Treatment of glossitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Glossitis is an inflammatory process of the tissues of the tongue. The causes of this disease can be different, so the treatment of glossitis may be slightly different. Our task today is to consider all possible treatment options, from conservative drug therapy to alternative methods.
Preparations for the treatment of glossitis
If treatment of glossitis is not carried out on time, the disease can lead to edema of the tongue, which will significantly affect swallowing, masticatory and respiratory functions. Inflammation can pass to nearby tissues and organs, and this will significantly worsen the prognosis of the disease.
The therapy scheme should pursue the main goals: to eliminate the cause of inflammation and to remove the inflammatory process itself. For this, first of all, appoint a sparing diet, excluding from the menu any food that can cause irritation of the inflamed mucosa.
Local treatment consists of rinsing with the use of antiseptic solutions. To do this, you can use furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, etc. To ease pain locally apply pain medication.
If erosions or sores are present on the surface of the mucosa, they are periodically cleansed from fibrinous or necrotic plaque. This is done with a cotton swab or tampon, after which the mucous membrane is lubricated with an antiseptic solution.
You can use Sorcoseryl as applications, combining it with retinol, carotolin, rosehip oil.
To support immunity, multivitamin complexes (with vitamins B and E), immunostimulating drugs (echinacea, ginseng), antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil) should be taken. If the factor of the appearance of glossitis is a lack of vitamins, then appropriate substitution therapy is prescribed.
Vinizol with glossitis
Vinisol is often used to treat not only various wound and burn surfaces, poorly healing ulcers, but also to restore the affected inflamed surface of the tongue. This medication is available as a spray and consists of active components of vinyl, citral, linetol and propellant. The anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect of the drug explains its medicinal properties.
Before applying Vinisol, the tongue should be cleaned of films, plaque and pathological accumulations in the area of ulcerative and erosive elements. The product is sprayed onto the damaged mucosa for 2-3 seconds, observing a certain distance. This procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day up to 2-3 times a week, depending on the indications and prescriptions of the doctor.
When applying the drug must take into account that Vinizol can cause allergic reactions in persons with increased sensitivity of the body. In order not to provoke irritation and allergies, you should be careful not to get medicinal particles into the eye area.
The duration of the course of treatment with vinizole is determined by the physician individually.
Solcoseryl in case of glossitis
Solcoseryl is a stimulant of regenerative processes in tissues, that is, this drug restores damaged tissue:
- accelerates the healing of injuries;
- improves local metabolic processes at the tissue level;
- helps cells to overcome the lack of oxygen and nutrients;
- increases the production of collagen fibers;
- activates cell renewal.
Solcoseryl creates favorable conditions in skin structures for the formation of granulation tissues and elimination of pathological excreta from sores. The drug creates an invisible tread film on the wound surface, which creates protection against the entry of various microbes and viruses into damaged areas.
Before applying the ointment, wounds are cleaned of dead tissue, plaque, and secretions. Before you start using the drug, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to Solcoseryl.
Ointment is applied directly to the area of wounds, a thin layer, up to 3 times a day. Duration of drug use - before the formation of visible granulation changes and drying of sores.
To enhance the effect, you can additionally use injections of Solcoseryl in ampoules. The standard course of therapy provides for intramuscular injection of 1-2 ampoules of the drug per day (in severe cases - up to 4 ampoules).
As a rule, in most cases, patients tolerate such treatment well. In rare cases, burning of the mucosa is possible, which does not pose a danger and does not require the suspension of treatment.
Chlorhexidine for glossitis
Antiseptic and disinfectant Chlorhexidine may possess both bacteriostatic (inhibits the growth and multiplication of bacteria) and bactericidal (kills bacteria) property - this depends on the concentration of the active component.
Chlorhexidine acts on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, does not affect fungal infection. Allergy to Chlorhexidine happens very rarely. Therefore, the drug is hypoallergenic and safe for patients with susceptibility to allergies.
To process the tongue with glossitis, use a solution of the drug from 0.05% to 0.5%, for irrigation, rinsing, lubricating mucous, usually 2 to 3 times a day.
If the solution is accidentally swallowed, it is not practically absorbed into the interior, but if necessary, symptomatic treatment is performed.
With prolonged use, the color of tooth enamel may change, dental deposits may appear and taste may change.
Chlorhexidine is not recommended to be used concomitantly with other antiseptics and detergents, as well as with substances containing iodine.
Treatment of glossitis with antibiotics
Antibiotics are not used in all cases of glossitis. Most often, this therapy is prescribed for a purulent-phlegmonous (deep) inflammatory process, where the inflammation covers not only deeper located tissues of the tongue, but also the nearest surfaces of the oral cavity, as well as peripheral lymph nodes. The reason for antibiotic therapy is worsening of the general condition of the patient: the temperature rises, the general intoxication of the organism is aggravated. Often this condition requires even surgical intervention, also with subsequent antibiotic therapy.
- Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic, semi-synthetic. Assign more often inside, at a dosage of 200 mg per day on the first day of therapy, then 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day. It is not used in pregnancy, children under 8 years old, and also with a tendency to allergies.
- Supraks (Cefixime) is an antibiotic of the cephalosporin series, a broad spectrum of action. The average dosage for adults is 400 mg / once a day, or 200 mg / 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 8-10 days.
- Rocefine is a cephalosporin antibiotic (Ceftriaxone). Has a wide range of effects, used in adults 1-2 g once a day (maximum 4 g / day). The solution is administered more often intramuscularly, sometimes intravenously. Applied before the normalization of the general condition and pattern of the local inflammatory process.
- Tetracycline - a known antibiotic, affects a large number of bacteria, except for most fungi and small viruses. Assign for adult patients inside 250-500 mg for every 6 hours. Locally used from 3 to 5 times a day.
In postoperative therapy, several types of antibiotics (usually two) can be used, which are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms.
Treatment of Candida glossitis
Candidiasis (fungal) glossitis often appears as a result of the treatment of any infectious diseases with strong antibiotics: mucosal dysbiosis occurs, intensive growth and multiplication of fungi begins. The characteristic signs of fungal glossitis are swelling of the tongue, a dense white coating in the form of bands, or furrows.
Scheme of treatment of fungal glossitis may include treatment with 10% borax solution in glycerin, rinse with infusion of chamomile (you can add a little soda), irrigation with 2% boric acid. Inside prescribe antifungal agents:
- Nystatin 250-500 thousand units 3-4 times a day. Tablets are swallowed whole, not chewing and not rubbing, regardless of the meal. The duration of therapy is from 10 to 14 days;
- Lamisil 250 mg (1 tab.) Once a day. Duration of treatment is selected by the type of fungal infection, by the scale of the fungus, and usually ranges from 2 to 6 weeks;
- Exifin (Terbinafine) is an antimycotic agent of the allylamines group, a fungicidal preparation. Apply in the form of tablets. Standard take 1 tablet (250 mg) once a day. Treatment can last for several weeks, depending on the degree of the disease.
Treatment of desquamative glossitis
Desquamative (wandering) glossitis is treated with local and systemic methods. •
Systemic measures include the following stages in therapy:
- normalization of digestive work, simultaneous treatment of concomitant diseases;
- sanitation of the mouth, daily hygiene;
- the help of the therapist (if necessary);
- sedative therapy (taking valerian, sedative, valokordina, novopassita, etc.);
- antiallergic therapy with Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenkarol;
- intake of B vitamins for 3-4 weeks;
- the use of vascular agents, such as Cavinton, trental for a month;
- intramuscular injection of dalargin 1 mg twice a day (eliminates pain, activates healing processes);
- biostimulating preparation Biotrit-C three times a day for 1 tab. Sublingually (under the tongue), for 3 weeks. •
Local procedures:
- pain syndrome uses pain medication (a solution of Pyromecaine, ointment pyromecaine, anesthesin 2% based on peach oil or glycerin);
- at a sensation of a burning sensation - rinses Citralum (1% a solution, 30 drops on 150 ml of water);
- rinsing with oil solutions with vitamin A, rosehip, carotolin;
- painkillers of Novocaine blockades (10 procedures);
- processing of fish oil concentrate - Eikonol;
- rinsing with a solution of anti-inflammatory drug Tantum Verde;
- rinsing with tooth elixirs and balms, every day after brushing your teeth;
- Physiotherapy - 10-12 procedures of phonophoresis with analgin.
As a rule, complex treatment gives a relatively fast positive result. Commonly used immunostimulatory therapy may also be used.
Treatment of catarrhal glossitis
Catarrhal glossitis can have many causes:
- injuries, including thermal and chemical damage to the tongue;
- thrush of the oral mucosa;
- stomatitis;
- infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria);
- anemia, beriberi, metabolic disorders, somatic diseases, etc.
Due to the fact that catarrhal glossitis can be a consequence of other diseases, the main stages of treatment can be called the following:
- It is necessary to detect and act on the factor that caused the onset of the inflammatory process. Such a stage includes, for example, treatment of caries, correction of dentures, changes in occlusion, which leads to traumas of the tongue, etc. The effect on the cause provides a permanent cure, without repeated exacerbations of the disease.
- An important point in the treatment is the elimination of painful sensations, for example, treatment of the tongue surface with 10% lidocaine.
- It is also important to get rid of the inflammatory process. To do this, the oral cavity should be treated with solutions of antiseptics or herbal infusions (color of chamomile, sage, calendula).
Observance of all the doctor's instructions allows you to get rid of signs of inflammation in 4-6 days.
Treatment of folded glossitis
Folded glossitis is most often a congenital anomaly: folds of different depths are located along or across the surface of the tongue. In such folds are often collected various microorganisms, food remnants, elements of plaque, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process.
Since the disease is congenital, it does not require special therapy. As a rule, the doctor appoints observance of elementary rules of hygiene of an oral cavity, with cleaning of a teeth and language. Inflamed surfaces are treated with solutions of antiseptics, listed by us earlier - it can be both Solcoseryl and Chlorhexidine.
If any additional symptoms are present, such as pain or itching, appropriate medications may be prescribed for symptomatic treatment.
The general medical recommendations are supplemented with advice on sparing nutrition, fortifying procedures, measures aimed at supporting immunity.
Treatment of rhomboid glossitis
Rhomboid glossitis can accompany chronic diseases of the digestive tract, so treatment is carried out taking into account the underlying disease.
A flat rhomboid glossitis does not need medical treatment; it completely passes after the elimination of the underlying cause.
Specialists can give only some recommendations on the general treatment of inflammation of the tongue, which are applicable to the rhomboid glossitis:
- should carefully follow the sanitary and hygienic standards and comply with hygienic rules, clean the teeth and the surface of the tongue daily;
- get rid of bad habits - do not smoke or take alcohol;
- maintain a useful microflora in the body, timely treatment of fungal infections, prevent the emergence of dysbiosis, both in the intestine and mucous membranes;
- if necessary, resort to psychotherapy, avoid stressful situations, use sedatives and tranquilizers;
- take vitamins of group B, in particular, vitamin B5 in the form of Pantothenate 0.1-0.2 g three times a day for a month.
If the papillomatous growths increase, then sometimes it is necessary to apply surgical intervention - excision of the affected tissue with further histological analysis. In some cases, cryodestruction is possible.
Treatment of superficial glossitis
The therapeutic measures with superficial glossitis are based on the elimination of irritating factors and the therapy of the underlying cause. For faster removal of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to exclude from the menu irritating food: acute, salty, acidic, hot.
Local treatment consists of regular rinsings, irrigation or baths with antiseptic solutions: furatsilinom, manganese, chlorhexidine, etc. To eliminate pain, you can use anesthetics - solutions of painkillers.
If ulcers or erosions form on the surface of the tongue, you should clean the dead tissue on them with a cotton swab. After cleansing, the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution.
To accelerate wound healing, you can impose applications with the use of special ointments, or with retinol, rosehip oil or sea-buckthorn. In rare cases, keratinized tissues are removed by surgery.
Treatment procedures with superficial glossitis include the use of external anesthetics to relieve pain and eliminate discomfort. Use anestezin with glycerin, chloral hydrate, softening oils, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.
Inside, you can take multivitamin complex drugs, antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, calcium chloride), as well as immunity-stimulating products (tincture of ginseng, echinacea extract).
Treatment of glossitis by alternative means
Treatment of the inflammatory process in the language is best done after a doctor's consultation. However, sometimes there is no such opportunity, and we must resort to alternative medicine. Alternative drugs, unfortunately, do not always get rid of glossitis completely, but to alleviate the condition of the patient is under their power.
- Chamomile infusion - in order to cook it, brew 1 tbsp. L. Colors in 250 ml of hot water (95 ° C), insist for about an hour and filter. We use this infusion for rinses, after each meal, and also at night.
- Infusion of the mattress - brew as well as chamomile, insist half an hour, filter. A hollow oral cavity several times a day after eating. This infusion can also be drunk, a quarter cup 3 times a day.
- Sage - we prepare the infusion. At 1 tbsp. L. Dry sage take 0.5 liters of boiling water, we insist 30 minutes, filter. We use it to rinse the mouth, 3-4 times a day.
- Decoction of basil - 0,5-1 tbsp. L. Dried basil pour a glass of water, boil until 10 minutes, remove from the fire and insist one hour. Filter and use as a rinse solution.
- Infusion of coriander - 1 tsp. Seeds of coriander pour 220 ml of boiling water, leave overnight to insist. We use for rinsing.
- Infusions can be combined, that is to use not one, but several types of herbs. For example, it is useful to use a medicinal collection of sage, nettle, oak bark, root aira. Mix everything, pour boiling water and cook for about 20-30 minutes. After half an hour, filter, refrigerate and use for rinses.
- You can prepare an infusion of raspberry leaves, a marshmallow, mother-and-stepmother, sage. For 3 tsp. Dry mass of herbs take 250 ml of boiling water.
- A mixture of marigold, eucalyptus leaf, grapes, and mountainea helps a lot. This infusion is also used to rinse the mouth.
- Sage, bay leaf, chamomile, celandine in equal proportions brewed with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Used for rinsing.
- Infusion of oak bark with St. John's Wort. Fill with boiling water, insist, filter and rinse the mouth cavity several times a day.
In addition to medicinal herbs, juice of raw freshly squeezed potatoes is considered a good remedy. For a rinse it is enough to get 100 ml of juice, which should rinse your mouth after eating.
After any rinse, you can not eat and drink for 30 minutes.
Treatment of glossitis at home
You can treat glossitis at home. Of course, it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor, especially if the course of glossitis is severe, with extensive damage to the tissues of the tongue.
In light cases, sometimes you can do with more simple methods of treatment:
- Food - food should only be eaten warm, mashed, boiled or extinguished. It is not allowed to add spices, marinades, and salt to the dishes. The ban also includes fried and smoked products.
- Drinking - drink should be a lot. Recommended teas on herbs, in a warm form and with a minimum of sugar, or without it. Mineral water is allowed, only without gas and not cold. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Fermented milk products are allowed.
- Oral hygiene is mandatory, regular and thorough. The toothbrush should be clean and soft. Toothpaste and elixir (balm) should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate in its composition. Useful after eating and brushing your teeth rinse your mouth with chamomile, sage, oak bark. Do not forget about cleaning the dental spaces: this is done using dental floss or special interdental brushes.
You can treat glossitis at home, because many herbal products have an antimicrobial effect and destroy the pathogenic flora in the mouth. It is advisable, of course, to consult a doctor beforehand.
Treatment of glossitis in children
You can not treat glossitis in your child yourself. Choose a drug should only a specialist, given the age of the baby, the main cause of the disease, its shape, severity of the course, the child's allergic incidence, the presence of concomitant diseases,
Treatment should not be one-sided, but combine several methods of influence:
- observance of new principles of nutrition;
- use of medicines;
- sometimes - bed rest.
In children's glossitis most often use such medicines:
- antiseptic drugs, since the main cause of inflammation is a bacterial or viral infection. As antiseptics, plant remedies can be used, for example rinses infused with chamomile or oak bark. To antiseptics also it is possible to carry sucking tablets Hexaliz, and also Hexaspree. They do not have a sharp smell that can scare off children, so these drugs are successfully prescribed to children from 6 years of age;
- antibiotics - can be prescribed in the inflammatory process of moderate severity, or in severe disease. Usually, the use of antibiotics can be justified if the child has a fever (more than 38 ° C) and tongue ulcers form, as well as a marked intoxication syndrome (headache, weakness, apathy). Antibiotics should be prescribed only by a doctor;
- immunomodulating agents - are used to maintain weakened immunity. For this purpose, prescribe ascorbic acid, echinacea extract, etc .;
- antihistamines - used in the presence of swelling in the tongue;
- analgesics - you can use both local and systemic action, but only as directed by the pediatrician.
It is necessary to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment of glossitis, in order to prevent the growth of symptoms and the development of complications.