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Amber acid for children: indications for use, dosage
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Succinic acid refers to dibasic carboxylic acids and is a colorless crystalline substance that participates in cellular respiration (biochemical reactions) of living organisms. Therefore in nature it is contained in all plants, animals, in amber, brown coal. It is made from amber waste or synthetically, by chemical reactions. The spectrum of its application is very wide: in plant growing, livestock and poultry farming as a growth stimulant and for enhancing the protective properties of organisms; in the food industry - as an antioxidant, the additive E363, which protects the products from oxidation, preserves color and prolongs the storage period; in cosmetology, especially in anti-aging skin care products.
In pharmacology, many drugs in its composition contain succinic acid, including in the treatment of cerebrovascular, cardiovascular disorders, alcohol and other poisoning, radiculitis, anemia, cold and viral diseases. It is established that it increases the tone and immunity of the organism, improves the work of the central nervous system, speeds up energy metabolism, stimulates the synthesis of insulin. With such a "track record," the question arises, but can this tool be applied to children?
Benefits and harm for children
So, can this substance be given to a child? Let's try to evaluate its benefits and harm for children. Succinic acid is not a medicinal product, it does not accumulate in the body, it is not toxic, it does not become addictive. It activates protective resources, accelerates energy exchange in cells.
In a healthy person about 200 g of succinic acid are produced every day, and a part of it comes along with consumed food: sauerkraut, sour-milk products, cheeses, and unripe berries. It is found in beer yeast, aged wines that do not fall into the children's diet. In the event of increased intellectual or physical exertion as a result of playing sports, stresses, outbreaks of infections, excessive consumption of this substance occurs, and there is a shortage of it. The body reacts to this by deteriorating health, fatigue, and ailments.
The positive effect of succinic acid in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchial asthma in adults has been experimentally proven, and therefore it is able to cope with seasonal infections in children. It is logical during the period of their spread for prevention or during illness to help the child by resorting to this remedy. After the transferred illness or the illnesses which have exhausted an organism, also it will not be superfluous to take measures for rehabilitation, restoration of forces and vital activity. And nevertheless the pediatrician should solve, since. Only he knows the state of health of his patients, he can weigh and assess all the risks.
Harm from taking the drug occurs in the event of violations in the digestive organs, allergies. Other obstacles to the use of succinic acid are stones in the urinary system or high blood pressure, which sometimes happens in adolescence.
Indications of the succinic acid for children
Indications for the use of succinic acid are asthenic states: a decline in strength, chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion. If parents notice that the child does not show normal activity for him or is overly excited, in the absence of other causes that cause such symptoms, you can consult a doctor about the advisability of using this drug. At school age, the testimony to his appointment may be a lot of stress, dictated by the dynamics of modern life and the desire of parents to develop a fully developed personality, sometimes at the expense of children's health. They are sent to additional classes and visits to various groups, and this depletes the body. With asthmatic manifestations, seasonal outbreaks of infections, diabetes, various poisoning, the drug alleviates the symptoms of the disease, removes toxins from the body, prolongs the period of remission of chronic ailments.
Pharmacodynamics consists in the regulatory function of tissue metabolism, its antioxidant property (a decrease in the rate of formation of free radicals), which slows down the aging process, which strengthens the body's defenses.
The drug stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thus increasing appetite, which is important for poorly eating children. Amber acid promotes the synthesis of ATP - the energy component of any cell, improves oxidative and restorative reactions of the body, contractile muscle activity, accelerates the oxidation of acetaldehyde and ethanol, turning them into a safe acetic acid for the body. People who do not undergo such conversion at a genetic level are prone to the old age of Alzheimer's disease.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug is as follows: 10-20 minutes after ingestion through the mouth into the digestive tract, the substance is absorbed into the tissues and blood, further involved in the release of the cellular energy necessary for metabolic processes. After half an hour, water and carbon dioxide disintegrate, and is completely eliminated from the body.
Dosing and administration
Succinic acid is taken by first dissolving it in water or in fruit juice, compote. If the child has a bad appetite, then drink the solution before eating, in order to stimulate the production of gastric juice. In other cases, it is best to take after meals to prevent a negative effect on the stomach.
Children under one year should not be given a drug, from a year to 5 years - a quarter tablet (0.1g), from 5 to 12 years - half, three times a day. After 12 years on the whole tablet. The recommended duration of admission is a month, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2 weeks and again to repeat the course.
During pregnancy, the daily dose is 0.25 g, but shown on certain dates. So, at the beginning of the second, third trimester and 10-20 days before the birth, it is recommended to take a ten-day course at 0.25 g per day. Take for the night, succinic acid should not be. It excites the brain.
With a lot of positive effects of succinic acid on the body, there are a number of contraindications to its use. First of all, it is hypersensitivity to the drug. There are also a number of diseases that are incompatible with its administration: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hypertension, exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers, glaucoma of the eyes, late gestosis in pregnancy (also called late toxicosis, which causes disruption in the work of the kidneys and cerebral vessels).
Side effects of the succinic acid for children
When taking succinic acid, side effects are possible in the form of heartburn, belchings, pains and heaviness in the upper part of the stomach, sometimes nausea and vomiting caused by increased secretion of gastric juice. Prolonged use of the drug can cause an increase in blood pressure.
Overdosage of succinic acid is impossible, because it does not accumulate in the body.
Interactions with other drugs
The positive role of succinic acid in the interaction with other drugs is known: simultaneous use with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-tuberculosis drugs intensifies their action and softens the accompanying symptoms. It is not recommended to combine with psychotropic drugs and barbiturates due to a decrease in their effectiveness.
On the forums on the Internet there are various reviews about the therapeutic properties of succinic acid: from complete rejection and to the obviousness of a positive effect. Skeptics argue that with the daily synthesis of 200 g of the body, the small dose that comes to us from outside, can not have a tangible effect. Others, having tried, felt positive changes in their condition. It is difficult to say what has served as an improvement, succinic acid or the "placebo" effect. Doctors, based on research data, recognize him as a biotic, which normalizes and regulates various physiological processes, increases the body's resistance to various external aggressive agents.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Amber acid for children: indications for use, dosage" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.