

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Treatment of flux

Treatment of flux should be timely in order to avoid the spread of the inflammatory process to surrounding structures and fistula formation.

Treatment after removal of a tooth of wisdom

Treatment after removal of the wisdom tooth includes antiseptic rinses. They should start from the second day after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

Consequences of tooth extraction wisdom

The consequences of the removal of the wisdom tooth, associated with the problem healing of the wound, should not go unnoticed. At the slightest discomfort, the patient should contact the attending physician who will conduct the examination and prescribe medications that will speed up the healing process.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Removing the wisdom tooth is one of the most complicated dental procedures, as it is most often caused by improper location, carious damage, strong tooth decay and, as a consequence, the emergence of a foci of inflammation in the oral cavity.

Odontogenic periostitis

Odontogenic periostitis often occurs as a result of untreated or untreated caries of the tooth, while the pathological process is thrown on the periosteum of the alveolar process of the tooth. The disease can occur with injuries and wounds to the jaws.

Pigmentation of teeth

Dental pigmentation is a phenomenon that is quite common in both young children and adults. Color of the tooth does not always give only one enamel. And the final color of it, which we see - a collection of shades, both natural color of the enamel, and more deep layers - dentin.

Flux on the gum

Flux on the gums is a serious dental disease, which is fraught with many complications. Let's look at the causes of the appearance of the flux, the symptoms of the disease, the methods of diagnosis, as well as the methods of treatment and prevention.

Acute periostitis

The acute form of inflammation with localization in the periosteum is called acute periostitis. According to the international classification of diseases, acute periostitis, μB 10, is defined under the K10.2 label - inflammatory jaw disease, or K10.9 - jaw disease, unspecified.

Hyperesthesia of the teeth

Hyperesthesia of the teeth is an increased sensitivity to various kinds of irritants. Let's look at the types of hyperesthesia, the causes of the disease, the methods of treatment and prevention.

Hypoplasia of enamel of permanent and milk teeth

The pathology of the structure or mineral composition of the dental tissue (partial or complete absence of it), which develops due to a malfunction that arose even in the period of their formation, is a hypoplasia of the teeth.


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