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Oils for psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indications of the oils with psoriasis
Oils can be started when the first signs of psoriasis appear. This disease is characterized by redness of the skin, strong peeling of the skin (on the knees, elbows, soles of the feet and palms). It is from the dryness of the skin and peeling that cosmetic, essential and edible oils are effective enough.
They are often used together to get a positive result in a short time. In this case, some types of oils can be used not only externally, but also drink inside, thus recovering much faster.
Release form
All the oils that are used to treat psoriasis can be divided into three types: food, essential and cosmetic. It is worth taking into account the fact that cosmetic and essential oils should not be drunk inside. For the treatment of psoriatic plaques, they can only be used externally. The most popular oils for psoriasis are the following:
- Linseed oil.
- Oil from caraway seeds black.
- Sea buckthorn oil.
- Burr oil.
- Olive oil.
- Castor oil.
- Oil of milk thistle.
- Tea tree oil.
- Coconut oil.
- Oil from celandine.
- Amaranth oil.
- Fir oil.
- Stone oil.
- Cedar oil.
- Hemp oil.
- The oil of their jojoba.
- Almond oil.
- Pumpkin oil.
- Argan oil.
- Sunflower oil.
- Peach oil.
- Shea Butter.
- Oil from walnuts.
Let's consider what recipes alternative medicine offers using the above-mentioned natural ingredients.
Essential oils for psoriasis
Today, few people know that various essential oils help in a short time to get rid of unpleasant psoriatic plaques. But, if you decide to try this method of treatment, you must first consult your doctor. It will help you to choose from a huge number of oils exactly those that will help you cope with the disease. The main advantage of this therapy is the fact that the patient's body is not accustomed to essential oils, so they always give a positive result.
For the treatment of essential oils, it is very important to correctly choose their proportions and dosage in each individual case. Another plus is that such products smell good, so treatment will be most enjoyable. With psoriasis of the scalp, an excellent result is shown by the following oils: cedar, lavender, jasmine, sandalwood oil.
Some essential oils to achieve the desired result should be used in conjunction with others. Such, for example, are black cumin oil and fir oil. In themselves they, of course, will help, but not for long. But if you add ylang-ylang or jojoba oil to them, then the therapeutic result will be much stronger.
Linseed oil
Flaxseed oil has been used to treat psoriatic plaques for many decades. This product is completely natural, besides, it contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins. But it is necessary to remember one feature - from psoriasis only unrefined oil of flax will help.
What is the secret of this tool? The thing is that it contains a large amount of vitamins E and A, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which are not enough for psoriasis patients.
Patients with psoriasis often face unpleasant red rashes on the skin. They appear because the epithelial cells begin to expand too much. At the same time, the skin becomes dry and strongly flakes. Flaxseed oil helps to cope with this problem, since it nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
Typically, for the treatment of linseed oil, you just need to lubricate the affected areas of the epithelium. If plaques differ in large size, you can use this tool to create nutrient masks.
Black cumin oil
Oil from caraway black normalizes the work of the immune system and internal organs. It is thanks to this that this tool helps in a short time to get rid of plaques and rashes that appear in psoriasis. For treatment, alternative medicine offers several interesting recipes using black cumin oil.
In the morning, drink one tablespoon of black cumin oil with one tablespoon of linseed oil. If you can not swallow them yourself, then you can fill this mixture with any salad. Later, throughout the day, take one tablespoon of black cumin oil after meals (twice a day).
This oil can also be used to make special therapeutic baths that help to cope with the symptoms of psoriasis. One of the most popular recipes here is: take 2 teaspoons of this oil, combine with three drops of juniper oil, three drops of cypress oil, three drops of chamomile and 200 grams of salt (preferably sea salt). Type a full bath of water, add the mixture to it and lie in it for half an hour.
After finishing the water treatment, the body can be spread with black cumin oil to fix the result.
Sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn, like its oil, has many healing properties. It is used to treat many diseases. In psoriasis, sea buckthorn oil also helps to cope with the main signs of the disease more quickly. Therefore, if you do not want to use medicines, then sea buckthorn oil will be your real assistant.
First of all, sea-buckthorn oil for psoriasis patients is inside. Thanks to this natural remedy for toxins and harmful substances cleanses the intestines. This is very important in psoriasis, as many doctors believe that it is the endogenous intoxication of the body in combination with other factors that often leads to the development of this disease. And if you additionally lubricate the affected parts of the skin with sea buckthorn oil, then the positive result of the treatment will not take long.
For treatment, alternative medicine offers the following recipe: take on an empty stomach one tablespoon of oil from sea-buckthorn for the first ten days of therapy. After that, the daily dosage should be reduced to one teaspoonful. The treatment lasts for about six months, but it gives stable results.
Burr oil
Typically, doctors recommend the use of burdock oil in the treatment of psoriatic rashes that appear on the head. This natural remedy helps the skin cover to recover faster. In addition, it positively affects hair follicles, improving the growth of even those that have been damaged.
For treatment, a large amount of burdock oil is applied to the scalp and left for half an hour. After that, it is washed off with warm water. This procedure must be repeated daily until a positive result is obtained.
Olive oil
Ozonized oils, including olive oil, help to quickly restore and moisturize the skin. That is why they are so often used to treat psoriatic rashes. Especially effective olive oil is when plaques appear on the soles of the feet and palms. Thanks to the use of this natural remedy, the body's work is normalized, its protective function is improved, the skin is significantly moistened, its structure is restored. But it must be remembered that in order to obtain more or less persistent results, it is necessary to use olive oil daily for at least three to four weeks.
Apply olive oil for the treatment of psoriatic plaques in small amounts one to four times in 24 hours. This drug has a bactericidal and antihypoxic effect. Due to the fact that active oxygen enters the tissues, their oxygenation significantly improves. Itching, burning and dryness of the skin disappear just a few days after the start of using olive oil, but to obtain a stable result, therapy can not be stopped.
Castor oil
Castor oil is produced from the seed of a special castor plant. It is rich in antioxidants, so it helps to quickly cope with the main symptoms of such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis. Due to the viscous consistency of castor oil, the spread of psoriatic plaques can be stopped.
As a rule, only one oil is needed for effective treatment. It should be applied in sufficient quantity to the cotton pad and abundantly to lubricate all areas of the skin that have been affected by psoriatic plaques. Oil on the skin should be left for two to three hours, so that its active components are absorbed into the epidermis and begin to act.
If there are too many psoriatic plaques or they are characterized by severe hardening, it is recommended to apply castor oil before bedtime for a whole night. This procedure is repeated every day for several weeks until the psoriasis begins to fade.
Thistle oil
This oil is made from the thistle seed (milk thistle). It has a beneficial effect on liver function, removing toxins from the body. In addition, thanks to the milk thistle oil, dangerous substances are not absorbed into the intestines and liver, which can enter our body together with food. For the treatment of psoriasis, several popular recipes of alternative medicine with this oil are used.
The first recipe consists only of milk thistle oil, which must be drunk one teaspoon three times per 24 hours half an hour before meals. The course of therapy is a month.
According to the second prescription, the oil must first be warmed up a bit, and then applied to the skin that was affected by plaques. To get a stable result, the procedure should be repeated up to two times in 24 hours. After you have applied oil to the skin, you need to wait a little (half an hour), and then wash it off with warmed water.
Tea tree oil
This natural remedy is used to treat psoriatic plaques quite often, since it is completely safe for human health and practically does not cause allergic reactions.
For the treatment of psoriasis, as well as the prevention of this disease, the following prescription is used. A small amount of this product is mixed with any cucumber based lotion. This liquid should be lubricated with plaques and rashes two to four times in 24 hours (depending on the severity of the disease).
Coconut oil
This natural product helps to moisturize the skin too dry. It is excellent even for very sensitive skin and for people who are prone to allergic reactions. The main difference between coconut oil and others is the fact that it quickly absorbs into the epidermis and perfectly protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.
Due to its antioxidant properties, coconut oil releases the skin from free radicals and prevents them from penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. It perfectly copes with fungi, we deprive, bacteria, therefore it is actively used for treatment of many skin diseases, including psoriasis.
Butter oil
Purity has long been used to treat psoriatic eruptions and plaques. The composition of the celandine oil contains vitamins (A, C), citric acid, malic acid, flavonoids, chelidonic acid, succinic acid, saponins, carotene. But, despite such a rich medicinal composition, it is not recommended to use this drug for pregnant women, during lactation, for patients with bronchial asthma, epilepsy and heart diseases. This is because the celandine, among other things, is also poisonous.
Clycle oil is usually used to create warm and hot medicinal baths. To make a hot bath it is necessary to warm the water up to 45 degrees and add one tablespoon of oil to it. It takes a bath just before bedtime. Lying in hot water can not be more than ten minutes. The procedure should be repeated every day to get a positive result.
For a warm bath, water with a temperature of not more than 35 degrees. It can be taken in the daytime. In the bath, as in the first case, one tablespoon of oil is added from the celandine. But you can also add some medicinal herbs (three tablespoons of dried St. John's wort, four tablespoons of dried clover, two tablespoons of thyme and the same amount of calendula).
Amaranth oil
Among all herbal medicinal oils, which are used to get rid of psoriatic rashes, it is amaranth oil that is very popular. This means is obtained from the seed of a special plant shirits, which is included in the family of amaranth. In the composition of this oil there are such active components: squalene, vitamins E, A and D, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterol, phospholipid.
- Squalene helps to regulate the basic metabolic processes that occur in the human body. Thanks to this substance, the work of the respiratory system and the process of tissue repair are normalized. It differs fungicidal and antimicrobial action.
- Vitamin E is able to strengthen the body and maintain its protective functions. Due to this substance, the growth of cells in the damaged skin is regulated.
- Vitamin A is characterized by immunostimulating and regenerating properties. Helps to inhibit the process of skin engorgement, stimulates cellular immunity.
- Vitamin D helps to regulate the exchange of calcium, phosphorus, and also to strengthen immunity, which is very important in psoriasis.
- Phytosterols are structural elements that are found in all cell membranes. Their deficit leads to destructive changes.
- Phospholipids are structural elements in the membranes of mitochondria and cells. Thanks to them, the body maintains carbon and lipid metabolism.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids normalize the processes of intracellular metabolism, are distinguished by anti-inflammatory action.
Amaranth oil is used in the treatment of psoriasis because it helps moisturize the skin and eliminate excessive dryness. But it must be used with extreme caution, since an incorrect dosage can lead to nausea, dizziness, headaches, vomiting, heartburn and diarrhea.
Fir oil
Fir oil helps to get rid of many dermatological diseases, including psoriasis. To treat this unpleasant disease, you need to take 550 ml of cool water and pour it in enameled deep utensils. Put on the fire. As soon as the water starts to boil, rub it into 30 g of usual baby soap and leave on fire until the soap dissolves completely. After that, remove from heat and pour 0.5 l of fir oil into the water with soap, stirring slowly.
The received means to use for preparation of medical baths. Water should be used sufficiently hot (up to 39 degrees), pour into it 15 g of the mixture. Take a bath is recommended no more than fifteen minutes. Note that it is necessary to lie down in water so that it does not cover the heart area.
Each time, taking this healing bath, you need to add 5 g to the amount of the mixture with fir oil. The maximum rate of funds should not exceed 85 g.
Stone oil
Stone oil helps to improve the defenses of the body, strengthen carbohydrate and protein metabolism, activate regeneration of the skin. Also, this drug is anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, anti-allergic and bactericidal.
Due to the presence of micro and macro elements in the composition that are necessary for improved regeneration of tissues, stone oil is actively used for the therapy and prevention of many dermatological diseases, including psoriasis.
Cedar oil
Oil from pine nuts differs antiseptic properties, it helps in a short time to heal the skin that has been affected by psoriasis.
To achieve a positive result of therapy, a small amount of cedar oil should be applied twice or thrice in 24 hours to psoriatic plaques. Also, you can additionally drink one teaspoon of this remedy in the morning before eating.
Positive results will be visible in a week, but therapy should be continued for one month. If necessary, you can repeat after a two-week break.
Hemp oil
Hemp oil differs in antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. It can be used in patients with dry or oily skin. With psoriasis, hemp oil strengthens the body's immune system, restores the skin, normalizes the sebaceous glands, regenerates skin cells.
For treatment and prevention of psoriatic rashes and plaques, it is recommended to drink 2 tablespoons of this drug daily. Pay attention, experts point out that only unrefined hemp oil allows achieving positive results. Plaques will begin to pass for the second week of using this alternative remedy.
Jojoba oil
This product is actively used to care for hair and skin. Thanks to jojoba oil, the skin becomes hydrated, soft and supple. In addition, it contains fatty acids (erucic, gadoleinic, nerve, oleic, palmitolein, palmetinic, behenic), collagen, amino acids and vitamin E. It is thanks to this that this natural remedy is used for the prevention and treatment of psoriasis. In particular, it allows you to get rid of itching.
Almond oil
This remedy is often used to treat psoriatic eruptions, since it can eliminate inflammation, relieve itching and flaking, and improve the regeneration of the skin.
To create a therapeutic mixture, you need to take two teaspoons of almond oil, five drops of lavender essential oil, five drops of decoction of chamomile, three drops of vitamin E, and mix it all. It is recommended to apply this solution on plaques two or three times in 24 hours. After such treatment the skin becomes soft, elastic, and the inflammation gradually passes.
Pumpkin Oil
This natural remedy is considered one of the most effective in the prevention and therapy of rashes that were caused by psoriasis. In its composition, you can find a huge amount of mineral components, phospholipids, pectins, proteins, hormone-like substances and vitamins. Thanks to this, pumpkin oil helps improve lipid metabolism.
Typically, patients with psoriasis use pumpkin oil to apply for plaques and rashes after treatment with hydrogen peroxide or soap. Lubricate at least four times a day. At the same time, you can take pumpkin oil and inwardly at a dosage of two teaspoons at a time. Use recommended three times a day before meals.
Argan oil
Argan oil can often be found in various prescriptions of alternative medicine in the treatment of dermatological diseases. It helps in a short period of time to cope with all the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis.
As a rule, to achieve a positive result, argan oil is combined with other components. For example, a recipe is quite popular, in which take 3 ml of this oil, 3 ml of chamomile, 3 ml of palmarose and 3 ml of the world, 1 ml of nard and 1 ml of rosemary. In the mixture, you also need to add 100 ml of a 2% carbomer gel. Apply this medicine to the plaques three to four times in seven days.
When the scalp is damaged, the argan oil is heated, and then applied to the hair, making a light massage with your fingers.
Sunflower oil
If you are looking for an effective alternative to unsafe and costly drug treatment for psoriasis, then you should pay attention to sunflower oil. Of course, it is worthwhile to understand that this alternative means will not help you completely get rid of an unpleasant disease, but will eliminate its main symptoms.
To get a visible result, apply a thin layer of sunflower oil on the plaques and rashes immediately after taking a bath. Repeat this procedure up to four times a day. To remove scales from the scalp, heat sunflower oil and apply to the hair for 2 hours. Then comb them with a special comb (with frequent denticles) and rinse with any shampoo.
Peach oil
Peach oil differs anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, regenerating, toning, softening, rejuvenating and clarifying properties. To treat skin diseases, including psoriasis, this remedy is used as an additional component.
Shea Butter
Shea butter differs anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to get rid of the dryness of the skin, coarsening skin and itching, which often occur with psoriasis.
It should be noted that shea butter is only an additional tool for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases. To improve its condition, it is recommended to apply this remedy on rashes and plaques twice a day for 10 days.
Oil of a walnut
The following active ingredients are included in the composition of walnut oil: saturated fatty acids (stearic, palmitic), fats (omega-3, omega-6), iodine, iron, cobalt, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, beta -sitosterols, phospholipids, phytosterols, sphingolipids, entiramiasis, carotenoids, coenzyme Q10.
Thanks to this chemical composition, walnut oil is used to treat psoriasis. The main advantage of this tool is the fact that it can be used even for the therapy of pregnant women.
Use of the oils with psoriasis during pregnancy
Treatment of psoriatic plaques and rashes during pregnancy is very difficult, since most of the medications are banned during this period. But some oils can be used even for the therapy of pregnant women. Doctors forbid the use of only essential oils, as they can harm the health of the fetus.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Oils for psoriasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.