Myositis of the neck
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Myositis of the neck is an inflammatory process in the muscular tissues of the cervical region, characterized by painfulness of the affected area of the muscles, weakness and restriction of the mobility of the neck.
This disease occurs so often that in most cases the patients, without going to the doctors, endure the disease themselves. As far as this disease is serious, and how to treat it, let's try to understand this article.
Causes of myositis of the neck
Myositis of the neck can affect absolutely anyone. Pathology can arise as a response to a stressful situation, hypothermia, sleep on an uncomfortable pillow, unsuccessful turn of the head, etc.
Cervical muscle pain can appear after an infectious disease (ARVI, ARI, tonsillitis, etc.), metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus), as a professional pathology in people who have to work long hours in an uncomfortable position. The disease can be the result of neck injuries, cooling, physical exertion.
Thus, the main causes of myositis are:
- traumatic neck injury;
- cooling, drafts;
- uncomfortable position of the neck;
- convulsive conditions;
- disorders of metabolic processes;
- infection;
- autoimmune pathologies.
Symptoms of myositis of the neck
With myositis, there may be aching pain in the muscles of the neck. Sometimes it is possible to feel the muscular compaction in the area of the lesion. If an infection occurs, which happens due to open tissue trauma, development of purulent myositis may occur. This complication occurs with high fever, fever, swelling and pain in the affected muscle.
Acute myositis of the neck develops instantly, within a few minutes after exposure to a draft, muscle overstrain, awkward neck movement, and trauma.
Chronic myositis of the neck is often a consequence of acute, or occurs after a long exposure to an infectious agent.
Signs of myositis are local pain, which is gradually intensified, especially when trying to turn the neck. Soreness is also felt when palpation of the affected muscles. Less often, there is swelling and redness of the skin of the neck. There is a limitation of mobility of the head, it becomes impossible to turn around, look back or sideways. Pain can give to the head, the occipital region.
The disease most often manifests itself next morning after awakening: inflamed muscle fibers spasmodic, there is swelling, increasing aching pain. Soreness progresses along one of the lateral surfaces of the neck from the occipital region to the shoulder joint and even lower.
With a light course of myositis, soreness can be stopped on its own for several days, but in the absence of treatment the disease can be prolonged and recur. Soreness can subside, but the inflammatory process does not stop, which can provoke a "skewed" neck and displacement of the cervical vertebrae with spasmodic muscles.
A rare, but a common form of the disease is considered parasitic inflammation, which appears when introducing into the muscle tissue of parasites (trichinella, cysticerci). This current is characterized by a feverish state, pains not only in the muscles of the neck, but also in the shoulder and thoracic girdle.
Myositis of the neck in a child
The incidence of myositis in children is no less than that of adults. One of the main causes of myositis of the neck in a baby is hypothermia: it can easily happen when a child is near the air conditioner or in a draft. Also, the reasons may be an excessively high and hard pillow for sleeping, too soft or a short bed.
Often parents do not know about the development of myositis in a child, since the baby can not explain what is bothering him. In such cases, it is recommended to observe how the child behaves, to assess the degree of his motor activity, the amplitude of movements, to detect the moment when the baby becomes hurt, and he begins to cry.
Do not wait for myositis in the child to pass by itself, or to engage in self-treatment. Children require an extremely cautious and individual approach, the accuracy of dosages of both internal and external drugs.
Turning to a doctor, you will alleviate the suffering of your baby and cope with the disease quickly and without consequences.
What's bothering you?
Diagnosis of myositis of the neck
Diagnosis of myositis is based primarily on determining the characteristic symptoms of the disease: it is a visible lesion of the neck muscles, their soreness, densification. The doctor necessarily conducts an external examination and palpation examination.
A blood test can be assigned that will show the presence of the inflammatory process in the body.
Among the special studies can be identified electromyography, which can confirm the damage to muscle fibers. This will be determined by the presence of potentials of fibrillation, positive acute waves, polyphasia, a decrease in units of motion.
In cases of extreme necessity, it is possible to carry out a morphological examination of muscle sites - tissue biopsies.
On the roentgenogram, signs of ossifying myositis can be seen: along the damaged muscle fibers, darkening of the irregular coral configuration will be determined. Radiographic examination allows to differentiate myositis from osteochondrosis manifestations of cervical vertebrae.
What do need to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of myositis of the neck
The general principles of therapeutic procedures for myositis are as follows:
- ensuring rest for the patient;
- adherence to anti-inflammatory diet - the use of a large amount of fiber, vitamins, the exclusion of sweets, alcohol, too salty and sharp;
- at a parasitic etiology of disease apply anthelmintic preparations;
- when infectious etiology appoint antibiotics or special serums;
- purulent myositis - an occasion for operative dissection;
- anti-inflammatory therapy;
- vasoactive treatment;
- warming ointments and compresses;
- manual therapy;
- Exercise therapy.
Treatment of myositis of the neck with medicines is reduced, basically, to the removal of the inflammatory process. Only in the case of an infectious etiology of the disease can antibiotics of a wide range of effects be prescribed-sumamed, flumucil, gentamicin.
Almost all cases are prescribed painkillers ketorolac, nimesulide, metamizole. They stop acute pain, thereby greatly alleviating the condition of the patient.
Anti-inflammatory drugs for neck myositis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Such medications can not only stop the inflammatory process in the tissues, but also reduce the temperature and relieve pain, they are actively used in medicine, both in acute and chronic myositis of the neck. Such anti-inflammatory drugs include aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, piroxicam, amizone, celecoxib, rheopyrin, etc. What do you need to know about these drugs?
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not be taken for a long time because of side effects (a negative effect on the digestive system, the liver);
- these preparations for internal use are not used for peptic ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis, pyelonephritis;
- non-steroidal remedies are washed down exclusively with water (at least a glass), since milk, tea and coffee can affect the ability of the drug;
- the drug should only take one name, a combination of non-steroidal drugs can be too much strain on the digestive and liver organs;
- during the period of treatment it is highly not recommended to take alcoholic beverages.
Fortunately, non-steroidal drugs of the new generation have fewer side effects and are safer for the body.
These drugs include:
- movalis (meloxicam) - an anti-inflammatory agent, is available in the form of capsules, injectable solutions and suppositories. The recommended dosage of the drug is 7.5 or 15 mg once a day;
- celecoxib - a wonderful anti-inflammatory drug, is prescribed in a dose of 200 mg per day, divided into two doses;
- etorikoksib (arkoksia) - preparation for oral administration, recommended dosage from 60 to 90 mg once a day;
- ksefokam - used 2-3 times a day, daily dosage from 8 to 16 mg.
Analgesic effect of such drugs lasts at least 12 hours, which allows you to take tablets not so often.
In the treatment of cervical myositis, a great role is played by massage: it helps to remove inflammatory and stagnant phenomena, relieves pain. Especially effective is the combination of massage and reflexotherapy.
The application of surface massage can be combined with the setting of warming compresses (mainly alcohol). It is useful to rub the neck with fir oil or purified turpentine.
Within 2 hours after the massage, it is possible to conduct therapeutic gymnastics, increasing the load gradually. The duration of such gymnastics is about 20 minutes.
Treatment of myositis of the neck in children is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. The main emphasis in the treatment is put on the procedures of physiotherapy, manual therapy, exercise therapy. The child should be limited to activity, put in bed. Recommended use of dry heat, warming compresses. If the disease is caused by an infectious or parasitic agent, the treatment is redirected to the root cause of the pathology. Do not treat the child yourself. Errors with dosage and misdiagnosis of drugs can adversely affect the health of the baby.
Treatment of myositis of the neck by alternative means
With cervical myositis, compresses are very useful. In order to prepare a compress, you need to moisten a piece of cloth with vodka or alcohol solution, attach it to a painful area, apply an oilcloth over the fabric and wrap your neck with a handkerchief or scarf. This procedure is best done at night.
You can make ointment from baked bacon. It should be mixed with dried and ground horsetail, at the rate of 40 grams of fat per 10 g of grass powder. This ointment is rubbed into a sore spot until complete recovery. In the absence of fat, you can use butter instead.
To get rid of pain in the neck, you can make a compress of fresh leaves of cabbage: leaf is applied to a sore spot and fixed with a warm scarf. The same effect can be achieved by applying fresh burdock leaves.
Good relief of pain in the neck mixture of egg yolk, tsp. Turpentine and art. Spoons of apple cider vinegar. All the ingredients to grind to the consistency of sour cream, apply for grinding.
You can cook a few potatoes in a "uniform", wrap it with a towel and attach it to the sick neck. Keep until the potatoes cool down completely, after which rub the neck with alcohol solution and wrap it.
A positive effect is observed when the so-called "iodine grid" is applied to the affected area. A cotton swab with iodine on a sick site draws a strip in the form of a lattice. The mesh drawn on the night, as a rule, gives effect already in the morning.
In addition to the external methods of alternative treatment, one should not forget about the support of immunity: to drink herbal teas with echinacea, currant, and kalina. It is also recommended to use honey and other products of beekeeping. For example, tea with honey and linden is an excellent anti-inflammatory drug.
Treatment of myositis of the neck with ointments
In the complex therapy of myositis, it is difficult to do without the use of ointments and gels. Such drugs improve the flow of blood and lymph, relax spasmodic muscles, increase the elasticity of tissues, accelerate the local metabolism, remove the residual metabolic products from the muscles and reduce pain.
The therapeutic effect of ointments is determined by the characteristics of the components of medicinal products. Some drugs help warm up the muscles, others stop the swelling and remove the inflammatory process.
With cervical myositis, the following external drugs can be used:
- apizartron - a drug based on the action of bee venom. Effectively removes inflammation and warms tissues. The ointment is applied to the painful area and rubbed through a massage;
- Virapin - ointment, similar in characteristics with apizarthron;
- viprosal - a preparation prepared on the basis of snake venom. They rub the skin at the lesion site 2 times a day;
- vipratoks - analog of viprosala;
- sanitas is a preparation of methyl salicylate supplemented with essential oils, turpentine, camphor. Used for rubbing;
- gymnastics - heating ointment. The complex composition of the ointment only enhances the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and distracting properties of the drug. 1.5-2 g of the drug is sufficient for easy massage;
- ointment heparin - resorption, vasodilator ointment, usually applied under the bandage;
- gevkamen - an anesthetic and distracting ointment, has menthol, essential oils, paraffin in the composition;
- efkamon - ointment-analgesic with a warming effect. Use up to 3 cm of ointment for massage;
- Nikofleks is a medicinal product for athletes. Relieves pain, cramps, muscle spasms;
- rikhtophit - ointment on a plant basis, actively removes the inflammatory reaction, restores damaged tissues;
- The finalgon is an excellent heating ointment. It is used only on undamaged skin areas, avoiding contact with mucous tissues. When applying the ointment, it is necessary to use a special applicator, which is included in the kit;
- Venoruron is a herbal remedy that activates blood circulation in the affected area of tissues, thereby reducing soreness and muscle tension;
- turpentine ointment - local irritating, analgesic and bactericidal ointment. Accelerates the restoration of muscle tissue, removes signs of inflammation;
- Menovazine is an analgesic ointment, which contains menthol, anesthesin, novocaine and alcohol. The agent is used for rubbing up to 3 times a day.
All these ointments do not contain non-steroidal agents, do not have toxic effects on the body, and are absolutely safe. Side effects of such drugs are reduced only to the individual hypersensitivity of the patient to any component.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of myositis of the neck
Prevention of inflammatory processes in the neck muscles is based on the following recommendations:
- should avoid excessive muscle strain, avoid traumatic situations, hypothermia, including professional activity in cold conditions;
- adhere to an active lifestyle, promptly treat any pathologies in the body, especially those associated with an infection or a cold;
- tempered;
- properly eat balanced, full-fledged food, maintain immune defenses of the body;
- to have a rest properly (on the nature, with active mobile games, sports competitions);
- dress on the weather, protect your neck from drafts;
- avoid sudden movements of the neck;
- with prolonged sedentary work, every hour allow yourself five-minute workouts, during which to try to move more, warming up the muscles and reducing stagnation of blood in them.
Periodically recommended to attend sessions of professional massage: it will strengthen blood circulation, improve the trophism of the muscular tissues of the neck.
The prognosis of the myositis of the neck is favorable. The disease usually lasts for three to four days.
Myositis of the neck is not such a terrible disease, but it causes quite a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Observing the recommendations for the prevention of the disease, you will forget for a long time about the pain in the neck and other symptoms of myositis.