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Gels from psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To date, patients with psoriasis are trying to find a suitable tool that would help them permanently get rid of psoriatic plaques and live a full life. Absolutely new drugs in the field of pharmacology are a variety of gels for the treatment of psoriasis. Which of them is more effective and what is their advantage?
Indications for use
Gels from psoriasis are applied exclusively externally. They are spread on the damaged surface of the skin, covered with psoriatic plaques. As a rule, doctors prescribe various gels in complex therapy with other medications, since they help to improve the condition of the patient only. Usually, gels are used in the first stages of the disease or in chronic psoriasis during the appearance of plaques.
Form of issue
Today, in the list of various medicines for the treatment of psoriasis, gels do not occupy the last place. They can have different directions and character. All gels from this disease can be conditionally divided into two large groups:
- Cosmetic gels that are designed to care for the skin of the body and head. With their help, the patient can reduce the main manifestations of psoriasis.
- Medical preparations that are released in the form of a gel.
The main difference of the gel from, for example, cream is the fact that it is based on no oils and fats. It has the appearance of a semi-liquid transparent consistency, which is easily applied to the skin. Each patient, of course, must choose the form of release that suits him best.
Cosmetic gels are usually designed to cleanse and moisturize the skin, but among them you can find ones that will help you in preventing relapses of psoriasis.
For example, patients with this unpleasant disease are best able to choose special shower gels, which do not include dyes or flavors. These chemicals can cause allergies, and it, in turn, greatly complicates the process of psoriasis therapy.
Medicinal gels for the treatment of psoriatic plaques differ from ointments and creams by their composition. At the same time, they can have very different purposes:
- Treatment of plaques with vulgar psoriasis on open skin.
- Therapy of pustular psoriasis.
- Treatment of psoriasis of the scalp.
- Therapy of psoriasis on the nails.
- Complex treatment of psoriasis of joints.
- Universal means.
It is worth noting that some gels for psoriasis can be not only local but also oral. The first group includes those drugs that help cure plaques on the skin of the patient. As a rule, with their help you can achieve an effective result. In the second, you can find the means that adsorb harmful substances and remove them from the patient's body. This includes the famous drug Enterosgel. It helps to cleanse the intestines, which is a very important stage in the treatment of psoriasis.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Consider the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of gels from psoriasis using the example of the popular drug "Xamiol."
This preparation contains two active active ingredients (calcipotriol and betamethasone). The first of them is a synthetic analogue of the active metabolite of vitamin D. It is due to it that inhibition of the proliferation of keratocins occurs. At the same time, their morphological differentiation is greatly accelerated.
The second substance (betamethasone) is a known glucocorticosteroid, due to which the drug has antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and vasoconstrictive action. With the use of an occlusive dressing, the action of betamethasone is enhanced. In this case, this component penetrates more deeply into the skin.
If the skin is not damaged, betamethasone and calcipotriol are absorbed into the skin in a small amount (not more than 1%). But with a large number of psoriatic plaques or when using bandages, the absorption of glucocorticosteroid increases. Elimination of the drug is carried out a few days after application. Betamethasone is excreted through the kidneys and intestines.
Names of therapeutic gels for psoriasis
On the shelves of pharmacies today you can find a huge number of a variety of gels for the treatment of psoriatic plaques. They are used in complex therapy to achieve an improvement in the patient's condition as soon as possible.
Among the most popular preparations in the form of gel for today it is possible to allocate:
- Nano-gel.
- Xylol.
- Clarelux.
All these tools have their own characteristics and advantages, which you will learn a little later.
Nano-gel from psoriasis
The risk factors for the development of psoriasis are often physical or emotional stress, so this serious disease in the modern world is quite common. Most patients after prolonged therapy lose patience and believe that their skin will someday look normal. But in modern medicine, new effective drugs and one such "Nano-gel" appeared.
This tool copes quite quickly with psoriatic plaques due to its special form of release. The main advantage of Nano-gel can be called its natural basis. In it you will not find any fragrances, no flavorings, no dyes. Namely, these chemicals most irritate even healthy skin. Also, the drug does not contain hormones, which is also very important. Nano-gel uses silver ions, as well as vitamins and minerals.
According to the manufacturers, thanks to the main components that make up this gel, it helps to get rid of the external signs of psoriasis in almost all patients. With the help of this tool you can be cured at home, without adhering to a special diet.
After the Nano-gel gets on the skin with psoriatic plaques, it begins to rapidly absorb into the deep layers of the epidermis. This remedy is considered to be an effective analgesic, therefore it quickly enough helps to relieve painful sensations. It also has an antiseptic effect, therefore it easily disinfects damaged skin and protects it from various pathogens of infections.
The active substances of the gel have an excellent restoring effect, so horny scales begin to soften faster. Over time, they disappear for good. The inflammatory process stops, the itching passes. Also, the gel helps to restore normal blood circulation in the tissues, due to which the skin becomes elastic and smooth.
If you apply Nano-gel regularly, you can forget about psoriasis for a long time. Use twice a day. The therapy lasts not less than one month.
Contraindications for Nano-gel, as such, no. Therefore, we can say that this drug is completely safe for the patient's health. Even during pregnancy or lactation, you can safely use Nano-gel.
More details about the pros and cons of nano-gel with psoriasis read here.
This anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative agent, which is widely used to treat psoriasis. It has a transparent consistency and is almost colorless or whitish in color. Active active substances of the gel are: betamethasone diproprionate, calcipotriol monohydrate. Also in the Xylol composition, liquid paraffin and castor oil can be found.
Calcipotriol, which is part of the drug, is an analogue of the metabolite of vitamin D. With its help, it can slow down the proliferation of keratocins, and their differentiation is enhanced. Betamethasone is a known glucocorticosteroid for topical application, which is characterized by anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.
Xylol is effective in treating psoriasis of the scalp or mild degrees of psoriasis on the body. Before applying the gel to the damaged areas of the skin, the vial with the drug should be shaken thoroughly. Use a small amount of the drug, applying it directly to the plaques once a day. Please note that the maximum dose for weekly therapy is 100 g. It is recommended to continue treatment for four weeks (with psoriasis of the head) or eight weeks (with other types of psoriasis). The agent can be on the surface of the body no more than one night or a day (i.e. 12 hours).
The drug is contraindicated in the use of diseases when the metabolism of calcium in the body is disrupted, with kidney or liver diseases, with skin viral, bacterial, fungal infections, with certain types of psoriasis (pustular, drop-shaped), with intolerance of the components of the drug, under the age of 18 years.
In case of an overdose of Xamiol, the patient may experience the following symptoms:
- Hypercalcemia.
- Violation of the interconnections of the axis of the pituitary-adrenal system.
With these symptoms, you should immediately discontinue the use of the drug and begin symptomatic therapy.
Among the main side effects from the use of Xamiol should be distinguished:
- Irritations of the mucous membranes.
- Burning and itching on the skin.
- Allergic reactions.
It is not recommended to apply the product to the mucous membranes. When used on the skin of a person or genitals treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Clarelux is a modern drug based on a potent corticosteroid (clobetasol propionate), which is used in the treatment of psoriasis. It is applied externally to the affected areas of the skin. It is usually used to treat psoriasis of the scalp under the supervision of a doctor.
Using Clarelux, the patient can achieve a quick and effective result, ease his condition, relieve itching and burning.
Adult patients apply a gel on the affected skin in small amounts twice a day (usually in the morning and in the evening). Do not exceed the maximum allowable weekly dose, which is 50 g. It is necessary to extrude the gel from the tube directly onto the psoriatic plaques, since it begins to melt rapidly when it comes into contact with the warm skin of the hands. After applying Clarelux on the scalp, rinse the drug is not recommended. It is also not advisable to use this medication for the treatment of children and adolescents.
The main contraindications for the use of the drug:
- Intolerance to clobetasol propionate or allergic reactions to other components of the agent.
- Burns, injuries, wounds on the skin.
- Acne, rosacea, viral or fungal diseases of the skin.
- With a large area of lesion of psoriasis.
- Do not apply to mucous membranes.
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
- Pregnancy.
When using the drug, there may be some side effects:
- Burning on the skin or other manifestations of allergies.
- Irritation of eyelids or eyes.
- Exacerbation of the disease.
- Abnormal hair growth.
Dosing and Administration
Before applying the drug to the damaged skin, it must be thoroughly washed and dried. Remember that the skin should be completely dry. After you have dried the skin, apply a few centimeters of gel to it and leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes. During this time, the gel should completely absorb into the skin and penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Do not try to rub the gel, as you can injure the skin with psoriatic plaques.
Sometimes, if you apply too much of the drug, there are surplus on the skin. They must be wiped with a napkin and left to dry completely. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary according to the instructions. Remember, you can see the improvement not immediately, but in a few days or even weeks. But the itch should disappear already on the second-third day after the beginning of the course of therapy.
Use during pregnancy
Since most of the medicinal gels for psoriasis are based on glucocorticosteroids or corticosteroids with a strong effect, they are forbidden to use during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that there is a large risk of adverse effects on fetal development. Only in extreme cases, the doctor may decide to use such drugs to treat a pregnant woman.
The only safe drug in the form of a gel for today is "Nano-gel." Due to its natural basis, as well as the lack of corticosteroids in the composition, it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindications for use
Before using any medications, you should carefully study the instructions to find out when they are contraindicated for use. Generally speaking, gels for psoriasis, as a rule, are not recommended for use:
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- In childhood (sometimes even up to eighteen years).
- When intolerance of the main components of the drug.
- With hepatic or renal insufficiency.
- If the skin is injured or burns.
- With viral, bacterial or fungal skin infections.
- Some types of psoriasis (not all gels are universal).
Side effects
Side effects from the application of various gels for the treatment of psoriasis are very rare in patients, but they must be remembered before starting therapy. The most common are:
- Sometimes, eye irritation may occur, including eyelid swelling.
- More often in patients, there are allergic reactions to the skin (itching, flaking, redness, irritation, rash).
- With prolonged use, the development of skin atrophy (if the gel contains glucocorticosteroids).
If you notice a manifestation of one or more of the above symptoms, you should immediately stop treatment and contact a doctor who will prescribe the correct therapy.
When using too many preparations based on glucocorticosteroids and calcipotriol (and they are often part of psoriasis gels), some unpleasant and severe symptoms may develop. Among them - suppression of the function of the pituitary-adrenal system and elevated content of calcium in the blood.
In this case, doctors recommend immediately stop treatment and start symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions and shelf life
The psoriasis gel should be stored in a dark and cool place (the temperature of the air should not be above 25 degrees), which is not available for young children. A closed vial can be stored for up to two years, and an open vial can not be stored for more than three months.
Important! Do not apply gel from psoriasis after the end of its validity, it can lead to undesirable consequences.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Gels from psoriasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.