
Information about doctor

Biniamin Shalev He is a renowned ophthalmologist-surgeon in Israel and the medical world. He is in charge of the ophthalmology department of the Medical Center, specializing in the treatment of various ocular pathologies.

The practical experience of a doctor is more than thirty years, and both children and adults become his patients.

Biniamin Shalev - it is an experienced and talented specialist, whose work covers at once two difficult ophthalmological directions - the treatment of diseases of the eyelids and surgical treatment of strabismus. He is one of the few doctors who successfully perform interventions regarding aesthetic ophthalmology. Operational correction and plastic from the doctor is Shalev characterized by an excellent aesthetic effect.

Shalev he holds the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences, he is engaged in teaching activities, the course of which is distinguished by regular workshops. Also known for his active scientific work, which are successfully combined with clinical practice. The doctor often lectures, writes and publishes scientific articles, participates in ophthalmological seminars and congresses - both in Israel and in other countries.

Biniamin Shalev differs positive human qualities that help him in his work and communication with patients. He is always attentive, collected, able to control his actions in any situation. Thanks to these qualities, the treatment and recovery period under the supervision of a doctor are always successful.

Education and work experience

  • Medical Faculty of Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel
  • Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Internship at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, USA
  • Specialization in surgery of ocular pathologies in the clinics "Beilinson" and "Kaplan", Israel

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Ophthalmological Association
  • Israeli Association of Pediatric Ophthalmologists
  • American Society of Ophthalmology
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