Causes of blurred vision
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Deteriorating vision today is one of the main problems of ophthalmology. Vision worsens not only in elderly and mature people, but also in children. There is a tendency to rejuvenate this problem. Increasingly, this problem appears as a complication of other diseases, medical and surgical procedures.
The main reason is due to the lack of the necessary tone of the eye muscles. As a result, the muscle weakens, myopia develops, and vision deteriorates. Normally, it must daily perform large amounts of work. It used to be that way before. The man used the eye in all possible ways. The curvature of the lens was constantly changing. For this reason, the eye muscle was constantly included in the work.
For the second reason, changes in the lens (cataracts) that occur with age are attributed . They are associated with natural processes, during which the eye inevitably grows old. First of all, the photosensitive pigment, of which retinal cells are composed, is destroyed. It is thanks to this pigment maintained visual acuity. With the passage of time, the pigment breaks down and, accordingly, the visual acuity decreases.
Vision can decrease and because there is a violation of blood circulation, which can lead to both a general violation of the blood flow in the body, as well as insufficient supply of blood to the retina of the eye. Especially negatively affects the lethargy of the cerebral circulation. The components of the retina are sensitive to normal circulation. They need a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients, as well as ensuring a constant outflow of carbon dioxide and metabolic products. Disturbance of blood circulation is well traced in the study of the fundus.
Negatively reflected excessive attempts to consider too small items.
Dry eyes help reduce vision. It is directly related to insufficient muscle activity and excessive fixation of the eye. When a person works at a computer, intense concentration occurs, as a result of which the frequency of blinking decreases. Research has been confirmed, then working at a computer, a person blinks about 3-4 times less often than in natural conditions. The higher the responsibility and the degree of tension of work, the less often a person starts blinking.
Today, most people after such hard work simply "forget" to blink. If you follow yourself, you can see that a person starts blinking more often if he remembers the importance of this process and controls it consciously. This suggests that blinking, as a natural reflex, and as a mechanism to protect the eye from excessive drying and overexertion, is gradually lost. The importance of blinking should not be underestimated, because it provides the necessary level of moisturizing the eye's mucosa, its antibacterial and antiviral protection. It is the blinking that stimulates the lacrimal glands, which produce more tear fluid to moisturize the eye.
Visual impairment in osteochondrosis
Any damage and diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis, can lead to blood circulation disorders, visual impairment. Begins osteochondrosis with light pain in the neck and head. The disease progresses rapidly, pains increase, dizziness develops, vision and hearing gradually deteriorate. A person can go to an unconscious state.
Often, such a disease as osteochondrosis people do not connect with osteochondrosis. But it is vain, because all pathologies of the organ of vision develop precisely against the background of violation of innervation and circulation in the spine and those segments with which it is connected.
Cervical osteochondrosis
With this pathology, vision deteriorates fairly quickly. After all, it is through the cervical region that one of the most important bloodways - the vertebral column - enters the skull. It supplies the brain and all its departments, as well as other organs located in the upper part of the body with oxygen, nutrients, while eliminating carbon dioxide and metabolic products. With the development of osteochondrosis, destruction of the cartilaginous tissue occurs, the deposition of salts. At the same time, the normal flow of blood is disturbed, and obstructions are created in the natural vascular bed.
Gradually, the metabolism is disrupted, hypoxia and hypercapnia develop, the products of metabolism accumulate, which leads to intoxication. This only aggravates the situation, there are problems with blood circulation in the brain, the brain does not get the right amount of oxygen and nutrients, it experiences starvation, including oxygen.
The development of cervical osteochondrosis occurs as a result of disruptions in the operation of the spine, especially its cervical region. Affected by the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the occipital part, the medulla oblongata. It is these departments that innervate the analyzers in particular, the visual departments. In connection with hypoxia, vision is impaired. The main manifestations of this pathology is ripples before the eyes, the formation of various color spots. For many people, the image is twofold, they mark the swimming of circles before the eyes and the appearance of various images. Against the background of all this, the clarity of perception may decrease, in the eyes can periodically darken. If it's dark outside, the person sees even worse.
A distinctive feature of the consequences of cervical osteochondrosis is fog before the eyes. But often, patients do not attach importance to this symptom and consider it a sign of overwork, dizziness. But in fact, this is one of the earliest signs of osteochondrosis. If such a symptom is found, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. This will make it possible to identify and prevent serious pathologies of the organ of vision. If the patient complains that he is accompanied by a fog that periodically arises before his eyes, it means that numerous pathologies have already developed, such as: dilated pupils, restriction of mobility, tick. There may be protrusion of the eyeball outward, distortion of the image of the perceived image. The progression differs significantly, depending on the factors that influence it. Can end in complete blindness.
Deterioration of vision in diabetes
Reduction of vision is a fairly frequent concomitant pathology, which is accompanied by diabetes. 90% of patients with diabetes develop diabetic retinopathy. This condition can be characterized as a deterioration of vision caused by the damage to the capillaries and vessels of the retina.
In more severe cases, there is also damage to the vessels of the brain. As a result, the retina remains without the necessary blood supply. Often this pathology affects first one eye, then, gradually the pathological process can spread. The lesions that develop are irreversible. Therefore, patients who have a history of diabetes mellitus and any violations of carbohydrate metabolism, need constant preventive examinations.
Visual impairment when working at a computer
The visual function worsens due to the fact that there is a weakening of the eye muscle. The bulge or plane of the eye lens is determined by the distance from the object to the eye. When the distance is changed, the curvature changes. This involves the muscle and trains the eye. Today, an increasing number of people work at the computer, or with literature. There is a constant concentration of attention and a look at the monitor, the eye acquires a fixed position, the muscle that controls the lens practically does not work. Gradually loses its tone, in the future can not fully regulate the curvature of the lens. As a consequence, a computerized visual syndrome develops , vision falls.
And one more reason, again, is the computer. It's not just about fixing in one position. The human brain is built by analogy with digital systems, in particular, with a camera. The system seeks to fully take a picture of the screen and store the image in memory. Implementation of this task requires the need to focus the perception on a large number of flickering points. The focus is constantly changing, there is a defocusing of the view. Gradually, blood circulation and metabolic processes inside the eye are included in the imbalance, which also has a negative impact on vision.
In addition, such work is energy-intensive and requires a large number of nutrients and energy. As a result, a large amount of rhodopsin is consumed. It is restored long enough and difficultly, therefore vision falls.
Cataract and visual impairment
Vision can deteriorate against cataracts. Cataract means one of the forms of lens pathology, which is quite common in the elderly. Seldom is a congenital cataract.
The main cause of its development is pathological metabolism. It can be a consequence of traumatic influence or influence of free radicals. The process begins with a one-sided pathology, then the second eye begins to be amazed. Disease can progress all the time, until complete blindness.
Deterioration of vision at high pressure
Pressure surges are accompanied by a short-term or constant decrease in vision, which is caused by an increase in the pressure on the vessels, as a result of which their tone, fullness increases. This puts pressure on the innervated areas, as a result of which metabolic processes are also disturbed and the tone rises sharply.
Stroke and blurred vision
Increased pressure can lead to a stroke. During an insult, the vessels can not withstand the high pressure on them from the inside, and are torn. There is a hemorrhage in the brain, or into the cavity of the organ where the rupture occurred. If the sites responsible for the quality of sight, regulation are affected, it will decrease, distort, even complete blindness may develop .
Deterioration of vision when obd
Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a vascular pathology, in which the development of vascular tone disorders. As a result, pressure drops occur. It can periodically rise or fall. All this leads to the fact that the tone and elasticity of the vessels are gradually lost, they become more brittle, easily exposed to various mechanical damages, can easily break, unable to withstand the tone. All this is accompanied by a violation of blood circulation. The organs that are innervated by these vessels suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, the exchange products and carbon dioxide are not discharged outside. As a result, vision is reduced.
Visual impairment and astigmatism
Astigmatism can lead to a pathology of the visual system. Astigmatism is understood as a change in visual acuity in the horizontal and vertical directions, as a result of which perception is distorted. For example, an ordinary point is projected as a figure eight or an ellipsoidal structure. The main manifestation of astigmatism is blurred. Also the image is twofold, and the eye is very quickly tired. Often, astigmatism develops against a background of short-range or long-range vision. Mixed pathology can develop.
Deterioration of vision after lens replacement
There are many diseases that can be cured only by surgery. There are a number of diseases in which lens replacement is required. In this case, the natural lens of a person is replaced with its artificial analogue. Without such an operation, people with cataracts, which causes clouding of the lens and partial, less often complete loss of vision, can not do without.
Despite the fact that the operations to replace the lens have been improved, the risk of complications still remains. One of the dangerous complications is the deterioration of vision. In some cases, the deterioration continues during the postoperative period, after which it is self-restored. But sometimes the violation progresses and requires special intervention to restore it.
In normal vision should be restored immediately after surgery. Its complete restoration ends a week later, less often this process can drag on for up to a month. Deterioration can arise as a complication. Most often this process is caused by infection, intraocular inflammation, displacement of the artificial lens, increased intraocular pressure.
Sometimes there are late complications that develop after a few months after the operation. Often develops a secondary cataract, resulting from the secondary growth of cells of the natural lens. The fact is that it is almost impossible to completely remove epithelial cells. And they have a high degree of regeneration, are able to recover in a relatively short time. Excessive growth leads to the fact that the epithelial cells cover the capsular bag containing the artificial lens. Accordingly, overlapping visibility. Today, such a pathology is easily eliminated by laser therapy, which prevents further growth and recovery of epithelial tissue.
Also, the causes of the development of secondary cataracts lie in the cellular reactions of the body. The cells of the remaining epithelium can be converted into fibers of a sufficiently dense consistency. They are functionally inferior, have an irregular shape, no transparency. Fouling, around the capsule bag, completely violate the visibility. Complete turbidity develops when they germinate in the central part of the optical zone.
Also, fibrosis of the capsule may occur after the operation. The reasons are many, primarily the transformation processes that began in the surrounding tissues under the influence of various causes. The main factors are the age of the patient. Often occurs in children, because the young body has a higher ability to regenerate. This causes an intensive migration of the epithelial cells, and their division in the posterior part of the capsule, resulting in overlapping of the vision, visibility impairment.
To prevent deterioration of vision after surgery, it is recommended to follow a number of simple rules of the postoperative period. The first week after the operation, you can not sleep on your stomach, as well as on the side of the operated eye. Do not allow water to enter the eye. It is important to protect from bright light, dust, wind. The time for watching TV and staying at the computer should be strictly limited. You can not visit beaches, a solarium, a sauna, a sauna, avoid fatigue and exercise.
Deterioration of vision after blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty is an operation to correct defects in the upper and lower eyelids. Despite the outwardly seeming harmlessness of the operation, it has quite a few side effects and complications. So, the main complication, which is observed most often, is deterioration of vision and bleeding. These two complications are closely interrelated, as bleeding entails worsening of trophism, as well as worsening of basic metabolic processes, hypoxia. As a result, visual indicators are given. Avoiding this complication is quite simple.
In most cases, it is the result of incorrect or insufficient preparation for the operation. A few weeks before the planned operation, you should exclude the use of any drugs that promote blood thinning, as well as exclude all foods that may contain components that contribute to the liquefaction of blood.
Do not exercise too hard, exclude baths and saunas, drinking alcohol, and other factors that directly or indirectly can affect blood coagulability. Also, you should carefully choose a doctor. The operation should be entrusted only to a highly qualified specialist who will be able to perform it correctly and without error, without damaging the blood vessels.
In addition to bleeding, other factors, such as bruises and bruises, may be the cause of visual impairment. This bruising, which form in the soft tissues of the compaction. In these areas, the outflow of blood is disturbed, its functions and composition change, and pressure on the surrounding nerve endings occurs. Later hematomas dissolve independently, so you should not worry much.
Vision is restored as the resorption of hematomas occurs. Usually, no additional measures are required. In rare cases, prescribe special ointments, and other means, aimed at resorption of the compaction, normalization of blood circulation. When large, overhanging clots appear, it is necessary to localize the hematoma focus. For this you need to wait about 2 weeks. Usually localization occurs on its own, without additional measures. After the removal of dried blood. For further restoration of surrounding tissues and vision, various physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, as well as prescribe drugs aimed at resorption of hematomas and normalization of tissue metabolism.
Often develops tear, which gradually leads to inflammation of the mucosa and decreased vision. The cause is usually a strong edema of the eyelids, which presses on the tear duct, which contributes to increased lachrymation. With prolonged lacrimation, the tear duct narrows, resulting in a scar that also presses on surrounding tissues, disrupts metabolic processes, and helps reduce vision and other basic functions.
Lachrymation, inflammation, and circulatory failure often lead to dry eyes. This can be associated with individual characteristics of a person, the state of his local immunity, which is determined by the ability to produce immunoglobulin A, which provides functional features of mucous membranes, stimulating local immunity. The consequence of insufficient moisturizing of the eye is decreased vision.
A similar complication appears against the background of increased tearfulness of the eyes, which was long before the operation. Also, the cause may be mechanical damage, a violation of the eye's metabolic processes, the development of keratoconjunctivitis. For treatment, various moisturizing drops are prescribed, which contribute to the normalization of the mucous membrane of the eye. After the normalization of the mucosa, a gradual recovery of vision occurs.
Another cause may be conjunctivitis, which occurs as a result of infection, non-compliance with asepsis and hygiene standards. It can develop if the rehabilitation regime is not followed in the postoperative period. For treatment, it is necessary to drip antibiotic drops, as well as adhere to the basic rules of the postoperative period.
Omission of the outer corner can also lead to a violation of the basic functions of the eye, including a decrease in vision. The cause of omission is the strong tension of the lower eyelid, which results from the removal of too much skin. Usually such an effect occurs within six months, but if after this period of normalization of the condition does not occur and the vision continues to fall, you need to see a doctor for taking measures to restore vision and normalize the eyelid.
For similar reasons, it becomes impossible to close your eyes. Occurs in the event that too much skin is removed from the upper eyelid. As a result, the mucous membrane dries up, the eye muscle overstrains, and vision falls. Usually after a while this condition passes, which entails the restoration of the basic functions of the eye. But if recovery does not occur, you may need treatment and a second operation.
Usually, vision loss is temporary, loss of vision is not significant. A strong decrease in vision is almost not observed. Complete blindness also practically does not develop. The frequency of occurrence of a sharp decline in vision after blepharoplasty varies from 1 to 2 cases per 10,000. The main reasons, nevertheless, are bleeding at the back of the eyeball, which leads to orbital or retrobulbar hemorrhage. This, in turn, entails an increase in intraocular pressure, which does not allow the blood to flow in sufficient quantities to the lens, retina, eye muscle. This leads to a visual impairment, less often - damage to the auditory nerve.
Most of these hemorrhages occur within 48 hours after surgery and cause severe pain, impaired vision. A person can have optical illusions, double in the eyes. At the same time, the eyes protrude forward. If a protruding eyeball appears, it is an anxiety syndrome that requires urgent repeated surgical intervention, otherwise vision loss may occur.
Also, the cause of vision loss in the first hours after surgery may be the effect of anesthesia. This effect occurs a short time after the end of its action.
Despite such complications, blepharoplasty should not be feared, especially, avoid it if there are indications. With competent performance of the operation, complications still do not occur. The technique is sufficiently worked out, the operation is classified as a low-trauma. With proper execution and correct preparation, observance of the postoperative regimen, complications do not occur. This is due to the fact that the operation affects only the eyelids and does not touch the eye in any way. In addition, special gaskets are used during the operation, which protect the eyeball from negative effects.
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Visual impairment after chemotherapy
Chemotherapy causes numerous side effects and irreversible effects in the body. One of the main complications is deterioration of vision. There can be many reasons for this. First of all, these are the effects of irradiation, the use of drugs such as cytostatics, cytotoxins, which slow down metabolic processes, inhibit cell division, proliferation, and their accelerated growth, have a toxic effect, which can lead to pathology and even cell death. Targeted action specifically on cancer cells is still not possible to provide. Therefore, chemotherapy affects all cells and structures of the body, including the eye, the optic nerve.
Significantly reduced immunity, the general resistance of the body, there is general weakness and aches in the body. Hair may drop out, the sensitivity of all analyzers, including the visual one, may decrease. Violated the composition and function of blood, respectively, reduced supply of all organs with the necessary nutrients, oxygen. From cells and tissues are not removed the products of metabolism, carbon dioxide, toxins. And the retina is particularly sensitive to lack of oxygen and excess carbon dioxide, destructive processes begin to occur in it. Developing hypoxia, hypercapnia, intoxication.
Vision can worsen as a result of thrombocytopenia. This disease is a disorder that is characterized by a low level of platelets in the blood. They are responsible for the normal coagulation of the blood. Reducing their number entails the development of bleeding. A plentiful hemorrhage in the area of the retina, can not only reduce vision, but also cause its complete loss.
Also, the development of thrombocytopenia can lead to hemorrhagic purpura, in which platelets produce antibodies that destroy platelets. This also entails the risk of developing spontaneous bleeding. The likelihood of an increase in strokes and intraocular pressure is significantly increased. Vessels of the eye can not withstand high pressure and burst. Since the body contains few platelets, clotting does not occur. The amount of hemorrhage can be large. It is often difficult to repair damaged areas. As a result, there is not only a deterioration in vision, but there may be a complete loss.
The cause of decreased vision may be anemia that occurs after chemotherapy. The essence of the disease is that the bone marrow produces too little erythrocytes, or they have a low hemoglobin content. As a result, they are unable to attach and carry the required amount of oxygen, and to remove carbon dioxide. Suffer from the lack of oxygen, almost all internal organs, nerves. The retina is particularly sensitive to oxygen. With its lack, destructive processes occur in the retina, as a result of which vision deteriorates sharply. Progression of anemia leads to a further deterioration in vision, up to its complete loss.
Not only reduced, but also increased coagulability of blood can lead to a violation of blood circulation. Usually the number of erythrocytes and the number of platelets are closely interrelated. Usually, after chemotherapy, reduced coagulability occurs, but sometimes it may increase. As a result, platelets react with each other, and aggregation occurs. That is, the formation of glued complexes. They can be deposited inside vessels, close vascular lumens, clots are formed. This can lead to a complete blockage of any vessel, including the cerebral vessel, the eye. This increases the risk of hemorrhage.
A dangerous complication of chemotherapy is a violation of the number and ratio of leukocytes, which affects the state of the immune system as a whole, as well as the state of individual organs and systems. The most dangerous is neutropenia, in which the number of granulocytes is sharply reduced. The main function is to fight infection.
Dysfunction of immunity develops, both local and general indices of immunity are violated. The local immunity is significantly reduced, which maintains the normal state of the mucous membranes. This leads to the development of their dryness, disruption of structure, protein composition. The risk of development of infectious diseases, inflammations increases. The mucous membrane of the eye dries up, it reduces its protective properties, causes inflammation, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis. As a result, internal structures, including the optic nerve, are damaged. The normal state of the retina and other light-sensing components of the eye is broken, vision is reduced, or its various deviations develop.
Dangerous also autoimmune processes, in which the immune system begins to synthesize antibodies against the body's own cells, which are damaged by chemotherapy and become foreign. As a result, autoimmune aggression develops, all affected cells are destroyed, which can lead to disruption of the structure and function of the affected organs. Especially sensitive to various exposures of retinal cells. They quickly degenerate and transform under the influence of chemotherapy, and then attack their own immune system. Destruction of cells leads to a violation of the structural and functional state of the eye, vision is reduced. There may be his complete loss.
Deterioration of vision amid atropinization
By atropinization means a technique by which it is possible to eliminate violations of eye accommodation and provide cycloplegia. In case of visual impairment, this defect reaches critical limits and becomes an everyday condition of the eye. Promotes an effective restoration of vision to normal values, especially if the cause was a violation of the accommodation of the eye. It makes it possible to diagnose peculiarities of hyperopia at accommodation tension. This is an important diagnostic criterion. The essence of the procedure is to instill a solution of atropine sulfate into the conjunctival sac. Drip the solution one drop twice a day, about 2 weeks.
This remedy can cause various side effects, including, decreased vision, dryness of the mucous membranes, both in the eye and in the mouth. Redness develops and severe irritation develops. Most often the vision is reduced binocular, but quite often there are also various foolish pathologies.
Reduce these side effects will allow a recommendation: Bury the eye only after eating.
Complications are very dangerous, up to loss of vision. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen and not engage in amateur activities. Strict control by the ophthalmologist is required. The most dangerous are 4,7,10 and 14 day. It is on this day that the doctor must conduct an inspection and control the vision to prevent his sudden deterioration and loss.
A slight decrease in vision is normal. It can be considered as an action of the drug. It is restored to normal values after the end of the course of treatment. Despite the fact that the child is experiencing some difficulties, all activities are allowed. It is not recommended to be in bright light, as the pupil does not expand.
Deterioration of vision after laser correction
Today, laser correction is often used to treat vision impairment. The operation is quite effective, but not safe. It can cause many serious complications. Further deterioration in vision after laser correction may result from the growth of the cornea, excessive stiffening of the corneal epithelial tissue, inflammation of the cornea and dry eye syndrome.
Complications can occur in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases, herpesvirus infection, and other disorders of the immune system. Complications can occur if there has already been an operation for the treatment of retinal detachment, with insufficient thickness of the cornea, against the background of progressive myopia and cataracts.
Visual impairment after surgery
After the operation, vision can deteriorate due to recovery processes, inflammation. Often, such processes are short-lived and after complete restoration of damaged tissues, vision is restored.
But there are also cases of complications when a severe inflammatory or infectious process develops. There may also be a detachment of the retina, a proliferation of the cornea. Quite often after the operation, dry eye syndrome develops, which also helps reduce vision. Such complications require urgent treatment, without which they can result in the person becoming completely blind.
Deterioration of vision and stress
Constant fatigue, stress, neuro-psychic overstrain can be those triggers that help reduce vision. No less important in the development of the pathological process is, first of all, spasm, deterioration of cerebral circulation. As a result of these processes, the quality of the ocular circulation also decreases. The most sensitive to changes in blood circulation, to lack of oxygen, is the retina.
At the slightest pathologies, it immediately undergoes degenerative processes. For general overwork, the eyes react primarily because they contain a large number of receptors, sensitive hormones. Deteriorating eyesight and tired eyes serve as the first sign of fatigue, but people rarely pay attention to it.
Efficient relaxation of the whole body is relaxation of the eyes. As soon as the eyes are completely relaxed, a signal is immediately sent to the brain that the level of stress is lower and the body relaxes.
Deterioration of vision with neurosis
Neurosis can cause both short-term and long-term vision loss. With neurosis, there is a disturbance in the regulation of the eye analyzer from the side of the corresponding parts of the brain.
Often with neuroses, arterial and intracranial pressure rises, which has a damaging effect. Patients with neuroses were found to have a significantly narrower peripheral vision, then begin to fall at an equally stable rate.
Often, women have blindness of psychogenic origin, which is the final stage of neuroses. When studying the anamnesis, stigmata are found, which often manifest as a stuffy throat, pershenia. There may develop pseudo-cuts, paralysis, hyperkinesis. However, the fundus and pupillary responses remain normal. Analyzes also do not indicate any signs that could indicate the development of blindness or decreased vision.
Visual impairment in conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes and the cornea of the eye. It often develops against a background of bacterial or viral infection, weakening of the body. In this case, the inflammatory process can be accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate, excessive lachrymation. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in vision.
First, a light veil appears before your eyes, a person does not clearly see the surrounding objects. After this, blindness gradually begins to increase, a person ceases to see even close objects. The eye seems to be covered with a white shroud. Often this is a bacterial film. It is formed as a result of reproduction and life activity of bacteria.
Visual impairment with menopause
There is a sharp change in the hormonal background. As a result, the normal functioning of all organs and systems is disrupted. Changes are subject to the nervous system. First of all, the functioning of the pituitary-adrenal system changes.
Changes in the functioning of these systems entail a change in all the basic functions and processes. In particular, the circulatory system suffers, metabolism is disrupted. Changes occurring in the circulatory system with menopause affect the vessels: the lumen of the vessels narrows sharply, atherosclerotic plaques are deposited, the tone of the vessels decreases. This leads to hypoxia, inadequate transport of blood through the vessels, nutritional deficiencies. The cornea is depleted, the moving muscle, loses its tone, the vision falls.
Deterioration of vision with genyantritis
During the sinusitis inflammatory-infectious process begins, it is transmitted to other organs and systems. There is inflammation of the eye, auxiliary structures. Often vision will fall on the background of sinusitis, as a consequence of the inflammation of the eye nerve. You can note the damage to the corresponding areas of the brain responsible for processing visual signals.
Deterioration of vision in multiple sclerosis
Approximately 16% of people are accompanied by retrobulbar neuritis, which manifests itself in the form of acute vision loss. There is a subacute form. The central visual field acts as the main zone of damage. The optic nerve is mainly affected.
Deterioration of vision in ARVI
Acute respiratory viral infection, like any other infection, can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the eye area. Infection can be transmitted through the blood or from the nasopharynx through the nasolacrimal canal.
Impairment of vision after influenza
After the flu, vision may worsen due to the development of complications. The influenza virus can infect the mucous membranes, and can also penetrate the interior of the eye, causing various inflammatory and infectious processes. The most dangerous complication is inflammation of the optic nerve or the innervating area of the brain.
Visual impairment with high intracranial pressure
It develops slowly, manifests itself in the form of a headache, localized in the occiput. More rarely - it extends to the entire head, and even gives to other parts of the body, for example, the neck, legs. It is idiopathic and acts as one of the symptoms of other pathologies, such as endocrine disorders, iron deficiency anemia, pregnancy.
Intracranial pressure is also necessarily accompanied by a visual impairment, which develops sharply and rapidly. Usually this is due to the fact that the abducent nerve is affected. Damage can be localized from one side or from both sides. When examining the fundus, the doctor diagnoses the edema of the optic nerve. Significantly increases the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid - its values range from 250 to 450 mm in the water column.
To diagnose the condition, a computer or magnetic resonance tomogram is required. Usually, as a result of these studies, a decrease in the ventricles of the brain is found in size. First, conservative treatment is performed. In case of its inefficiency, decompressive trepanation is performed.
Visual impairment after CCT
Craniocerebral trauma can lead to decreased vision. First, the cerebral circulation is disturbed, the eye does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen. In addition, there may be a pinching of the nerve. It all depends on the severity and extent of brain damage.
Especially dangerous fractures of the base of the skull, as well as areas localized near the optic nerve. Clinical manifestations are various anomalies and lesions. Pathologies are well detected with the help of ultrasound.
Deterioration of vision in poisoning
Various toxic substances can reduce visual acuity. As a result of poisoning, optical neuropathy can develop , which is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the eye area and a sharp decrease in visual acuity. Especially often vision decreases after poisoning with methyl alcohol, tobacco. There are cases of poisoning with ethyl alcohol.
Danger of poisoning with acids and vapors. Among the most dangerous for vision chemicals include disulphuram, cyanides, phenothiazines. The greatest danger is isoniazid, which is used to treat tuberculosis. Long-term use of this drug, or a single dose of high dosage leads to poisoning and decreased vision.
Pathogenesis depends on the cause, which led to a deterioration in vision. Most often, vision deteriorates as a result of myopia. This disease, which is characterized by a decrease in the tone of the eye muscle. Normally the muscle should be in a tonus, it should work constantly. It changes the curvature of the crystal depending on the image to be processed.
Today, more and more people are working at the computer, fixing the view at the same point. The lens works in one rhythm, practically without changing the curvature. Accordingly, the muscle is not activated. Over time, it weakens, loses its tone. As a result, when the curvature needs to be changed, the muscle can not be fully reduced, its functional activity is significantly reduced. Vision also deteriorates.
Also pathogenesis can be associated with age-related changes in the eye. With age, the ocular muscle weakens, the amount of rhodopsin decreases (the pigment responsible for color vision). Also, blood circulation and normal metabolism are disturbed, hypoxia develops. This leads to the fact that the severity decreases, night vision and color perception are disrupted, and degenerative processes in the retina develop. Usually, the decrease in vision is constantly progressing. Cure it is almost impossible, you can only partially restore. But it is possible to provide full-fledged prophylaxis, which will prevent the development of pathology.
Approximately 75% of the population has eye diseases. In 82% of people this is due to the weakening of the eye muscle. Elderly degenerative disorders in the eye leading to blindness in 93% of elderly people. In people aged 45 to 55 years, a decrease in vision is observed in 50% of people, in people from 55 to 75 years of age, pathology of the organ of vision is observed in 74% of people. In people over 75 years of age, a decrease in vision or any form of its disorder occurs in 98% of people. Among children, the incidence of visual impairment occurs in 32% of cases.