Cough milk
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A popular remedy for fighting cold symptoms is milk from a cough. Consider its useful properties for the body, popular and most effective recipes.
Each person at least once, but experienced symptoms of colds, when a painful cough, increased weakness and temperature interfere with normal work. You can remove these symptoms with the help of pharmacy medicines or more safe, natural ingredients. Among the latter, the first place is occupied by milk.
An animal product is a nutrient fluid produced by mammalian females to feed their young. That is, it is not considered a drink, but a full-fledged food, rich in vitamins and microelements. The most popular is cow's milk, which is 87% water and 13% dry matter. It includes such components:
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamins of group B.
- Vitamin D.
- Calcium.
- Potassium.
- Phosphorus.
- Magnesium.
- Iron.
- Sodium.
- Fluoride.
- Iodine and other macro and microelements.
A distinctive feature of the product is that all its nutritional components are well absorbed by the body. Caloric content depends on the composition and a number of other factors, but on the average it is 30-80 kcal per 100 g.
In addition to the cow, there are other types of milk:
- Goat - contains a lot of potassium and little lactose, so it can be used even by allergy sufferers.
- Kobylje - in composition similar to human, it is used for metabolic disorders, for the prevention of colds and oncological diseases, for increasing potency.
- Buffalo - without shellfish, but contains more minerals and vitamins than cow's. Helps with insomnia, colds, nervous disorders, improves blood composition.
- Camel - contains three times more vitamin C and D compared to cow, strengthens the immune system.
- Sheep - contains vitamins A, B1 and B2, calcium and zinc. Useful for the health of the brain, as it provides its supply of oxygen. Is the prevention of osteoporosis.
- Donkey - contains antioxidants, has rejuvenating properties. It consists of more than 300 nutrients and a minimum of fat.
- Reindeer - contains three times more protein and five times more fat than cow's. Has rejuvenating properties, but can cause indigestion. It is most often used for cosmetic purposes or as an additive to food.
Useful properties of the product:
- Strengthens the immune system and positively affects all systems and organs.
- Fights against colds, preventing their progression.
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 15-20%.
- Normalizes the level of pressure.
- Reduces swelling.
- It advocates the prevention of cancer lesions of the breast and intestines.
- Positively affects the functioning of the digestive tract.
- Reduces the negative effects of acidic and salty foods.
- Reduces the risk of diabetes.
- Soothes the nervous system.
- He struggles with insomnia.
But despite all the useful properties, the product has a number of contraindications. The liquid is not recommended for people with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, as it causes gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions. Contraindications apply to people prone to the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys.
The composition of milk includes more than 300 different components that interact with each other. Their pharmacodynamics, that is, there is a mechanism, strength and duration of action have not been studied. But it is known that the composition of the product of animal origin favorably affects the functioning of the whole organism, especially the respiratory and digestive systems.
The processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs are pharmacokinetics. The patterns of biological and chemical processes that occur with milk used to treat cough in the human body have not been studied. But despite this, many patients point to the effectiveness of this drug. As the painful attacks become softer, the process of sputum is accelerated and overall well-being improves.
Indications for use
Milk from cough can be used for the first symptoms of colds. The protein contained in it is well absorbed by the body, forming the immunoglobulins necessary for fighting the virus infection.
The main indications for the use of milk as a cure for coughing:
- All kinds of cough.
- Pain in the throat.
- The slowness of the voice.
- Tracheitis.
- Bronchitis (acute, chronic).
- Pertussis.
- Cough of an allergic nature.
- Increased temperature.
- Asthmatic attacks.
The intake of a nutritious drink increases the amount of expectorant masses, that is, promotes the excretion of phlegm. The unique composition increases the protective properties of the immune system. It has an enveloping and softening effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reduces perspiration and warms up the throat.
There are several forms of milk, some of which can be used in anti-cold recipes:
- Doubles are fresh, but only sodomennoe. Despite all the useful properties, it contains many intestinal bacteria, so it is better to drink it in 2-3 hours.
- Sterilized - subject to heating to 145 ° C for the destruction of all bacteria and microbes. Has reduced useful properties, but it is safe for children.
- Pasteurized - liquid, heated to 75 ° C. This heat treatment allows you to keep the freshness for 14 days.
- Toplennoe - processed at a temperature of 95 ° C for 3-4 hours.
- Dry is a vaporized liquid in the form of a dry powder.
- Condensed - is produced by evaporation of moisture with the addition of sugar until a thick consistency is obtained.
For cough recipes, it is better to use homemade milk, both cow and goat. When choosing store products, preference should be given to drinks with a short shelf life, while the pasteurized product is not recommended.
Milk from dry cough
One of the signs of ARVI or ARI is a dry, painful cough. It causes problems with sleep, it creates not only physical, but also moral discomfort.
Milk from dry cough is an unconventional method of treating a painful condition. The product contributes to the formation of sputum and its rapid elimination. Nutritional fluid of animal origin is effective in such diseases:
- Inflammatory processes in the bronchi and trachea.
- Pneumonia.
- Pleurisy (dry form).
- Bronchial asthma.
- Whooping cough.
- Cough of an allergic nature.
Recipes with milk stop bouts of dry barking cough and are effective in treating laryngitis in children, which can be complicated by false croup. Very often the drink is combined with honey, ginger or propolis. This combination eliminates attacks of dry perspiration at night and symptoms of respiratory failure, both in children and adults.
Contraindications for use
Milk drink, like any other product has contraindications to the use. Milk is banned in such cases:
- Deficiency of the lactase enzyme (causes gastrointestinal disorders).
- The tendency to deposition of calcium salts, the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys.
- Age after 50 years (the composition of the drink includes myristic acid, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis ).
Also, individual reactions of the organism to additional components used in combination with milk should be taken into account. Many of them have contraindications, which is especially important for the treatment of small children and pregnant women.
Side effects
Incorrect use of milk from a cough can cause side effects. As a rule, it manifests itself by various allergic reactions on the skin, pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting. To eliminate discomfort should stop taking the drink and, if necessary, conduct symptomatic therapy.
Recipes with milk from a cough
Various catarrhal and respiratory diseases, bronchitis and inflammatory lesions from the lungs, are accompanied by coughing attacks. Recipes with milk from a cough refer to the methods of alternative medicine. For the treatment of the drink can be taken as a pure form, and a complex with other therapeutic components. Most commonly used:
- Medicinal herbs.
- Honey and propolis.
- Medications.
- Various vegetables and fruits with medicinal properties.
The nutrient fluid softens the throat, promotes the dilution of sputum and translates dry seizures into moist, accelerating the separation of mucous contents.
Read also other recipes:
- Milk with a mineral water from a cough
- Sage and thyme with milk from cough
- Milk with fat, fatty cough
- Propolis with milk from a cough
- Oats with milk from cough
- Milk with onion and garlic from cough
- Milk with banana from cough
- Milk with oil from cough
Milk with cough oil How to prepare milk for cough? Proportions
Faced with colds, some patients prefer non-traditional methods with the use of various herbal and medicinal components.
Consider how to prepare milk from a cough, the proportions of the active components:
- Nutritional fluid is the basis of the recipe, that is, it must be at least 50% in the composition with any other ingredients.
- The substrate can be heated, boiled or taken at room temperature.
- As additional substances are suitable herbal decoctions and infusions, vegetables, fruits and even bee products.
- In a product it is possible to dissolve some medicinal preparations, strengthening their antitussive action and reducing negative influence on an organism.
Before conducting such an alternative treatment should consult with your doctor. It is also necessary to take into account the risk of developing unwanted and allergic reactions.
Warm, hot, boiled milk from a cough
A priceless nutritive liquid taken from the very birth is milk. The product is used in alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases, including colds. Warm, hot, boiled milk from cough in combination with other components can effectively eliminate the painful condition and enhance the protective properties of the immune system.
The main advantage of the drink lies in the amino acid - tryptophan, which is included in its composition. This substance is not produced by the human body, but it is necessary for its normal functioning. Very often the milk base is combined with honey and vegetable juices, heating them for maximum benefit and activating the medicinal components.
Goat's milk from cough
Many doctors recommend using not cow's milk, but goat's milk from cough. It contains more fat and protein than cow's. And its amino acid balance is similar to that of the human. A high content of calcium salts has a diuretic effect and a good dilution of sputum.
Beneficial features:
- It is well absorbed and does not cause disorders from the digestive tract.
- Hypoallergenic, since it does not contain alpha-1s-casein.
- Contains a large amount of cobalt (is part of the vitamin B12) and other nutrients.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Improves digestion.
- Prevents the development of anemia.
- Improves the color of the skin and slows down the aging process.
- Supports the health of the thyroid and cardiovascular system.
- Improves memory and improves performance.
The raised vitamin compound perfectly struggles with catarrhal diseases and renders restorative action on an organism.
Mare's milk for coughing
Another popular product of animal origin is mare's milk. From cough it is not used as often as cow, but it has no less useful properties. So, the mare's milk is a white liquid with a blue tint and a tart taste. The product is particularly popular in the eastern countries.
Beneficial features:
- Contains half the protein and lactose in comparison with the cow.
- As far as its composition is as close as possible to the female.
- It is used in the preparation of baby food.
- Improves blood circulation in the body.
- Performs prevention of atherosclerosis.
- Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
- Contains thiamine, which has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
- Strengthens the immune system and enhances its protective functions.
The use of this product in the treatment of coughing attacks is based on its unique composition. In this case, the liquid need not be mixed with other substances. It is enough to warm up and drink a little before going to bed. It facilitates coughing attacks and speeds up the healing process.
Dates with milk from a cough
A popular and at the same time useful dried fruit, which children and adults like - these are dates. The fruits of the date palm have a high nutritional value, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. The composition of dried fruit includes 60% carbohydrates (fructose, glucose), which saturate the blood with sugar and maintain the energy balance. In the flesh of fruit contains more than 20 amino acids, vitamin A, group B, C and PP, as well as 15 salts and minerals.
Medical properties of dates:
- Antiviral action against acute infectious diseases.
- Pronounced antitussive properties in bronchitis.
- Dilution of sputum and acceleration of its excretion from the respiratory tract.
- Anti-inflammatory and drying effect.
- Acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Improve the work of the brain.
- Soothing and relaxing action.
To quickly and effectively treat catarrhal diseases, you should combine dates with milk. Cough is most often used such a recipe: take 10 dried dates and a glass of fresh milk. Rinse the fruits under running water and put into a saucepan. Pour cold milk and cook for 10-20 minutes, gradually bringing to a boil. Cool the broth to a comfortable temperature. Take a couple of spoons with severe attacks of dry cough. Such treatment is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer
Milk with turmeric from cough
The exotic spiciness of yellow color used in cooking, cosmetology and alternative medicine is turmeric. It is used in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, to reduce pain in the joints and bones, as well as a preventive agent for cancer.
Milk with turmeric from cough is effective at the first painful symptoms. The drug has the following properties:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Antioxidant.
- Wound healing.
- Disinfecting.
- Painkillers.
Therapeutic drink is called golden milk, emphasizing its multifunctionality in the medical field. With pains in the throat, the following recipes are recommended:
- Take ¼ cup of boiled chilled water, add ½ teaspoon turmeric powder and a teaspoon of ginger powder. Mix all ingredients and pour ½ cup of milk. Put the product on a low heat and boil. In a slightly cooled drink add honey to taste, strain. Take the remedy before bedtime. After such treatment, there is a significant relief in the morning.
- In a glass of milk, add two tablespoons of sugar and heat. Fry ½ teaspoon of cannon in a frying pan and add to the glass with ¼ teaspoon of turmeric. Thoroughly mix everything and drink in a warm form.
Take medication until coughing up.
Milk with egg from cough
With a cold, many painful sensations appear, including coughing. It negatively affects the state of health, causes discomfort, disturbs sleep. To treat a painful condition, there are many methods.
Milk with an egg from a cough is a recipe for alternative medicine. To prepare the medicine, take 500 ml of milk and warm it up a little, break into a liquid 1 egg, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of butter. Thoroughly mix everything and cook over medium heat. Take the drink warm.
Milk with cocoa from cough
In some cases, the most effective drugs for treating the respiratory system are not pharmacy products, in alternative recipes. Milk with cocoa from cough refers to non-traditional methods of treatment. Cocoa is a popular product used in cosmetology, medicine, perfumery and cooking.
Useful properties of cocoa:
- External treatment of various diseases, infections, fungus.
- Acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues and mucous membranes.
- Treatment of pathologies of biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract.
- Prophylaxis of oncological lesions.
- Excretion of cholesterol from the body.
- Strengthening of the walls of blood vessels.
Cocoa contains the alkaloid theobromine, which is effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Vitamins A, C and E strengthen the immune system and help cope with inflammatory processes.
The effectiveness of a dairy product in the treatment of cough is associated with excretion of bronchial sputum. The drug envelops inflamed tissues and significantly reduces the pain syndrome, speeding up the healing of the mucous throat. Active components relieve the respiratory system from infectious agents.
Therapeutic recipes:
- Heat a glass of milk and add to it a teaspoon of cocoa butter and a little honey. Stir thoroughly and take in a warm form 3-4 times a day for a glass.
- Melt 1/4 of the bitter chocolate tile and mix with a cocoa butter spoon. Add 500 ml of milk, stir and let stand with cooling. The prepared portion of the medicine should be divided into 2-3 days, taking two tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
- Mix a spoon of melted cocoa butter with 20 g propolis and a glass of warm milk. Stir and take ½ cup 2-3 times a day.
Using cocoa for the treatment of colds, it should be remembered that it has an exciting effect. Therefore, to avoid insomnia, try not to take the remedy right before bedtime. Such a drug is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, obesity and allergic reactions to its components.
Pine milk from cough
In alternative medicine, various components are used, many did not even guess the healing properties of some of them. For example, pine milk from cough not only stops painful attacks, but also increases the protective properties of immunity.
Pine is a tree rich in tannins and oils. With catarrhal diseases, practically its parts are used. Particular attention is paid to the kidneys, which contain such useful components: vitamins B, A and C, acids, starch, alkaloids, saponins, phytoncides. The natural composition has a beneficial effect on the body:
- Promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Destroys viruses and bacteria.
- Increases local immunity.
- Strengthens a cough.
- It liquefies phlegm.
Pine kidneys can be purchased at the pharmacy, where they are sold in ready-to-use form or collected in spring and dried.
The most effective recipe is pine milk. It helps with dry cough and helps to sputum when wet. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of kidneys and pour a glass of hot milk. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
The natural product does not cause side reactions, but one should be careful when mixing it with other components, especially alcohol-containing ones.
Milk with pepper from cough
Both inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system cause many unpleasant symptoms. Milk with pepper from cough not only softens and stops painful attacks, but also has a tonic effect on the body.
The simplest, but at the same time, effective recipe: take a small piece of hot pepper and cook it with a glass of milk. Pepper should be pulled out and drink a drink before going to bed or a couple of sips with strong urge to cough. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey to the medicine.
Milk with carrots from cough
Another unconventional, but effective way of treating colds is milk with carrots from cough:
- Take one carrots peel and cut into cubes. Fill the root with 500 ml of milk and cook until it is ready. Strain, cool and add a little honey for taste. Take a glass of ½ cup 3-4 times a day. Boiled carrots can be eaten.
- One medium-sized carrot is grated and poured with warm milk. The drink should be infused for 30 minutes. It can be filtered or drunk with a carrot.
- Grate the carrots and squeeze the juice. In a glass of warm milk, add 2-3 tablespoons of carrot juice and a spoonful of honey.
The above recipes not only eliminate coughing attacks, but also supply the body with a complex of vitamins, beneficial micro and macro elements.
Iodine with cough milk
A useful solution for treating various diseases is iodine. It has antiseptic and disinfecting properties. Typically, the agent is used to treat wounds and prevent their infection.
Iodine with cough milk is effective in both dry and wet painful attacks. To prepare the medicine, add a glass of warm milk a couple drops of iodine and a spoonful of honey. Mix everything well and take ¼ cup throughout the day.
Iodine in combination with soda and water is excellent for rinsing with inflammation of the throat. Also, the remedy is applied to the skin, making an iodine mesh to warm the bronchi.
Dill with milk from cough
One of the unconventional, but popular means for treating cold symptoms is dill with milk from a cough. This combination allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of dry, barking cough, because it has the following properties:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Spasmolytic.
- Expectorant.
- Cholagogue.
- Soothes the nervous system.
- Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
For medicinal purposes, only the fruits of the plant, that is, the seeds, are used. They contain essential oils, vitamin B, A, C, PP, P, folic acid, flavonoid vicenin, as well as minerals necessary for the body.
To prepare a medicinal drink, take 50 g of dill seeds and rinse thoroughly. Pour the seeds with a glass of milk and cook over low heat for an hour. Remove from the plate. Strain and add a piece of butter. Take small sips throughout the day.
Dill is effective in chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, colitis, constipation, neuroses and insomnia. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy.
Milk with nuts from cough
Another option for the alternative treatment of coughing is milk with nuts. Coughing is most often done with walnuts. To prepare the medicine, not only kernels are suitable, but also partitions and even shells.
Useful properties of walnuts:
- Improves memory.
- Anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.
- Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Contains vitamins E, K, P, C and amino acids.
To prepare an antitussive milk and nut cocktail, take a liter of fresh milk and about 10 kernels of walnut. Nuts chop and put in milk. Leave the remedy to insist on the night. Strain and take in a warm form for ½ cup 3-4 times a day. If you want, you can buy walnut oil, which is also useful, like the nuts themselves. To eliminate the painful condition, add 1 teaspoon of butter and honey to a glass of warm milk.
Pine nuts with milk from cough
Quite soft, but at the same time, an effective tool in the fight against diseases of the respiratory system - it's pine nuts with milk from a cough. Nuts are valued for their rich composition: vitamins B, A, E, iodine, zinc, iron, easily digestible fats and proteins. They have high nutritional value and such properties:
- Affect the level of blood clotting.
- They struggle with an allergic rhinitis and cough.
- Effective in bronchial asthma, acute catarrh of the respiratory tract and chronic tonsillitis.
- Ease sputum discharge.
To prepare the medicine, pour 200 g pine nuts 1 liter of fresh cow or goat milk and cook for 20-30 minutes. Take a glass in the morning and before bedtime. There is also another version of the medical drug - take a pair of cedar cones with nuts and fill with a liter of milk. Cook over low heat until the liquid turns brown. Take in the form of a teaspoonful every two hours.
Raisins with milk from cough
Dried grape in its useful properties is not inferior to fresh. It contains about 80% of vitamins and microelements, similar to fresh fruits. Raisins with milk from a cough are not only useful, but also insanely delicious. Such a medicine is perfect for both children and adults.
Useful properties of raisins:
- Contains antioxidants and oleanolic acid, which increase the protective properties of the immune system and protect against free radicals.
- The increased potassium content has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.
- He struggles with insomnia and anemia.
To prepare antitussive, take 30 grams of washed raisins and pour a glass of milk. Cook the liquid over low heat for 20-30 minutes and let it brew. The medicine can not be filtered, taken in a warm form. It is equally useful to eat a handful of raisins for the night and drink warm milk. You can also crush raisins and walnuts carefully, diluting with warm liquid. It is better to take the drug before going to bed.
Despite all the useful properties, raisins have certain contraindications. Any medicine based on it is not recommended for people with diabetes and ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum. The drug is not allowed for acute heart failure and an open form of tuberculosis.
Milk with burnt sugar from cough
A natural remedy often used in alternative medicine is milk with burnt sugar from a cough. This combination perfectly eliminates irritation of the respiratory tract and acts as an auxiliary method in the control of pharyngitis.
To prepare the medicine, take a couple of spoons of sugar and put it on a hot frying pan. Once the sugar begins to melt, add 200 ml of milk to it. Stir constantly so as not to overcook the mixture. Once the milk-sugar consistency turns brownish, it can be poured into a shallow container, pre-lubricated with butter. The resulting mass while it is warm should be divided into portioned pieces and used after its solidification as candy from a cough. It is recommended to take the medication no more than 3-4 times a day.
Burnt sugar eliminates dry cough and stimulates sputum discharge. But applying it should be careful. This is especially true for pregnant women and children.
Moss with milk from cough
An unusual, but effective medicine for any lesion of the respiratory system is moss with milk from a cough. Icelandic moss is a perennial lichen growing on trees and soil. Its presence indicates the purity of the environment. The plant contains vitamin B12 and C, proteins, fats, wax, manganese, sodium, usnic acid and many other useful components. The remedy is used in the treatment of such diseases:
- Bronchial asthma.
- Tuberculosis.
- Whooping cough.
- Pneumonia.
- Chronic cough.
- Pneumonia.
The therapeutic effectiveness of the plant is explained by its antibacterial properties. Moss can be purchased at the pharmacy in dry form and in the form of a syrup for oral administration.
Antitussive recipes:
- Take 3-4 tablespoons of dry lichen and pour 500 ml of hot milk. Cook the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Once the broth cools down, it should be filtered and taken 10 ml 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment is 2-5 days.
- Spread a tablespoon of moss with a glass of milk and cook over low heat for half an hour. Strain and take before bedtime. This will help get rid of cough in the shortest time, eliminate insomnia and increased anxiety.
- Add a glass of warm milk to a tablespoon of pharmacy syrup based on Icelandic moss. Take the remedy for ½ cup throughout the day.
Like any medicine, moss from cough has contraindications. It is not recommended for use with hypersensitivity to components, diabetes, during pregnancy and lactation.
Milk with salt from cough
A unique composition has salt. It contains a huge amount of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It consists of minerals and antioxidants that protect cells from the negative effects of the environment. Milk with salt from cough is a popular folk method for eliminating the painful symptoms of a cold. This combination has very unusual properties:
- Strong antibacterial action.
- Supply of the organism with useful minerals and microelements.
- Regulation of water balance in the body.
- Warming and keeping heat in the body.
- Beneficial effect on the work of the central nervous system, transmission of nerve impulses to neurons.
Popular medicinal recipes:
- Preheat fresh milk, add ½ tablespoons of salt and soda. Stir well and drink at a time. It should be taken 2-3 times a day.
- Preheat a glass of fresh milk and add a pinch of sea salt. Once the salt has dissolved, you need to eat a spoonful of honey and drink it with a milky-salt drink.
- Take one chicken egg and mix with a spoon of lightly submerged butter. Add a spoonful of honey to the mixture, ½ teaspoon of salt and soda. Mix again well. Pour warm milk and take 3-4 times a day after meals.
Before using the above recipes, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to their components.
Milk with cinnamon from cough
A popular fragrant product used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine and other industries is cinnamon. This spice is valued for its unique composition and therapeutic effect on the body. Milk with cinnamon from cough is effective from the first days of the disease.
The main medicinal properties of cinnamon are:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Expectorant.
- Anesthetic.
- Antipyretic.
- Spasmolytic.
The spice is rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It contains vitamins C, E and PP, as well as minerals - calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron. For the treatment of cold cough, the recipe with such ingredients is most often used: milk, cinnamon, honey. Preheat the milk, add a couple of teaspoons of honey and a spoonful of cinnamon. Stir thoroughly and take ½ cup 3-4 times a day in a warm form.
Despite all the useful properties, cinnamon is contraindicated in allergic reactions, internal bleeding and during pregnancy (contributes to increased uterine contraction).
Milk with vodka from cough
One of the most unconventional and dangerous, but at the same time common methods of eliminating catarrhal diseases is milk with vodka from cough. Consider the most popular recipes:
- Take 50 ml of vodka, 1 tablespoon of honey (buckwheat, linden) and ½ cup of milk. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until the honey dissolves completely. Take with a dry cough and for the fastest allocation of phlegm.
- Mix 50 ml of vodka with a teaspoon of honey and 10 g of melted butter. Add all ingredients in a glass of milk drink, mix. Drink hot before bedtime.
- Mix 50 ml of vodka and 200 ml of warm milk. The remedy should be drunk at one go.
The above alcoholic recipes can be used only for the treatment of adults. For children, they are contraindicated.
Milk with brandy from cough
A valuable product of wine fermentation used in the treatment and prevention of colds is cognac. An equally useful and effective combination is milk with cognac.
To make a healing drink, take a glass of warm milk and add to it ¼ teaspoon cognac. The medicine needs to be drunk immediately, because as it cools, fat splits and loss of useful properties.
Such a prescription is contraindicated for patients of childhood. If desired, you can add a little honey and other spices to the drink. The product effectively removes fever and severe attacks of dry cough.
Milk with mucaltin from cough
A simple but effective method of treating colds is milk with mucaltin from cough. Mukaltin is a medicinal tablet from a dry cough. Each capsule contains such substances as: althea root extract, tartaric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate.
Most often, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of wet and dry cough with hard-to-recover sputum. It should be understood that the tablets not only relieve painful attacks, but also speed up the recovery process as a whole.
The main indications for the use of mucaltin are:
- Pneumonia.
- Obstructive bronchitis.
- Bronchiectasis.
- Tracheobronchitis.
To improve the medicinal properties of the drug, it should be properly taken. Take a glass of warm milk and dilute it with 2 tablets of the drug. Drink you need to drink ½ cup 4 times a day. If desired, milk can be replaced with mineral water Borjomi or Essentuki, previously releasing gas bubbles.
Milk with mucaltin is contraindicated in case of intolerance of the constituents of the preparation or allergic reactions to lactose. The ban applies to patients with exacerbations of gastritis or peptic ulcer, with diabetes mellitus.
Use during pregnancy
The insidiousness of colds is that they occur at any time of the year, especially with a weakened immune system. Most often, this problem affects future mothers, who are contraindicated in many medications to combat pathological symptoms.
In this case, milk is quite effective. Its use during pregnancy is not contraindicated. The drink can be combined with honey, herbs, banana egg and other ingredients. With such therapy, care should be taken to ensure that the constituents of the drug do not cause allergic and other adverse reactions.
Cough milk for children
The most simple and useful way to treat diseases of the respiratory system is milk from cough. For children, such a drink of animal origin can be used even in infancy. But before that you should make sure that the baby does not suffer from lactose intolerance.
Most often, babies are given antitussive cocktails with banana, honey and cocoa. They effectively stop coughing attacks, accelerate sputum expectoration and improve the general condition of the body.
Dosing and Administration
Using alternative recipes to treat a cough based on milk, you should follow the prescribed method of administration and doses. As a rule, a therapeutic drink is drunk 3-4 times a day for a glass or ½. The duration of therapy depends on how quickly the pathological symptoms go away.
The abuse of milk and medical prescriptions on its basis, causes painful symptoms. Overdose is most often manifested by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, attacks of nausea and vomiting. Also, stool and skin allergic reactions are possible. Treatment is symptomatic, in particularly severe cases, the reception of antihistamines and medical assistance is indicated.
Interactions with other drugs
Milk from cough refers to non-traditional medical methods. Its interactions with other drugs should be controlled by the attending physician. If alternative recipes are used as a supplement to traditional medicament therapy, then you need to observe the time intervals between taking medications prescribed by your doctor and alternative medications.
Storage conditions
Compliance with the storage conditions of milk and recipes prepared on its basis, allows you to preserve the useful properties of all the components used for a longer time.
Any dairy products should be kept in a closed container in a dark, cool place. This protects the drink from extraneous odors from the environment and does not impair its taste. Also, you do not need to prepare medicinal drinks for future use, since this significantly increases the risk of premature spoilage.
Shelf life
Milk refers to perishable products. The shelf life is affected by many factors:
- Method of processing.
- Storage conditions.
- Packaging.
Fresh milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, and boiled for up to three days. Using this product in the preparation of medicines to combat cough, one should pay attention not only to its freshness, but also to the freshness of the components used with it in the complex.
If you freeze fresh unboiled milk, it will extend the shelf life of it. But in this case it is necessary to defrost the product correctly. Drink should be moved to the refrigerator for 1-2 days until completely thawed.
Cough milk has many positive reviews. This confirms not only the effectiveness of this unconventional method of treating cold symptoms, but also its popularity. The product is combined with various herbal ingredients, vegetable and fruit juices, some medicines and even lard.