

Overview of medicines

Treatment of trophic leg ulcers with antibiotics

Each of us at least once in life was injured with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Usually, even the deepest wound, if properly treated, heals within a month. The situation with trophic ulcers, which are formed mainly on the site of damage to blood vessels, is quite different.

Medicines against cancer: what exist, the names

The medicines used in oncology, according to the international pharmacotherapeutic classification (ATC / DDD Index), have code L - antitumor drugs and immunomodulators.

Antibiotics for the treatment of joint arthrosis and arthritis: rheumatoid, reactive, infectious

Therapeutic measures of infectious arthritis are carried out in complex with the use of antibacterial medications. During the treatment of destructive lesions of the joint tissue of autoimmune inflammatory genesis, antibiotics are not recommended.

Antibiotics after a tick bite for adults and children for treatment and prevention

Tick infections are the cause of many life-threatening diseases. Consider what antibiotics are most effective when biting a tick, when and how to apply them.

Oil of thuja EDAS 801 and DN in adenoids: treatment regimens, like dripping

Adenoids, or adenoidal dilations - is a pathology associated with an increase in pharyngeal tonsils. This disease is predominantly childish and reaches its peak at the age of 4 to 7 years.

Tablets against diarrhea: which are effective, fast-acting and inexpensive

By appointing these or other tablets against diarrhea, doctors are guided by the etiology of this symptom, since diarrhea can occur due to various causes and be infectious (bacterial, viral or fungal), dyspeptic or toxic.

Treatment of abscess with antibiotics

Whatever inflammation accompanied by necrosis and melting of tissues - abscess, abscess or abscess - is called inflammatory process and suppuration in 99% of cases are caused by a bacterial infection, which antibiotics with abscess help to cope with.

Furacilin for eye washing: how to dissolve and dilute tablets

Inflammatory eye diseases are a problem that many people encounter in early childhood. And no matter what the nature of these diseases, they are almost always accompanied by lacrimation and purulent secretions from the eye.

Treatment of streptococcal infection with antibiotics and without antibiotics

The use of antibacterial drugs will be most effective when the drug therapy is purposeful, that is, etiotropic: if the pathogen is streptococci, antibiotics from streptococci should be used.

Effective medications for pancreatitis: treatment regimens

One of the components of the complex treatment of inflammation of the pancreas is drug therapy, and timely effective medications for pancreatitis play a key role in stopping the pathological process and preserving the functions of the entire gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system.


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