Psoriasis on legs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Psoriasis refers to diseases in which the psychological discomfort of the unaesthetic manifestation of the disease is reinforced by unpleasant sensations. Appearing on the legs, hands and other parts of the body, psoriasis tortures a person all his life because an effective medicine that allows you to forget about the problem once and for all is still not found.
This type of dermatitis is of unusual origin and quite widespread among skin diseases, which forces medical scientists to look for new and new ways of solving the problem. But to date, the pharmaceutical industry and alternative medicine can offer patients with psoriasis only those tools that help temporarily forget about the disease or somehow reduce its manifestations, allowing a person to live a full life.
So what is psoriasis, and what are the causes of such an unsightly unusual disease? Why has not so far been found a cure for a disease known to people for many centuries?
Risk factors
Since the nature of psoriasis has not yet been fully determined, difficulties also arise in determining the causes that cause it. Clearly, the causes of the disease have not yet been identified, and yet some studies are under way to suggest that the risk factors for the development of psoriatic disease include:
- trauma and damage to the skin (if we consider that the limbs are most often subjected to mechanical effects, we can assume that in this regard, psoriasis on the legs and hands is very common)
- hormonal imbalance, the causes of which can be age-related changes in people of different sexes, pregnancy in women, etc.
- various intoxications, including alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, exposure to chemicals
- infectious diseases, both bacteriological and viral
- stress, strong psycho-emotional experiences
Provoke the development of psoriasis can also various violations of metabolic processes in the body.
Do not overlook the genetic factor, because there is every reason to believe that the disease, one way or another, is inherited.
Psoriasis, otherwise called scaly lichen, is not an infectious disease. Recently, more and more scientists are inclined to the fact that the disease has an autoimmune nature, i.e. The cause of the development of pathology is the improper work of the organism itself, as a result of which aggressive cells are developed that destroy healthy cells and tissues of the body. In other words, the body (the immune system) is struggling with an imaginary infection, opposing its own cells.
Psoriasis on legs is of the same nature as on other parts of the body, and brings no less suffering. Favorite places of his dislocation can be considered the surface of the hips, skin areas above the joints, fingers, nails and soles of the feet. It is also characterized by seasonality of the course with periods of exacerbation and remission. Exacerbations most often occur on the basis of acute infectious diseases (angina, hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc.).
Until the end of the study of the nature of psoriasis, doctors are not yet able to. But frequent evidence that along with the skin as a result of psoriasis affects the internal organs of man (liver, kidneys, stomach, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.), allow treating the disease as a systemic pathological process, referring to it as a "psoriatic disease" . On the background of psoriasis, joints, cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems often develop.
There is evidence that the hereditary factor plays an important role in the development of the disease, but this fact has not yet been fully confirmed.
Symptoms of the psoriasis on the legs
As already mentioned, psoriasis on the legs is most affected skin in the region of the joints, hips and feet. In these places it is possible to observe specific dense inflammatory rashes of reddish color - psoriatic "plaques", which are also flaky and itch. The surface of the rashes is rather loose, covered with scales, which periodically peel off and fall off. Sometimes psoriatic seals rupture until blood is released and aching, which causes even more anxiety to the patient.
In addition, the puffiness of the legs and the inflammatory processes in the joints (psoriatic arthritis) are often diagnosed.
Psoriasis on the toenails of something resembles a fungus, manifested as a violation of the integrity and appearance of the nail plate. The nail changes color, stratifies, becomes thicker, etc. Only the doctor can determine the exact diagnosis in this situation by making the necessary analyzes.
Psoriasis begins on the feet most often in the area of the knees that are most susceptible to mechanical interference (rubbing), or around scratches and wounds. The first signs of psoriasis is a small rash in the form of nodular, convex formations (papules), bounded by a pink growth zone. Papules do not pass for a long time and eventually come together as a whole ("plaques") with a peeling silvery-white surface.
The very appearance of the papules does not yet indicate the development of psoriasis. But it is enough to take a scraping from them to make a preliminary diagnosis. When psoriasis is not the place of scraping, which, incidentally, is easy to make, a so-called stearin stain with flaky scales is formed. If the scales are removed, beneath them you can see a smooth, shiny, slightly moist pink surface called the terminal film. If the film is broken, under it you can see pinpoint bleeding (bloody dew) due to damage to small capillaries.
In its course psoriasis on legs periodically passes several stages:
- Initial stage. The above-described first signs of psoriasis are characteristic of the initial stage of the process, the most preferred for the initiation of treatment. If the case is launched, psoriasis will spread further. Month through 2 rashes will disappear and by themselves, but then will appear again. Moreover, repeated psoriasis will cover already a large area of the skin.
- Progressive stage. If the initial stage of the disease is characterized by individual point rashes, then at the stage of progression around the old rash new foci of inflammation form. Papules begin to grow actively, as a result of which the patient experiences constant itching.
- Stage of acute current. The growth of papules is suspended, and scales are formed on them.
- Stationary stage. New rashes are no longer observed. On the old, a keratinized layer is formed, which gradually peels off, leaving behind a pigmented spot.
- Stage of regression. Inflammatory zones most often disappear completely, without leaving a trace, or become hardly noticeable. The patient feels completely healthy.
But after a while the symptoms of psoriasis reappear, causing psychological and physical discomfort.
Psoriasis is a generalized concept, because the disease itself has many varieties. Psoriasis on the legs is observed in several ways:
- Ordinary (spotted or plaque-like) psoriasis occurs in more than 80% of patients. Most often it is located in the area of the knees. It is characterized by plaques with easily separated scales. The affected skin becomes hot, it is characterized by bleeding.
- Point or droplet psoriasis is less common, but it is also quite common. It is characterized by intense dotted or drop-like rashes of red color, which stand out slightly above the surface of the skin. Most often, rashes can be observed in the region of the thighs, more rarely - the shins. Usually this kind of psoriasis appears against the background of the infectious diseases of the ENT organs.
- Inverted or reverse psoriasis differs markedly from other species by the absence on the affected surface of scales. Usually on the skin there are inflamed pink spots that do not rise above the surface of the skin, which are either slightly flaky or there is no peeling at all. The skin in the lesions is very tender, easily traumatized, which often leads to the attachment of secondary infections that significantly hamper the treatment.
A favorite place of dislocation of reverse psoriasis on the legs is the skin on the inner surface of the thigh.
- Exudative or pustular psoriasis manifests itself in the form of pustules filled with fluid or pus on the skin. The skin in the affected area is edematous, with increased temperature, plaques have a pronounced pink hue, they are covered with a large number of scales that easily fall off.
This is one of the complex forms of the disease, the treatment of which causes certain difficulties. It is localized mainly in the area of the feet and legs.
- Erythrodermic psoriasis covers large areas of the body, the skin on which inflames and flakes, which is accompanied by severe swelling, itching and pain. On the basis of this type of psoriasis, there is often an increase in lymph nodes. This is one of the most severe forms of psoriatic disease.
Most often, erythrodermic psoriasis is a consequence of the lack of treatment or improper therapy of lighter forms of the disease. But sometimes it can occur against a background of alcoholism, severe stress or a significant decrease in immunity.
- Psoriatic arthritis is characterized by severe soreness in the area of the affected skin and joints under it. The skin becomes heavily inflamed, bright red, edematous, joint mobility is limited.
This kind of psoriasis affects the area of the skin above the joints (hip, knees, finger joints).
- Psoriotic onychodystrophy (psoriasis on the nails of the legs) covers the nail plates and the skin below them. The nail becomes transparent, changes shape, a red border is visible under it. The nail plate is prone to delamination, crumbles, as in a fungal infection.
All kinds of psoriasis are unpleasant in their own way. Some of them give in to treatment more easily, others - more difficultly. In any case, the treatment started on time brings better results than treatment of neglected forms.
Complications and consequences
Complications of psoriasis in broad circles are considered to be the transition of the disease into more severe forms, such as erythroderma, pustular psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. These forms of the disease are severely treated and cause particular discomfort in patients both in appearance and in painful sensations.
Among other things, psoriatic arthritis with an incorrect approach to treatment can threaten loss of motor function of the joints and, consequently, disability. A psoriasis of the nail can lead to the destruction of the nail plate.
Doctors knowingly consider psoriasis not as an ordinary non-infectious skin disease, but as a systemic disease, because, despite the fact that for the surrounding patient is not a danger, the danger exists for him.
The consequences of psoriasis on the legs and other parts of the body can serve as neuropsychic disorders and stresses, causing a relapse of the disease. Constant nervous tension due to unattractive appearance, unpleasant sensations, dislike of others has a negative impact on the health of patients.
In addition, psoriasis can return in case of insufficient treatment, spreading to other areas of the body, and then psoriatic disease will affect not only the skin and joints, but also the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, organs vision and so on.
Diagnostics of the psoriasis on the legs
In order to avoid the unpleasant consequences and complications of any disease, it is important to timely diagnose and begin effective treatment. So, for any suspicious skin rash, you need to contact the dermatologist as soon as possible, who will perform the necessary tests and determine which disease these symptoms correspond to.
Diagnosis of psoriasis is not an easy task. On the one hand, there is a rash, so you can assume psoriasis. But on the other hand, such symptoms are typical for many skin diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, everything is important: when there were rashes, what preceded it, whether itching and flaking occur.
A lot of things can be said about the very location of the plaques. For an experienced specialist, sometimes a superficial examination of the patient's skin is sufficient to suggest the presence of psoriasis, but certain tests are often assigned to refine the diagnosis, especially at later stages.
A general blood test is prescribed by the doctor not so much for the diagnosis of the disease as for information on the possibility of further treatment. A little more about the problem can tell biochemical blood test and general urine analysis, because with significant skin lesions, there is a change in the salt balance in the body. Sometimes it will be necessary to pass an analysis of stool for the presence of parasites. All these tests help determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective and safe treatment.
Pregnant women who have a flash of psoriasis can cause changes in the hormonal background and weakening of immunity, prescribe an analysis for prolactin. This analysis allows you to determine the cause of the disease, if it is covered in a stressful situation.
Instrumental diagnosis can give the right direction of the doctor's thoughts for complications of psoriasis. Since psoriasis on the legs can be progressively transformed into psoriatic arthritis if the doctor does not contact the doctor in time, the doctor will prescribe an x-ray examination for complaints of pain in the joints.
If suspected of psoriasis nail appoint a test with potassium oxide, which allows you to distinguish psoriatic lesions from fungal infection.
The greatest amount of information about the problem is provided by scraping or skin biopsy. A small piece of affected skin, examined under a microscope, can tell more than multiple tests.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the psoriasis on the legs
Previously, it was believed that psoriasis - in general, not a dangerous skin disease, which can not even be treated. But later, physicians found a link between psoriasis and the appearance of various pathologies of health arising on its background. In addition, the complications of this disease does not imply a carefree attitude towards them. And what about the suffering experienced by people with an incurable disease, nervous tension, unpleasant sensations, etc.?
Conclusion one - to treat psoriasis is necessary, in spite of the fact that treatment gives only a temporary result. Whatever it was, but effective therapy does not allow the disease to spread, and patients are granted periods when they can relax and enjoy a "healthy" life.
And if we consider that a lot of methods have been developed with the use of medications, alternative drugs and alternative methods that can significantly alleviate the condition of psoriasis patients on the legs and other parts of the body, it is even illogical to endure psychological and physical torments.
Having made a decision to fight the disease, one has to immediately adjust oneself to the fact that this process will be long, it can drag on for many years. Nevertheless, with a comprehensive approach to treatment, he will give his results. The main thing - do not give up.
At the disposal of patients with psoriasis are local and systemic therapy, physiotherapy, alternative medicine methods. And psoriasis on legs is no exception.
Medicines used in psoriasis
The treatment regimen for psoriasis on the legs will depend on the patient's state of health, in particular the stage of development of pathology and the presence of concomitant diseases.
At the initial stages of the disease, local treatment with solutions, suspensions, creams and ointments from psoriasis usually prevails. This is not surprising, because an easy degree of disease implies only superficial lesions of the skin and does not affect internal organs. The disease is not infectious, which means it is not necessary to fight infection.
The use of ointments is aimed at improving the condition of the patient's skin and alleviating his suffering. These can be special ointments, such as salicylic or prednisolone ointment, zinc-based ointments with anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect, and complex external products with hormonal and vitamin (vitamins A, E and D) components ("Belosalik", "Daivobet", " Daivonex ").
"Daivobet" - an ointment from psoriasis on the basis of an analog of active vitamin D and glucocorticosteroid betamethasone. The drug has good anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antipruritic effect. Promotes the renewal of skin cells and the narrowing of blood vessels with a decrease in blood flow in them.
It is used to treat plaque-like psoriasis. It is intended for therapy in adult patients.
Method of application and dosage. Ointment is applied to damaged areas of the skin once a day with a thin layer. Daily consumption of ointment should not exceed 15 grams, and the application area should not be more than 30% of the entire surface of the body. The recommended therapeutic course is 4 weeks. The need and time frame for repeated courses is determined by the attending physician, who will monitor the patient's condition.
The most common side effects of the drug are allergic reactions in the form of itching or burning on the skin, there are rarely pain, sometimes - exacerbation of psoriasis. More serious side effects are associated with prolonged use of ointments that cause toxic reactions.
Precautionary measures. When treating the drug, it is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight on the skin.
It is undesirable to take other glucocorticosteroids concurrently with the use of ointment.
Ointment is not intended for the treatment of severe forms of psoriasis, for patients with impaired liver and kidney function, with a violation of calcium metabolism, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Contraindications to use are also some skin diseases, skin manifestations of syphilis and tuberculosis, acne, ulcers on the body, atrophic processes on the skin, increased fragility of the vessels, etc.
If at the initial stage of psoriasis there is a strong symptomatology, the doctor can prescribe the following ointments: "Psorax", "Ditrastik", "Advantan", etc.
"Psorax" - an ointment from psoriasis with the active substance of dithranol has a good antipsoriatic effect in the upper layers of the skin.
In the presence of psoriasis on the legs, the drug can be used according to one of two schemes. In the first case, the ointment is worn on the diseased parts of the skin only for the night, and in the morning it is removed by means of a cotton swab, and then with warm water and soap. It is recommended to start treatment with ointments with a percentage content of 0.1-0.5, if the effect leaves much to be desired, it makes sense to switch to a more concentrated drug (1%).
The second scheme involves applying 1-2% ointment to the skin for a shorter period (25-30 minutes), which is again performed once a day.
To avoid side effects of the drug, it should be applied only to affected areas of the skin. Otherwise, inflammatory reactions on the skin in the form of wounds and blisters are possible, it is possible to stain the skin and the clothing adjacent to it in a brown color.
Precautionary measures. Ointment is not used for the treatment of psoriatic erythroderma, as well as pustular psoriasis. Hypersensitivity to the drug, kidney stones and pregnancy are also contraindications to the use of ointment. The drug is not intended for the treatment of children.
When using the "Psorax" ointment, it is recommended to use such hand protection products as disposable gloves, since the drug has coloring properties and adversely affects healthy skin. If the ointment has got on clothes and a stain has formed, it can be removed with acetone.
The appearance of irritation on the skin suggests that the ointment should be replaced with less concentrated.
"Advantan" is a glucocorticosteroid for external use. It helps to remove inflammatory and allergic manifestations on the skin, promotes the renewal of the epidermis. Produced in the form of ointments, cream and emulsion.
Method of application and dosage. Any form of the drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin once a day with a thin layer. The course of treatment of adult patients lasts no more than 12 weeks, for children the therapeutic course is reduced to 4 weeks. If an emulsion is used to treat psoriasis on the legs, the treatment is limited to 2 weeks.
Side effects of the drug are extremely rare in the form of itching, rashes and burning. With prolonged use of "Advantanus", atrophy (thinning and other changes) of the skin that occur when the drug is withdrawn can be observed.
The drug is not applied if skin manifestations of syphilis or tuberculosis of the skin, eruption against the background of viral infections, acne and increased sensitivity to the drug are seen at the site of application of the drug. It is not used to treat children younger than 4 months.
The average degree of psoriasis already requires additional physical procedures: PUVA-, cryo- and phototherapy, plasmapheresis, the introduction of retinoids (vitamin A derivatives).
In severe stages of the disease, specific measures are added to the above methods: injections of glucocorticosteroids, for example, "hydrocortisone" or "betamethasone", the use of non-toxic antibiotics such as "Erythromycin", drugs that inhibit cell division (cytostatics), immunostimulants ("Timogen") and immunosuppressants (" Cyclosporin "), antiallergic (" Tavegil "," Novopassit ", motherwort tincture) and biogenic plant preparations (tincture of Eleutherococcus). A good effect gives the use of strong ointments "Lokoid", "Kutiweid", hydrocortisone ointment, etc.
"Betamethasone" in the form of injections used in severe stages of psoriasis on the legs as an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic component, among other things, prevents the reproduction of mutated cells and the suppressive effect of the immune system leading to the development of this process. In this case, injections can be administered either intravenously or intramuscularly, or intraarticularly (with psoriatic arthritis).
The dosage of the drug is purely individual and is established by the attending physician based on the patient's condition and the size of the affected area.
Method of application and dosage. For intravenous injections and droppers, a daily therapeutic dose of 4 to 8 mg can be established. If there is such a need, the doctor can increase the dosage and up to 20 mg. The maintenance dose is usually less and ranges from 2 to 4 mg, it is transferred to it, gradually reducing the therapeutic dose by 0.5 mg.
When administered intramuscularly, 4 to 6 mg of the solution is used, with intra-articular administration, from 0.5 to 6 mg.
The daily dose of the solution is administered for 1 reception, preferably in the morning.
"Betamethasone" in the form of injections is not used in people with hypersensitivity to the drug, with persistent increase in blood pressure in hypertensive patients, 3 degrees of circulatory insufficiency, tuberculosis and syphilis, diabetes mellitus, ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions, mental illnesses, fungal diseases of internal organs, especially in the first months.
Contraindications to intraarticular injections are: pathological bleeding, infectious processes in the joint, osteoporosis, instability or deformation of the joint, etc.
Side effects of the drug include: weight gain, brittle bones, increased blood pressure, swelling, exacerbation of infectious processes, the appearance of ulcers in the digestive tract, sleep and menstrual disorders, increased blood sugar.
Homeopathy for psoriasis
Since psoriasis on the legs and other parts of the body implies long-term treatment for almost the entire lifetime, it becomes understandable that patients want to find such remedies that will be as safe as possible for health, which can not be expected from many effective synthetic drugs. More and more people in this connection turn to homeopathy, whose preparations are completely natural.
With psoriasis and skin diseases, homeopathic doctors advise the following drugs:
Loma Lux Psoriasis is a homeopathic solution of complex action, effective for various types of psoriasis.
Method of application and dosage. The solution is intended for internal use. Take it preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, after which for an hour more of anything from food and drink do not use.
The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the patient: from 23 to 45 kg - half a teaspoon, up to 68 kg - one teaspoon, up to 90 kg - one and a half spoons. If the weight is large (more than 90 kg), it is recommended to drink 2 tsp. Preparation for the reception.
The therapeutic course is 28 days. After a short break, the course can be repeated.
This drug is not used in the treatment of patients under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients diagnosed with glomerulonephritis.
"Graphite cosmoplex C" - homeopathic drops, used in the complex treatment of many skin diseases, practically having no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Method of application and dosage. For children from one to three years, a single dose is 3 drops, from three to 5 years - 5 drops. Patients older than 6 years are prescribed 10 drops per treatment. Take the drug is recommended 3-4 times a day, about 20 minutes before or one hour after eating.
Drops can be dripped under the tongue or diluted in a tablespoon of water. It is recommended to hold the solution for several seconds in the mouth, then swallow it.
The therapeutic course is usually 21-42 days.
Arsenicum iodateum is prescribed for large scale scales. It has a good effect in the treatment of elderly patients.
"Arsenicum Albumum", on the contrary, is effective in small scales and has proved itself in the treatment of children.
The preparation "Silicea" is prescribed to people with sensitive skin, who have a tendency to develop purulent processes on the skin.
Alternative treatment of psoriasis on the legs
Homeopathic remedies, despite their effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis on the legs, also have a relatively high price, which not everyone can afford. Alternative medicine did not stand aside from the problem and found a lot of budgetary funds and prescriptions capable of preventing the further development of the pathological process and greatly alleviating the condition of patients with psoriasis if expensive treatment is not available to them.
Take, for example, birch tar, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Consumption of tar is small, so the money will last for a long time. They need to lubricate areas affected by psoriasis, about 2 weeks. Tar should be left on the skin for 1 hour, after which the product is washed off and wiped off the affected area with celandine infusion, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently.
Helps with psoriasis not legs and infusion of flax, which is used inside the morning before breakfast. Infusion is prepared from 1 tbsp. L. Flaxseed and a glass of boiling water. Make up the evening and insist for the night.
Twice daily, psoriatic plaques can be wiped with an ordinary solution of baking soda (2 tsp per glass of water) or hydrogen peroxide.
Onions are also not only a useful food product, but also an effective remedy for psoriasis. To the affected areas for 2-3 minutes, it is recommended to apply the peeled onion in the gauze. After the procedure, the skin is washed and treated with a moisturizer based on vitamin A.
Psoriasis on the sole can be treated with a mixture of butter (60 g.), Propolis (8 g), and a vitamin A (10 drops) oil solution. To prepare the mixture, the oil is heated and other components are added to it. In the resulting solution, moisten the bandage and apply to the affected area, fixing with a bandage. It is better to spend the procedure at night.
There are also many recipes for alternative recipes for psoriasis based on chicken eggs. A lot of feedback speaks about the effectiveness of these inexpensive tools.
Alternative medicine also practices the treatment of psoriasis with herbs. For this purpose, a celandine is suitable, from which infusions and ointments are made. To prepare the ointment, it is possible to mix equal parts of the dried celandine and vaseline. An effective ointment is obtained from a mixture of sea-buckthorn oil, petrolatum and spirit tincture of celandine.
A good action is provided by the herbaceous collection: calamus ayr, nettle, burdock, licorice and string, which is boiled for about 5 minutes in a glass of water and insisted for an hour.
Infusion of sage, chamomile, oak bark, string and celandine helps with psoriasis on the toenails. And plantar psoriasis is treated with compresses with clover flowers, scalded boiling water, which are adjusted to psoriatic plaques for 2 hours a day.
Psoriasis on the legs is one of the most common varieties of psoriasis. Let it not be as noticeable as the problem on the hands and face, but it brings no less troubles and some inconveniences in the treatment.
To avoid the development of such an unpleasant pathology, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will help not only reduce the risk of psoriasis, but also help make life happier by preventing the appearance of other diseases:
- A healthy lifestyle, which in itself becomes a definite barrier to many diseases, is a very important moment in the prevention of psoriasis, because alcoholism, smoking, drugs that contribute to organism intoxication are among the first in the list of risk factors for the development of this pathology.
- Tranquility and once again calm! Nervous tension, stress, depression are the most frequent causes of the development of severe diseases of various organs and systems of the body. And psoriasis is no exception.
- Healthy immunity prevents various malfunctions in the body, caused by both external and internal factors. Therefore, it always makes sense to give special attention to increasing immunity.
- Particular attention should be paid to shoes. It should not rub and injure the skin of the legs, because psoriasis often develops precisely in places where wounds and injuries are formed. Preference should be given to shoes that protect the skin from damage and at the same time do not interfere with air access.
- If there is a tendency to allergies, it is recommended to take antiallergic drugs that prevent the formation of a rash and a general decrease in immunity. There are effective herbal ointments from a series of therapeutic and prophylactic alternatives, which need to lubricate the manifestations of skin allergy, if any.
- If the skin is very dry and prone to cracking, it should be regularly lubricated with moisturizers. Sites of rough skin (especially on the soles and knees) also require the use of emollients.
- It is very important and hygiene of the skin of the legs. Every day, the skin should be washed with soap and water and treated with care. It is good to wipe the skin with herbal infusions and decoctions, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- "Clothes" for the feet should be made of natural fabrics. You should try to wear synthetic socks and pantyhose as little as possible.
- One of the causes of psoriasis is a metabolic disorder. To prevent the development of the disease and its spread, you need to monitor your diet, excluding from the menu foods and dishes that are heavy for the stomach.
If you follow these tips, the likelihood of developing psoriasis is significantly reduced. If the disease has not been avoided due to various physiological causes and peculiarities, it is necessary to consult the doctor-therapist or dermatologist as soon as possible, when the first signs of the disease appear, for the purpose of effective treatment.
The prognosis of psoriasis is that at the first stages of the disease it is easy enough to treat and correct the condition, being a purely skin disease and not affecting the internal organs. If the disease is negligent and does not take serious measures to treat, develops a psoriatic disease, which is much more difficult to treat. In this case, not only the skin, but also other organs and systems of man suffers.
Yes, the disease is not easy and does not want to leave so easily, periodically returning and delivering a lot of unpleasant moments. Yes, the treatment is long and not always effective, but for those who are patient and do not give up, trying new methods, in the end, in many cases it is possible to defeat psoriasis on their feet, returning to normal life without physical and psychological discomfort.