Symptoms of vision impairment in children, adults, in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, an increasing number of people turn to ophthalmologists with complaints about impaired vision. This problem with every day is more acute and does not lose its relevance. Vision worsens not only in the elderly, but also in young people, and even in children. Every year there is a tendency to more and more rejuvenation of this vice. Patients are getting younger every year.
It is not surprising, because in our age of digital technology the load increases. Tensions at work, stresses only grow, and time for a full rest is reduced. Hygiene of view today is completely ignored. A person works all day at the computer, and in the evening rests behind watching a movie or a favorite show in front of the TV or at the computer.
Timely to recognize the pathology, and take the necessary measures, you can only knowing the main symptoms, which can show itself reduced vision.
In the group of people, people whose professional activities are connected with work at the computer are the first to fall. In second place are people whose work requires a high concentration of attention, as well as a high level of concentration of vision. These are people working with small objects, with magnifying devices, microscopes. The third group includes people working in enterprises. Where there is a lot of strain on the eyes, where there are a lot of irritating factors. For example, people working with flashes, bright lights, sharp light drops, welding. People who are forced to deal with poisonous and toxic chemicals, dust, vapors are at risk.
The risk group includes people who have undergone surgery one day before their eyes, suffering from diabetes mellitus, cervical osteochondrosis. People who are constantly taking certain medications, as well as suffering from nerves, mental illnesses, brain pathologies. For example, people taking isoniazid, risk losing their eyesight quickly.
For other common causes of impaired vision, see this article.
Signs of impaired vision
The first and the main symptom is hard to notice. A person can not view an image that he needs, or an object. When reading the letters merge, they can not be disassembled. If earlier a person saw objects clearly and distinctly, then in case of violation, the image will be blurred, fuzzy, vague. On distant objects only silhouettes, common features can be seen.
At the same time, it is necessary to note the type of change that is being made. In some cases, a person sees only those objects that are located far from him, but can not clearly view those objects that are located near. Others may have the exact opposite: a person sees only those objects that are located next to him, but can not view distant objects.
In some cases, a person can see well at night, but can not view a single object in the daytime. In others, on the contrary.
Often there are cases when a person does not complain about vision at all, when he looks in the direction directly, but is unable to consider anything when he looks away, changes his position, turns his head. The perception of colors can be violated. Sometimes a bad vision is noted only in bright light, or its lack.
Also, one of the symptoms is tear and pain caused by prolonged fixation, and when a person simply long time focuses on a particular object.
The first manifestations should be recognized as a reduction in severity. A person can not view an object, the image blurs, becomes fuzzy. Sometimes you can feel pain and pain in your eyes. There may be circles, spots before your eyes. The appearance of such symptoms should immediately alert and cause an appeal to an ophthalmologist.
Sharp vision impairment
Sharply deteriorate with trauma, damage to the retina, inflammation and swelling of the optic nerve. The causes of acute visual impairment are many, so when the first signs appear, you need to find out the cause of the pathology as soon as possible and carry out the necessary treatment. Sometimes surgical intervention is required. Only early diagnosis guarantees the success of therapy and a favorable prognosis.
Age-related visual impairment
With age, the eye undergoes age-related changes. Reduces the number of light-sensing cells, enzymes responsible for normal vision. Degenerative processes are subject to both the retina of the eye and the eye nerve.
Reduced vision can occur as a result of the fact that the nerve loses sensitivity, or distorts the signal that comes from the brain. Changes can occur in the corresponding brain region, which regulates visual processes, is responsible for processing the sound signal and transforming it into a visual image.
Degenerative processes, sclerosis, can develop and against the background of cerebral circulation, as a result of which the retina lacks oxygen and nutrients, an excess of carbon dioxide harmful products of metabolism.
Visual impairment in one eye
Age changes almost always begin with a decrease in vision on one eye. Only then, after a while, the pathological process spreads to the second eye. Also, the cause of the deterioration of the state of only one eye is trauma, a disease. Often, such pathologies are manifested in retinal detachment, cornea or lens damage, as well as with ambiolipia, strabismus, and vascular thrombus. Similarly, diabetic reticulopathy can occur, which is a complication of diabetes mellitus.
Deterioration begins with one eye, gradually the pathology spreads to the second eye. When pathology is not associated with age, the cause may be a disorder of cerebral circulation, trauma, disease. In this case, what eye will be affected depends on the localization of the pathological process. So, if the right cerebral vessel is affected and there is a disturbed circulation of the right lobe of the brain, then the vision will decrease in the right eye.
Temporary and short-term vision impairment
Often this sign is not a permanent disease, but a temporary, short-term pathology.
The main cause is fatigue, resulting from prolonged exposure to irrational loads. In medicine, a term such as astenopia is used. Observed in people who are forced to work for a long time at a computer, drive a car. Especially if it is at night.
Watching the TV for hours, reading it in low light, in traffic when driving, in the wrong position leads to fatigue of the muscle. What causes pain and lacrimation. Gradually, the muscle changes, it weakens. The image becomes vague, a veil appears before your eyes, clouding. All this happens together with dizziness.
Also, the cause of temporary visual impairment is false myopia, which is a spasm of accommodation. In this case, the child only sees badly in one position - either in the distance, or near. The main cause of the disorder is often a disease that is called "night blindness". The cause of pathological processes of the eye and reduced vision is a violation of metabolism, in particular, the pathology of vitamin metabolism. With this disease there is a violation of twilight vision. A person loses the ability to navigate in space, the perception of colors is also distorted, which can be both an innate and acquired property.
Temporary decrease, can occur with vasospasm, migraine and increased intraocular pressure. These pathologies can be observed as a combination, or be completely independent diseases. If the visual impairment occurs periodically, influx, then the cause is spasm, chronic vasculitis, various vascular anomalies, diseases of the blood, spine, atherosclerosis.
In time, secondary pathologies may also appear: the work of the heart, the intestine, is disrupted.
Deterioration of vision at dusk
At night, there is a decrease in vision, mainly in older people. The person notices that his eyes have become worse to adapt to the dark. There is a disorientation and painful blinding when turning on or off the light. On the street, evening lights merge, and the headlights dazzle and even scare. This condition occurs with degenerative processes in the retina of the eye. Decrease in vision at night is a normal reaction of the human eye, as the number of rhodopsin decreases with age, which is responsible for the adaptation of the eye, color perception. Also there is a slowdown in metabolic processes, aging of cellular structures, weakening of the eye muscle. Such changes begin after 60 years. This is because the lens thickening and density increase over time. Simultaneously, the transparency decreases. Light rays are partially scattered. Usually they are projected onto the cornea and come into contact with the optic nerve. With pathology, scattering of rays, their projection in other areas.
When the first signs of night blindness appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor, which will make it possible to eliminate pathology and slow the progression of the disease, timely diagnose and prevent cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy.
Doubling in the eyes of blurred vision
The condition is called diplopia. This pathology manifests itself as a doubling of the perceived object, occurring in all directions, even diagonally. The reason is a violation of normal muscle work. Desynchronization develops, which manifests itself as the inability of the eye to simultaneously concentrate on the same subject. A classic example is the strabismus, in which a person does not look at a single point, in the center, as there is a discrepancy.
The reason sometimes is alcohol abuse, intoxication, some narcotic substances, a blow to the head. Sometimes doubling causes damage to the eye nerves and the corresponding area of the brain.
Eye fatigue and blurred vision
Overexertion and fatigue occur when you work on a computer for a long time. Chronic eye fatigue is a professional disease of people who are forced to spend a lot of time working at the computer. At them the frequency of blinking first decreases, then the eye ceases to be properly moistened. First there is a feeling of fatigue in the eyes, then the eyesight first deteriorates into one eye. Gradually, the pathology spreads to the second eye.
The best treatment and prevention of fatigue is rest, during which you need to perform gymnastics for the eyes, to carry out a light massage of the eyes (palpation). It is necessary to regularly use moisturizing drops for the eyes, use protective computer glasses, take vitamins.
The main elements supporting normal vision are blueberry and lutein. These measures should become daily for people engaged in intellectual activity. Against the background of tired eyes can develop headaches, a drop in the level of general well-being.
Impairment of memory and vision
Memory usually deteriorates with degenerative and sclerotic processes in the brain. Various departments may suffer, including a department responsible for normal vision and the functioning of the eye analyzer.
Memory impairment always occurs against a background of circulatory disorders. This leads to a decrease in the tone of blood vessels, insufficient blood supply to internal organs, including the eyes. Especially sensitive to the lack of oxygen and nutrients retina. It is with her that the degenerative processes begin to develop, which subsequently lead to the deterioration of the basic processes.
Headaches and blurred vision
When the first signs of a headache appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and necessary treatment. Pain can indicate inflammation of the nerve, or tumor development. Also, the headache may indicate high intracranial or blood pressure, the development of hypertension.
Nausea and blurred vision
Nausea is one of the symptoms of glaucoma. Also, nausea may indicate poisoning with potent chemicals or alcohol. Nauseous can with a sharp increase in blood pressure, with the development of tumors. Also, nausea can be a consequence of trauma, brain damage. If you have such symptoms, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible to provide routine or emergency care.
Weakness and visual impairment
Vision can deteriorate for various reasons, including as a result of circulatory disorders. If there is a lack of blood circulation, an intoxication of the body, oxygen starvation can occur, as a result of which weakness develops. Also, weakness can indicate anemia, inflammatory processes, the development of infection.
Dizziness and blurred vision
Dizziness can be a consequence of the disruption of the normal functioning of the cerebellum, the cortex, other parts. If dizziness reduces vision, this can be a sign of tumor development.
Visual impairment after 40-45 years
After 40 years in the eyes begin to develop senile degenerative processes. With senile decline in vision, the lens is no longer able to change the curvature at the required level, loses its natural elasticity. There are several stages.
The first stage is presbyolia (a temporary phenomenon, mainly in people aged 30 to 40 years). They experience periodic decreases in visual acuity, which occur mainly during fatigue, stress, against the background of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Such downturns can last a short time. Vision is restored to normal after the effect of mortise factors is eliminated. For this stage, it is characteristic that partial loss of vision can easily be compensated by bright illumination. The first sign of such a pathology is the inability of a person to read a standard font from a comfortable distance for him. Also, when looking from a distant subject to a close one, a blurred image appears.
The second stage is typical for people aged 40 to 50 years. These people develop a constant, steady decline in vision. Gradual decrease in visual acuity is observed. At first a person can view objects only a short distance away. Then he can clearly see only the silhouettes until the object approaches a fairly close distance.
After 65 years, a violation of the accommodation of the eye develops. Practically disappears the ability of the lens to adjust the curvature of the lens lens to the needs of the human eye. This is due to the fact that the lens gradually loses its elasticity and changes the curvature. It also indicates a loss of tonus. The muscle is unable to control the curvature of the lens.
Pain in the eyes
It develops with various inflammatory and infectious processes of the cornea, the mucous membrane of the eye. This often happens with conjunctivitis, damage, trauma, burns of the eye.
Deterioration of hearing and sight
With pinching of nerves, osteochondrosis, inflammations and infections, congenital pathologies of the brain, hearing and vision decrease. Often, rehabilitation requires special therapy aimed at normalizing the brain.
Impairment of vision near
If a person sees badly near, but has good vision at a long distance, this makes it possible to diagnose his hyperopia. By this disease is meant the inability of the eye to normal adaptation at a close distance.
In medical practice, the official diagnosis sounds like hypermetropia. The disease implies that the image will be formed outside the retina.
This is an unnatural condition of the eye. The acquired hyperopia is considered as a pathological process, which is formed as a result of the influence of various unfavorable factors, when the hygiene of vision is not observed.
The complication of pathological far-sightedness is often the increase in intraocular pressure.
Periodic vision impairment
Vision can periodically worsen with fatigue, against a backdrop of chronic stress, nervous overexertion. Periodic visual impairment is observed in people who suffer from neuropsychic diseases, nerves, as well as those whose professional activities are related to working at a computer, eye strain. As a rule, after full rest, stress removal, vision is restored. Also noticeable improvement in sight is observed after performing gymnastics for the eyes, breathing and relaxing exercises.
In some cases, a periodic visual impairment may indicate the onset of a serious eye, brain or nervous system disease. Therefore, as soon as possible to pass the examination and determine the cause of the pathology. This will make it possible to timely appoint the necessary treatment, to prevent the further development of pathology.
Also, a periodic visual impairment may be a sign of impending aging degenerative processes in the retina of the eye. Typically, this periodic decline begins at the age of 30-40 years. This is the first stage of senile transformations. The first sign is the inability to read at the usual distance and blurriness of objects.
Impairment of vision in the morning
Vision may worsen in the morning in people suffering from hypotension. Low blood pressure lowers the tone of the vessels and disrupts the normal supply of retina with oxygen and nutrients. Vision may fall in the morning in a pregnant woman with a pathology of the organ of vision, which indicates a reduced pressure and a change in the level of hormones in the blood. This condition can also develop with cervical osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine, especially when the blood vessels and nerves are entangled.
Convulsions and visual impairment
Seizures are a powerful spasm, during which blood vessels and nerves are pinched. This leads to a violation of blood circulation, hypoxia and violation of nervous regulation. Vascular tone changes. As a result, there may be a disruption in the activity of analyzers, including a decrease in vision.
Vision deterioration in pregnancy
Consultation of an ophthalmologist is one of the mandatory consultations for a pregnant woman. If a problem is found, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. Especially dangerous if the eye is dystrophic, the retina is broken, there are tears or detachments. Pathology can eliminate the procedure of laser coagulation. When retinal detachment occurs, surgical intervention is required.
Consultations are conducted in connection with the fact that often pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of flies, circles, light, blurred vision, distorted silhouettes, become vague. Strabismus is often observed. Ophthalmologists are advised to resort to caesarean section with short-sightedness with indicators more than 6 diopters. Below this threshold, natural delivery is entirely permissible. However, the number of indications for cesarean delivery includes pathological processes that occur in myopia. Among the retinal detachment. Caesarean section is performed if a woman has only one eye seeing, and with a previously operated retinal detachment.
Visual impairment in children
In children, eyesight most often worsens as a result of weakening of the eye muscle. Today, more and more schoolchildren with reduced vision. Violations are observed even in the preschool age. Two thirds of children are released from school with a loss of vision. At the stage of receiving post-secondary education, every second student has a visual impairment.
Today, there are many ways to correct vision. A huge perspective opens up for children a laser vision correction. But the operation is contraindicated until 16 years of age. But apart from surgical methods of correction, there are many ways to maintain and restore. It is necessary to perform special exercises aimed at training the eye muscle, relaxing tight areas. This helps to restore vision, prevents further deterioration.
It is also important to observe the rules of visual hygiene. The child should be engaged only at the desk, must observe the correct distance between the eyes and the book, or notebook. Timely correction is very important for the child, because the development of the pathology of vision in childhood entails serious mental problems. The child can develop an inferiority complex, the child becomes withdrawn, ceases to communicate with peers, is shy. This is reflected in the further development and achievement of the child.
It is also important to eat right, to observe the mode of work and rest. The diet should include the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.
Stages and types
Visual impairment occurs in three stages. The first is a presbyo, during which a periodic, temporary decline in vision develops. Usually this happens with overwork, stress. If you have a good rest, perform gymnastics for the eyes, you can restore your vision. Also, with exacerbations of various diseases, vision loss is possible.
In the second stage, there is a periodic decrease in vision, which becomes relatively stable, occurs on an ongoing basis. At the same time, a person does not see well at a certain time of the day, the blurriness of the image develops. A person sees only silhouettes, but can not view a detailed image. Sometimes double vision develops before the eyes. Usually this condition occurs during the day, during work, constant workload. During rest, vacation, the condition improves noticeably.
At the third stage, there is a constant visual impairment. The accommodation of the eye is broken, the muscle becomes atonic, the curvature of the lens changes markedly, its elasticity changes. Vision during rest r varies, remains still low. Without special therapy, it is almost impossible to restore.
Impairment of lateral vision
Under the side vision is meant a type of it, in the formation of which the peripheral structures of the brain are directly involved. Gives a person the opportunity to navigate in space, it is good to perceive white light. Provides an overview within an angle of 120 degrees. Allows you to view the object when it hits the reflective light on the peripheral parts of the eye. To the development of pathological phenomena, the emergence of dysfunctional areas primarily results. The patient perceives black spots before him, or simply drop certain zones out of sight. It is quite common to narrow the fields of vision. This is one of the main signs of disturbance of the lateral structures.
Often a small island appears before your eyes. A person has the impression that he can not see the whole world, and we look at him through a telescope. Watching only those areas that are directly in front of the eyes. This phenomenon is known to science under the concept of tunnel vision. Often, lateral vision is disturbed by eye injury, inflammation, delamination, which has quite serious consequences. Often, lateral vision is impaired as a result of neoplasm, mechanical or chemical damage, disease, inflammation, in which parts of the brain responsible for innervation are damaged.
Impairment of peripheral vision
This type of vision, in which perception occurs with the help of peripheral structures of the eye - the most important components of the eye. Presented by fixed for each person indicators. Quite often, there is a partial fallout of the visual fields. Such areas are called scotomas. Distinguish physiological (natural) scotoma and pathological, arising from visual impairment. With this form of pathology, a person, for example, can normally read, but is not capable of orientation in space. If peripheral vision is disturbed, it is important to diagnose the disease as soon as possible and begin treatment, otherwise it will progress, up to loss of vision. For the diagnosis, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist, or a neurologist. Basically, the conclusion of both specialists is required.
To identify deviations, the perimeter method is used. There are 2 varieties of this method: kinetic and static. Despite the fact that these methods are used widely enough, they are still considered obsolete. To conduct research today is increasingly using the method of computer perimetry, which allows you to accurately diagnose pathology with the use of special programs.
Who to contact?
In order to diagnose changes in the visual organ it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination, check the visual acuity, and prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies. The goal is to determine the cause, which caused a decrease in vision. If several diseases have similar manifestations, and it is impossible to determine the exact cause, differential diagnosis is performed. Only after this, the necessary treatment can be prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause and correcting the damage that has arisen.
To determine the general picture of what happens in the body, a clinical analysis of blood, urine, will be required. Clarifying results can be obtained with the help of a biochemical blood test. A special diagnosis is also carried out, aimed at examining the organ of vision.
If a bacterial infection is suspected, bacterial culture of tear fluid, the contents of the conjunctival sac can be performed. If necessary, biomicroscopy is performed .
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Instrumental diagnostics
The basis for diagnosing with vision impairment are instrumental technologies. A full picture of what is happening can be obtained by measuring the productivity of the lacrimal glands. For this, the methods of computer keratotopography and echobiometry are most often used. Pachymetry measures the angle of curvature and thickness of the cornea.
Practically the universal method, which gives the basic diagnostic information, is the study of the fundus. In parallel, the optic nerve is examined. The indications of intraocular pressure are measured. A definition of the refractive power of the eye, measurement of visual acuity, and ultrasound examination of the eye can be carried out .
Differential diagnostics
Differential diagnosis is based on the need to differentiate the eye diseases from other diseases that contribute to reducing vision. For this, a consultation of an ophthalmologist is required, which will conduct a comprehensive examination of the eye using a wide arsenal of techniques. After this, a conclusion will be made, according to which you can establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the pathology.
Methods of vision correction
The main ways to treat vision impairment are conservative and radical therapy. If necessary, use of vitamin therapy, medications, normalization of metabolism. Basically, such therapy is required in the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes.
It is also necessary to conduct in parallel treatment of the underlying disease, which led to a drop in vision or eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of pathology. In the course of conservative treatment contact lenses and glasses are used.
With the help of spectacle correction, you can correct various complex vision pathologies, such as astigmatism, hypermetropia, myopia. Also, glasses allow you to eliminate hyperopia, ensure the prevention of strabismus and reduce its severity. The glasses are very effective, but they have certain drawbacks. They significantly restrict the field of view, create obstacles for certain types of work, are the cause of many inconveniences in sports.
Lenses prefer to use people for whom their appearance is important. The method is also quite effective, but it has many side effects and contraindications. So, lenses can not be worn when developing in the eye of inflammatory and infectious diseases, with a tendency to conjunctivitis. Lenses increase the risk of developing a bacterial, protozoal, fungal infection. A major drawback is a violation of the normal circulation of air in the eye, respectively, the gas and material exchange is disrupted. Modern ophthalmology can offer lenses of a new generation that are breathable.
In the early stages, massages and gymnastics for the eyes are performed , which allow to normalize blood circulation, increase the contractile activity of the eye muscle.
Exercises to improve vision with myopia
Hardware techniques allow you to engage in special settings that train your eyes. Exercises are carried out under the supervision of the instructor. Can be held both in glasses, and without them.
In many cases, the problem can be eliminated only if the underlying disease that causes a decrease in vision is eliminated. For example, if the cause of vision loss is a tumor, it must be urgently removed, then carry out a special antitumor therapy. If the cause is inflammation of the optic nerve, you must first remove the inflammatory process.
If the visual impairment is not treated, the situation will only worsen. Self-vision is not restored. Perhaps the progression of the disease until complete blindness. Also, visual impairment can be a sign of such serious diseases as cataracts, glaucoma, swelling and inflammation of the eye. Perhaps their aggravation to such a stage, when treatment will be impossible.
To prevent visual impairment, it is necessary to comply with hygiene requirements when working at a computer, with hard work. There are special computer goggles that prevent visual impairment. Designed for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer.
Every 2 hours you need to do mandatory breaks for 10-15 minutes. At this time, it is desirable to perform general physical exercises or gymnastics for the eyes. You can just watch for a while in the window to switch your eyes to distant vision.
It is useful for eyes green color. It helps to relax the tense eye muscle. Therefore, green plants must be kept in the workplace, and the eyes should be switched periodically. You can put a green card in front of you, which you should periodically watch, without taking your eyes off for 5-10 minutes.
It is necessary to ensure that the food is full, contains a sufficient amount of vitamin and carotenoid, see Useful and harmful products for vision. A full-fledged dream is important. The optimal duration of sleep varies within 6-8 hours. Both excessive sleep and its lack negatively affect not only the quality of vision, but also the state of the organism as a whole. Also for prevention, you need to take special vitamin complexes, designed to restore vision and maintain the normal functioning of the eye.
Deterioration of vision is a serious problem, for resolving which it is necessary to make considerable efforts. Need therapy, observance of eye hygiene. You need to exercise regularly, do exercises for the eyes. Only in this way can you achieve positive results. If you do not take any measures - the forecast will be unfavorable, since self-vision is not restored. The disease can only progress.