Gum Disease
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Omission of the gum is a fairly common pathology of the dentoalveolar system and oral cavity, which dentists call a gum recession or an apical displacement of the gingival margin.
Decrease (descent) of the gums refers to the progressive processes leading to the exposure of the necks of the teeth and their roots. The end result may be loss of teeth.
Causes of omission of the gum
The gum covering the jaw bone and adjacent to the tooth surface is part of the periodontal disease, and the experts consider the most serious causes of gingival drop in inflammatory diseases of the peri-toothed tissues - necrotic gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis, and periodontitis (systemic alveolar bone dystrophy). And indeed it is.
However, to the pathogenesis of gingival abscess - in addition to inadequate oral hygiene and associated with these problems - a direct relationship is:
- too aggressive or improper cleaning of the teeth, leading to inflammation of the gums and increased mobility of the teeth;
- misuse of dental floss; dentists also determined that dental floss can cause cancer
- anatomical features of the anterior part of the oral cavity - the so-called shallow vestibule of the oral cavity (an arcuate gap between the cheeks and gums with teeth);
- reduction in thickness (recession) of the cortical layer of the alveolar bone due to lack of teeth, which leads to a decrease in the masticatory load and, as a consequence, to a violation of blood supply and interstitial metabolism;
- various anomalies of the dentition (densely growing or twisted teeth);
- incorrect bite (in particular, deep bite, when the front teeth of the upper jaw severely overlap the incisors of the lower jaw and permanently injure the gingival margin);
- carious lesion of the neck of the teeth and roots;
- wearing orthodontic structures for straightening dentition;
- age (senile) dystrophy of peri-toothed tissues;
- osteoporosis in postmenopausal women associated with reduced estrogen production;
- bruxism (somatically caused involuntary clenching or gnashing of teeth);
- smoking;
- deficiency of vitamin C.
As experts note, the degree of gingival descent varies from 0.2-0.3 cm to 0.7 cm and even more, and the main localization of the pathology is the external part of the gum in the upper canines and immediately behind them the premolars and in the region of the lower anterior teeth.
Treatment of gingival abscess
Begin the treatment of omission of the gum follows from the solution of the problem that caused it. If everything is clear with brushing your teeth, dentists will take care of inflammatory diseases of gums and caries . In other cases, the help of other specialists will be required, but eliminating all the causes of this pathology is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible.
Therefore, drug therapy does not always give a positive result, and then the surgical treatment of the descending of the gum is used, which allows to "raise" its level and close the protruding roots of the teeth. Practice plastic by imposing a flap of the mucosa on the feeding "leg", which is laterally moved from the adjacent gum area to the problem zone, and the autogenous flap of the mucosa taken from the palatine part of the oral cavity is sewn at a very deep exposure of the tooth roots.
In addition, local restoration of periodontal tissues is carried out by applying biologically compatible collagen membranes onto the cortical plate of the alveolar process. For example, sterile absorbable two-layer membranes Geistlich Bio-Oss, Geistlich Bio-Gide, Zimmer Dental or non-resorbable PTFE Membrane, intended for the targeted regeneration of tissues and bones.
For the same purpose use amylogenins - proteins of tooth enamel (obtained from the cells of rudimentary teeth of pigs). So, the gel-like preparation Emdogain (Emdogain) is applied to the root of the tooth under the flap, and then the process of formation of a new tissue of the alveolar bone begins in the region of the descent of the gum. According to the specialists of the European Federation of Periodontologists (EFP), modern regenerative techniques allow increasing the probability of tissue repair when the gingiva is lowered.
One of the latest advances in the treatment of this pathology is the combination of allografts with the introduction of cell-proliferating periodontal tissue-stimulating recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).
Treatment of the descent of the gum with alternative means
In most cases, the treatment of omission of the gum by alternative means uses natural remedies that can be used at home - to reduce gingival inflammation.
For mouthwashes phytotherapists recommend decoctions of herb yarrow, sage, St. John's wort, mint, oak bark, eucalyptus leaves (a glass of water - a tablespoon of dry mixture, cook for 10-12 minutes). Antiseptic rinsing can be done with tincture of propolis, with essential oil of tea tree, cloves, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus (2-3 drops per 180 ml of water).
The juice of aloe leaves, kept in the refrigerator for 8-10 days, warm cloves, sea buckthorn, sesame or myrrh and camomile oil is used for gum massage (several times a day).
American dentists advise their patients to strengthen the gums with green tea (which should drink at least 600 ml per day) and pink vinegar, which need to rinse your mouth. To prepare this product, 350 ml of ready-made wine vinegar and 100 g of rose petals will be required, insist in a dark place for a week, and then rinse every day at the rate of a tablespoon of vinegar for 150 ml of boiled water.
In general, the main thing is to prevent the gingival dropping, because the good condition of the gums is the key factor in maintaining the working state of the dentoalveolar system.