Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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This is an unpleasant, uncomfortable and quite dangerous disease. Glossitis is an inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the oral cavity, namely, the tongue, and caused by infection, but can also have an infectious nature.
In translation from Greek, glossa is a language. Glossitis of the tongue is an inflammation of the non-infectious and infectious genesis that causes inflammation on the surface of the tongue, or in its deep layers. This process can be directly caused by a disease caused by a pathogenic flora or infection. But it can be a symptom of more profound dangerous pathological disorders.
In addition, other factors can provoke this disease: thermal, chemical, mechanical. The causes of this pathology can become many negative effects on the human body.
By the nature of manifestations, the disease under investigation is spread:
- On the acute course of the disease. Pathology appeared for the first time and is primary (independent) or secondary (developing against other diseases).
- Chronic course of pathology. Such a diagnosis is made if the cause of the disease is not established, or has not been eliminated. Get a chronic status glossitis can and due to non-compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene.
Is the glossitis contagious?
At least once faced with the problem under consideration, each person is trying to learn more about the causes and consequences of the disease. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether glossitis is contagious, because the great number of causes of the disease causing it. Therefore, if the cause of the pathology is established, and it is not associated with infectious tissue damage, then it is not necessary to talk about the transmission of the disease from the carrier to a healthy person.
Any causative agent of the disease by airborne droplets is not transmitted, but with close tactile contact, such a problem can arise (if it is in direct contact with the patient's tongue), if the infection is caused by infection, fungus or other pathogenic microflora.
If the inflammatory process in the tissues of the tongue is caused by causes not related to infection of the tissues, for example, in case of anemia, then even with direct contact, infection does not occur.
Causes of glossitis
Before discussing the methods of stopping the problem, to understand the diet and give any recommendations for adjusting the lifestyle of people who have experienced this disease, you should establish the causes of glossitis. After all, only knowing the source can talk about effective, full-fledged treatment and a favorable outcome.
To provoke development of an inflammation on a surface or more deep zones of language are capable:
- Provocators of bacterial genesis: Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci and other pathogenic bacteria.
- Viral defeat. For example, herpes, measles, stomatitis.
- Fungal defeat: yeast fungi of the genus Candida, other pathogens.
- Provoke the inflammation is capable of nicotine and alcohol.
- Thermal burn, for example, with hot tea.
- Reception of antibiotics.
- Allergic reaction of the body to different stimuli.
- Chemical burned various chemical compounds.
- Injury of the tissues of the tongue: stroke, sharp end of the tooth, prosthesis ...
- Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene, including the oral cavity.
There are also known multiple diseases that can cause the pathology under consideration:
- Candidiasis.
- Deficiency of folic acid and vitamins B12, E, A in the body of the patient.
- Red flat lichen is a chronic inflammation characterized by the appearance on the mucous membranes and skin of itching rashes.
- Diphtheria is an infectious pathology, provoked by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Leffler's bacillus).
- Scarlet fever is an acute infectious pathology caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.
- Anemia - low in hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood.
- Lesion of the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Measles - a serious disease - airborne infection.
- Invasion of worms.
- Stomatitis.
- Lupus erythematosus is a serious immune disease in which the human body takes its own cells for foreign ones.
- Rheumatic manifestations.
Symptoms of glossitis
The appearance of this disease does not pass asymptomatically, and the patient begins to feel discomfort at first, which gradually intensifies its unpleasant intensity. Symptoms of glossitis are uncomfortable and recognizable:
- On the upper surface of the tongue appears a distinctive coating.
- The tongue begins to swell, its mobility becomes limited.
- There is a disruption in the salivary glands.
- In the pathological region, a burning sensation begins to be felt.
- There is a pain symptomatology.
- A bad breath can be felt from his mouth.
- The natural shade of the tongue is broken. It becomes bard, intensely red.
- There is a change in taste preferences, there is a disturbance in the work of taste buds.
- The surface of the tongue can cover erosion and ulcers.
- There may be a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the mouth.
- The patient has a problem with food.
- In acute form or chronic chronic course of the disease, the quality of speech changes, since the language takes a direct part in the production of sounds.
- If you ignore the problem, the situation can only worsen, there is an irrevocable change in the structural structure of the affected organ.
- In case of neglect of the process, mushroom-like growths can form on the surface of the tongue.
- In rare cases, there is an increase in body temperature.
- Reduction of the body's defenses.
- There may be signs of an abscess.
- If the disease is complicated phlegmon, then the intensity of pain symptoms increases, there may be problems with breathing and nutrition, up to the complete refusal of food.
- Common signs of intoxication.
- Increase in regional lymph nodes.
Acute glossitis
If the symptomatology of the pathology appears suddenly, and differs with a rich symptomatology, physicians diagnose acute glossitis. The cause of its occurrence is capable of becoming an infectious infection, as well as pathology, the source of which is another disease, for example, allergies (secondary glossitis). This form is manifested by severe symptoms: severe inflammation, swelling, hyperemia, pain.
Chronic glossitis
This form of the disease is diagnosed in the case when it is not possible to establish the cause of its occurrence, as well as when no stopping measures are taken, even when establishing the original source. The chronic glossitis is also established in the case when this disorder has a recurrent character.
Symptoms of chronic course are more restrained, but this form already differs by structural changes affecting the affected organ. Treatment of this form can not be done in a short period of time - this is a fairly long process.
Glossitis in children
When a person is more himself - it's hard, but if the illness overtakes the child, parents begin to worry twice. How unfortunate it sounds, but glossitis in children is diagnosed, not so rarely as it would be desirable.
The causes that can cause the disease in question are akin to those that are also a catalyst in the adult population. The difference is only in some priority.
Calling the examined pathology in children can:
- Ignoring the parents' rules of personal hygiene, including the cavity of the child's company.
- Trauma from falling. After all, a normal kid is an active and inquisitive little man and it is sometimes difficult to keep track of him.
- The reaction of the child's body to the material of a dental seal.
- Unqualified seal installation.
- Response of the body to braces, corrective plate or other orthodontic structures.
- The appearance of bad habits, when the baby bites his tongue quite often.
- Drinking too cold or excessively hot food. There is a double threat: the surface is injured directly by a burn and access to the body is given to various infections that provoke inflammation.
- Invasion of worms and other simple parasites.
- If a child suffers from diabetes mellitus, the risk of developing candidiasis is great.
- A similar situation can occur against the background of long-term use of antibiotic drugs.
- Weakened immune defense of the child's body.
And as to cause the considered disease are capable and some diseases:
- In addition to the diabetes mellitus mentioned above, atopic dermatitis is capable of provoking the disease.
- Pathological changes affecting the endocrine system of the child.
- To provoke a disease of a way any illness of an infectious nature.
- Diseases of the blood.
- Pathology that affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
In this case, the baby can not complain at all, and only the attentive mother can notice the mucosal change. But in some cases the child, having begun to be capricious, is able to complain of pain in the tongue.
Glossitis in pregnancy
The time of conception of a child and the expectation of his birth is a rainbow, but also a very important period in the life of every woman. Any pathology is able to cause irreparable damage to the body of the unborn baby and future mother. Do not bypass the fate of women and in the defeat of her considered disease. Glossitis in pregnancy is able to develop any form, but leadership, nevertheless, maintains the desquamative nature of the inflammation, which develops against the background of the hormonal reconstruction of the organism of the future mother under her new status.
The cause of such disruptions in the body is the increased consumption of vitamins, minerals and trace elements during this period. The resulting deficiency and gives rise to the emergence and development of pathological changes.
If the measures are not taken in a timely manner, the protective forces of the female body decrease, against which a candidal inflammatory process may appear. The remaining forms can harm the female body in the ways described above.
At the same time, the treating doctor should treat the treatment taking into account the new status of the woman, excluding drugs that are forbidden to pregnant women.
Types of glossitis
This violation is distinguished by a rather wide variety of manifestations. There are the following types of glossitis:
- Desquamative or as it is also called - "geographic".
- Candidiasis.
- Mycotic.
- Yeast.
- Phlegmonous.
- Catarrhal.
- Gunter's.
- Diamond-shaped.
- Atrophic.
- Ulcerative.
- Herpetic.
- Folded.
- Aphthous.
- Benign wandering.
- Interstitial.
- Allergic.
- Hyperplastic.
- Intense.
- Deep.
Desquamative glossitis
It is not uncommon for people to see their language when they see the appearance of signs that are different from the norm, clearly showing that some pathological disturbance occurs in the body. Occurs the appearance and disappearance of hyperemic spots, the picture of the language surface changes periodically.
The diagnosis is made by the expert on the basis of the symptoms that appear. That is, this form can be called symptomatic diseases.
The clinical picture is a speckled drawing of the lingual surface: hyperemic areas alternate with ulcerous manifestations, places of plaque. This characteristic of the "relief" is very similar to the geographical map.
The pain symptoms are aggravated, the burning sensation is intensified, especially in the process of eating.
This form of the disease can develop against the background of disruptions in the digestive tract, the endocrine and circulatory system of the human body.
Candidiasis glossitis
The name of this variety directly indicates the cause of pathological changes. That is, the diagnosis is made in the case - if the causative agent of the disease is the fungus of the genus Candida. Her presence indicates a violation of the microflora of the oral cavity, a decrease in the human immune forces.
Predominantly, this form is found in elderly people (immunity due to aging of the body is already weakened), or in small children (the defenses of the body are still quite unstable).
In chronic course, the disease manifests itself whenever a decrease in immunity occurs. This picture is the response of the body to its weakening associated with respiratory, infectious and other pathologies.
To provoke such a course of events is also capable of prolonged treatment with antibiotics.
Therapeutic therapy is based on antifungal drugs and immunomodulators.
Mycotic glossitis
Fungal microorganisms are present in almost every human body, but they start to manifest only when the immune system fails. Under adverse conditions Candida fungi begin to multiply intensively, affecting nearby tissues. In the picture, when a smear from the oral cavity shows an increased content of this parasite, and also based on other symptoms (whitish coating on the surface and back, swelling, pronounced transverse and longitudinal grooves), a qualified doctor makes a diagnosis.
An impetus to the development of this form can serve as a long-term use of antibiotic agents. The protocol of therapy includes antifungal drugs.
Yeast glossitis
This form of lesions is manifested by the periodic or permanent appearance on the surface of the affected organ of a pathological dirty whitish plaque. Yeast glossitis does not cause the appearance of painful symptoms, so it does not bother the person particularly. The impetus to its development can be ignoring the rules of personal hygiene, irrational, unbalanced nutrition, bad habits of people (nicotine and alcoholic drinks of any strength). One of the most obvious manifestations of symptoms is an unpleasant fetid odor that appears from the mouth of a person. At the same time, such an amber is persistent, bringing to its owner emotional discomfort.
Catarrhal glossitis
The considered form of the disease can cause multiple causes. It can be:
- Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa.
- The source of the violation can be a superficial burn, obtained by any means:
- Thermal cause of damage: hot soup or, conversely, very low temperatures.
- Chemical cause of the lesion: vapors of alkali and acids, household chemicals and other sources.
- Trauma of the surface, which can be obtained due to impact, improperly made prosthesis, damage to teeth with the emergence of sharp edges.
- Provoke an illness is capable of anemia.
- Candidiasis, affecting the oral cavity.
The main symptoms are puffiness and the appearance of a dirty white coating. In this case, only the upper layers of the mucosa are affected. Pathology does not penetrate deep layers.
Gunter Glossitis
Hunter disease is a criterion signaling the development of anemia in the body of the patient, which is mainly caused by a deficiency in the body of folic acid and vitamin B12.
The main indicator of the development of this form is the following:
- the surface of the affected organ becomes smooth, almost polished.
- hyperemia is very intense, bright crimson.
- the patient may feel a slight burning sensation in the mouth.
Rhomboid glossitis
Pathological diseases affecting the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, can cause the appearance of an unpleasant whitish coating on the surface of the patient's tongue. It is these violations that provoke a person's disease. Most often, based on the nature of the changes, these manifestations are chronic, recurrent.
The main symptom of this type is an increase in the thickness of the epidermis layer, as well as the appearance on the surface of the tongue of a hyperemic area, which mainly has the shape of an oval or a rhombus. Hence the name of the pathological change.
At the same time, the hue of hyperemia is capable of being both bright red and cyanotic.
Physicians conditionally distinguish three types of diamond-shaped form:
- Hyperplastic. It is determined by the appearance on the affected surface of flat growths against the background of whitish plaque.
- Bugorkovy - is diagnosed when mushroom shaped processes appear.
- Flat. The main characteristic of which is a "varnished" surface, in the absence of even minor papillae in the affected area.
Atrophic glossitis
This type of manifestation is consonant with catarrhal. But it is diagnosed mainly in people who have a history of viral, infectious or fungal infection, which is sometimes chronic. These include HIV - infection, herpes, gonorrhea, Candida fungi and others.
Another reason for the development of pathological symptoms is hypovitaminosis, caused by a deficiency in the body of a patient such vitamins as A and E.
Characteristic manifestations of this diagnosis are:
- Hyperemic spots with a smooth "sliding" surface.
- Swelling of the affected organ.
- Degradation of taste buds.
- Appearance of pain symptoms.
- Atrophy of the muscular tissue of the tongue.
This form of the disease requires immediate therapeutic treatment. But the whole complexity of this situation lies in the fact that it is difficult to identify the atrophic form of the disease in the early stages, since there is no obvious intensive symptomatology. When a discomforting condition appears in the oral cavity, the diagnosis can reveal an already started process of pathological damage that can not be regressed.
Ulcerative glossitis
Most often this form of pathological changes is transformed from a non-treated or untreated catarrhal form of pathology. The result of this transformation is the appearance of multiple small ulcers - aft.
- Often shown by minor bleeding.
- The general condition of the patient worsens.
- The intensity of pain increases.
- Edema increases its size.
- There is a partial deterioration in the motor activity of the tongue.
With this form of manifestation of the disease, pathological changes affect only the surface layers of the affected organ.
Folded glossitis
Mostly, this form of the disease has an innate character. There is a presence on the surface of the tongue of the grooves of the transverse and longitudinal direction. They have a sufficiently significant depth, while the most tangible furrow is located longitudinally in the center, connecting the root of the tongue with its tip. The mucous cover, in this situation, is not subjected, no matter how, to a significant change. Quite often this is the only symptom that indicates a malfunction in the body. Language functions are not subject to violations.
In the case of hypovitaminosis, the additional symptom accompanying the basic one depends on the specific vitamin, the deficit of which is determined in the patient's body.
In case of vitamin A deficiency:
- There is dryness in the oral cavity.
- There are cracks that do not heal for a long time.
- The intensity of pain increases.
- The level of cornification of the epithelium increases.
In case of shortage of folic acid or vitamin B12:
- The epithelium layer begins to thin out.
- Pronounced hyperemia acquires "bright colors".
- The surface of the affected organ becomes smooth, "lacquered."
- Language becomes painful - sensitive when exposed to various stimuli.
In case of vitamin C deficiency:
- Visual inspection shows the appearance of blood capillaries on the surface of the mucosa.
It can be manifested in tandem with desquamative inflammation.
Aphthous glossitis
It has already been stipulated that this form is a "continuation" of the progression of catarrhal inflammation, which has not been treated or has not been fully treated.
Violations relating to the form of manifestation in question are superficial and do not affect the deep layers of the tissue structures of the tongue.
The main symptom, showing the presence of this pathology, is the appearance on the surface of the affected organ of numerous, but small, often bleeding ulcers.
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Interstitial glossitis
It is often one of the symptoms of tertiary syphilis. Language fabrics are struck deep enough, the structure of the tongue is compacted and resembles a waffle towel. The motor activity of the organ of speech is hampered by pathological changes affecting its structure.
If timely, adequate treatment is not undertaken, irreversible processes begin to occur. Muscle tissues are replaced by connective structures.
If such a situation arises, there is a high probability of degeneration into malignant neoplasms. The cancer of the tongue is diagnosed.
Allergic glossitis
The modern world is marked by a high level of allergenicity. Today it is difficult to find a person, especially for residents of large industrial cities, who would not have a heightened sensitivity to a particular stimulus. It is the response of the human body to an external stimulus.
The cause of manifestation of the considered disease can be:
- Medicinal products.
- Separate food products.
- Toothpaste or disinfectant used to sanitize the oral cavity.
- The material from which the denture is made.
- Other potential irritants.
Hyperplastic glossitis
It exists as an ode from varieties of rhomboidal manifestation. A distinctive feature of this type of disease is that flat compacted formations are formed on the surface of the tongue plate, visible against the background of a whitish hue covering the area of the lesion.
Slight Glossitis
The cause of the onset and progression of the disease has not been established to date.
The facts were noted when the disease in question began to progress, without obvious causes and sources. Therefore, doctors assume that the disease has a genetic etiology.
It is also assumed that the catalyst of the process can be:
- Bad habits: smoking and alcoholism.
- Some pharmacological preparations.
- Candidiasis, affecting the oral cavity.
There is an outgrowth of the filiform papillae of the mucous surface. Gradually there is a cornification of these tissues. The hue of the mucosa changes to a darker color.
The patient with the diagnosis in question begins to feel a sensation in the throat. Sometimes a person feels the presence of a foreign body in the throat. There may be a vomiting reflex.
Deep glossitis
But doctors also have to observe more profound lesions of linguistic tissues. Phlegmonous inflammation, the pathological process begins to affect almost all layers of the affected organ. For example, such a picture can be observed with an abscess, lymph nodes, neighboring tissues are also affected.
- With such a pathological change, the patient begins to feel a significant deterioration in his state of health, weakness.
- An increase in body temperature is noted.
- There is a spasmodic pain.
- The patient begins to suffer from pain in the head.
- Swelling of the oral cavity is observed, especially hyperemia and swelling is noticeable around the formed abscess.
- In this situation, it becomes difficult for a person to consume food. The appetite disappears, and the patient in general can refuse to eat.
- A high level of swelling can significantly hinder breathing.
Diagnosis of glossitis
When the patient addresses a problem such as the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms in the oral cavity, the diagnosis begins with a visual examination of the patient. Already at this stage of diagnosis, a qualified doctor is able to make correct assumptions about the nature and form of the disease, and also to suggest a source of pathological changes.
- It can be anatomical damage and changes.
- The patient's blood is sent for the study: general analysis and biochemical. The result is confirmation or denial of the presence of an inflammatory process in the patient's body.
- There is also an analysis of saliva. The presence of infection and the recognition of its pathogen are determined.
- If necessary, ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the digestive tract: gastorcopy, colonoscopy and others.
If there is a problem with the diagnosis, you may need an additional examination:
- RPR-test - anticardiolipin study - laboratory analysis performed to detect antibodies to the cardiolipin antigen.
- Bacteriological character.
- Examination of scraping in the surface of the tongue on a pale treponemia.
- Cytology.
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly accurate method of diagnosing various infections.
- Biochemical tests.
- Immunoenzyme analysis (ELISA) - the detection of antigens with the help of antibodies corresponding to them, conjugated with the enzyme-label.
Only after establishing the correct diagnosis the doctor can give, any recommendations, and paint the necessary therapy.
Who to contact?
Treatment of glossitis
First of all, the treatment of glossitis begins with paying close attention to the necessary daily oral care, in which it is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice a day, rinse your mouth after each meal.
Which doctor treats glossitis?
If a person is concerned about the type of his tongue, or other pathological symptoms associated with the oral cavity, it is necessary, without delay, to make an appointment with a specialist.
If consultation of the qualified expert is necessary it is necessary to address to the local therapist, or to enter the name in the stomatologist. If there is a need or if there is a problem with the diagnosis, the treating doctor can prescribe a consultation of the specialized doctor: gastroenterologist, hematologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist.
For the duration of therapy, it is necessary to exclude hot and strongly pancaked dishes from your diet, high temperatures reduce the quality of treatment, increasing the time of therapy. The nutrition is corrected - the doctor is prescribed a diet.
From the pharmacological side, the necessary medications are connected to the treatment process.
The patient has to rinse the mouth with various sanitizing preparations throughout the day. It can be, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or furacilin.
The antiseptic drug chlorhexidine is usually used in 0.05% or 0.1% solution, two to three rinses (or irrigation) throughout the day. Active active substance of the drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate.
Contraindications to this drug include increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as if the patient has a history of dermatitis of any genesis. Duration of admission is determined by the treating doctor individually for each patient, based on his history and clinical picture of the disease.
To reduce pain, a local anesthetic is prescribed: chloral hydrate, anesthetic solution in glycerin, lidocaine, trimecaine.
Lidocaine is used topically, in the form of irrigation or lotions, 5-10 ml of a 2% solution. It is not recommended to take its use in case of individual intolerance of the patient's body components.
To restore the integrity of the mucosa, the patient is attributed vinylin, peach oil, solcoseryl, retinol solution or rose hip oil.
As sanitizing drug, solutions of romazulan or rotokan are used.
For oral administration, romazulan is diluted in a ratio of 0.5 tsp. For a glass of hot water. With external application, the ratio is 0.5 p. L. Preparation per liter of water. Used for rinsing, irrigation and inside. It is not recommended to take the medication only in case of individual intolerance of the patient's body components.
Moreover, there are individual approaches to the treatment of a particular form of the disease:
Deep inflammation is treated by surgical removal of the abscess or purulent phlegmon. Postoperative therapy is the course of antibacterial drugs.
The desquamative nature of the pathology is stopped by treating the source of inflammation.
Rhomboid dysfunctions do not require, however significant, interference. Sometimes it is sufficient to correct the patient's diet and maintain a body hygiene culture. Only in the case of progression of papillomatous disorder is an operative intervention, involving the excision of the affected area. Such a technique will reduce the risk of cancer transformation. Disturbances of the Guntherian character are not a separate pathology, but is one of the symptoms of B12 folia deficiency anemia. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the deficit in the body of a patient with folic acid and vitamin B12. At the same time, the work of the digestive tract is normal.
With a villous form, tweezers remove the altered papillae. Then the surface is sanitized with salicylic alcohol, resorcinol or 3% solution of copper sulphate. Candidiasis involves the introduction of a protocol for the treatment of antifungal drugs.
Diet with glossitis
Not the last, but, perhaps, even one of the main places in the prevention and treatment of the disease is nutrition. Diet under glossitis is not very harsh, but the implementation of its recommendations will significantly reduce the risk of such changes.
Human nutrition should avoid the intake of very hot and excessively peppery foods. Such a diet welcomes wiped soups-creams, puree second courses, viscous porridge.
If the digestion of the patient is characterized by a reduced rate of processing, the doctor may recommend drinking three times throughout the day a decoction of rhizomes of calamus ayr. Prepare it at home simple enough: in a saucepan, enter 600-700 ml of water and 15 g of crushed vegetable product, cover with a lid, put on the fire and boil a quarter of an hour after boiling. The liquid of room temperature must be drunk by courses: three months of treatment - one break.
Prevention of glossitis
The considered violation in the human body refers to pathologies, some forms, manifestations of which can be effectively prevented, or significantly reduce their intensity. Prevention glossitis - a simple, but tangible lever that allows you to protect the human body from such a defeat, he is in his life only to adhere to simple recommendations.
Daily hygiene:
- Teeth should be cleaned at least two times a day.
- After each meal, rinse the mouth with clean water to remove food residues.
- Most wash hands: after visiting the streets, before and after meals and so on.
- Do not ignore regular preventive examinations at the dentist.
- Periodic examination for hypovitaminosis and anemia.
- Getting rid of bad habits. Especially it concerns smoking.
- Reduce consumption of spicy food and avoid taking hot dishes.
- Timely and until complete recovery, treat infectious pathologies and other diseases that can become a source of the problem under consideration.
Prognosis of glossitis
If the diagnosis is made on time and an adequate treatment is carried out, the glossitis prognosis is favorable and the recovery comes quickly enough. But if this is aphthous, villous, deep or similar in severity of pathology, inflammation and the patient went to the doctor with a neglected form of the disease, then nothing specific can predict the doctor, because in certain circumstances, the pathological change can be transformed into a cancer that requires other methods of cupping. In some forms of the disease, frequent relapses are also possible.
This disease is tricky in that it does not always give uncomfortable symptoms, which can serve as a signal to seek advice from a doctor. But in order not to miss the progression of the disease, it is worthwhile to be somewhat more attentive to yourself, not ignoring preventive measures and personal hygiene rules. Such elementary actions can significantly reduce the risk of the emergence and development of such a pathology as glossitis. After all, it depends on the person how quickly the diagnosis is established and the necessary therapy is carried out.