

Overview of medicines

Effective syrups with bronchitis: from cough, expectorant, on herbs

Bronchitis, as one of the types of inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system, is simply impossible to imagine without a cough. And, in spite of the fact that even this word makes a person cower under the weight of unpleasant, painful memories, cough in itself is often more useful than harm.

New and better antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action: names of tablets, ointments, drops, suspensions

Diseases caused by bacterial infections existed as much as there is humanity itself. But the trouble is, with each year their number grows, and the bacteria evolve, they learn to disguise themselves and survive in unfavorable conditions.

Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action of new generation: names

Broad-spectrum antibiotics of the 5th generation are predominantly ureido and piperazinopenicillins, as well as the only permitted drug from the cephalosporin group.

Treatment of joint and heart rheumatism with antibiotics and other agents

A common systemic disease of connective tissue and vessels is rheumatism. Consider the features of his treatment with antibiotics, types of drugs.

Antibiotics for urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra. Let's consider features of its treatment by means of antibiotics, kinds of medicines and a rule of their application.

What and how many to drink antibiotics with scarlet fever?

A dangerous disease that occurs in adults and children is scarlet fever. Consider the features of its treatment with antibiotics, the types of drugs and their effectiveness.

Amber acid for children: indications for use, dosage

Succinic acid refers to dibasic carboxylic acids and is a colorless crystalline substance that participates in cellular respiration (biochemical reactions) of living organisms.

Tablets with pain in muscles and joints

Muscle aches have the property of appearing after prolonged or severe exertion, increased tone, or damage to muscle fibers. Probably, each of us felt at least once in my life such feelings.

Harm of succinic acid for the human body

The Special Committee for the Safety of Substances (SCOGS) of the US Food and Drug Administration stated: "There is no evidence that succinic acid is dangerous to humans or animals.

Rectal analgesics and anti-inflammatory suppositories: for back pain, menstrual supplements, for children

This form of medicine does not affect the digestive process, absorbed through the rectal mucosa, due to which the components of the drug quickly enter the bloodstream and almost instantly relieve the painful sensations.


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