Treatment of myositis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With muscle pains are familiar, perhaps, almost everything. Pain in the muscles is most often determined by the doctor as a myositis - an inflammatory disease that occurs with colds, infections, traumatic, toxic and other effects on muscle fibers.
Myositis can affect any muscle groups, so it will not be out of place to clarify whether there are differences in the treatment of myositis of different locations. Consider also the treatment of myositis at home with the use of alternative medicine.
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Treatment of myositis of the neck
Myositis of the neck may appear due to hypothermia or infectious disease. Usually, muscles with myositis hurt with pressure, turns of the head, pain are concentrated more often closer to the cervical spine.
Treatment of myositis of the neck may include the following:
- systemic treatment for the removal of the inflammatory process and muscle soreness. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are used for internal use (diclofenac, ibuprofen, nurofen, etc.). These agents can be combined with injections of B vitamins: cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin;
- local therapy involves the use of ointments, creams, compresses and rubbing. The most commonly used are voltaren, fastum-gel, diclofit and many others. Sometimes use medical plasters (olfen);
- Massage procedures are an effective way to eliminate muscle spasm and inflammatory reaction. Massage movements accelerate the blood flow, which facilitates the expulsion of the accumulated toxins from the inflamed area. Massage can be done at home or consult a specialist;
- The methods of physiotherapy are the use of an anesthetic to implant it directly into inflamed tissues. This effect can be achieved by applying the action of a magnetic field or electrical impulses.
Treatment of myositis of the back
Inflammation of the back muscles can occur as a result of exposure to cold, wind, draft. However, specialists do not advise self-healing of the back myositis: there are too many chances that muscle pain can be caused by an infectious pathology, or it is associated with the pathology of the spine.
In order to begin treatment of myositis of the back, it is necessary to first clarify the diagnosis of the doctor. Only then will the appointment of treatment procedures follow. You may even have to use antibiotics (if an infection is found).
In addition, you may need physiotherapy, the direction to which you will write a doctor.
Treatment after the examination may include the use of anesthetic external means that will eliminate pain. A good effect is given by preparations based on the venom of a viper or bee (apizarthron, viprosal), as well as ointments containing a burning pepper extract or turpentine (espol, finalgon).
Treatment of myositis of lumbar muscles
Inflammation of the lumbar muscles must be differentiated from kidney diseases (pyelonephritis and urolithiasis), pancreatitis and osteochondrosis of the spine. Therefore, before you start treatment, you need to clarify the diagnosis from a specialist. You may need a comprehensive examination, after which you will be assigned exactly the treatment that you need.
The acute period of myositis of the lumbar muscles is tolerated more easily if bed rest is observed. Along with this, the doctor can prescribe the following treatment:
- analgesics, in particular, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, diclofenac);
- physical therapy (electro-stimulating sessions, cryotherapy);
- injection blockade by administration of novocaine and an adjuvant, more often a corticosteroid hormone drug;
- manual therapy, massage procedures, muscle traction, reflexotherapy.
Treatment of myositis of the thorax
Treatment of myositis of the chest begins with bed rest, especially if the patient is painful to move, or the temperature has risen.
If the pain is unbearable, for the beginning it should be facilitated by the use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. After that, the funds are prescribed that stop the main cause of the inflammatory process.
- Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken in tablets, or injections, and in the form of external ointments. This will relieve the pain and tension in the muscles.
- The cause of the inflammatory process is eliminated with appropriate drugs: parasitic inflammation should be treated with anthelmintic agents, infectious inflammation - with antibiotics, and with myositis, which arose against the background of autoimmune pathology, immunosuppressors and glucocorticoid agents are prescribed.
- Fizprotsedury - the use of electrophoresis.
- Acupuncture, treatment by bees, leeches.
It is recommended to apply heat to the affected area, rub the wax with warming ointments, massage and knead.
The thorax should be protected from exposure to cold and draft, even if you have already completed myositis treatment.
Treatment of myositis of the foot
As with any other forms of myositis, the treatment of myositis of the foot should be treated against the background of therapy of the underlying pathology, which can be the cause of the inflammatory process.
The main measures for inflammation of the muscles on the leg:
- the creation of muscle rest: the patient should rest, taking a comfortable position for him, relaxing the muscles of his legs;
- for anesthesia, injections of ketonal or voltaren are used, in mild cases it is possible to take pills or confine oneself to ointments;
- The external treatment is used practically at any degree of inflammatory process. As a rule, these are warming ointments and preparations based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (espol, Dolobene-gel, diklak-gel);
- if myositis is caused by trauma, often resort to the use of a Novocain blockade with corticosteroid agents;
- if there is no pronounced puffiness, apply thermal and physical procedures;
- after the stifling of the acute process, massage and reflexotherapy sessions are prescribed.
Treatment of myositis of the thigh
Treatment of myositis of the hip is carried out with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or in the form of injections. Such treatment gives a fairly rapid effect, which is further supported by the use of external means - ointments and creams. Such drugs reduce tension and spasm of muscle fibers, restore trophism in tissues, soothe pain.
With myositis of the thigh, it is more important than ever to maintain bed rest: the muscles need to relax and rest, and physical activities, of course, do not contribute to this. In addition, in this state, even ordinary walking at first can cause unbearable pain. In advanced cases, it is possible to split the affected muscular part with novocain to stop the pain syndrome.
Often, to get rid of acute pain using the method of acupuncture. This method relieves pain within a week.
If myositis is complicated by the development of a purulent process, you may need antibiotic therapy, and sometimes even surgical intervention.
Treatment of shin myositis
Treatment of the myositis of the lower leg primarily involves relieving the pain syndrome. Pain in inflammation of the calf muscles is enhanced not only when walking, but also during sleep, in a calm state, as well as during a sharp change in weather conditions.
The inflammatory process in the lower leg can be caused by a prolonged load on the lower limb, therefore, first of all, any stresses on the shin should be eliminated and the limbs should be given rest. Next, use anti-inflammatory ointment on the affected area, and inside use any of the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.
Patients who are for any reason contraindicated in the use of chemical medications, can recommend the conduct of sessions of postisometric relaxation (IRP). This method is a stretching of muscles and ligaments and is one of the new varieties of manual therapy.
If myositis is caused by a shin injury, in most cases the painful symptoms disappear on their own, if you give the limbs a complete rest for a few days. However, severe trauma requires compulsory treatment, since significant damage to muscle tissue can develop into necrosis.
Treatment of myositis gastrocnemius muscle
Pain in the calf muscles is not always associated with myositis, most often this happens after a long and significant load on the lower limbs: after running for long distances or exercising on the cycle track.
If the doctor has established the diagnosis of myositis, then, most likely, from training and load on the leg you will have to temporarily give up.
Often along with anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy (ketonal, diclofenac, nurofen) in the myositis of the gastrocnemius muscle, anticonvulsant drugs (phenorelaxane, phenazepam) are also used, and massage and physical therapy are also actively used.
Physiotherapy exercises with myositis gastrocnemius muscle is appointed from the third to fourth day (at the discretion of the doctor). Classes begin with light exercises, gradually increasing the load every day. Do not forget to warm up the muscles before each workout and avoid sudden movements.
Treatment of myositis of the hand
Treatment of myositis of the hand is more often complex. If the pain is significant, acupuncture helps well: the effect can be noticeable already from the first session. The protracted process is treated, certainly, longer.
The method of electrostimulation of muscles promotes the speedy regeneration of muscle tissue and improves local blood circulation.
More and more popular is the relatively new method of treating myositis - pharmacopuncture. This type of therapy involves the introduction of certain medicinal products prescribed by the doctor. It can be vitamin or homeopathic remedies, biostimulants, etc. The duration of such treatment is from 2 to 15 sessions, which are conducted every day, or 1-3 times a week.
Treatment of myositis of the shoulder
Myositis of the shoulder, like other inflammatory diseases, is treated with complex methods: anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy and kinesitherapy.
Kinesitherapy is a treatment with active and passive movements, that is, a kind of therapeutic gymnastics.
In domestic conditions, the treatment of shoulder myositis can be performed using warming ointments and creams, which we will discuss below. Anesthetics can be prescribed for complex internal use.
If simultaneously with the shoulder muscles the shoulder joint is affected, it becomes reasonable to use chondroprotectors on a natural basis, as well as local massage effects.
Treatment of myositis in children
Children often enough diagnose such pathology, as an inflammation of muscles. The difficulty lies in the fact that parents do not always manage to determine in a timely manner what exactly disturbs the baby. In this regard, pediatricians can appoint an incorrect treatment, which, of course, does not lead to a cure.
In childhood, myositis is formed most often due to hypothermia. For example, a baby can easily pick up myositis, playing in drafts or near the location of the air conditioner.
Sometimes the blame for the development of myositis in a child may be inconvenience during night rest: it is an uncomfortable size of a crib, a too large pillow, a too soft mattress, and also a crib location directly near an open window.
Treatment of myositis in children can be delayed for the simple reason that a small child simply can not explain what is troubling him. Specialists strongly recommend dads and moms to monitor the condition of the baby. If it is noticeable that the child has something to worry about, you should immediately contact the doctor.
Do not rush to use for your child's own medications used in adults. This can harm the baby. Consult with your doctor, he will advise you the most effective and safe remedy for your baby.
To facilitate the state of the child before the arrival of a doctor, you can use a product suitable for childhood and consisting of natural components - "Dr. Mom." Ointment is applied to the clean skin of the painful area and wrapped with a warm kerchief or scarf, up to 3 times a day. Try to keep the ointment from getting into the baby's eyes when applying. After applying the ointment, you can use a light massage without unnecessary pressure and kneading.
Treatment of myositis in pregnancy
It must be remembered that not all medicines can be used during pregnancy. Treatment of myositis in pregnancy should appoint a doctor, considering the duration of pregnancy and the safety of this or that drug.
The most safe application of the ointment is "Dr. Mom." It consists of natural components that do not adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the future baby.
As for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, their use in pregnancy is contraindicated. Among such prohibited substances are ketorolac, ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac, and also analgin, baralgin, etc. The only non-steroidal analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication that is permitted for the treatment of myositis in pregnancy is paracetamol. The active substance of this medicine is able to penetrate the fetus, but does not have a harmful effect on it.
In spite of the fact that this drug is authorized, it is not necessary to abuse it, and at a strong painful syndrome it is necessary to consult necessarily the doctor.
With muscle spasms, you can apply no-shpa (drotaverine). This drug will have the expected antispasmodic and analgesic effect.
Ointments, which include the poison of snakes and bees (apizartron, viprosal), as well as dimexide, are also prohibited during pregnancy.
In pregnancy, for treatment of myositis without fear, you can apply massage and thermal procedures (dry heat).
Treatment of chronic myositis
Chronic myositis is often the result of an acute form of myositis or the result of a chronic infectious disease. Treatment of chronic myositis is often carried out at the time of exacerbation of the pathology.
In the treatment of chronic myositis, the same remedies are usually used, as in acute myositis. The emphasis is on drugs that are needed to eliminate the root cause of chronic pathology: these are the means for treating infectious, autoimmune or inflammatory processes in the body.
Increases the effectiveness of such treatment using medical patches, in particular, analgesic anti-inflammatory plaster Nanoplast forte or Olfen.
Therapy of the chronic form of myositis is usually supplemented by physiotherapeutic procedures, massage sessions, therapeutic gymnastics, observance of a special diet. Spa treatment is welcomed.
Treatment of infectious myositis
Treatment of infectious myositis must necessarily be carried out using antibacterial drugs, anesthetics, often with the use of surgical intervention and physical procedures. Surgical treatment is prescribed for purulent infectious myositis: the abscess is opened, the necrotic tissue is excised (without damaging the demarcation shaft), followed by fermentotherapy and drainage installation.
Treatment procedures for infectious myositis should be comprehensive. Antibiotics prescribe, depending on the causative agent of infection, which may be staphylococci, streptococci, E. Coli, etc. Antibiotics can be combined with other bactericidal drugs, for example, sulfonamide drugs.
Locally apply dry heat.
In the treatment of neglected cases, the administration of steroid preparations is often required.
After relief of the acute infectious process, physical exercises, massage, physiotherapy and balneotherapy are recommended.
Treatment of ossifying myositis
Unfortunately, treatment of ossifying myositis does not bring the desired effect. The condition of individual patients can be facilitated by the appointment of alternating courses of intravenous injection of calcium-denatrice salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid.
Simple manifestations of pathology are treated using anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, vitamins C and B.
In severe cases, intensive care methods are connected, in particular, steroid hormones are used. Preferred in this situation drugs based on prednisolone: they have fewer side effects than other steroids. It is possible to use hyaluronidase.
Treatment with ossifying myositis should be accompanied by therapy of the underlying disease: it can be the treatment of injuries or pathologies of the nervous system. In cases where ossifits seriously affect the functionality, resort to their removal (operation of extirpation of calcareous areas).
Preparations for the treatment of myositis
First of all, we will consider systemic preparations for the treatment of myositis. These are medicines for internal and injection use.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents:
- movalis - applied from the age of 15. The daily dosage is no more than 15 mg, the standard dosage is 7.5 mg;
- celecoxib - used for adults at 100 mg twice a day, or 200 mg once a day;
- nimesulide - orally at 100 mg twice daily, possibly after a meal. The daily dosage is a maximum of 400 mg;
- etorikoksib - inside, once a day from 60 to 120 mg;
- ibuprofen - 400 to 600 mg 2-3 times a day, daily dosage - maximum 2.4 g;
- ketones - inside 1 tablet every 5 hours. Elderly patients and those who suffer from kidney disease, dosage is certainly reduced;
- diclofenac - intramuscular injection of 75 mg to 2 times a day with acute myositis, or exacerbation of chronic form. The course of therapy - from 4 to 5 days;
- ketorolac - intramuscular injection of 10 to 30 mg every 5 hours. The daily dosage should not be more than 90 mg for an adult and 60 mg for the elderly;
- indomethacin - an oral drug, is taken after a meal. The initial dose of 25 mg twice a day, then the dose can be gradually increased to 100-150 mg three times a day. In the chronic form of myositis, it is recommended to use indomethacin in injections (intramuscularly 60 mg from 1 to 2 times a day);
- peroxicam - orally 10-30 mg once a day, or intramuscularly from 20 to 40 mg to relieve the acute period of inflammation.
- Analgesics-antipyretics:
- analgin - orally administered from 0.25 to 0.5 g to 3 times a day, children - from 5-10 mg per kilogram of weight up to 4 times a day. Intramuscularly - up to 2 ml of 50% solution, for children from 0.2 to 0.4 ml of 25% solution for every 10 kg of weight;
- antipyrine - orally from 0.25 to 0.5 g to 3 times a day;
- mylogin - from 1 to 2 capsules three times a day;
- phenacetin - from 0.25 to 0.5 g to 3 times a day. The maximum single dose - 0.5 grams per day - not more than 1.5 grams;
- Paracetamol - adults are prescribed a maximum of 0.5-1 g three times a day, children - 60 mg per kilogram of weight in three divided doses.
What do I need to know about taking the above drugs? Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics should not be used for more than 7-10 days, since such drugs can cause a lot of undesirable effects. One of the main complications after taking them may be damage to the mucosa of the digestive tract. This condition is accompanied by dyspepsia, and in difficult cases leads to the formation of erosive and ulcerative processes.
In drugs that are used externally, in the form of ointments, the danger of undesirable consequences is much lower.
Treatment of myositis with ointments
Ointments, which include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are able to provide the maximum content of the active substance directly at the site of application. In this case, the negative effect on the body is less pronounced than with oral administration of the drug. Among the minuses of such ointments can be called that the constituents of the drug have a different degree of absorption from the surface of the skin. In addition, the drug can partially remain on clothing or soaked in dressings.
Gel preparations are absorbed into tissues more qualitatively than ointments, therefore their systemic effect is more effective.
- Traumeel C - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating drug. Used for relatively small areas of the skin. The drug is rubbed from 3 to 5 times a day. Can be used with phono and electrophoresis. Duration of therapy from 2 to 4 weeks.
- Gevkamen - a distracting and anesthetic ointment, is used for external rubbing. Use 2-3 g of ointment up to 3 times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the form and severity of the inflammatory process.
- Mefenate is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment, the therapeutic effect of which can last up to 20 hours. Ointment should be applied to the painful areas of the skin with a special device, which is supplied in the kit, up to 3 times a day. It is allowed to apply the ointment under the bandage.
- Espol is a complex anesthetic anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory drug based on capsicum pepper. The effect of the ointment is observed a few minutes after application and lasts up to 2 hours. Apply espol on clean skin up to 3 times a day.
- Fastum-gel is a preparation based on ketoprofen, it is applied a small layer up to 2 times a day on a painful area and gently rubbed. You can use the gel in combination with phonophoresis, or iontophoresis.
- Roztiran is an ointment based on essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, muscat, menthol. Ointment can be used for adults and children from 2 years. Roztiran applied up to 4 times a day, the duration of treatment - up to five days.
- Turpentine ointment - has a local-irritant and anti-inflammatory effect, is used externally for grinding.
- Dip Relief gel 5% is a complex preparation based on ibuprofen and levomentol. The gel should be applied to the painful area and rubed until completely absorbed into the skin. Between rubbing should take at least four hours. The course of rubbing - up to 10 days.
- Diklak-gel - a drug based on diclofenac, effectively reduces swelling, pain and inflammation. The skin is applied a strip up to 5-8 cm up to 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.
- Diclofenac sodium gel 1% - domestic and cheaper analog Diklak-gel. Can be used for children from 6 years. Duration of therapy up to 5 days.
- Dolarene-gel is an effective combination of diclofenac sodium and methyl salicylate. The gel perfectly penetrates the skin into the underlying tissues, it is recommended to use it up to 4 times a day for 10 days.
- Indovazin gel - a combination of indomethacin and troxevasin, which complement and enhance the effect of each other.
- Apizarthron - ointment based on the poison of bees, is used up to 3 times a day until complete cure. After applying the ointment, it is warm to wrap the affected surface of the body.
- Viprosal is an ointment that contains the poison of a gurgi. The drug should be rubbed into the affected area up to 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is from 7 to 30 days.
- Vipratox is liniment based on snake venom. The standard scheme of use - from 5 to 10 ml of the drug to 2 times a day.
Medical treatment of myositis can be supplemented with other medications: muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, antibiotics. The expediency of prescribing such drugs is determined by the doctor.
Treatment of any of the above means should be carried out taking into account the individual sensitivity of the body. If you are inclined to allergic reactions, it is recommended to test the external remedy on a small area of the skin first, and only then to start the full application of the drug.
Treatment of myositis at home
Infectious, parasitic and toxic myositis is strongly not recommended to be treated at home. But muscular inflammation, which appeared due to hypothermia or trauma, can be cured at home.
The first steps to recovery are the peace of the affected muscle and the application of dry heat. You can simply wrap the affected area with a woolen scarf or apply a heating pad. In a complex with a warming ointment the effect will come quickly enough.
Of course, if within a few days the illness does not recede, it is still worthwhile to seek medical advice at the nearest polyclinic or a trauma center.
What else can I do to treat myositis at home:
- take a fresh cabbage leaf, slightly discourage it with a rolling pin before softening and apply to a painful area, tying a scarf or warm kerchief over the leaf;
- rub the sick area with apple cider vinegar, and also take a drink from the same vinegar with honey and chilled boiled water (spoon of vinegar, a spoon of honey and 200 ml of water);
- make compresses of pork, badger or nutrient fat with salt (100 grams of base and a tablespoon of salt), wrapped on top with cellophane or parchment and a warm kerchief.
For successful treatment of myositis and general strengthening of the immune system and the muscular system, one should adhere to certain principles of nutrition: forget about alcohol and smoking, do not get carried away with sharp and salty dishes. It is useful to periodically arrange unloading days on dairy products, porridges on water, vegetables and fruits.
Such small changes in nutrition will not only help in the treatment of myositis, but also will serve as a good prevention of the disease in the future.
Alternative treatment of myositis
As we said above, an effective remedy for myositis is the application of dry heat. Alternative treatment of myositis offers as such thermal procedures to apply a boiled "in uniform" potatoes wrapped in a towel, or heated in a skillet rock salt, placed in a tissue bag and wrapped in a scarf. Compress should be applied to a sore spot and kept until completely cooled. After that, remove the compress, and rub the affected area with vodka or herbal tincture and wrap it with a scarf. Such a procedure should be performed at least several times for a sustainable result.
You can prepare a special heating ointment from myositis: take the yolk of a hen's egg, mix it with 1 tbsp. Spoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. Turpentine. This ointment can be rubbed overnight and sleep, wrapped in a warm scarf.
With uncomplicated myositis, the application of an iodine net is helpful: iodine is applied with a cotton bud to a damaged area in the form of a mesh and left until the drug has completely absorbed. This procedure is best done at night.
Successfully treated with myositis leaves burdock. We take a burdock, we will fill it with boiling water and fix a scarf to a painful place, it is better for the night. By the morning the pain must subside.
Take 0.5 liters of water at a temperature of 45-50 ° C, add 5-8 drops of laurel, eucalyptus, fir or sea-buckthorn oil. Wet the wool fabric in such a solution and apply it as a compress on the painful patch.
Take a teaspoon of home-made butter, soften and mix with a quarter of the same spoonful of bodyyagi. We rub the painful area before going to sleep.
If you are not ready to perform complex recipes, you can simply apply natural honey to the skin area affected by myositis. Massage with honey is necessary until it is almost completely absorbed into the skin. Then the remnants of honey should be washed off with a tincture of chamomile, or St. John's wort, or other anti-inflammatory herbs. After the procedure, wrap yourself in a scarf.
If myositis visits you often, try to observe a few simple preventive rules:
- Avoid drafts, dress in the weather, do not overcool;
- Do not drive the muscles to a state of overexertion, start training with light warm-up exercises;
- timely treat colds and infectious diseases;
- periodically visit the massage room and conduct a course of massage problem areas;
- - Temper, take a sun bath, rest in the fresh air.
Treatment of myositis should be carried out immediately after the discovery of the first symptoms in order to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.