Treatment of gingival inflammation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of inflammation of the gums begins with the identification of the cause of inflammation. Correctly establish the cause can only the dentist. This means that a qualified doctor can also prescribe an effective treatment for inflammation of the gums. Of course, you yourself can try to remove the first early symptoms of inflammation with the help of alternative medicine, but after that you still need to seek medical help.
Treatment of inflammation of the gums is done with rinsing of chamomile and calendula. Rinse should be three times a day. Also, the rinse of tincture of the bark of oak and sage effectively helps.
Effective remedy for gum disease
The most effective remedy for gum disease is a properly prescribed and time-consuming treatment. To completely cure the gum requires a lot of time, patience and the use of effective means.
To find a truly effective remedy for treatment, you need to seek medical help. Self-medication does not completely cure the disease, but only aggravates the symptoms. And before the inflammation of the gums becomes a chronic disease, which appears with the slightest irritation.
An effective tool for treating gums should be on a natural basis and not cause addiction, side effects or an allergic reaction.
How to relieve gingivitis?
If you have inflamed gums, then you are probably interested in the question of how to relieve the inflammation of the gum. Quickly get rid of inflammation will help antiseptic drugs. So, it is possible to remove inflammation effectively with chlorhexidine. It is necessary to prepare a rinse solution using this preparation. This will not only remove the inflammation, but also remove the pain and will be an excellent prevention of periodontal disease.
Very good cure for inflammation of the gums is helped by dental gels, which contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. Particular attention should be paid to medicinal products in which non-hormonal constituents are used as the active substance. Such as, salicylate or lidocaine, they reduce puffiness and give an analgesic effect. It is important to choose gels, not ointments. Since the gel penetrates the gums much faster through the mucous membrane. Good inflammation and toothpastes that contain fluoride will be removed. But do not forget about the trips to the dentist who professionally removes tartar and cures caries, which can also cause inflammation of the gum.
Than to treat an inflammation of gums?
A huge selection of drugs will allow you to choose an effective tool for the treatment of gum disease. Note that some remedies can only get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but do not treat the inflammation itself. Let's look at how to treat gum disease. The most popular drugs for inflammation are maraslavin and parodontocid. Both drugs are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the gums.
Maraslavin is a solution for rinsing your mouth. This will not only relieve the inflammation, but also give a preventive effect. Another effective and affordable tool that is chosen when searching for drugs for the treatment of inflammation is polymineral. This preparation, like the one described above, is a rinse solution. But in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, polimenarol increases the ability of tissues to regenerate. The drug is used to treat gingivitis, acute inflammation, periodontitis and as a prophylaxis for inflammation of the gums and teeth.
Than to gargle a gum or gingiva at an inflammation?
To rinse the mouth with inflammatory processes on the gums prescribe anti-inflammatory antiseptic drugs that have a pronounced effect. For rinsing, drugs such as miramistin and chlorhexidine are used. Miramistin is an effective remedy for the treatment of viral and inflammatory diseases. It allows you to get rid of herpes stomatitis and has an antimicrobial effect.
To cure inflammation of the gums at home, very often use infusions of medicinal herbs or hydrogen peroxide. Note that it is possible to treat the gum with hydrogen peroxide only after consulting a dentist. It is the dentist who must give permission for rinsing with inflammation. Also for rinsing with inflammation use not alcohol tinctures and herbal medicinal herbs. The rinse infusion can be made from chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, oak bark and other herbs that have an antiseptic effect.
Please note that the use of anti-inflammatory rinse products does not cure the disease, but only removes the symptoms. Therefore, even with rinses of drug treatment can not be avoided.
Ointment for inflammation of the gums
Ointment from gum inflammation is another effective tool that allows you to remove the symptoms of the disease, pain and discomfort in a short period of time. Ointment from gum disease allows:
- Effectively and for a short period of time anesthetize the gum.
- Reduce or completely eliminate bleeding.
- Relieve itching and redness.
Anti-inflammatory ointment acts on the gums locally, and effectively eliminates pain. Most often use the ointment "Solcoseryl", as it has an anti-inflammatory effect and heals wounds and cracks, preventing the development and progression of the inflammatory process.
Sometimes I use local effect ointments to treat gums. Such drugs do not have a side effect on the body and do not cause side effects or allergic reactions. In addition, such ointments act only on the site of the lesion and effectively relieve pain.
Gel from gingival inflammation
The most effective and widely used means of periodontitis, gingivitis and acute inflammation is a gel from inflammation of the gums. The gel is easily applied to the affected gums and has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. But the main advantage of the gel is that the effect of its effect persists for a long period of time. The gel forms a film on the inflamed gum, which enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug.
To date, pharmacies have presented a variety of gels for gum disease. All of them have the same effect - they remove inflammation. But gels differ in their cost, effectiveness and duration of anti-inflammatory effect. The most popular gels for gum disease are Solcoseryl, Asepta, Dental, Parodium, Metrogil denta and others.
Gel Dental helps to remove inflammation on the mucous membrane and removes pain. This gel is made on corn oil, which forms a protective film on the inflammation of the gum. The gel promotes regeneration and healing and is recommended for use even for patients with dentures, crowns, implants.
Antibiotics for inflammation of the gums
Very often, patients who suffer from gum disease are interested in what antibiotics are most effective in gum disease and whether they can be taken at all. With advanced inflammatory processes, taking antibiotics is necessary, since without it, it is simply impossible to recover. The triggered inflammation of the gums contributes to the intoxication of the whole organism, and antibiotics can cope not only with the diseased gums, but also contribute to the recovery of the body.
If you take antibiotics of the penicillin series, they stop and take control of the inflammatory process. But self-administration of antibiotics is contraindicated, since most of them have side effects. Therefore, misdirection can cause serious and even irreversible complications.
Antibiotics for inflammation of the gums are of five types: capsules, tablets, rinsing solutions, ointments and gels. What kind of antibiotic you need to take with this or that form of gum disease can be solved only by the dentist, after a complete examination of the oral cavity. So, pills antibiotics are prescribed to patients with periodontitis and neglected forms of inflammation of the gums. Rinsing solutions should be used after brushing teeth, as they help reduce pathogens.
If the antibiotic from gum disease is picked up incorrectly, then it can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, dysbiosis, stomach upset, fever and so on. Do not self-medicate, because instead of the expected effect, you can get a terrible result.
Toothpaste from gingival inflammation
Toothpaste from gum inflammation is a preventive medicine that helps to prevent disease or is used as an auxiliary treatment complex. Let's look at the most effective toothpastes that can effectively fight gum disease and bleeding.
- Lacalut Aktiv - toothpaste from gum disease from Germany. The peculiarity of this paste is that its basis is a silicon abrasive in combination with aluminum lactate. This makes it possible to effectively remove plaque and bacteria in the oral cavity. And also, to reduce bleeding gums, their friability and flaking.
- Parodontax - toothpaste on the basis of peppermint, myrtle, sage, sodium bicarbonate, chamomile and wax. Paradontax is used to treat and prevent bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
- Blend-a-med is one of the most popular toothpastes that effectively eliminates inflammation and slows the formation of tartar and pathogenic bacteria on the enamel of the teeth.
- PresiDENT - fights not only with inflammation and bleeding gums, but also promotes rapid regeneration of damaged gums and healing.
- "Forest Balsam" - herbal toothpaste, which includes the input of extract of nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile and celandine. Thanks to its natural composition, the paste removes inflammation and accelerates healing.
Soda with gum disease
Despite the abundance of medicinal and preventive drugs that effectively combat inflammation and bleeding gums, the use of soda is still practiced in the treatment of gum disease. Baking soda is an excellent remedy that copes well with the task of caring for the mouth, whitens your teeth, and cares about not creating dental calculus on the tooth enamel.
Soda with gum disease is used in alternative medicine. Baking soda or bicarbonate sodium treats such diseases of the oral cavity as:
- Parodontosis - you need to make a soda solution and rinse your mouth. This will help to remove the inflammation and restore the soft tissue, which is most damaged due to the attack of pathogenic bacteria.
- Gingivitis - soda will cope with both acute inflammation of the gums, and with the disease in the early stages. By the way, it is effectively used as a preventive agent.
- Cysts on the teeth - soda will not cure the disease, but will alleviate the painful symptoms. Because of the rinsing, the pain and inflammation on the gums will go down a little, and you can use the basic treatment complex.
Note that rinsing cures inflammation much more effectively than soda paste. Since the paste, due to the high concentration of soda, can injure the gum, but the solution will promote rapid and painless healing.
Chlorhexidine for gum disease
Chlorhexidine for gum disease is prescribed by the dentist. Chlorhexidine is a good preparation that has antiseptic properties, perfectly cleanses and disinfects the mucous membrane and skin without causing irritation.
The drug prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth, which can cause inflammation of the gums. That is why, this drug is used to prevent gum disease and oral hygiene, when a regular reading is impossible because of heavily inflamed gums. Chlorhexidine is a concentrated solution that must be diluted with warm water before use.
The treatment with chlorhexidine is simple. The drug must be diluted in warm boiled water and rinse it with the affected gums. The procedure should be conducted up to three times a day. But to abuse the use of the drug is contraindicated, since this can cause a number of complications. Among the side reactions most often observed: changes in taste, tingling and burning in the mouth, easy dyeing of the teeth in brown. But this is a temporary phenomenon, which in a couple of days must pass.
Alternative treatment of gum disease
An alternative treatment for gum disease is treatment with herbs and decoctions, as well as conspiracy treatment. The most common method of alternative treatment is rinsing with herbal decoction. For broth use, such herbs and plants as: birch buds, horseradish, chamomile, sorrel, calendula, thyme, oak bark, St. John's wort and so on.
To prepare a decoction for an alternative treatment for gum disease, the herb should be dry. Take a glass of boiling water and fill it with one tablespoon of herbs. Let the broth brew and caress your mouth. Some medicinal broths presuppose the preparation of infusion in a water bath.
Treatment with alternative methods does not necessarily have to be a decoction for rinsing, from inflammation helps and rubbing medicines into the gums. So, for rubbing use such herbs and plants as: birch tar, finely shaved beets, Kalanchoe juice and aloe, a compress made from the juice of cowberry.
Herbs from gum disease
Herbs from gum inflammation should be in every home, as well as herbs have excellent antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can affect the entire body. Due to this, microbes are destroyed, which means that the affected area begins to recover, that is, the healing process is going on. Let's look at what herbs are most often used for inflammation of the gums and how to make a medicine out of them.
- Cleaner - crushed grass pour water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. After that, put the broth in a water bath for 30 minutes. After that, the broth should be cooled and kept in a dark cool place. Rinse is recommended not more than three times a day. This will remove the inflammation and eventually the disease will recede completely.
- Chamomile - an excellent antiseptic, which fights not only with inflamed gums, but also with any other inflammation. To prepare a medicinal broth, take two tablespoons of chamomile and pour them with boiling water, let it brew, strain and begin to rinse. Note, if you make a concentrated solution, then swallow it is contraindicated.
Sage for inflammation of the gums
As a rule, sage is used for catarrhal diseases for rinsing the throat, as well as for angina. But sometimes sage with gum disease is used to remove bleeding. That the sage had a medicinal effect, it is necessary to prepare a decoction.
To prepare the broth, you need to take a tablespoon of sage and pour it with water, about 500 grams. The solution should be kept on a steam bath for an hour, and then insisted for an hour. After the solution has been brewed and cooled it must be filtered. When rinsing, the broth can not be kept in your mouth for a long time. But after such a rinse, inflammation of the gums will quickly pass.
Oak bark with inflammation of the gums
Oak bark with gum disease is used as a tincture, powder and rinse aid. Let's look at several recipes for the preparation of an antiseptic for the removal of gum disease based on oak bark.
- Take a couple of teaspoons of bark oak and pour boiling water. Let it brew for 7 hours, then strain and can be taken. The recommended dose of oak bark for inflammation of the gums for this prescription is half a cup three times a day.
- Make a concentrated solution on the bark of oak. Use it as a lotion on inflamed gums. The same gum solution can be rinsed, only not more than three times a day, since the appearance of an allergic reaction is possible.
Propolis with inflammation of the gums
Propolis is an excellent tool not only for treating colds, but also for inflammation of the gums. From propolis it is possible to prepare tinctures that will effectively relieve inflammation and will contribute to the healing process and the healing of damaged gums.
- Take a tablespoon of propolis extract and dissolve it in two tablespoons of any vegetable oil. The resulting mixture must be lubricated with inflammation of the gum. Propolis with gum disease works effectively, especially if the inflammation is caused by viral diseases of the body, for example, angina.
- To prepare another agent from propolis from inflammation of the gums, St. John's wort will be required. Take 1 teaspoon of ground propolis, fill it with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, pour in half a spoonful of St. John's wort, mix well, pour into a glass bottle or jar and let it brew for 4 weeks. From the extract obtained, a rinse solution can be prepared. To do this, enough 30 drops of tincture for half a cup of water. Rinse need five times a day.
Propolis is not recommended for use in the treatment of inflammation of the gums for children under one year of age and allergies.
Rotokan for gingival inflammation
Rotokan with gum disease is an antibacterial drug, the basis of which is plant raw materials. Also, the composition of rotokana includes medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula. Extracts of these plants effectively remove inflammation from the mucous membrane of the gums. Rotokan is prescribed for patients with gingival inflammation, stomatitis, gingivitis or periodontitis. Also, rotokan is used by those who have just undergone tartar clearance procedures.
Rotokan effectively works for all diseases of the respiratory system, as well as for diseases that cause decreased acidity. Since the drug is an excellent antiseptic, it perfectly copes with cuts, wounds and burns. Therefore, when using rotokan for the treatment of gum disease, it is very important to conduct a full course of treatment. Since, rothokan is able to cure inflammation of the gums at any stage. The drug can be used for preventive purposes.
Rotokan is forbidden for pregnant women, nursing mothers and adolescents, so it is prescribed only for adult patients with gum disease.
Chlorophyllipt with inflammation of the gums
Chlorophylitis with gum disease has been used for a very long time. It perfectly copes with long-healing wounds and sores. The drug treats gum disease, periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, boils and much more. The preparation can be used both for internal use, and as compresses or a basis for rinses.
Chlorophylitis with gum disease is used as an oil. It is with oil that the inflamed gums are lubricated. Note that a sensitivity test must be performed before using the drug. This is necessary in order to ensure that the drug does not cause allergic reactions. Take a couple of drops of chlorophyllite with water and rinse your mouth if there are no side effects in the course of 6 hours in the form of vomiting, nausea, dizziness, burning and tingling, then the drug can be safely used. The course of treatment with chlorophyllite should not exceed 14 days, since the drug is addictive.
Conspiracy from gum disease
Conspiracy from gum disease is one way of treating alternative medicine. Plots from gum disease should be read over the water to a new moon. To do this, take a glass of water and read the plot so that your breathing almost touches the surface of the water. After reading the plot, part of the water must be drunk, and some pour out into the street. Alternative medicine claims that in a week there will come relief and inflammation will recede. In addition to conspiracies it is recommended to drink broths from young nettles, since they perfectly remove inflammation and have a preventive effect.
Conspiracy from gum disease:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I walk backwards, not forest, not a garden, Not along the street, not along alleys, Not through deserted alleys. I go, a month the young catches up with me, the servant of God (name), tortures:
Do your teeth hurt?
Do not hurt!
Do your teeth mourn?
Do not mourn!
God knows my words,
Angel repeats my words.
My gums do not swell, they do not bleed,
They heal from my conspiracy.
God knows my words, The
Angel of my word repeats.
As no one from the sky
Mlada month does not reach,
So forever and ever
My teeth will not stick to my teeth.
Rev. Antipius, a dental healer, My words strengthen, my work bless. Key, lock, tongue.
Typically, the above treatment of gum disease does not cause allergic reactions and allows you to get rid of the early symptoms of inflammation even before going to the doctor.