

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Strengthening of tooth enamel

There are many means of strengthening tooth enamel. Among them, the use of certain foods.

Resection of the apex of the tooth root

Modern surgery involves performing all sorts, and even very complex, operations. Many dental diseases also have to be treated surgically.

Candidiasis glossitis

Candida glossitis is a disease that affects a person's language. A disease with such a complex name is called a yeast fungus, which belongs to the genus Candida.

Erythroplasty of the oral cavity

Erythroplasty of the oral cavity is a persistent red spot. It has no clinical manifestations. In most cases, neoplasm is characterized as epithelial dysplasia.

Treatment of glossitis

The causes of this disease can be different, so the treatment of glossitis may be slightly different. Our task today is to consider all possible treatment options, from conservative drug therapy to alternative methods.


Glossitis is an inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the oral cavity, namely, the tongue, and caused by infection, but can also have an infectious nature.

Gum Disease

Omission of the gum is a fairly common pathology of the dentoalveolar system and oral cavity, which dentists call a gum recession or an apical displacement of the gingival margin.


Fluorosis develops because of excessive accumulation in the body of fluoride. There are two types of disease - endemic and professional.

Incorrect bite in a child

An incorrect bite in a child means that the position of the dentition of one of its jaws relative to the teeth of the opposite jaw has a deviation from the anatomical norm, which leads to a violation of the occlusion - the closing of the teeth when the jaws come together.

Gingival Necrosis

Necrosis of the gum is pathology, which indicates the death of tissues. Consider the main causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnostic methods, as well as treatment and prognosis for recovery.


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