Candidiasis glossitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Candida glossitis is a disease that affects a person's language. A disease with such a complex name is called a yeast fungus, which belongs to the genus Candida. They are placed on the mucous membranes of human organs, including, and on the tongue. It is characteristic that the fungi of Candida settle precisely on the epithelium, in which there is erosion.
It affects the candidiasis glossitis most often children of newborn age and individuals in advanced years. This is because in these age groups immunity is reduced, and the body is more easily affected by aggressive environmental factors, including fungal diseases.
Of course, you should not panic and start treatment, discovering in your analysis fungi from this genus. In natural conditions a countless number of microorganisms "live" in the oral cavity of a healthy person, including viruses, bacteria and fungi. With strong immunity, these "companions" are controlled by useful bacteria, also having their location in the mouth. Or all such "pests" are simply in anabiosis, if such a term can be applied to them. But if immunity fails, the pathogenic microflora tends to become more active, multiply rapidly and cause various diseases. Mushrooms Candida - is no exception to this rule.
Causes of Candida glossitis
The causes of Candidiasis glossitis lie in the penetration of the above-mentioned fungi from the genus Candida into the oral cavity. At the same time, there is a possibility that the disease was caused not by the ingress of fungus into the mouth, but by an increase in the number of fungi already present there. Usually, with a good level of human immunity, the body copes with their vital functions. But with a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system, fungi begin to dominate the body and develop their "activity", leading to the appearance of symptoms of the disease.
So, here are some schemes of penetration of Candida fungi into the oral cavity:
- Infection resulting from contact with another person who is infected with the infection. Or when interacting with an infected environment. Let's consider in detail the above:
- The infection in the body can occur in the ordinary domestic interaction: when kissing, feeding the baby breast mother and so on.
- Ignoring the rules of hygiene - such a disregard for simple precautions with a high probability will lead to infection. Therefore, a person should always use only his personal hygiene items, namely a toothbrush. It is also important to use for cooking and eating only clean dishes, preferably personal.
- Infection with fungi can happen due to dirty water or food, which already appeared pathogenic microflora.
- With various medical procedures, you can also get infected, especially if the treating staff does not follow the precautions. This is possible with blood transfusion, when using a non-sterile reusable instrument, as well as unwashed hands of medical staff, especially in maternity hospitals.
- Decreased immunity, which leads to the development of candida glossitis.
- In the period of certain crisis conditions of the human body, it is possible to enhance the vital activity of individual microorganisms. Such events are:
- pregnancy,
- lactation period,
- constant and severe stress of an adult or a child,
- the period of infancy, especially the newborn,
- the elderly age of a person burdened by a multitude of diseases in a chronic stage,
- periods of life, characterized by disturbances in metabolic processes in the body (the appearance of excess weight, obesity, diabetes mellitus, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex and hypothyroidism);
- diseases caused by viral infections - influenza, mononucleosis, HIV infection, AIDS,
- various allergic dysfunctions - symptoms of bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, seasonal pollinosis, year-round pollinosis,
- autoimmune diseases - signs of systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma,
- appearance of oncological processes and malignant neoplasms in the body,
- reception with a sufficiently long period of recommended immunosuppressants in the presence of human transplant organs,
- Admission with a sufficiently long period of hormones from the group of glucocorticoids and antibacterial drugs,
- a history of chronic alcoholism,
- constant, systematic tobacco smoking with a large number of smoked cigarettes (especially for men),
- the lack of an optimal amount of vitamins in the body with hypovitaminosis or beriberi.
In addition, it is known that candida glossitis also affects female gender of childbearing age.
Symptoms of Candida glossitis
It does not matter how the fungus Candida got into the person's mouth. It is important to know that the symptoms of candidal glossitis are the same in all cases. An increase in the amount of this microflora in the oral cavity causes an inflammatory process that has its signs.
The manifestations of Candida glossitis include:
- Swelling of the tongue (hyperemia) - an increase in this body in size due to an influx of blood flow.
- Formation of a curdled white coating on the back of the tongue. Sometimes the plaque can be brownish. There is a similar symptom in a day or two after swelling of the tongue.
- Thereafter, burning or severe itching appears on the site of the plaque formation.
- There is a development of moderate pain, as one of the symptoms of the disease.
- It is possible to increase the language to such a size that it becomes practically immobile.
- Because of the swelling of the tongue, speech is disturbed, since it becomes very difficult for a person to speak.
- There is a strong formation of saliva in the mouth.
- There is a strong and very unpleasant odor from the mouth.
- With a very reduced immunity, the pathogenic microflora causes small erosions and ulcers in the tongue.
- Also, patients can change or pervert the taste sensations due to the defeat of the taste buds in the tongue.
In addition to such specific symptoms, patients can observe other changes in the body, namely:
- increase in body temperature to 37, 5 degrees,
- the emergence of general weakness,
- the appearance of a headache,
- the emergence of nausea,
- lack of desire to eat.
It should be noted that acute manifestations of Candidiasis glossitis can pass into the chronic stage. This situation is observed in the absence of proper and timely treatment. And from that moment, every catarrhal disease or seasonal decrease in immunity will cause a recurrence of candidiasis glossitis.
It is also important to say that this disease can give the following complications:
- Anorexia is a very strong weight loss as a result of giving up food.
- Candidiasis infection of the esophagus.
- Candidiasis of the stomach.
In the absence of treatment, such manifestations can lead to very serious violations in human health, which will harm the body and lead to chronic forms of diseases.
Diagnosis of Candida glossitis
Any change in the human body and the choice of means of healing requires a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis of Candida glossitis is as follows:
- Oral cavity examination.
In this procedure, lesions are fixed in the tongue, which have a round or oval shape. In the center of each place you can observe bright red erosion, which has a smooth and shiny surface. On the periphery of the erosive lesion, there is a frame in the form of a roller, which is made up of white scales. Also visible is the swelling of the tongue and a white coating on it, which can not be eliminated with a spatula.
- Laboratory research.
Analyzes made in the laboratory help confirm or disprove the results of the examination of the language. The group of studies with candidiasis glossitis includes analyzes of general clinical properties, studies of the affected tissue under a microscope, and serological examination of the blood.
General clinical analyzes include:
- a general blood test, in which the level of white blood cells will be raised to a level one and a half to two times higher than normal, and ESR (the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation) is two to seven times higher than normal.
- a general urine test in which the number of white blood cells will increase to five in the field of vision (at a rate of one or two in the field of vision), and the flat epithelium rises to ten in the field of vision (at a rate of three to five in the field of vision).
At microscopic research the top layer of an epithelium which covers the center of a lesion is taken. Also suitable and flushing, obtained from the oral cavity. The microbiological laboratory accepts these materials, prepares from them preparations, which are then studied with a microscope. When cells of round and spherical shape are found that have a white color, with small outgrowths - pseudomycelia located on the surface and multiplying by budding, it is possible to diagnose "candidal glossitis".
In serological testing, it is necessary to determine the increase in antibody titer, which are needed to develop protective reactions of the organism from fungi of the Candida genus. The most reliable methods in this study are the use of PCR (or polymerase chain reaction) and RA (or agglutination reaction).
Who to contact?
Treatment of Candida glossitis
Treatment of candidiasis glossitis is quite successful and leads to complete recovery of the patient, if you start it on time. At the same time, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, which consists of the following steps:
- Sanitizing the oral cavity and creating in the oral cavity of alkaline medium to eliminate the presence of fungus.
- It is important to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions, which are done several times a day. Of the solutions recommended Chlorhexidine, Romazulan, Rotokan, Miramistin, Furatsilin.
- If these products are not available, you can rinse your mouth with an aqueous solution of ordinary manganese weak consistency from two to four times a day. Or a 2% solution of soda in water, which should be used three to five times a day, is suitable.
- You can use drugs based on hexidine as applications. Of the available names of medicines should resort to Orasept, Stomatidin, Gevalex. With their help, six times a day, applications are made to the affected areas and last from three to five minutes.
- It is also recommended to use a one-percent solution of Clotrimazole as a mouth rinse
- Application of antifungal therapy.
- You can use medicines with an antifungal effect. It is good in this case to resort to the help of Nystatin, Decamine, Fluconazole, and Cetaconazole. How to apply them, is written in the instructions or the specialist who is treated for the disease will tell about it.
- Treatment of ulcers and erosions of the tongue.
- For this purpose, wound healing ointments, as well as balms and gels are used. These include Vinilin, Solcoseryl, and other medications.
- Also good for this purpose are various oils based on vegetable oil - peach, sea buckthorn, dog rose, oil with vitamin A.
- When there is a strong hyperemia of the tongue and pronounced symptoms of the disease, antihistamines are prescribed.
- Management of pain syndrome.
- With severe pain, patients may be prescribed pain medications for use. These include Dicloberb products in the form of capsules - one hundred and fifty mg once a day or Mawalis - fifteen mg once or twice a day.
- Strengthening of immunity.
It is very important to restore the body's ability to resist the pathogenic microflora. Therefore, experts appoint a course of vitamins and immunomodulators. Moreover, this appointment is made taking into account the patient's anamnesis and its physiological characteristics.
Usually, it is recommended to take Interferon three to five drops in each nasal aperture from four to six times a day. Echinacea preparations in the form of capsules are also suitable - one capsule twice a day. From vitamins are good multivitamin complexes with the presence of minerals - it's best to stop on Vitrum, Macroevite, Polivite, Jungle. Dosage of these drugs is - once a day for one tablet.
- Compliance with diet.
One of the important factors for successful recovery is a diet prescribed by a doctor. The patient must remember that not only medicines a person is healed, but also by proper nutrition. Therefore, the exclusion of certain foods from the diet for a while will help to recover quickly.
So, you should forget about flour products - bread, biscuits, cookies, pies, cakes and pastries, as well as macaroni, pelmeni, vareniki. It is necessary to refuse the use of sugar and all the works of culinary skill that contain it - sweets, jams, jellies, marmalade and so on. Tea will also have to drink not sweet. Potatoes and other starch-containing products must be forgotten by the patient until the health is completely restored.
Any food annoying language is left for better times. This applies to salty, spicy, spicy and hot dishes and food.
What can you eat in order not to die of hunger? The astonished patient will ask. Of course, it will not be possible to die from hunger, because it is allowed, and in addition, there are a lot of useful food. For example, vegetables and fruits in fresh, boiled and baked kind are very much recommended. It is best, especially in the initial stage of treatment to take vegetable dishes in the form of mashed potatoes or porridge. Also, protein food, again in the form of mashed potatoes or pâté, will do.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of Candida glossitis
Prophylaxis of candidiasis glossitis begins, first of all, with the constant and everyday care of the oral cavity. The rules of hygiene are not invented in vain, and therefore they must be observed in order to avoid a variety of diseases, including candidal glossitis.
It is recommended two-time cleaning of teeth - in the morning and in the evening. You can also resort to the morning procedure of cleaning the tongue with a metal teaspoon. It will be right in the morning to rinse the oral cavity with saline solution or infusion of anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, oak bark and so on.
If there are bacterial and viral infections in the body, they must be treated in a timely manner in order to avoid provoking the disease and spreading it throughout the body.
Every year it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination of the oral cavity of a dentist.
The diet should be rich in fiber, which has antioxidant properties. Therefore, it is necessary to eat as much as possible a variety of greens, vegetables, fruits and berries. Sweets, flour and starchy foods and food are a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, they should be minimized in the everyday menu.
A healthy lifestyle, as well as systematic physical training, contribute to the fact that human immunity is strengthened. Thanks to this, the body's resistance increases, and the pathogenic microflora can not activate, multiply, and provoke disease.
Prognosis of Candida glossitis
The prognosis of candidal glossitis for healing is always favorable. The main thing in this issue is to correctly diagnose and conduct the necessary treatment.
With this form of glossitis, the patient's hospitalization is not required. All procedures a sick person can do on their own and at home. The main thing is to carefully follow the recommended method of therapy and in time to show to a specialist for a current examination.
Candidiasis glossitis is a well-cured disease. Do not postpone visiting a specialist "for later" if there are any disturbing symptoms associated with the oral cavity. Only in this case you can get rid of the illness forever and forget about the consequences.