Treatment of bleeding gums
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In this article we will talk about how to treat bleeding gums, what means and preparations for this exist. We will also look at some popular alternative bleeding remedies that have been successful for many, many years.
Methods for treating gum bleeding
The appearance of blood during tooth cleaning can be the first sign of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, in particular, gingivitis or periodontitis. Therefore, the main emphasis in treatment should be the elimination of the underlying disease, which is diagnosed on admission at the dentist. As a rule, the doctor after the appointment appoints an anti-inflammatory treatment, and also can carry out the removal of tartar. Dental deposits accumulate various pathogenic microorganisms, which create favorable conditions for the development of diseases of mucous tissues.
- Removal of tartar is performed by a dentist using a special ultrasound device. The tip of the device has the property of oscillating during contact with the surface of deposits: ultrasonic vibrational waves destroy the bond between the stone and the tooth enamel.
- Anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed immediately after the tartar is removed. The standard course of therapy lasts about 10 days. It involves rinsing the mouth with a 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine, as well as applying Holisal gel. Treatment looks like this: breakfast and brushing your teeth, the patient rinses the mouth with chlorhexidine, and then applies the necessary amount of gel to the affected areas (according to the instructions to the drug). Take food only 2-3 hours after the procedure, not earlier.
Most patients treat bleeding gums at home - with mild to moderate lesions this is not difficult. In addition to the main therapy scheme, such drugs as immunostimulants (echinacea, eleutherococcus), multivitamins (Vitrum, Calcium D³, Alphabet, etc.) can be prescribed, as well as various herbal remedies.
Treatment of severe bleeding gums may be accompanied by antibiotic therapy. For example, with parodontitis, an inflammatory process accompanied by a marked discharge of blood, the doctor can prescribe the washing of periodontal "pockets" with solutions of antibiotics, as well as the incorporation of various antibacterial ointments or gels in them. To conduct such treatment at home is very difficult, so it will take some time to visit the dentist.
In neglected cases it is necessary to resort to more complex procedures, such as tooth splinting, curettage of periodontal pockets.
Alternative treatment of gum bleeding
- On the grater rubbing the root of the horse-radish, squeezing out the juice, which is diluted with water and mixed. The resulting solution rinses the mouth cavity several times a day.
- Several times a day, rinse your mouth with a 10-day curdled milk. The result will be visible on the second day.
- We use herbs to treat bleeding gums: we need a celandine, calendula, yarrow, sage, nettle, chamomile. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of these herbs, then take 2 tbsp. L. Of this mixture, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and insist half an hour. We filter. The resulting infusion can not only rinse your mouth, but also take it inside, like tea.
- Prepare the infusion of chaga (birch mushroom): 1 tsp. Chaga and 1 tsp. Chamomile color poured 0.5 liters of hot water. Cover the lid and let it brew for about 3-4 hours. Filter, add 2 tbsp. L. Salt and use it to rinse.
- Brew a cup of green tea with the addition of several leaves of mint, insist half an hour. Such a drink rinses the oral cavity throughout the day.
- We prepare the infusion from the oak bark (2 tablespoons per 250 ml of water). After half an hour we filter and cover the mouth cavity for the night. In general, the bark of oak with gum bleeding is quite a budget and at the same time very effective tool. Oak preparations have astringent and hemostatic properties, they strengthen the gums and eliminate all signs of an inflammatory reaction. Experts recommend using infusions and decoctions of bark not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity.
- Three times a day, thoroughly chew on a leaf of plantain. You can, of course, squeeze out the juice from the leaves and rinse out their mouth, but this process will be more time consuming.
Infusion or decoction from bleeding gums can be used throughout the day and always at night. After rinsing, it is not recommended to drink and eat for 1.5 hours so that the medicine can act. To enhance the effect, you can use more than one plant, and their combination - that is, to brew fees and mixtures of medicinal herbs.
Treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums
In dentistry, blood separation from gingival surfaces is not considered a disease, but only a symptom of any pathology of the oral cavity. Only the doctor can find the reason for this symptom. In most cases, bleeding disappears after the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mouth. For example, a common disease, which is accompanied by the release of blood from the mucous gum tissue, is gingivitis, which can occur in various forms:
- catarrhal gingivitis - often occurs when non-hygiene of the oral cavity;
- ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis - appears in the absence of treatment of usual (catarrhal) gingivitis;
- atrophic gingivitis - is the result of illiterate treatment of dental problems, or is a consequence of anomalies in the development of the oral mucosa;
- hypertrophic gingivitis - occurs with significant hormonal changes in the body, or after a mechanical injury to the gums.
In any form of gingivitis, the doctor prescribes drugs to treat bleeding gums and to remove signs of inflammation. For example, some of the most effective drugs are listed on this list:
- Beplex is a multivitamin agent that improves metabolism and replenishes the deficiency of vital vitamins in the body. Appointed to 1-2 ampoules per day.
- Vokara is a homeopathic preparation with antibacterial, antiseptic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. Used 10 drops three times a day for a month.
- Poliminerol is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. Helps restore the oral mucosa and reduce vascular permeability. Can be used to treat and prevent gingivitis and periodontitis. Poliminerol is used in the form of rinses, previously dissolved in water 1: 5.
- Stomatidin is an external antiseptic drug known for its antimicrobial and analgesic effect. The drug is used, without diluting, 10-15 ml per rinse, up to 3 times a day.
- Hexoral Taps is an antibacterial and analgesic preparation in the form of suckling tablets. Usually take 1 tab. Every 4 hours.
- Maraslavin is a topically applied solution that has antimicrobial, antiallergic, tanning, analgesic effects. Accelerates the recovery of the mucosa.
- Solcoseryl - dental adhesive pasty liniment, improves tissue repair, heals inflammatory elements and anesthetizing. The paste is applied to the mucous membrane up to 5 times a day with a thin layer.
- Terasil is a local antiseptic drug in the form of suckling tablets. It is accepted on 1 tab. Every 3-4 hours.
Each of these drugs is effective in its own way, but it can be prescribed only by a doctor after examining the oral cavity of the patient. A doctor's consultation is also necessary in order to accurately diagnose the problem that triggered the appearance of bloody discharge.
Toothbrush with gingival hemorrhage
Properly selected toothbrush reduces the likelihood of diseases of the oral mucosa. Accessories for cleaning teeth can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket, knowing exactly what you need.
The ideal version of the brush is a medium-stiff bristle (medium), a comfortable non-slip handle, a synthetic pile rounded at the ends. Rigid brushes are not recommended - these options can easily damage sensitive mucous membranes and even enamel teeth.
With gingivitis or the presence of bleeding sites, you can temporarily switch to the use of a soft-nosed brush (soft), for about 2 weeks, until the inflammatory process is eliminated. After that, you can return to your usual medium-heavy brush.
It is not recommended to use a soft brush constantly: it does not effectively remove plaque, which in time can lead to the formation of deposits and tartar.
The most popular are toothbrushes from well-known manufacturers, such as Parodontax, Lakalyut, Colgate.
Pasta from bleeding gums
The paste for cleaning teeth is selected depending on the cause of the discharge of blood from the mucous tissues. Ask the doctor: what exactly is missing your gums? In each toothpaste there are basic active components, which determine its effect, for example:
- chloride and potassium nitrate - are present in the formulation for hypersensitive teeth;
- pyrophosphate - a substance that is designed to cope with dental deposits;
- fluoride substances - reduces the likelihood of caries;
- sodium sulfate - anesthetizes tissues;
- calcium compounds - strengthen tooth enamel;
- extracts of plants - mint, eucalyptus, bark of an oak, a camomile, a sage - help to struggle with an inflammation;
- Vitamin substances - strengthen the gum tissue and promote the improvement of local metabolic processes.
It is not recommended to always use the same paste for a long time. Change the dentifrice from time to time so that the effect of the paste on the teeth and mucous membranes is complex.
What toothpastes do specialists prefer? Read further in our article.
According to many dentists, Parodontax paste can eliminate blood from damaged gum tissues in just two weeks. However, if a patient suffers with a tartar, it must first be removed.
The composition of Pastodontax paste contains many useful components. These are leaves of sage, mint, echinacea, chamomile flowers, as well as myrrh and wounds. Due to this composition, the paste has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it strengthens the periodontium, stops bleeding, refreshes, destroys possible fungal and viral infection.
Parodontax is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age, due to the excessive activity of constituent ingredients.
To conduct tooth cleaning, paste is recommended twice a day (at night and in the morning after eating), but no more than three times a day. Such a cleansing scheme is sufficient to eliminate the plaque from the surface of the teeth, neutralize the effect on the enamel of acidic compounds and prevent the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, a regular two-time cleaning of the teeth will completely eliminate the inflammatory process and improve the condition of the mucous tissues.
Forest Balsam
Components of toothpaste Forest balsam is, first of all, mineral salts. They help to strengthen local blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues.
Wood balsam is represented by several kinds of toothpastes, each of which has a unique composition and properties:
- pasta with the addition of oak bark - partially removes dental deposits, significantly reduces the intensity of bleeding;
- pasta with sage extract - known for its antimicrobial action, heals small wounds and sores;
- pasta with cedar oil - eliminates signs of inflammation, softens mucous membranes;
- paste with the addition of St. John's wort - helps strengthen the tissues;
- paste with propolis extract - soothes irritated mucous, relieves pain;
- pasta with a complex of herbs, such as chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow and celandine - is intended for combined prevention of oral diseases.
With the increased allocation of blood during tooth cleaning, it is recommended to apply the paste with the addition of oak bark, in the morning and in the evening. Treatment can be supplemented with the use of mouthwash for the mouth of the same manufacturer. Rinse aid is preferably used after each brushing and after eating, several times a day.
Toothpaste Lakalyut has a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose, so use it for a long time and even more so is not always recommended. Usually, dentists recommend Lakalut in the following situations:
- in the presence of dental plaque;
- with pathological dryness in the mouth - xerotosmia;
- with unpleasant odor from the mouth;
- for problems with gums and frequent tooth decay.
Lakalyut toothpastes come in different types, and each patient can choose the most suitable option:
- pastes with antibacterial action;
- pastes, bleaching enamel;
- pastes for removing unpleasant odor from the mouth;
- paste for hypersensitive enamel.
The last paste from the list - Lakalyut Sensitive - is most suitable for use with bleeding gums. It has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. After eliminating bleeding problems, it is recommended to replace toothpaste with normal hygienic toothpaste.
Rinse from bleeding gums
Most often, doctors prescribe such special rinse preparations as Chlorhexidine and Miramistin. These are antibacterial solutions that eliminate all inflammatory symptoms while simultaneously causing the death of pathogenic microorganisms.
In addition to these most common drugs, the following drugs can be prescribed:
- Stomatophyte is a vegetable concentrated agent used mainly for gingivitis and periodontitis. The course of treatment with the drug - up to 2 weeks. Before use concentrate should be diluted in a proportion of 1: 5;
- Tantum Verde is a drug based on a non-steroidal benzidamine drug, which determines the anti-inflammatory property of the solution. Tantum Verde can be purchased in the form of an aerosol or rinse liquid. Maximum is used up to 10 days, up to 3 times a day;
- Chlorophyllipt is a rinse solution, which should be diluted in warm boiled water.
All the listed funds are used only on indications and only after the recommendation of the attending physician.
Treatment of bleeding gums with hydrogen peroxide
The use of hydrogen peroxide is considered an unconventional way of treating diseases of the oral mucosa. This solution is used mainly for rinsing and external processing of the gum surface. The essence of this method is that upon contact of peroxide with blood it decomposes into H 2 O and free O 2. Oxygen upon liberation improves the blood supply of tissues, and the formed water contributes to the elimination of toxic substances and decomposition products.
Many speak out about the effectiveness of this tool, especially if the cause of the discharge of blood from the gingival surface are vascular diseases, endocrine disorders or diabetes. However, it should be remembered that the use of peroxide on mucous membranes is unsafe, so it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.
The following recipes are known for bleeding gums with the use of hydrogen peroxide:
- Rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution - dilute 10 drops of peroxide in 50 ml of clean potable water at room temperature. Rinse your mouth after eating and overnight.
- Treatment of the gum surface with undiluted hydrogen peroxide solution 3% apply the solution to a cotton swab or a swab and gently wipe the mucous membranes.
- Cleaning of teeth and gums - we dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in 100 ml of warm water. We use the resulting solution for rinsing the oral cavity. To clean the teeth, use this mixture: ½ tsp. Baking soda + 20 drops of hydroperitone + 10 drops of fresh lemon juice. We put the mixture on a toothbrush and brush our teeth instead of toothpaste.
The recipes listed can be combined, using, for example, a day or two. Such an integrated approach will allow to influence the causes of bleeding in all directions.
Rinsing with propolis
Propolis is considered a natural biologically active substance, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Propolis has long been used to combat viral and bacterial diseases, including oral diseases.
Is it possible to use propolis for rinses? Of course you can! For this, solutions can be used, both on water and alcohol basis. Spirituous tincture before use should be diluted with water in a proportion of at least 1:10.
The active substances of propolis through the mucous penetrate deeply into the tissues, providing a strengthening and restoring effect. Rinse mouth is recommended to repeat three times a day until the disappearance of painful symptoms.
A solution of propolis can be bought in pharmacies or prepared independently, according to the following recipe:
- crushed propolis put in enameled dishes, pour clean water (for 30 g propolis - 250 ml of water), heated with a water bath. At the same time, stir the mixture with a wooden (!) Spoon until it dissolves completely. If a variety of debris pops up during dissolution, remove it with the same spoon and discard. Remove from the fire, cool and filter through gauze. We merge into a dark glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator. Propolis on an alcohol basis is prepared in much the same way, only instead of water we take 96% alcohol. In this case, you can do without heating, since propolis dissolves much better in alcohol than in water.
The medicine is very convenient to use: it is stored for a long time, while it does not lose its healing properties.
Rotokan is a local anti-inflammatory drug that helps to repair damaged areas of the mucosa and stop bleeding. Rotokan is often prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis.
How is Rotokan used? The drug can be injected into the gingival pockets in the form of turundas moistened in a drug solution. However, more often Rotokan is used for so-called "oral baths," the solution is diluted in warm water (1 tsp 200 ml), and then rinse the mouth thoroughly for several minutes three times a day for 2 to 5 days.
Rotokan consists of plant components, such as chamomile extract, calendula and yarrow.
Soda from bleeding gums
Baking soda (bicarbonate Na) is a very common ingredient in various prescriptions for alternative medicine. Soda is used in the treatment of many inflammatory diseases, including the oral cavity.
- When allocating blood associated with periodontitis, you can use a combination of soda and alum (natural minerals, they can be purchased at a pharmacy). For 1 tsp. Soda take ¼ tsp. Alum, mix with 220 ml of warm water. The resulting solution is used for rinsing. After rinsing, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a brush of alum powder applied to it.
- With bloody discharge, provoked by stomatitis, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with a soda solution: 220 ml of warm water - 2 tsp. Soda.
- With periodontitis and bleeding, which are accompanied by painful sensations, you can use the following rinse solution: ½ tsp. Baking soda + ½ tsp. Salt + 220 ml of warm drinking water.
Brushing your teeth directly with soda is not recommended, as this can damage not only the mucous membrane, but also the tooth enamel, which will worsen the situation.
Red mandarin orange oil
Red mandarin oil is produced by the method of cold pressing and pressing. Oil promotes the full absorption of vitamins, strengthens local immunity. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiscorbutic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of red mandarin are also known.
An important characteristic of mandarin oil is its softness. The gentle action of the product makes it possible to use it even for pregnant women and young children prone to allergies.
With a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose, oil is used in many fields of medicine. Depending on the existing disease, it can be used for inhalations, rubbing, baths, etc.
To eliminate bleeding in the mouth, mandarin oil is used in two ways:
- gum applications - help to eliminate inflammation and spotting. To do this, add 5 drops of the drug to 10 g of wild rose oil or wheat sprouts. Apply to the affected surface of the mucosa;
- mouth rinse - prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the mouth. For treatment dilute 2-3 drops of oil in 220 ml of warm water.
It is not recommended to apply undiluted oil directly to the mucosa, as this can cause burns.
Vitamins with gum bleeding
Specially thought out and developed chemist's preparations for strengthening of teeth and gum surfaces are intended for satisfaction of lack of an organism in vitamins and microcells. It's not a secret that often a mucous disease provokes a banal lack of vitamins. If you use the right vitamins regularly, you can significantly improve the condition of the oral cavity, eliminate bleeding and prevent the further development of the pathological process.
Vitamins Dentovitus appoint to protect against periodontal disease and strengthen the body's immunity, including at the local level. Dentovitus is a complex of vitamins and minerals. The use of just one or two tablets per day can prevent many diseases of mucous tissues and teeth.
Vitamin Complex Kaltsinova recommended for the prevention of tooth decay, as well as for the general strengthening of teeth and circumcision space. Tablets have a pleasant fruity taste, which allows the drug to be taken not only by adult patients, but also by children who enjoy their taste with pleasure.
Calcium-D³ Nycomed tablets are used for calcium deficiency in the body. Lack of calcium adversely affects the condition of bones and teeth, and the health of the surrounding tissues and organs directly depends on the condition of the teeth. The drug is intended for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases in adulthood and childhood.
Vitamin complex Ascorutin with gum bleeding is used quite often, because this drug can directly affect vascular permeability, quickly eliminating bleeding. Ascorutin is a combination of vitamins such as ascorbic acid and rutin: the fact is that in many cases the blood on the gingival surfaces is provoked by hypovitaminosis or vitamin P vitamin deficiency. Ascorbic acid supplements and enhances the beneficial effect of routine, and the bleeding sites quickly heal.
Vitamins benefit not only the oral cavity, but the whole body. If a person takes enough vitamins, then his immunity can easily resist infectious diseases, and teeth, gums, hair, bones are maintained in a healthy state. If your food is high-grade, and with food in the body gets enough vitamin and mineral substances, you can do without additional pharmacy.
Ointments from bleeding gums
In addition to rinses, the doctor often prescribes special gels and ointments. As a rule, these remedies are applied immediately after rinsing, thoroughly drying out the mucous membranes to which the drug will be applied. The ointment is applied with a cotton swab or gauze.
The most commonly used gels are:
- Kholisal is a gel preparation, which is distributed on the affected gingival site three times a day. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. By the way, Holysal with gingival hemorrhage can be used even in such situations as dentition, small surgical interventions, as well as the release of blood from tissues during the wearing of dentures. Duration of treatment with the drug is calculated individually;
- Solcoseryl is a dental gel, which perfectly tightens the bleeding zones of the mucosa. The drug is applied from two sides to the affected gum area, the duration of treatment is set for each specific case separately. Solcoseryl is produced on the basis of blood of cattle and is intended for the restoration and healing of tissues;
- Asepta gel - it is prescribed mostly for the treatment of chronic form of gingivitis, since the drug effectively eliminates inflammation and discomfort associated with them. Use Asept-gel up to 3 times a day, until complete recovery (up to 20 days).
Gel from bleeding gums has many advantages over rinsing: the gel base allows to lower the surface tension of tissues, thereby increasing the penetration of the active component of the drug deep into it. In addition, the gel film allows the drug to hold well on the surface of mucous membranes, and for a long time do not wash away with saliva.
The most commonly used ointments are:
- Apident-active - ointment, made from natural ingredients (propolis, bee venom, extracts of chamomile, sage, yarrow, fir, calendula). The drug eliminates painful sensations, bleeding, inflammatory phenomena. Treatment with ointment is carried out for 2-3 weeks;
- Metrogil Denta - has a bactericidal effect, eliminates the signs and consequences of the inflammatory process. Duration of ointment treatment - about a week;
- Kamistad is an external preparation based on lidocaine and chamomile extract. Relieves pain, inflammation, reduces the secretion of blood. May cause short-term numbness in tissues.
Balms of gum bleeding
Dental balms and elixirs are produced by almost all manufacturers specializing in toothpastes - Colgate, Bland-A-honey, and Lakalyut, etc. Doctors recommend using therapeutic and prophylactic balms daily, in the morning and at night, after tooth cleaning with toothpaste. Balms have a bactericidal effect, contribute to the removal of calculus, improve blood circulation and the state of the microflora of the mouth, strengthen the mucous surfaces and enamel of the teeth.
Do you need balm for blood allocation from mucous tissues? It is necessary, if it possesses not only an anticaries, but also an anti-inflammatory property. Anti-inflammatory balm can improve blood circulation in tissues, eliminate puffiness and signs of inflammation, heal small injuries and damage.
As a rule, anti-inflammatory balms contain plant components such as fir, pine, chamomile, sage, etc. The rich composition of the preparations makes it possible to strengthen their useful and strengthening effect.
Antibiotics for bleeding gums
Sometimes the cause of bleeding from the gums is the presence of pathogenic microorganisms: microbes, protozoa, fungi. Often, such microorganisms accumulate in dental deposits, especially when there is insufficient compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. Of course, only the doctor can prescribe antibiotic therapy, after examining the patient at the reception. In this case, antibiotic therapy can become the main stage of treatment - this is the case, for example, with catarrhal gingivitis.
Of all the variety of antibiotics, the most commonly used drugs are:
- Erythromycin is a known bacteriostatic drug, similar in effect to penicillin. It is active against staphylococci, streptococci, meningococcus, pneumococci, gonococci. Erythromycin with weakness and increased permeability of gum vessels is prescribed by 0.25 g to 4 times a day, 60 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is approximately 10 days;
- Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic penicillin preparation. The spectrum of its action is similar to Erythromycin, however, Amoxicillin also affects salmonella, Klebsiella and Escherichia coli. The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 500 mg, the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks;
- Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and bactericidal preparation that destroys a wide variety of bacterial strains. Metronidazole with gingival hemorrhage is applied in a dosage of 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg) twice a day, after meals, for 7-10 days;
- Ampicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic of a wide range of effects, often prescribed with a mixed infection. A single dose of the drug is 500 mg. The frequency of admission - up to 4 times a day, the duration of therapy - at least a week;
- Cephalexin is a cephalosporin antibiotic. It is injected, in an amount up to 4 g in four divided doses.
Antibacterial injections for gums from bleeding gums are rarely used - most often such injections are done intramuscularly. In dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the oral cavity may be prescribed submucous injections of aloe, vitreous, fibs, lidase.
Treatment of bleeding gums during pregnancy
In pregnant women, as a result of hormonal transformations in the body, the inflammatory process of the mucous gum tissue often develops - gingivitis. After a while after the onset of the disease, the inflamed mucosa begins to bleed. Is it dangerous?
In the vast majority of women, such bleeding disappears on their own, or after usual rinsing with the use of herbal infusions or pharmacy solutions of antiseptics.
Only in some cases signs of the disease increase, which can speak of the transition of gingivitis into a chronic course. This means that even an easy form of the inflammatory process should be treated, and it should be done in a timely manner.
Typically, for the treatment of gingivitis during pregnancy use the usual local drugs that do not have a systemic effect and are not absorbed into the circulation. It is recommended to strictly observe the hygiene of the oral cavity, brush your teeth at least 2 times a day using toothpastes with anti-inflammatory properties.
Reviews about the treatment of gum bleeding
To treat bleeding as efficiently as possible, it is important to regularly take care of the oral cavity, brush your teeth and tongue, preferably after every basic meal.
Cleaning teeth should be held for at least 3-4 minutes in different directions. It is recommended simultaneous use of dental floss or interdental brushes. After cleansing, it is useful to rinse with balsam or herbal decoction.
If after a meal you do not have the opportunity to fully brush your teeth, then you just need to thoroughly rinse your teeth with warm water.
Do not forget about the importance of nutrition in maintaining the health of teeth and gums. Food should contain a sufficient amount of vitamin and mineral substances. Especially useful are fruits and vegetables in their raw form: they provide the required load on the chewing organs, which improves blood circulation in the gums.
At least once every 6 months, it is advisable to conduct an oral examination of the dentist. As necessary, it is necessary to remove dental deposits, polish teeth, and massage the mucous membranes of the mouth. In addition, an experienced dentist will always tell you how to correctly treat bleeding gums, and also select the optimal means for oral care for the patient.