Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Fluorosis develops because of excessive accumulation in the body of fluoride. There are two types of disease - endemic and professional.
Endemic fluorosis can be found in those regions where drinking water has exceeded the maximum permissible level of fluoride.
Professional fluorosis develops in people who work in the workplace, where the level of fluorine in the air exceeds the permissible values.
Because of the increased level of fluoride in the water, children suffer first of all, because they actively form the skeleton and molars.
Causes of fluorosis
Fluorosis develops from the constant intake of fluoride compounds into the human body.
Normally, fluoride should not exceed 1 mg / l of water, with higher values and regular use of such water, since time in a person this disease inevitably develops. Initially, fluorosis affects the teeth, and then the bone system.
The greatest suffer from increased water content in children under 4 years of age, in which there is an incorrect formation of tooth enamel and the appearance of pigment spots on it.
Symptoms of fluorosis
Fluorosis has several forms and symptoms in each case differ.
With a bar-shaped form, only a specialist can determine the signs of fluorosis.
At other forms the person can understand about development of a fluorosis independently - on a teeth there are pigmentary stains or small erosive damages.
A characteristic symptom of the disease is the pigmentation of the enamel, over time the tooth enamel becomes brittle and rubs almost to the gums.
Fluorosis in children
Fluorosis in children develops during the growth of molars. Most of the disease affects children from 6 to 12 years, who have a weak immune system and who were on artificial feeding.
Recognize the disease in the child can be due to the appearance of yellow-brown spots on the teeth. The upper incisors and small molars are most susceptible to fluorosis, the disease on the lower row of teeth usually develops rarely.
Fluorosis of infant teeth
Fluorosis of infant teeth, even with high risk factors, does not develop in all children. The disease affects children with a weakened immune system, after serious illnesses, as well as children who are not receiving breast milk and consuming foods high in fluoride.
Usually, fluorosis affects the molars, but in rare cases, the disease can affect the milk teeth.
When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to change the source of drinking water, also carefully choose foods for complementary foods.
In the diet of a child with fluorosis should include food rich in proteins, vitamins (especially C, D, and B), phosphorus, calcium.
It is necessary to completely remove from the children's menu strong tea, melted butter, fatty meat, sea fish and other products in which there is fluoride.
To clean the teeth, you need to pick up a baby paste that does not contain fluoride, it is better to use toothpaste with calcium glycerophosphate.
Forms of fluorosis
Fluorosis occurs in several forms:
- stroke (there is a defeat of the frontal teeth, signs of the disease at this stage of the disease can not be seen independently)
- spotted (petiolate patches of light yellow or white color affect the front teeth, at this stage the signs of the disease can be seen without additional equipment)
- mellovid-speckled (all teeth are affected in the oral cavity, the enamel is affected by pigment spots of various shades)
- erosive (the surface of the teeth is affected by erosion, fluorosis in this case develops rapidly)
- destructive (the most dangerous form of the disease, at this stage is the destruction and abrasion of tooth enamel).
Teeth fluorosis
Fluorosis of the teeth is a chronic disease in which, due to the accumulation of a large amount of fluoride in the body, the tooth enamel is slowly destroyed, and then the bones. The causes of fluorosis for a long time remained a mystery for specialists, but in the middle of the XIX century it was possible to find out that "mottled" teeth appear due to the high level of fluoride in drinking water.
Today it is already known that the systematic intake of fluoride into the body for a long time leads to the development of fluorosis.
Enamel fluorosis
Enamel fluorosis develops due to fluoride intake for a long time (with water or with breathing). A large amount of fluoride in the body disrupts the integrity of the tooth enamel and leads to its destruction.
Fluorosis can flow to an easy degree, when whitish almost imperceptible spots appear on the enamel of the tooth. With more serious forms of the disease, it is possible to change the color of the teeth, the appearance of brown dots on the enamel, it becomes rough, when cleaning teeth there are difficulties.
Bone fluorosis
Bone fluorosis is also known as cryolite disease.
The disease develops due to fluoride poisoning, which penetrated the body for a long time. The cause of bone fluorosis is the intake of water or products with a high level of fluoride, inhaling air, which contains high concentrations of fluoride compounds.
Most often, the disease occurs in people who have been working with fluorides for a long time.
Upon ingestion, fluoride dissolves and penetrates into the blood, then hydrofluoric acid is deposited in the bone system and teeth.
As a result, gradual sclerosis of the bones begins.
At the beginning of the disease, a person complains of some stiffness in the movements, slight pain in the spine or joints. At the last stage of the disease, movements are given to a person with great difficulty.
At an early stage, changes in tooth enamel in the form of spots, darkening, high fluoride content in the urine can be detected.
With fluorosis during an X-ray examination, osteosclerosis in the pelvic bones, vertebrae, ribs, and tubular bones is revealed.
If the disease is detected, it is necessary to stop any contact with fluorides, stop using fluoride-contaminated water or products and prescribe symptomatic treatment.
Endemic fluorosis
Endemic fluorosis develops due to the constant intake of fluoride in the body with food or water.
Fluoride belongs to the most active components of the halogen group and is part of more than one hundred minerals. In the earth's crust contains 0.1% of fluorine, significantly increases the natural level of fluoride in the soil of mineral fertilizers, fluorine-containing emissions of industrial production.
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Professional fluorosis
Professional fluorosis develops among workers who are forced to work with fluorides and inhale vapors of fluoride compounds. The disease develops gradually, over time, fluorine forms chemical bonds with enzymes and inhibits their activity, resulting in a disruption of work in many organs and systems.
When the fluoride is inhaled, the mucous membranes atrophy, resulting in a chronic rhinitis, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, bronchial tubes.
Large concentrations of fluoride in the air can lead to bleeding and provoke changes in internal organs.
Fluoride is able to accumulate in the bones, which breaks their structure, leads to pigmentation of the tooth enamel, makes it fragile.
Spotted form of fluorosis
Fluorosis in spotted form is characterized by the appearance on the tooth enamel whitish spots, which can be easily noticed with the naked eye. The spots have a shiny smooth surface, with indistinct boundaries, several small spots can merge into a large spot.
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Treatment of fluorosis
Now there is no definite treatment scheme for this disease. Fluorosis is mainly treated by eliminating the cosmetic flaws of tooth enamel. Also, active preventive measures are taken to prevent further intake of fluoride into the body.
When detecting fluorosis, one should start treatment immediately, because with time, with the progression of the disease, restoration of the teeth is required.
At the initial stages of the disease the doctor can recommend bleaching and remineralization of the enamel. The doctor can also prescribe calcium and phosphorus.
Erosive or destructive fluorosis requires a different approach to treatment, standard bleaching in this case is indispensable. After remineralization, the dentist can restore the natural look of the tooth with a crown.
As in the period of treatment, and after, you should reduce the intake of fluoride in the body. In the diet should include more dairy products, vegetables, fruits, drink bottled water (if the drinking water level of fluoride is elevated), take calcium and a complex of vitamins.
Fluorosis is associated with high levels of fluoride in the body, so it is important to choose a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride. It is better to use a special remineralizing toothpaste.
Treatment of fluorosis in the home
To prevent the further development of fluorosis, you need to limit the intake of fluoride in the body. To do this, use filtered water, pay attention to food, as well as refuse fluoro-containing toothpastes.
From the menu you need to exclude walnuts, sea fish, strong tea, fatty meat, spinach and include in your diet products that contain calcium, phosphorus (beans, berries, greens, eggs, buckwheat, dairy products, pumpkin seeds, chicken and so forth).
To fluorosis does not damage the tooth enamel, you can take calcium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, P.
Whitening with fluorosis
Fluorosis will help prevent changes in diet, additional intake of vitamins and minerals, which can be done independently, at home. Bleaching darkening on the enamel will help baking soda.
To do this, before brushing your teeth, immerse the toothbrush in a saturated soda solution or mix with a soda toothpaste. It is worth noting that brushing your teeth with soda can not be more than once a week, otherwise soda will even more destroy the enamel and damage the gum.
Also, hydrogen peroxide helps with fluorosis, which can be cleaned after cleaning (after that, rinse the mouth with clean water).
This method can not be used too often.
Toothpaste with fluorosis
Fluorosis can provoke a toothpaste that contains an increased amount of fluoride, especially if the body is weakened by the disease.
When choosing a toothpaste, you should pay attention to its composition. Prefer prefer pasta, which contain calcium glycerophosphate, especially it is worth considering when choosing a baby toothpaste.
Prevention of fluorosis
Fluorosis can develop at any age, therefore it is recommended to adhere to several recommendations that will help to avoid the development of this disease.
First of all, you need to consider the intake of fluoride into the body and try to minimize it.
To do this, check the level of fluoride in drinking water (if it is too high, then you should stop using such water or use filters), it is also not recommended to cook food on such water.
1-2 times a year you need to drink calcium and other micronutrients (about the duration and frequency of reception is better to consult with a dentist).
It is also recommended to eat more vegetable dishes, fruits.
Prognosis of fluorosis
Fluorosis is a rather dangerous disease, but if the treatment is started in the early stages, when the enamel is not severely damaged, the prognosis will be favorable.
With the advanced form of the disease difficult to treat, but with all the recommendations of a specialist can significantly reduce the negative manifestations of excessive accumulation of fluoride in the body.
Fluorosis usually develops in those areas where the drinking water contains a large amount of fluoride. The disease affects both men and women, especially children with an immune system that are not yet strong enough to develop fluorosis.
Cost of treatment of fluorosis
Fluorosis, depending on the form, may require bleaching, remineralization or restoration.
At the initial stages, when the enamel has undergone no strong changes, the doctor can use laser, chemical or LED bleaching (1500-2500 UAH) with further remineralization.
When remineralization, the dentist applies calcium or phosphorus compounds to the tooth enamel by applying, electrophoresis, and ultraphonophoresis (at least 10 procedures are required, one procedure costs 250 UAH on average).
With a strong lesion of tooth enamel restoration is required, in which the doctor can recommend veneers or lumineers (3 - 5 thousand hryvnia).