Symptoms of myositis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Myositis belongs to the pathology group that affects the muscles due to inflammation, trauma or exposure to a toxic factor. Symptoms of myositis in most cases are represented by pain syndrome, weakness in muscles and even their atrophy.
The disease involves the defeat of one or more muscles, contributing to the loss of some of their functions. If the lesion covers several muscle groups, then it is a polymyositis. In addition to muscular structures, the skin can be affected, causing the development of dermatomyositis.
Pathology can occur acutely from a rapid onset with traumatic muscle damage or severe stress. The chronic form is a consequence of the acute phase or a symptom of an infectious disease.
The most frequent clinical manifestations of myositis is a local pain syndrome, the severity of which increases as the process progresses. Its greatest intensity is observed with motor activity, due to the strain of the affected muscles, and also during palpation.
Symptoms of myositis of the neck
Pain in the neck is most often considered a clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis or myositis. Their main difference is the onset of pain syndrome a few hours after the impact of the provoking factor.
Symptoms of myositis of the neck are characterized by an increasing pain syndrome, the intensity of which increases when you try to turn your neck or lower your head. The pain can extend to the shoulder area, the head (the back of the head and the front part), and also shifts to the back, shoulder blades.
The pain persists even at rest and does not diminish its intensity after an overnight rest. In order to reduce its severity, a person tries to move the head and neck less, as the motor activity provokes the tension of the affected muscles.
Symptoms of myositis neck include the feeling of tight cords along the muscles and their soreness when probing. In some cases, there is hyperemia over the area of inflammation.
The condition of the muscles deteriorates when exposed to even the slightest cold factor, such as a draft or rain. As a result, the pain becomes much brighter, and the movements are even more limited.
Symptoms of myositis of the back
Myositis occurs under the influence of various factors that cause inflammation or traumatization of muscle fibers. The most pronounced clinical manifestations of myositis are observed in the morning, as the muscles after a prolonged immobilization or stay in an uncomfortable pose are hard enough to get their usual disposition. This process is accompanied by pain syndrome.
It is caused by the increase in swelling at night, resulting in a reflex spasm. In addition, do not forget that the muscles have already succumbed to the influence of the provoking factor.
Symptoms of myositis of the back as a result of traumatic agent exposure are manifested after a few days. Clinical manifestations of the disease gradually increase and persist for a long time.
Symptoms of myositis of the back include a painful aching syndrome, swelling and flushing of the skin over the affected muscles, an increase in local temperature over the pathological focus.
Palpatorically, compacted nodules are found that are asymmetrically distributed in large numbers in the lumbar region. Any motor activity (slopes, turns), which is accompanied by tension or stretching of muscles, provokes an increase in the pain syndrome.
General clinical manifestations of myositis are the appearance of a general malaise, rapid fatigue and reduced performance due to the inability to perform movements.
Symptoms of myositis of the legs
Diseases of the legs are particularly acute, as walking is an integral part of our lives. So, if you can try not to move your head with the myositis of the neck or move your hand - with myositis of the shoulder, then even a slight load on your legs provokes an increase in the pain syndrome.
Symptoms of myositis of the legs appear as a result of muscle damage and are characterized by local redness of the skin, tenderness of the legs, swelling or slight pasty, as well as an increase in local temperature and a decrease and even the absence of motor activity.
In addition to these clinical manifestations, headaches, periodic muscle spasms, chills and a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of the skin can occur.
Myositis of the feet is most often manifested in the calf muscles, which are most active in motor activity, in particular when walking.
Symptoms of myositis of the legs, such as weakness of the muscles, increased severity of the pain syndrome in the process of movement, and a sharp restriction of the mobility of the joints of the lower extremities are most frequent in the defeat of the leg muscles.
Symptoms of myositis of hip muscles
The defeat of the hip muscles is possible as a result of the influence of a traumatic or inflammatory factor, which provokes an increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome. As a result, the motor activity of a person is disturbed, which is why his quality of life suffers.
Symptoms of the myositis of the hip muscles are much less common than, for example, myositis of the neck or back, but one should nevertheless remember its clinical picture.
Symptoms of myositis of the hip muscles do not differ much from the clinical manifestations of myositis of other muscles. Characteristic signs are local soreness, which can be amplified and spread to other areas - the lower back, the groin and the leg with considerable physical exertion.
In the process of muscle strain, their contraction occurs, which is prevented by swelling of the tissues. As a result, pain increases and mobility in the joint is limited. With prolonged course of myositis, it is possible to increase muscle weakness until the onset of atrophic processes in the muscle.
Symptoms of myositis of gastrocnemius muscles
This disease can not only provide intense pain in the legs, but also hamper any motor activity. Calf muscles take direct or indirect part in performing various movements (walking, running, lifting weights, tilting).
As a result, all these movements can not be performed if there is pain in the legs. In addition, it is physical activity that increases the intensity of pain and forces a person to give it up for several days.
Symptoms of myositis of the gastrocnemius muscles occur after exposure to an infectious agent on the body or a traumatic factor. In addition, it is worth paying attention to, that long walking on heels promotes the growth of pain syndrome.
The characteristic symptoms of the myositis of the gastrocnemius muscles make it possible to distinguish it from many other pathological conditions. When the muscles are damaged, it becomes more painful and intensified under the influence of physical exertion.
When trying to feel the affected calf muscles, you can provoke the appearance of more intense pain. In addition, palpable dense sections of the muscle with individual nodules and strands are felt.
Symptoms of myositis in children
Children suffer from myositis to the same degree as adults, even in some cases (with the impact of a traumatic factor) - even more often. Symptoms of myositis in children are mainly manifested in the morning, when the muscles are still "cold" and there is a slight puffiness.
In addition, the affected muscles slopes to an even greater edema, which provokes reflex spasm, which leads to infringement of nerve endings. As a result, intense pain is noted, which is aggravated by motor activity.
The first symptoms of myositis in children develop a few days after the influence of the provoking factor. Pain can spread to surrounding muscle groups, further limiting the mobility of the baby. In the case of involvement in the process of nerve plexuses, it is possible the occurrence of pain in more remote areas of the body, which are innervated by this plexus.
Clinical manifestations of myositis gain intensity in the absence of treatment and can lead to complete immobilization of a specific area of the body. However, it is worth remembering that it is the pain syndrome that is gradually decreasing, but muscle spasm is increasing and in the future can lead to asymmetry of the face, skin folds on the neck, or back.
Symptoms of thoracic myositis
The prevalence of thoracic myositis is quite high, as these muscle groups take a direct part in breathing, which is an integral part of our life.
Symptoms of thoracic myositis are practically the same as those of other muscle groups, but it should be remembered that if a pain syndrome occurs in the neck with myositis of the neck muscles, then a person can restrict movement in this area, which can not be said about the muscles of the chest.
Whatever the efforts to limit respiratory activity, all the same pain syndrome can not be completely prevented. Pain is present at night, when the breath of a person is not so deep and frequent, and even after a long, long rest the pain syndrome does not disappear.
Symptoms of thoracic myositis are characterized by increased swelling of the tissues due to muscle damage, redness of the skin over them and increased local temperature. Also there is a decrease in the threshold of skin sensitivity, as a result of which any touch is perceived very sharply.
In the case of severe myositis, it is possible to involve the muscles of the larynx and pharynx into the pathological process. As a result, difficulty in swallowing is observed, dyspnea and cough increase. These symptoms are caused by the progressive swelling of the muscles of the larynx. In the future, headaches and dizziness are possible.
Symptoms of intercostal myositis
Initially, the development of myositis is very difficult to independently distinguish between myositis and intercostal neuralgia, since both pathologies are characterized by pain syndrome, which is intensified when the chest moves during breathing.
Symptoms of intercostal myositis, in addition to soreness, also have swelling of the tissues, hyperemia and increased sensitivity of the skin over the affected area of the muscles.
Distinctive symptoms of intercostal myositis include the growth of pain syndrome with pressure on the muscles throughout the intercostal space, the presence of pain after prolonged rest and at rest.
At a palpation research consolidations of muscular fibers and presence of small nodules are observed. Complexity consists of turns, torso of the trunk, and also active respiratory movements.
In addition, it should be noted that with the influence of the cold factor, the pain syndrome increases its severity, and the temperature above the muscles becomes higher than in the neighboring areas.
Symptoms of myositis of the hand
When the muscles of the arm are affected, typical clinical manifestations of myositis are observed. As a result of the impact of the provoking factor, a pain syndrome begins to disturb after a few days.
Symptoms of myositis of the hand cause the pain to increase when trying to perform any movement, which requires the affected muscle groups. Reduction of muscles due to stress provokes an increase in the intensity of pain as a result of infringement of nerve endings.
When probing, there is also an increase in symptoms. In addition to pain, swelling of the tissues arises, so that the arm increases in diameter, as well as redness and sensitization of the skin.
In order for the symptoms of myositis of the hand not to have such a pronounced intensity, it is necessary to reduce its motor activity. Thus, with prolonged immobilization of the hand, it is possible to develop muscle weakness and later their atrophy.
Pain can spread to surrounding areas, for example, neck, scapula or chest.
Symptoms of shoulder myositis
Under the influence of a cold, infectious or traumatic factor, muscle damage occurs, which is manifested by soreness at rest, during movement and palpation.
In the process of contraction of muscles to perform the necessary movement, the nerve endings are infringed, which provoke pain.
The symptoms of myositis of the shoulder are so pronounced that not only the shoulder joint, but also the surrounding ones can not perform their functions. With a mild form of myositis, clinical manifestations may disappear within a few days, but provided adequate treatment is used. Usually, enough heat, rest and reception of painkillers.
Symptoms of myositis of the shoulder can come back after repeated impact on the shoulder of a provoking factor. Thus, the clinical picture can be repeated, as a result of which the myositis passes into a chronic form. Severe myositis requires complex treatment and a durable rest for the shoulder joint.
In chronic form, the atrophy of muscles comes to the fore, leaving behind hyperemia and increased sensitivity of the skin.
Symptoms of myositis of the eye
Myositis is able to affect all muscles that are affected by cold, trauma or infectious agents. Myositis of the orbit belongs to this group of diseases and is characterized by clinical manifestations typical for pathology.
Myositis can span either one muscle or several at the same time, which determines the intensity and nature of the symptoms. So, the clinical picture of the disease includes acute pain, which is intensified when trying to take your eyes to the side, up, in general, with any motor activity.
Symptoms of myositis of the eye also consist of puffiness of the eyelids, their incomplete opening, and also in some cases there is a double vision in the eyes. Above the affected muscles, an injection of blood vessels is noted.
A small exophthalmos is also possible. Symptoms of myositis in an acute illness can disappear after 1.5 months, provided that the rules and selection of effective treatment are observed.
In the case of chronic course, which lasts more than 2-3 months, and maybe years, myositis can provoke the development of restrictive myopathy. Over the entire period, the disease is characterized by relapses and periods of remission.
Symptoms of parasitic myositis
Muscle damage can occur as a result of exposure to cold, traumatic or infectious factors. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the parasitic species of myositis. It is caused by the activity of parasites (cysticerci or trichinella), aimed at damage to muscle fibers.
The characteristic symptoms of parasitic myositis are an increase in the overall body temperature, which differs from other forms of myositis. In addition, the pain syndrome is present in all muscles that are affected by parasites. Most often - the muscles of the chest, lower and upper limbs, tongue and chewing muscles.
Symptoms of parasitic myositis also include pronounced edema of the tissues of the affected areas. Of the common clinical manifestations is the dysfunction of the digestive tract, which is expressed by nausea, vomiting and intestinal disorders.
Depending on the defeat of parasites of certain organs and structures, symptoms of their defeat may be added. For example, with echinococcosis, the formation of rounded foci in the liver is observed, which in turn causes pain in the right hypochondrium and changes in the biochemical analysis of the blood (increase in liver enzymes).
Symptoms of myositis depend on the activity of the impact of the damaging factor, the duration of its effect and the degree of activity of the inflammatory process in the muscle. With timely access to a doctor and the appointment of an effective treatment, you can get rid of myositis in the shortest time without the development of complications.
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