Exercises for the eyes to improve and restore vision
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The world around us we perceive first of all with the help of the eyes. So, a lot depends on the correct operation of this pair of eyes. Eyes usually have to work a lot during the day, getting rest mainly at night. But with a strong strain of the organ of vision this is not enough. Constant tension and fatigue of the eyes gradually leads to a decrease in visual acuity and the appearance of other ophthalmologic pathologies that significantly affect the quality of life of a person. A way out of the situation are simple exercises for the eyes to improve the eyesight, which give the eyes the opportunity to relax and recover.
The need for exercises for the organ of vision
What is the human eye? This is one of the most mobile bodies, although its movement can sometimes be fixed only by special equipment. The fact is that the eye is in motion constantly, thanks to which we retain the ability to distinguish objects and in general have an invaluable gift of visual perception of the surrounding world.
All motor activity of the eye is carried out by means of 6 muscles. And this is without taking into account the muscles inside the eyeball and responsible for focusing the vision, narrowing and widening the pupils, etc. It is understood that, like any other muscle, they need constant training to be toned, and rest to avoid overexertion and glitch in the eye.
Let's remember, what effect do physical exercises have on our bodies? They stimulate the work of various organs and systems, improve blood circulation and metabolism, relieve stress and improve mood, in other words, contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health. And it does not matter which body the exercise is designed for, it will in any case lead to positive changes in the body.
We need special lessons and our eyes, which actively work during the day, perceiving a lot of information, so that it is subsequently processed by our brain and classified according to the degree of utility. Vision is impaired - problems with perception of visual information begin, performance and working capacity deteriorates, nervous tension increases, which can lead to interpersonal conflicts.
And many problems with eyesight usually begin with regular eye fatigue, their constant tension, lack of motor activity of the eyeball. People who are engaged in intellectual work, and especially those who by their activities have to constantly monitor information on the computer monitor, rarely think about it. And very vain. After all, it is their eyes that are most stressed during the day, which means that it is necessary to regularly relieve tension and give the body a rest.
It is clear that sleep in working hours, so that the eyes relax, few can afford. You can, of course, sit, just closing your eyes, but the effect of this "exercise" will be small. This will help to relax, but not training your eyes. Hypodinamia (the same rest) did not add health to anyone.
Physical exercises are of different orientations. Some help the eyes just to relax. Others carry out preparation for special physical loads. The third train the muscles of the eyes, increase their tone and performance, improve the motor activity of the eyeball, thereby expanding the capabilities of the organ of vision.
It should be understood that any exercises for the eyes, combined in special complexes, are designed to preserve their performance for a long time, and also, if possible, to correct the existing anomalies, and therefore, are intended to improve the vision.
In addition to specialized groups of exercises, you can conduct a simple exercise for your eyes, consisting of 3-5 motor exercises, the total duration of which will be only 5-10 minutes. Such charging can be done in the morning after awakening to prepare the eyes for active work, and during the working day, giving the eyes an opportunity to relax and improve efficiency.
The frequency of charging for the eyes depends on the amount of work, its nature and the illumination of the workplace. If you have to process a lot of printed information in good lighting, active rest to the eyes is recommended to give each worked hour (5-15 minutes). When working on a computer, the interval between rest breaks is halved - 30 minutes. And if also the lighting is bad, you need to do exercises and rest your eyes every 20 minutes.
Yes, much depends on lighting. Natural light less wears the eyes, but the bright light of the sun makes them tense, especially when working with a computer. The same is observed when working without light. But the soft faint light of a fluorescent lamp or the natural light that penetrates through the curtains is as good as possible for those who spend hours at the monitor.
The situation changes somewhat if a person works with text printed on paper. Here, insufficient lighting leads to stress and overwork of the eyes. Although bright sunlight falling on the paper, too, does not help relaxing the organ of vision.
The most traumatic for the eyes in terms of excessive fatigue are daylight lamps, which are often used in office buildings and retail outlets. In this case, the eyes get tired much faster, so they need to give rest more often (with an interval of 15-20 minutes) and regularly, so as to reduce the burden on the eyesight.
As for specialized exercise complexes, the duration of their exercises is determined by the total number of exercises and the duration of each of them. For example, medical and preventive complexes, whose purpose is not only preservation, but also vision correction, doctors advise to conduct regularly courses for a certain time. So, for example, a set of exercises for the eyes to improve the eyesight of Professor Zhdanov, his creator recommends that you spend 3 times a day before you start eating. But the duration of vision correction for this technique will depend on the desired results.
Who will benefit from eye exercises that improve vision? Yes, in principle, everyone who cares about their health. After all, the eyes are part of our body, and their health always affects our health. It is important only to choose a suitable set of exercises.
If a person has a weakening of vision due to a heavy eye strain, you need to select a complex that will allow the eyes to relax and rest, and restore their functions through active movements. Such exercises, with their regular execution, will help restore your eyesight even better than any glasses. And for preventive purposes, charging for the eyes will be an invaluable service, not for nothing in fact, in the Soviet times, in order to take care of children's health at the junior high school, physical education was also mandatory for the organs of vision. Alas, now this practice is forgotten, and it is not surprising that "ochkariki" have become a fairly common category of students in both junior and senior schools.
It is clear that the deterioration of vision associated with certain diseases will have to be treated in a comprehensive manner under the supervision of a doctor. And eye exercises to improve vision will only be one of the methods of treating pathology. Diseases of the inflammatory or dystrophic plan (the latter are often observed in old age) can not be cured with eye exercises alone. It can help to improve vision a little, but can not cope with the cause of the disease.
But with such pathologies of vision, as myopia and hyperopia gymnastics for the eyes are very useful. In this case, the classes should have a corrective function. But at the same time, one can not refrain from general exercises that help to relax the organ of vision, giving him the opportunity to relax from hard work.
Myopia, called scientific myopia, is considered one of the visual impairments. A person with this diagnosis clearly sees objects that are near him, but everything that lies in the distance seems to him to be blurred. With farsightedness (hypermetropia), the situation changes in the opposite direction, i.e. It is easier for a person to view distant objects that are more than 25-40 cm away from him than those that are under his nose.
Both pathologies can be corrected with the help of special exercises. You just need not be lazy to fulfill them. It is clear that the result will depend not only on the patient's diligence, but also on the severity of the pathology. Correction with the help of eye exercises is considered effective for weak violations (up to 3 diopters with a plus or minus depending on what a person has: hyperopia or nearsightedness). Nevertheless, the testimonies indicate that even with higher diopters, there is an improvement in vision, if a person regularly exercises eye exercises, for example, according to Zhdanov's method.
With the help of exercises, special glasses and medicamental therapy, it is possible to eliminate the accommodation disorders, which are manifested by quick fatigue and tearfulness of the eyes, a violation of the clarity of the image and the splitting of objects. There are special exercises with the help of which the strabismus is treated, which is often the result of a spasm of accommodation. There is also a set of exercises that helps restore normal vision with astigmatism, which can be caused by the same spasm of the muscles of the eye. In this case, a person sees objects as warped.
Not for all pathologies of vision, eye exercises benefit, in other words, even these simple exercises have their contraindications. For example, after the operation, a long recovery period (not less than six months) is given on the visual organ, when active physical exertion on the eyes is prohibited.
There is also such a pathology as the retinal detachment of the eye when it is moving away from the vascular membrane. Any active movement leads to increased blood circulation, which is quite dangerous for this pathology, requiring surgical treatment. And only six months after the operation it will be possible to raise the issue of charging for the eyes.
Relative contraindications to gymnastics for the eyes are inflammatory eye diseases, which are usually associated with an infectious factor. And in case of any infection, increased blood circulation promotes the spread of pathogenic microorganisms to a larger area, which can not be tolerated. And the active movements of eyelids and eyeballs will only contribute to the development of ophthalmologic complications.
Undesirable large eye strain and increased intraocular pressure. But with the stabilization of the state, simple eye exercises to improve vision will be very helpful. The main thing is to observe the measure and not to overexert yourself.
A high degree of myopia, when it comes to 6 or more diopters, is not so much a contraindication as a restriction to large loads. But if you want, you can always adjust the number of exercises so that the organ of vision, without overstressing, can get the help that it needs.
Whatever it was, but before you start looking into your eyes, you must first examine them with a doctor. A specialist will already tell you what exercises, how many, and how long you can perform in each particular case.
Description of the exercise
We must immediately say that in addition to the universal complex of exercises, which is absolutely suitable for everyone who does not have such a strain on the eyes, there are many other special techniques that help to correct vision for various violations of it. Some exercises for the eyes in different complexes overlap, others are specific, but they are all designed to improve the vision.
Universal exercises for the eyes to improve visual acuity
This complex consists of several simple exercises that will prove useful to people whose activities are associated with a constant eye strain. But it can also benefit those who, for various reasons, began to develop short-sightedness, for example, school-age children for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
And it is not necessary to perform the whole complex of exercises. You can choose the ones you like and execute them at a certain time. In other words, charging for the eyes should be made in their daily routine and made regular exercise.
So, the recommended exercises:
- "Massage". We close our eyes and think about the pleasant, meanwhile massaging the upper and lower eyelids with the pads of the fingers. Do this right, moving with the massage of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. Massaging the lower eyelid, we move in the opposite direction, to the inner corner.
It is an excellent relaxation for the eyes, useful for stimulating blood circulation.
- "Press". Closing our eyes, we put the indexed, middle and ring fingers together for ever. For a couple of seconds, do not put too much pressure on the eyelid and let your hands go. It is recommended to do 5-6 such pressure.
Exercise increases blood circulation and tear fluid exchange.
- Blindfolds. Remember, as a child playing the game of the same name, you had to close your eyes very tightly so that no one suspected of peeping. The same thing we'll do now, more comfortable sitting on a chair so that during the exercise, do not lose balance. Strongly shut your eyes literally for 4-5 seconds, and then open them for the same time, letting the eyelids rest.
This exercise can be repeated 5 to 8 times. It helps the eyes to relieve tension, improves the tone of the muscles of the eyelids, stimulates the blood supply to the eyes.
- "Winkers". It's still simpler here. Need for one minute, without getting up from the chair, actively blink your eyes. It is recommended that you keep your head straight.
This exercise is a good exercise for the eyelids and improves blood circulation in the organs of vision.
- "Farther and nearer." Exercise can be performed in a sitting or standing position. First, for a couple of seconds, we look at the distant object chosen ahead of us. Next, moving your gaze closer, for 4-5 seconds, focus it on the nail of the index finger. The finger should be in front of the nose at a distance of about 30 cm from it. A little rest and repeat the exercise at least 7-10 times.
- "In order". We take a pencil and hold it in the same way as the index finger in the previous exercise. Our goal is the end of the pencil, we look at it with both eyes for 4-6 seconds. Then, for the same time, we close the right eye with a free hand, and with the left we gaze at our goal. After 5 seconds, remove the palm and again study the pencil with two eyes. Repeat the exercise, closing the left eye. Those. Alternately look at the target with two eyes, then the left eye, again with two eyes and, finally, the right eye. Repeat the full cycle 5 times.
This is an excellent training of the muscles of the eyes and their focusing on the subject.
- "Snooping." Slightly bending one of the arms at the elbow and lifting up the index finger, slowly describe before you a semicircle and return the hand to its original position, without taking your eyes off the tip of your finger. It is recommended to repeat at least 10 times.
Exercise is designed for training the muscles responsible for eye movement in the horizontal direction, improves coordination and synchronism of movements of eyeballs.
- "Up down". Exercise, identical to the previous one, only need to follow the hand, moving from top to bottom and back, thus training the muscles responsible for the vertical movements of the pair organ of vision.
- «Crosses». We train the muscles of the eyes to perform complex movements. Alternately raise our eyes to the sky, let them go to the floor, then look to the right and left. The order can be changed periodically, which improves coordination. Draw the crosses with your eyes 8-10 times.
- "Zeros". Again, put your hand aside and raise your index finger up (the distance from your finger to your eyes should be about 50 cm). Describe the circle in front of you and keep an eye on the tip of your finger all the time. The circle is drawn alternately along the direction of the arrow and in the opposite direction. Repeat the complete cycle of the hand movement (2 notches) 5 times.
- "Round". The previous exercise can be done without the help of hands, just rotating the eyeballs clockwise, then against it. After that, we lower the eyelids and again rotate the eyeballs in both directions.
Both exercises improve the work of the vestibular apparatus, train complex eye movements.
- "In the dark". Repeat the exercise "Crosses", closing your eyes. Keep your head still. Repeat 5-6 times.
This is an excellent training ability to maintain static tension.
- "Fixichi". Exercise to fix the glance. First, for 5-6 seconds, we look at a particular object, then we look at the tip of our nose and stay on it for the same 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
Thus, we train the ability to fix a sight on the desired object, even if it is located very close.
- "Search". Exercise is performed standing in the middle of the room, feet shoulder width apart. First we lower the head and look at the foot of the right foot, then we understand the head and look at the upper corner of the left side of the room. Repeat the same with the left foot and the right corner of the room.
This is an exercise for coordinating the movements of the head and eyes.
- "Distance assessment" is probably the most difficult exercise that requires certain skills. We stand face to the wall at a distance of 2-3 meters from it. Mentally we draw a line in front of us, connecting our eyes and the wall and trying to determine its middle, at this imaginary point and fix the sight. Then the next segment is divided again mentally in half and look at the new middle. The same is done with the nearest segment, which is the fourth part of our straight line, i.e. Fix a glance at his middle. We repeat all over again 4 more times.
With this rather complicated exercise, we train all the muscles outside and inside the eyeball, and also learn to visually evaluate the distance to the object.
If you exercise regularly (which is only about 10 minutes), performing eye exercises to improve your vision, you can not only prevent the development of myopia, but also significantly improve visual perception and its severity.
Exercises for the eyes, designed to improve vision with myopia
About short-sightedness speak in the event that a person, in order to consider the pre-measure, brings it close to the eyes, which is especially striking when reading a book. The reason for this behavior is the fact that at a distance of more than 40 cm the short-sighted person can hardly distinguish small parts, the image of objects become vague.
The cause of myopia can be a disproportionately large size of the eyeball, a change in the shape of the cornea, traumatic eye damage, sclerotic changes in the lens, spasm of the eye muscles, resulting in failures in the optical system of the organ of vision. Distortion of the image of distant objects may be a consequence of the irregular shape and size of the eyeball or the premature refraction of light in the optical system of the eye.
Very often, such a pathology, as myopia, begins to develop in childhood or adolescence, adversely affecting the child's progress. It causes no less problems in adults.
Correction of this condition can be carried out with the help of special glasses with concave lenses, but this does not help to completely get rid of the problem. But if the treatment is reinforced with special exercises that improve the blood supply to the eye tissues, help them relax with overexertion and train the motor muscles, the result will be more encouraging.
So, let's go directly to the exercises:
- We begin with eye massage, gently without strong pressure massaging the eyelids with the index fingers of both hands. Massage is performed for 1-1.5 minutes and helps the eyes to relax before training.
- Now try to perform a simple exercise, actively moving your eyes first 10 times up and down, then as much from side to side.
- Without closing your eyes and rotating only the eyeballs, let's try to draw a circle. In this case, it is recommended to alternate eye movements in and counter-clockwise.
- It will also be useful to exercise Blind Man from the universal complex, when you need to close your eyes tightly and open your eyes wide.
- Now we become one and a half meters from the wall at its center. We begin to move our eyes diagonally, mentally carried out on the rectangle of the wall, as if connecting opposite corners (right upper and lower left, upper left and lower right) with a straight line.
- Do not forget about the intense blinking, while you do not need to close your eyes tightly.
- Let's try to consider your nose, reducing your eyes to it. Do at least 5 times.
- An excellent training of near and far vision consists in alternating viewing from a meter distance previously glued on a window glass of a small paper circle of bright color and objects that are behind the glass. Those. The view constantly has to focus on the mark on the window, then on distant objects.
Carrying out the above-described eye exercises to improve vision by restoring normal blood supply to the eyes, one must always remember full-fledged deep breathing, because the goal of the exercise is to improve the cellular respiration of the eye tissues.
And now let's move on to training all kinds of muscles in the organ of vision:
- We take a pencil (object) with one hand and keep it vertically in front of us at arm's length. We fix a glance at the pencil and start slowly to take our hand away, while still looking at our object. We follow the object only with one eye, leaving the head still. By changing his hand, we repeat the exercise, moving our eyes in another direction.
- Repeat the exercise, watching the movement of the pencil not only with his eyes, but also turning his head.
- A few seconds we look into the distance, not straining our eyes. Then raise the pencil to eye level (the distance to the object should not exceed 40 cm) and fix a glance at it. Now we look alternately, then on a pencil, then into the distance.
- Keep the pencil at the same level and distance. For a few seconds we look at him with two eyes, then with the same right and left eye, closing one or the other eye with his hand.
- Now we move the pencil in the outstretched hand in front of the eyes in different directions, constantly watching it with both eyes.
- Mentally draw a figure of "8" in front of us and try to look around it with the whole line.
- We look forward, opening our eyes wide, then squinting, as if we are examining an object in the distance, and finally, having relaxed the muscles of the eyelids, we cover our eyes.
- We use a pocket version of the table to check the vision used in ophthalmology. We turn on the good lighting and, holding the table at arm's length, carefully examine the letters, starting from the largest ones and gradually moving towards the small ones. We hold our eyes on each letter and note to ourselves how clear it seems to us.
Next, close the curtains, turn off the light and light the candle. We take a book with a small font and from a distance of 25 cm read 3 pages of any work. The visibility of the font should be such that the text is read with a certain eye strain.
Alternating both exercises, you can achieve increased visual acuity with myopia.
- You can also train on a full-sized table, by hanging it at a distance of 3 meters. Gradually, this distance should be increased to 6 meters, trying to clearly see all the letters. Strong eye strain should not be, so we follow good lighting and often blink.
- We choose one of the letters of the table and, constantly blinking, look at it, trying to keep in memory its image. Then we close our eyes and mentally draw before ourselves a clear picture of the chosen letter. Eyes periodically open and try to see in the table an equally clear image on the table. The result should be a mental and real image of a particular letter that is equal in clarity.
- A good training for the eyes with myopia will be the viewing of moving objects from the city transport window on the way to and from work.
Repeat exercises for training the muscles of the eye need from 3 to 10-12 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. It is impossible to overexert during the lessons.
Exercises for the eyes, designed to improve vision in hyperopia
Hyperopia is a visual impairment manifested in a fuzzy vision of closely located objects. That is, we observe a situation that is opposite to myopia. Reading a book, a long-sighted person will hold it in an outstretched hand, otherwise the letters will merge.
Ka and in the case of myopia, the correction of the state is carried out with the help of glasses, but the lenses are bent outwards. But such a measure has little effect, if the eyes do not train. Moreover, eye exercises for improving vision with hyperopia hardly differ from those for nearsightedness. But there are special exercises developed by different authors to solve this problem.
Let's see how else it is possible to conduct eye training with farsightedness:
- We write on the piece of paper 3 letters - P, B and O. The size of the letters in height should be seven and a half centimeters. Hanging a piece of paper on the wall, we move away from it to a distance of clear visibility of the letters. Let's focus on the first letter, then look at the blank space of the sheet to the right and left of it. Our glance only glides over the letter, not stopping at it. Repeat the exercise for all 3 letters.
Now we move to such a distance that the letters were distinguishable, but not clearly enough. We close our eyes and mentally draw before ourselves a clear image of the letter "P" and try to see the white fields on both sides of it.
Open our eyes and look at the letter, trying to bring the clarity of the image closer to the one we imagined before our mind's eye. Exercise is repeated for all letters on the sheet.
When translating a glance from a letter to a white field, it should appear as though it is slipping away from the movement of the gaze.
- Try to read the book, emphasizing the look not on letters and lines, but on the empty space between the latter.
- For the exercise, you will need a full-size and pocket version of the table to test your vision (author DA Sivtsev). The first is located in dim lighting conditions and move away from it by 5 meters. We keep the pocket variant of the table in front of us, pointing the light on it.
Alternately read that big, then a small table. On the big try to distinguish the maximum number of letters. A pocket variant is trying to read between the lines. In this case, you need to blink often, which will reduce the burden on the eyes.
- We sit down with a pocket version of Sivtsev's table at the open window (you can go out into the street). We alternate reading the table with the survey of surrounding objects.
- This exercise will be a training not only for the eyes, but for the back muscles. We become exactly, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at waist, we look straight ahead, not lowering our head. Now slowly rotate the body 90 degrees first in one direction, go back, then the other side. At the same time we try to look at ourselves all the time, without being distracted by extraneous movements.
- We represent that the tip of our nose is a pencil, by which we can draw or write, anything. Let's try to write the name of the beloved person, trying to make the lines smooth and do not tear off the "pencil" from the imaginary sheet of paper. In the same way, you can draw a star, any geometric shapes, different letters and numbers. Exercise is recommended to do 5-8 times.
- We hold hands with our fingers in front of us, but we try to focus our eyes not on the fingers themselves, but on the space between them until the image of the fingers becomes blurred. We'll blink, we'll look into the distance with a quarter of a minute. We repeat the exercise, accentuating the look already on the fingers. Repeat 5-6 times.
It is very useful for farsightedness to look long into the flashing flame of a candle, moving objects. Exercise for the eyes will even watch movies and TV shows, but do not forget to give your eyes a rest every half hour.
Since hyperopia, this pathology is more characteristic of older people, which is associated with physiological changes in the body, it is necessary to think about the consequences in advance. Consider a set of preventive exercises that will help prevent the development of hyperopia and slightly improve the situation with eyesight after 40 years:
- Alternately, we read the pocket table of Sivtsev or any book with low light and illumination of sufficient intensity. If a person wears glasses, you need to gradually move on to classes without them.
- We cover one eye with a hand so that it does not prevent the eyelids from moving. The second eye for half a minute, we try to consider the lines on the palm of the free hand, stretching it for the entire length. The eye is closed and we mentally reproduce the seen picture in all details.
We open both eyes and look at the palm of the same hand, approximated to a distance of 40 cm. Close our eyes and remember the details. Open your eyes, move your hand a distance, no more than 15 cm and once again study your palm.
Repeat the exercise with the other eye and palm. Finally, you can repeat all the steps, studying the palm simultaneously with two eyes.
- This same exercise can be slightly changed, choosing the object of study is not the palm of your hand, but a fingerprint drawn on paper.
Such exercises accustom the eyes equally well to see at a different distance from the object and additionally train visual memory.
Exercises for the eyes to improve the view of Professor Zhdanov
Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, who developed a popular method of improving eyesight with the help of special exercises and auto-training, is considered a person far from medicine. But the enthusiasm for the idea of a healthy lifestyle did not allow him to stand apart from the problems of alcoholism and the large prevalence of visual impairment.
His technique is suitable for people with good eyesight (for preventive purposes), and for those who suffer from hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, strabismus. Zhdanov's method of treating visual impairment is to relax the tense muscles and increase the tone of the weakened ones.
But to begin any exercise, Professor Zhdanov advises with relaxation of the eyes. And this will help our hands, or rather hands. This exercise to relax the eye muscles is called palm, and it is accompanied by elements of auto-training.
Why palm is useful for tired and sick eyes? To be surprised especially it is not necessary, if to recollect, that at any pains we try to apply to a sore point of a hand. This in some way calms the pain or, rather, our perception of this sensation, relieves spasms, gives relaxation, and it becomes a little easier for us.
The same will be felt by our eyes if we close them with our hands (for good reason, we do this if we are very bad, hard on our minds or overcome bad thoughts). Closing our eyes with our hands, we thereby calmed the nervous system responsible for muscle tension. But to achieve the true effect of relaxation, you need to do it right.
First, we warm our palms, actively rubbing them against each other. Now we squeeze tightly the fingers of the hands, so that the brushes have the shape of a shuttle. We impose brushes on each other in such a way that only fingers touch. In this case, the fingers of one hand should be perpendicular to the fingers of the other.
The resulting design is applied to the eyes, controlling that it does not overlap the nose, but only attached to it. We try not to let light penetrate through closed fingers or other cracks. Keep the head straight, fix the elbows, placing them on the stand (for example, the table). We breathe freely. Keep your eyes closed, your eyelids are relaxed.
To remove unnecessary excitation of the optic nerve, we present an absolutely black surface in front of us. At the same time, we begin the mood for a positive wave: we praise our eyes, thank you for what they have, imagine how the shape of the eyeball changes so that vision becomes normal, etc. All this helps to relax as much as possible and to remove the accumulated stresses.
Before you take your hands off your eyes, Professor Zhdanov recommends first simple exercises: tighten your eyes tight, stretching the muscles of the eyelids, and then loosen them (repeat 3-5 times). After the palms are removed, do not rush to open your eyes. First, a little shake your head from side to side, then lightly soak and rub the eyes with their fists, make a couple deep breaths and breathe out and we can safely open your favorite eyes.
Such an exercise for relaxing eyes should be performed regularly, as soon as the eyes start to get tired. If you need to work a lot on the computer or watch a long film on TV, it is recommended to do an exercise to relax the muscles of the eye every hour, spending at least 3 minutes.
To people with visual impairments, Professor Zhdanov offers a set of exercises that help restore the tone to the weakened muscles of the eyes. Some of them are already familiar to us. This movement of the eyes to the right and left, up and down, diagonally. Zhdanov recommends first repeating each exercise 3 times, after which you must actively blink your eyes.
And now consider the exercise, which we have not described before:
- Draw a rectangle with your eyes, diligently tracing each side. First 3 times "draw" clockwise, then change direction to the opposite and repeat the exercise.
- In our minds, we draw the dial of the watch before us, we run through the figures with a glance, slowing down only at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock. Thus, we draw an equilateral diamond.
Now draw a diamond, moving counter-clockwise. Exercise in both directions repeat all those 3 times, without forgetting to blink your eyes after each series of rotations.
- We try to draw a snake with our eyes. To do this, take a look to the right and start moving your eyes up and down, gradually moving your eyes to the left. At the end, we mentally draw the head and start zigzag movements in the opposite direction.
- Draw a bow with a butterfly from the bottom left and carefully draw the vertical and diagonal lines.
- On the same principle, the "Hourglass" exercise is performed, representing a bow placed on the side edge.
- Draw a spiral with the eyes, starting from the point mentally set in front of the nose, and drawing circles with an ever-increasing diameter.
- Mentally we try to wind a piece of rope on a horizontally lying pipe, moving from right to left and back.
- Now imagine the pipe upside down vertically. Starting from the floor, we twist our eyes on it with a rope in 5 turns and return in the same way.
- We represent in front of us a translucent sphere - a globe with a strip of the equator. You need to try to untwist his eyes mentally in the line of the equator, i.e. In the horizontal direction, helping yourself with the head and everything that is on it. We make 6 circles in one direction, then the same in the other.
Exercise should be done so that the eyes do not experience great stress. You need to start with a minimum number of repetitions (2-3 times). If even such a load leads to overwork of the eye, a one- or two-day break is recommended. Gradually, the number of repetitions is increased, but we make sure that the charge does not cause fatigue.
Professor Zhdanov believes that training with a bright light source, calling it solarization, is very useful for the eyes, as ideally the sun should be such a source of light. For solarization you need to become a face to the sun, take a stable position, legs apart, and close your eyes, without straining the eyelids. Now the upper part of the body turns to the right, then to the left, each time leaving the sun on the side saying to himself, from which side the sun should be.
Even with closed eyes through the eyelids we catch sunlight. Having made more than 20 turns you can see in the eyes with a dozen running solar bunnies in the form of bright yellow and rusty dots. This indicates the activation of the retina in the eye, while the muscles responsible for the motor activity of the eyeball experience relaxation.
Solarization in its pure form is possible only in sunny weather. But what about the cloudy days? Zhdanov argues that the source of light in solarization can serve not only the sun, but also a lighted suppository or an electric lamp. As an option, you can even use a gap left between the curtains on the window.
During the procedure, the room should be dark enough (you need to close the curtains or turn off the main light). Now conveniently located at a distance of not less than a meter from the light source (a slit in the window, a bulb or a candle) and we focus our attention on it. Promopgalis and began to turn his head from side to side, not holding his gaze on the glowing point glimmering before his eyes. In this case, you do not need to close your eyes. Do not forget to say all the time, from which side the candle is. You need to make at least 15 head turns in each direction to get the desired result.
To finish solarization Zhdanov strongly recommends palm. In this case, a positive attitude is very important. It will be useful during the palming to remember the pleasant experiences of your life, which will lead to relaxation. By the way, exercises with suppositories and pleasant memories during palming are recommended for people suffering from strabismus.
Professor Zhdanov believes that the quality of vision depends on the intensity of cerebral circulation. And here one can not do without eye exercises alone. In this regard, the head inclinations in different directions will be useful, the movements of the shoulders up and down, back and forth and circular, body movements, slopes to the sides, active rotational movements of the pelvis.
Moreover, Zhdanov assigns a large role to auto-training and self-hypnosis. Based on G. Shichko's experiments, which confirm the great power of words written by a person's hand before going to sleep, VG. Zhdanov recommends writing the same text for the night, consisting of 15 motivating phrases. These phrases need in time to learn and write every night from memory. This kind of encoding accustoms the person to the right attitude to life and his body.
The effect of daily records can be compared to the placebo prescription. There are several phrases in the text that a person convinces himself of positive changes in the work of the organs of vision, that his eyes are better seen every day. There are phrases designed to convince the patient that there will necessarily come a full recovery, which means that his life will be happy and healthy. But there are also those who are called upon to develop useful habits, often blink their eyes, do not allow the mucous to dry out, and tired your eyes, give your eyes rest, do exercises for relaxation (palming).
Writing motivating phrases should end the day of a person who wants to be healthy. Those. After that it is undesirable to do anything. It is best to go to bed and practice the palm, mentally scrolling useful phrases.
Another useful recommendation from Professor Zhdanov: aqueous procedures for the eyes using melt water. Freeze can be purified, natural or boiled water from the tap. After the melting of water, it must be washed and splashed in the eyes (without closing them). The procedure should be done in the morning and evening before bedtime.
And now some amusing, but effective exercises for the eyes to improve the eyesight, which, nevertheless, perfectly train all kinds of eye muscles:
- "Funny faces". In childhood, many of us liked to build faces, both to others and to ourselves, looking in the mirror. If you think that adults should not behave this way, you are very wrong. Mirroring in front of the mirror promotes the development and training of the facial muscles, including the motor muscles of the eyes. Yes, and the mood of this exercise increases better than any antidepressants and chocolate. So be damned to health when no one sees you.
- "An importunate butterfly." We represent that a beautiful butterfly flew into our room and sat down on the ceiling. Mentally draw a butterfly on the ceiling, and then imagine how it takes off and moves to our face. I sat down on my eyebrows and looked up and did not look long at them. We blink our eyes and, as it were, drive the butterfly. She flies back to the ceiling, and we follow her flight with her eyes.
Now we mentally put the butterfly on the wall opposite us, but it flies up and flies to our face, sitting on the nose. A couple of seconds we look at the tip of the nose and blink. The butterfly returns to the wall, and we follow her with a glance.
Finally, mentally we put the butterfly on the floor, but it flies to us on the upper lip. We again look at her a second and blink. Then we return the butterfly to the floor.
These exercises train different muscle groups, so they can be performed for corrective purposes individually or as a kind of complex. In parallel, they perfectly develop the imagination. The main thing is not to overdo it. The eyes can not be strained for long, and such exercises can be performed, according to Zhdanov's advice, no more than 5 times in a row.
- The next exercise is no less positive than the previous one. Let's remember how with the help of hands you can say "the whole class!". Well, of course, having compressed 4 fingers in a fist, and the big having lifted upwards. We make such a figure from the fingers and stretch the arm forward so that the thumb looks up (so it is more convenient, and more positive). Well blink, we'll look at the retarded finger, and then slowly begin to bring it closer to your nose and back, without taking your eyes off. Once again, blink and look into the distance, so that the muscles of the eyes can completely relax.
- One of the most difficult exercises are "Pirate glasses". Its name is associated with the need to wear glasses, one side of the frame which is covered with a dark cloth (or other material). A person needs to walk in such glasses for no more than half an hour, after which they need a little rest and palming. Then another part of the glasses closes, and again the person wears them, not taking them off, for half an hour.
For exercise it is better to take a frame without lenses, so that the open eye actively worked, strained muscles. You can take not one but two frames, then the bandage will not need to be constantly moved.
Professor Zhdanov, says that you can train your eyes not only at home or at work, but also on a walk, watching the movements of birds, animals, people, waiting for transport, while traveling as a passenger. For example, an exercise with a label on a window can be upgraded by taking a lonely hanging leaf of a tree as a label on the glass, then a walk will bring twice as much benefit.
Tibetan exercises for the eyes to improve vision
Many people know that the best part of our vision is the green part of the light spectrum. The wise men of the East associate our eyes with this color. Observation of objects that have a green color, has a relaxing effect on the eyes, which means that if you overstrain the organ of vision, you can let him rest with the usual contemplation of green.
Welcomes Tibetan medicine and eye massage, which can be carried out with the help of hands and without them. Hands recommend stroking the upper and lower eyelids. A massage without hands is the rotation of the eyes with closed eyelids.
Adherents of eastern medicine say that clear, shiny eyes are an indicator of good health. And you can give your eyes shine with the help of hardening procedures. For example, dropping your face into a basin with thawed cold water. The eyes can first be kept closed, and then try to blink them in the water, make rotational movements, etc. This will improve the blood supply to the organ of vision, which will necessarily affect the clarity of the sight.
And that the eyes not only glittered, but well-seen, you can try the following set of exercises for the eyes to improve vision and muscle training:
- Brushes of both hands are compressed into a fist and we set aside the index finger. Holding your fingers next to each other, take your hands a distance of forty centimeters from the face and keep them at eye level. Now we gradually raise our hands to the sides, trying to keep both fingers in sight. As soon as the fingers disappear beyond the limits of the side view, just slowly return the hands back.
- Until we lower our hands. We look at our fingers, then look at the object located in the distance, look at it for 4-6 seconds and again look at your fingers. We perform the exercise 3-5 times.
- Close our eyes and gently gently press the pads of the fingers on the eyelids exactly 6 times. Now we open our eyes and for 6 seconds without blinking we look forward. Repeat the exercise is recommended 3 times.
- We do a similar exercise, but without the help of hands. Just close your eyes and open them wide (repeat 6 times), then hold your eyes open for 6 seconds.
- We draw a diamond from the bottom corner. First, counter-clockwise, rest, looking in front of you, and then draw a rhombus clockwise. Repeat 3-4 times.
- As advises and Professor Zhdanov, actively blink for two minutes. You do not need to screw up your eyes, just open and close your eyes.
We finish the complex of exercises with an easy stroking of the eyelids with the pads of the fingers. We rest by closing our eyes for up to 5 minutes and thinking about something pleasant.
And a little bit about the energy practices of Tibetan monks:
- Tears of purification. A suppository for a woman or a glass ball for a man is the necessary material for the first exercise. We install the suppository (crystal) on the table in front of us. We sit straight, the back should be straight, shoulders spread out, the head is also held straight. We look at the burning candle or crystal until tears appear in the eyes. Now we close our eyes and we reduce them to the interbroovy space under the centuries. With closed eyes, you need to sit 2 times longer than it took time to contemplate a fire or crystal. In this case, the tip of the tongue should be raised to the palate.
It is believed that with the help of tears, the body cleanses from harmful substances. And if you perform the exercise correctly, you can achieve the termination of the development of pathological processes in the body.
- Filling with light. Eyes are considered in Tibetan medicine as an accumulator of internal energy, which gives the body beauty, youth and health. It is important to teach your eyes to be filled with the light of life.
For this we need a regular mirror. We approach him, peer at our reflection and give ourselves our most sincere smile, trying to make it reflected in our eyes. It is very important that not only the lips smile, but also the eyes.
Now try not to smile, just move your lips slightly, as if preparing for a smile. At this time, our eyes must begin to radiate energy. You need to try to keep it and multiply it, so that your eyes smile even when you look absolutely calm.
It is important to keep a smile as long as possible in the depths of the eye, trying to feel how the internal energy flows through the veins, rises to the eyes and lights a special light in them, capable of disarming enemies and making a person stronger, more confident, happier.
Exercises for the eyes to improve vision in children
It's no secret that during our school hours our children not only receive a lot of useful information, but they also noticeably lose their sight. Alas, the deterioration of vision in preschool children is no less common. In this case, myopia, hyperopia, strabismus, astigmatism, amblyopia (when images from different eyes differ, which does not allow to recreate the whole picture of what they saw) can be both congenital and acquired visual defects.
Visual disturbances can occur even in newborns, if the mother had health problems during pregnancy and childbirth, which affected the development of the baby's visual organs. The horse, meningitis and some other infectious pathologies, deficiency of vitamin A, unbalanced nutrition, transferred in early childhood, all of this can also cause visual impairment. We should not exclude a hereditary factor.
It is believed that visual disturbances that occurred in early childhood, should be treated as early as possible, when they are quite easily amenable to correction without surgery. Corrective exercises with children are based on elementary exercises for the eyes to improve vision, of which much has been written above.
In most cases, the complex of children's gymnastics for the organ of vision contains exercises for the movement of the eyes in different directions: up, down, in the sides, diagonally, in a circle, etc. Practice is also the reduction of the eyes to the nose, drawing with the nose and other useful exercises. Finding such easy exercises is not a problem, it is more difficult to convince a preschool and primary school child to do things that are not interesting to them. It is very important to interest the child. And you can do this only by conducting classes in a game form.
If you just ask the child to squint, you can hardly get the expected result, because the child will be uninteresting. And if you offer a game in which you have to screw up your eyes, "when the sun appears", this is quite another matter.
How to make a child blink eyes? Compare the eyes or cilia of the baby with the wings of a bird, dragonfly, butterfly and ask to "pat your wings."
To the child was interested to keep his eyes to the nose, you can ask the kids to imagine that a ladybug or moth (or even Thumbelina) landed on their nose. To the child first looked at his nose, and then looked away, you can invite him to play in Pinocchio, which began to grow nose sharply.
When it is necessary to ask the child to open his eyes widely, it will be much more interesting for him to do this, if the adult offers to depict, for example, the eyes of a dragonfly.
On the Internet, you can find tips for conducting eye training in children in poetic form. At the same time, small childish rhymes are used, some phrases of which indirectly say that the child needs to be done. For example, the poem "In the Woods":
The sun is walking in a circle,
(the children are turning their eyes, as if drawing a circle) The
Doe is dozing.
(the kids close their eyes)
We walk with you through the meadow quietly, quietly.
(the children open their eyes and wait)
We walk along the edge of the forest and find a path.
(children need to look down, as if they are looking for this same path)
Here is a magpie at the top
(kids look up where the forty should be sitting)
Beak cleans the back. (you can ask the kids to look at the back first through one shoulder, then through the other.)
First, of course, the kids will have to show what exactly to do after each sentence, but soon the kids will learn the rhyme and movements, and the lessons will be more fun and active. But in order to give the children even more pleasure, they need to be praised for the correct performance of the exercises, the children are very fond of praise.
It is necessary to try, that employment with children covered practically all spectrum of movement of eyes:
- Exercises on the movement of eyeballs up and down and side to side.
- Exercises for eye movement in a circle.
- Exercises to draw with the eyes (nose) of various geometric shapes, letters and numbers.
- Exercise to reduce the eyes to the nose and examine distant objects.
- Blindfolds and Morgalks.
- Exercise of facial muscles
Very fond of little krivlyaki exercise, when you need to make faces. They will curl before each other, depict, at the request of an adult, various animals and birds, and the muscles of the eyes and face will be well stimulated at the same time.
Most often in childhood, a visual impairment is diagnosed as nearsightedness. It is on the prevention of this pathology that prevention activities are aimed at, which should be regularly conducted in kindergartens and schools. Preventive course usually includes simple exercises for the eyes, which can overpower children of a certain age.
The duration of classes for children 3-5 years should not exceed 5 minutes. Children of primary school can add a little more complex exercises, but charging for the eyes still should not take more than 10 minutes. Children older than 10 years can easily master the exercises offered by adults, except the heaviest, while performing them consciously without any stimulation.
Conducting classes with children can be at school on changes, in the extended day group, at home, during walks. To take on the responsibility for dealing with children with eye exercises, both teachers and educators and active parents can improve their eyesight (yet they are the health of their children). If correction of serious disorders is required, the training is conducted by a specialist doctor.
The changes occurring in the body
Any physical exercises and psychological settings used in treatment and correction purposes are aimed at positive changes in the human body. Exercises for the eyes to improve vision are designed to improve the condition of the motor muscles and tissues of the organ of vision.
A major role in our ability to visually perceive different objects is played by the harmonious work of all the oculomotor muscles, which have to strain every time we look from one subject to another and even if we have to focus a long time on one object for a long time. Prolonged work in tension greatly wears the eye muscles. If you do not give them a rest they get tired, and visual acuity falls. Regular eye fatigue leads to muscle wear, they become flabby, unable to switch in time when we translate the eye, or keep the eye in the right position. Hence the various visual impairments.
To correct the problem of myopia, it is very important to improve blood flow to the eyes and increase the muscle tone of the visual organ. With hyperopia, gymnastics helps in improving blood circulation in the muscles of the eyes and the cervical spine, trains the oculomotor muscles, improves the ability to focus the look. This slows down the destructive age-related changes and is the prevention of visual impairment in young people.
It is clear that it is difficult to correct the situation by exercises alone. A major role in the quality work of the organ of vision is played by our diet. The lack of vitamin A in the diet, not adjusted by pharmacy, leads to poor eyesight even without heavy loads. Therefore, treatment of visual impairment is done additionally by correcting the diet, by prescribing vitamin complexes and blueberry preparations.
Changes that occur in the body when performing eye exercises affect not only the organ of vision. They help to increase a person's self-esteem, to believe that he can see well, get rid of hateful glasses and be proud of the brilliance of his eyes.
Classes on Zhdanov's methods are a great way to raise the mood from the very beginning, when you give thanks to your eyes. Perhaps, to someone it will seem stupid and unworthy occupation. But if you try, throw away pride and prejudices for a while, and immediately feel the ease with which you treated everything as a child. This will help to shift attention from the piled up problems to your body, which requires taking care of yourself. And this care, it turns out, can be very enjoyable.
As for possible complications in gymnastics for the eyes, they arise mainly when a person ignores the contraindications to such exercises. For example, he begins to practice exercises for the eyes, without waiting until six months after the operation. This is fraught with divergence of sutures, bleeding, inflammatory processes and impaired vision.
While practicing exercises during acute infectious inflammation of the organ of vision, it is possible to provoke the spread of infection to the other eye, as well as deep into the body (into the auditory and nasal passages, to the brain). Occupations with increased intraocular pressure can provoke pain in the eyes and rupture of capillaries.
Deterioration can also occur in a relatively healthy person, if you regularly overexert your eyes during the training. This gymnastics does not contribute to the preservation of eye health. During training, you need to constantly alternate moments of tension and relaxation of the eyes.
Starting to practice eye exercises to improve vision on an ongoing basis, some seek to immediately make them as effective as possible by increasing the number of repetitions and a large number of exercises. This is fundamentally wrong. It is clear that everyone wants to regain normal vision as soon as possible, but in this case it is necessary to be patient. You need to start with a minimum number of repetitions (from 1 to 3, depending on the complexity of the job), increasing it gradually when the eyes get used to this load. Otherwise, fatigue and pain in the eye can not be avoided. And help yourself to restore your eyesight as quickly as possible, help vitamins and blueberries.