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium. The basis of vinylin: is a unique component found in 1941 by Shostakovski, polyvinoks. This is a specific polyvinyl butyl ether, which perfectly enters into an "alliance" with oils and organic solvents, and simultaneously does not dissolve in water. Vinylinum has at once three effects - antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating. According to the consistency, the preparation can be different, depending on the form, the balsam is viscous, thick, the solution is more liquid, but opaque, has a specific odor. Vinilin is applied to aphthae, ulcers 5-6 times a day, it is desirable to lubricate them and overnight. In addition, that balm well neutralizes the bacterial flora and promotes wound healing, it has a unique property that is not found in other drugs. Polyvinoks helps the wound surface to be cleaned of the products of microbial activity, thus, the agent makes it possible to reduce the frequency of antiseptic treatment, which sometimes causes painful sensations.
Vinilin has practically no contraindications, allergic reactions to the active substance are very rare. Pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers are prescribed only when it is not possible to replace vinylamine with another drug; children also prefer to replace vinylin with a more sparing medicine because of the specific odor.
Medications for stomatitis, which help to eliminate foci of inflammation, can have various forms - tablets, ointments, gels, solutions, sprays. The choice of the drug, its forms, the regimen of reception and rinses, as well as the duration of the course is the activity of the attending physician, self-medication with stomatitis is not permissible, since this disease is treated with difficulty and is prone to relapse.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Medications for stomatitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.