

Overview of medicines

Treatment of boils with ointments: with antibiotic, pulling pus

Many people mistakenly take a furuncle for a common pimple, which, in their opinion, will pass by itself. This is not quite true: a boil is much more dangerous than a pimple and can lead to serious consequences, up to septic complications.

Treatment of angina by Lugol in adults and children: solution, spray, gargling

The medicine was named for Auguste Lugol, the researcher of skin diseases of the French doctor Jean-Guillaume. Iodine solution, which became the basis of this drug, was developed in 1829.

Antibiotics for mastitis in women: with feeding, non-lactation, purulent

Many women are familiar with such a disease as mastitis. It has several separate species, but it is usually divided into a non-purulent and purulent form. It is from the form of pathology that the therapeutic method depends.

The use of succinic acid

The majority of somatic diseases is associated with a violation of the metabolic process at the cellular level, a change in biochemical reactions.

Antibiotics for and after appendicitis

The leading approach in the treatment of appendicitis is still exclusively surgical intervention. Antibiotics for and after appendicitis are prescribed except for the prevention and treatment of postoperative infectious complications.

Vinylin in stomatitis: how to use

Vinylinum with stomatitis is an effective and time-tested drug. Its effectiveness is determined by the properties - restoring, purifying, antimicrobial.

Treatment of gastritis with antibiotics: a scheme, how to take

If the pathogenesis of inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the stomach cavity is associated with a bacterial infection, antibiotics should be used for gastritis. Then treatment will eliminate not only its symptoms, but also the cause.

Amber acid with a hangover: how to take and dosage

Ethyl alcohol, used inward, the liver converts into acetic aldehyde - a poison that causes poor health and malaise. The body temporarily stops producing the right amount of energy.

Soothing means for children of different age groups

Due to various reasons, the excitability of the central nervous system in children of different age groups can be increased, and sedatives for children are used to help the child get rid of unnecessary anxiety, anxiety, tension, irritability, panic attacks, difficulties with sleep.

Prebiotics for children: names

A healthy intestinal microflora is very important for normal development. The first bacteria enter the child's body when passing through the birth canal. But dense colonization of the intestine occurs with the first lactation.


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