Smell from the vagina
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Unpleasant odor from the vagina can often indicate the presence of infection: pathogenic microbes have the property of secrete specific gases, which are sources of unpleasant odor. What smell is the vagina normal? It is weak and slightly specific, not causing discomfort and negative sensations.
In infectious diseases, the smell can be different: putrefactive, sour, pronounced and weak, accompanied by itching and burning of the external genitalia and vagina. However, sometimes it is the smell that can clearly indicate the problem that you should consult a doctor, and every woman should know about it.
Causes of the odor from the vagina
Unpleasant smell from the vagina - a symptom is quite alarming, especially if it is accompanied by other signs of the inflammatory process. However, the smell is not always a sign of inflammation, in some cases it is associated with a disorder of metabolic processes and an increase in the work of the glandular system.
However, the main factors for the appearance of an odor from the vagina are:
- dysbacteriosis of the vagina - imbalance between useful and pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal environment; such a condition can be formed with a decrease in mucosal protective functions or by creating favorable conditions for the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria;
- thrush (defeat of the fungus infection of the genus Candida) - with this disease appear white curdled discharge with an unpleasant acidic odor;
- gardnerellez - defeat gardnereloy, the disease is accompanied by a rotten fishy smell;
- colpitis - an inflammatory reaction affecting the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls and the external sexual sphere; the development of colpitis can be triggered by cocco flora, or diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse;
- chronic flaccid inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, are accompanied by insignificant secretions.
The most common causes are diseases of the reproductive organs. But you can more accurately determine the cause by visiting a specialist and passing all the necessary tests.
The risk factors for the appearance of diseases are:
- non-observance of personal hygiene rules;
- frequent or irregular syringing;
- promiscuous sex life;
- diseases that are transmitted through unprotected sex.
Before you start, you first need to find out the cause of this characteristic. Smell is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom that is caused by a more serious pathology requiring treatment.
Symptoms of the odor from the vagina
Characteristics of an unpleasant odor from the vagina depends, as a rule, on the type of microbes, the type of fungal infection that dominate the vaginal environment. The belonging of bacteria can be determined through the conduct of examinations and laboratory tests. However, sometimes the characteristic may indicate a possible pathology and be an indirect sign of a disease.
The smell of fish from the vagina can be a sign of dysbiosis of the vaginal environment. In addition to the smell, this pathology can be accompanied by a feeling of itching and burning of the external genitalia and vagina. Dysbacteriosis is unpleasant not only by the presence of fishy odor and discomfort: it increases the risk of inflammation in the uterus and ovaries, complicates the course of pregnancy.
The smell of urine from the vagina occurs with frequent stressful situations, with excessive emotionality and excess weight in a woman. This condition is called "stress incontinence", or "stress incontinence", it is characterized by involuntary fluid leakage from the bladder during exercise, laughter, with coughing or any actions that can lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This pathology, of course, can be cured by contacting a good urologist or gynecologist.
A rotten smell from the vagina can be a sign of gardnerellez - an acute inflammatory process in the genitourinary area provoked by vaginal anaerobic actinobacteria gardnerella. In large quantities, gardnerellas cause the appearance of specific symptoms: dirty-white mild secretions that cover the vaginal walls. The smell of rotten vaginal fish is due to the fact that the gardnerella is able to produce proteolytic enzymes that, when interacting with vaginal and seminal proteins, contribute to the creation of polyamines decomposing into putrescine and cadaverine, sources of rotten odor. This disease is treated like a normal bacterial vaginosis.
By the way, one of the most common signs of bacterial vaginosis is the smell of herring from the vagina. Additional symptoms in this pathology may not be, but laboratory tests clearly indicate the presence of a large number of opportunistic flora and a decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms.
Sour odor from the vagina may indicate the development of thrush. The active multiplication of fungus infection of the genus Candida, in addition to the acidic odor, is also accompanied by significant cheesy discharge, characteristic for this disease.
The strong odor from the vagina is an indicator of the active stage of the inflammatory process with a significant predominance of pathogenic flora over beneficial microorganisms. Such a condition requires immediate treatment immediately after the cause of the smell is established.
The smell of onion from the vagina can also be a sign of a fungal disease of the genitals, and this smell tends to intensify after sexual contact and in case of hormonal imbalance (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, frequent stressful situations). To get rid of the smell it is necessary to be examined and undergo a treatment prescribed by a gynecologist.
Itching and smell from the vagina always indicate the presence of an infectious inflammatory process. Vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia, which occurs in most cases of gynecological diseases. Pathology can be provoked by chlamydia, gonococcus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, fungal and viral infection. Nonspecific vaginitis is caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus and E. Coli.
The smell of sperm from the vagina, if it is not associated with a recent sexual intercourse, may indicate a change in the composition of the microflora. Such a smell, if it is not accompanied by irritation of the mucous genitalia, does not pose a danger to a woman's health. However, to correct the balance of the vaginal environment is still to prevent further aggravation of the situation. Sometimes it is enough 5-7-day course of treatment to completely restore the broken microflora of the vaginal cavity.
The smell of garlic from the vagina can appear in response to the food that the woman uses. It can be food, well seasoned with garlic, the odor of which sometimes comes out of the body along with sweat and other secretory fluids. Also, the smell of garlic can be a consequence of the same bacterial vaginosis, when the total number of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment drops sharply and there is a danger of increased growth of the pathogenic flora. Because of the "harmful" bacteria, a characteristic smell appears, as well as a cloudy discharge of a thick consistency.
The smell of acetone from the vagina, as a rule, immediately suggests the thought of diabetes. With this pathology, large amounts of ketone bodies accumulate in the body tissues, which are the cause of the acetone smell. If you suspect a disease, you need to donate blood to sugar and consult an endocrinologist. But diabetes is not the only possible cause of the odor of acetone from the vagina. Such a smell can be accompanied by other conditions:
- lack of fluid, violation of drinking regimen, which increases the concentration of urine and the appearance of a characteristic odor;
- diet with a predominant intake of protein foods and with a restriction of carbohydrates;
- metabolic disorders, hormonal and metabolic abnormalities;
- pathology of the urinary system.
Find the cause of the pathology can only be through a full body examination.
The smell of iron from the vagina can speak about the presence of blood in the secretions. This happens with menstruation, or with erosion of the cervix, when the structure of the epithelial tissue is disrupted, and the characteristic ulcers appear on the mucosa. Allocations in such cases practically do not differ from usual ones, however, after sexual contact, brownish liquid can sometimes be found. The smell of blood from the vagina can also increase after having sex: this is due to traumatization of the damaged mucosa. To clarify the cause of the smell of iron and blood, you need to consult a gynecologist. To delay with a visit to the doctor should not be, since the growth of the focus of erosion can provoke the degeneration of the process into oncological pathology.
Sweet smell from the vagina is usually not considered a pathology and can be the result of consuming a large number of sweet fruits (not sweets and baked goods, namely fruits). If the appearance of a sweet smell still bothers you, give the smear and bacteriological culture to exclude the possible attachment of the infection.
Smell from the vagina during pregnancy and after childbirth
When pregnancy in the female body there are big changes, including hormonal. Any woman normally has some smells, but in pregnant women they can radically change. Why?
- Changes in the hormonal background make the smell more pronounced and even sharp, but there should be no signs of irritation and hyperemia of the genital organs.
- The breakdown of smell during pregnancy is quite common. Sometimes there is no smell, and the pregnant woman seems the opposite. There is only one way out: if there are no other signs of inflammation, then you should not panic.
- Excessive activity of pathogenic microorganisms, associated with the weakness of immune defense, which often occurs during pregnancy.
- Exacerbation of chronic pathology of the genital area - this condition requires a doctor's consultation, since it is impossible to treat inflammation during pregnancy alone. The doctor will choose the necessary method of treatment, which will be useful to you and will not harm your future child.
If you are not sure that the smell from the vagina during pregnancy corresponds to the limits of the norm, do not hesitate: consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe you a qualified treatment. The earlier you do this, the more effective and faster you will get rid of the intimate problem.
The female body during the pregnancy endures a considerable load on all systems and organs, which after birth must recover and come back to normal.
In the postpartum period, a woman usually has vaginal discharge, similar to menstruation. For 1-1,5 months the nature of the discharge changes: they noticeably brighten until they become completely transparent. Such secretions do not have a pronounced and unpleasant odor and do not give uncomfortable sensations.
If the discharge does not become lighter, moreover, they acquire a repulsive putrefactive smell - urgently to the doctor. This may be a sign of the development of an inflammatory reaction in the uterine cavity. Most often after delivery, when endocrine pathogens get into the uterus of pathogenic microorganisms, the uterine mucosa - endometrial inflammation develops. Usually such a dangerous disease can occur in the complicated course of childbirth.
What do I need to do? The main thing is not to ignore this condition in any case and immediately contact a gynecologist.
Smell from the vagina after sex and menstruation
The appearance of an unpleasant odor is always associated with the products of the vital activity of microorganisms. Microbes can enter the vaginal cavity with the sperm of the sexual partner, or the woman simply has a disruption of the natural balance of the useful and pathogenic flora. Male sperm is an excellent biological environment for microorganisms, for this reason an unpleasant odor and appears immediately after sexual contact.
In order to find the cause of this phenomenon, a woman should pass a smear to the microflora and bacteriological culture. Based on the results of the tests, a specialist will be prescribed appropriate treatment, which will solve such a delicate problem as the smell from the vagina after sex.
The monthly cycle and menstrual bleeding is a natural physiological process in the female body. However, it carries with it certain dangers, which are associated with a risk to the health of women. What can cause ordinary menstruation:
- reduction of protective properties of the vaginal mucosa. In the post-ovulatory period, there are some changes at the hormonal level of the woman, which influences, among other things, immune forces: during menstruation, the risk of increased growth of pathogenic microflora is especially great;
- creation of favorable conditions. Bloody discharge during menstruation serves as an excellent biological environment for pathogenic microflora. This is especially noticeable in the last days of menstruation, when the discharge becomes scarce and the bacteria begin to accumulate on the vaginal walls, which contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- improper adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene. The rare and untimely replacement of gaskets and tampons, the irregularity of hygiene procedures contribute to the growth and multiplication of microorganisms in the vaginal cavity and external genital organs, which leads to destabilization of the level of microflora and the appearance of an odor;
- hormonal imbalance - another cause of the disorder of the balance of microflora in the vagina.
Often, the smell from the vagina after menstruation is a consequence of several factors that together determine the development of an unpleasant symptom. To treat such a condition is necessary, the earlier, the better.
Smell from the vagina of the child
Normally, the smell of the vagina in the child should be absent. If you find any smell, be sure to contact a pediatrician or a pediatric gynecologist.
The reasons for the appearance of an odor may be several: basically it is an inflammatory reaction or an infectious process. Let's list the most common reasons:
- the consequences of an allergic reaction to hygiene products, napkins, talc, etc .;
- hormonal disorders, uncharacteristic of the child's age;
- lack of proper care or neglect of children's hygiene rules;
- helminthic invasions;
- presence of foreign body in the vagina;
- trauma and damage to the external genitalia;
- an infectious drift that can occur after visiting common pools or public beaches, especially if the child is playing in water without underwear;
- weak immune system in the child;
- domestic or intrauterine lesion of a venereal disease.
Help to understand the causes of the condition will help specialist advice and qualified diagnostic activities.
Where does it hurt?
What's bothering you?
What do need to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the odor from the vagina
If you find yourself in an unpleasant smell, do not rush to engage in independent treatment: at best, such treatment will not bring results, and at worst - will do much harm. Remember that it is necessary to fight not with the smell, but with the cause of its appearance: a disease (inflammatory or infectious process) or a violation of the balance of microflora. Knowing the source of unpleasant odor, the doctor will be able to prescribe a treatment effective in your particular case: it can be the use of antibacterial drugs, aerosols, gels, creams and suppositories.
Most often, therapy is limited to the local use of drugs. Good effect has trichopolum, metrogil, metronidazole, which are available in the form of suppositories or tablets.
Often, the use of antimicrobials is combined with other topical agents: hydrogen peroxide, benzalkonium chloride, tomicide, etc. Such solutions are performed by douching and irrigation of the vaginal cavity.
Local treatment does not have a systemic effect on the body, so it has a minimal amount of side effects, in contrast to oral tablets, which can cause dyspeptic phenomena, headache and blood pressure disorder.
Long and complicated cases of vaginal dysbacteriosis, which are accompanied not only by fetid odor, but also by active signs of inflammation, often have to be treated with antibiotics: oleandomycin, cephalosporin, clindamycin.
In order to track the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, it is recommended that, after 7 days after the start of therapy, repeated laboratory tests be performed and the parameters compared before and after treatment are compared. Such tests should be submitted several times in order to be sure of the quality of the therapeutic effect and the correctness of the chosen method of treatment.
For the period of treatment it is better to refuse sexual contacts, or use condoms: this will speed up the process of recovery of microflora and protect against possible repeated exacerbations of the disease.
Simultaneously with drug treatment, efforts must be made to restore the defenses of the body. To do this, you must abandon rigid diets, switch to a balanced full-fledged diet, eat fruits and berries instead of sweets and bakes, drink a sufficient amount of pure (still) water, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Do not forget to follow the rules of personal hygiene: take a shower regularly, conduct a thorough toilet of external genital organs, change clothes and hygiene products in a timely manner.
Suppositories from the smell of the vagina
Depending on the cause that led to an unpleasant odor, the doctor may prescribe some of the vaginal suppositories (suppositories). Such suppositories will put in order the composition of microflora in the vagina and stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
Currently, pharmaceutical companies can offer a huge range of vaginal suppositories. What are the most effective suppositories? The answer to this question can be obtained, at least, when the doctor will know exactly the main cause of the disease.
It should be remembered that attempts to control unpleasant odor from the vagina uncontrollably and independently can lead to the development of chronic infection and aggravation of the dysbacteriosis of the vaginal environment.
- Fluomizin is an antiseptic drug that has a harmful effect on the coccal flora, gram-negative microorganisms (Escherichia coli, protozoa, Klebsiella, Gardnerella, etc.), fungal infection, Trichomonas. Used for colpitis and vulvovaginitis for 1 vaginal suppository (or pill) before going to bed for at least six days. During menstrual bleeding treatment is not carried out. The drug is allowed for use during pregnancy. During lactation, its use has not been studied, so when breastfeeding the baby from the use of the drug it is better to abstain.
- Clindacin is a bacteriostatic drug that is prescribed for the treatment of gardnerellez, as well as lesions of streptococcus, mycoplasma, staphylococcus, clostridia. Clindacin is not effective in fungal infection and trichomoniasis. Suppositories are used at night, 1 suppository for 3 to 7 days. The drug is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Gynoflora is a vaginal suppository (or pill) for the formation of a healthy vaginal flora. They are used, as a rule, after antimicrobial therapy with local or systemic drugs. Use 1-2 suppositories per day for 1-2 weeks. The drug is not recommended for use in endometriosis and estrogen-dependent neoplasms.
- Isoconazole is an antifungal agent used to fight dermatophytes, yeast-like and mold fungi, corynebacterium and some Gram-positive microorganisms. The drug is used at night, once a day, for 1-3 days.
- Klion-D - antiprotozoal, antimicrobial, antifungal drug, which is an active substance metronidazole. In a short period of time eliminates itching and unpleasant odor, but does not affect the composition of the vaginal flora and the acidity of the environment. They are used mainly for trichomoniasis.
- Terzhinan is an antimicrobial and antifungal agent that destroys anaerobic flora, including gardnerella and the causative agent of trichomoniasis. Contains ternidazole (antimicrobial agent), neomycin (antibiotic), nystatin (antifungal agent) and prednisolone (a corticosteroid hormone that helps to relieve inflammation). The drug is used once a day daily for 10-20 days.
- Yodoxide - a drug for the complex treatment of bacterial vaginosis, can be used even during menstruation. Apply twice a day for 7-14 days. It is not recommended to use the drug for hyperthyroidism, thyroid adenoma and pregnancy.
- Lomexin - a drug of fenticonazole, is used to treat thrush. Vaginal capsule 600 mg is administered daily for 3 days, capsule 1000 mg - for 2 days. The drug is not used during pregnancy and during menstruation.
Candles - one of the most convenient methods of local treatment of the infectious and inflammatory process in the vaginal cavity. The mechanism of action of vaginal suppositories is caused by a direct deep distribution of active substances in tissues, which contributes to the rapid destruction of the pathogen, to stop the inflammatory process and to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
For the period of treatment, refuse to wear synthetic linen, change the towel and underwear every day, try not to use unchecked gels and detergents for intimate places.
In order to prevent the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, as well as to prevent the development and spread of the infectious and inflammatory process, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:
- use vegetable food, rich in vitamins and natural microelements. Ascorbic acid, which is found in citrus fruits and berries, actively promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, and also strengthens immune defense;
- balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food is a good prevention of diseases of the urinary system, which significantly reduces the risk of bad odor;
- use sour-milk products, but only fresh (no more than three-day). Yogurt, kefir and yogurt restore the disturbed balance between useful and conditionally pathogenic bacteria;
- garlic and onions are natural natural antibiotics, which must be consumed every day in any form;
- do not forget to drink enough pure water, this will help the body to quickly get rid of toxic substances and bacteria, which, delaying in physiological fluids, cause the appearance of an unpleasant smell;
- take care of yourself, do not be lazy to take a shower, often wash and change clothes. External genitalia under any circumstances should be clean and dry;
- try to wear linen from natural fabrics, since synthetics do not allow the skin to "breathe", which creates good conditions for the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- use of daily pads helps to keep the purity of underwear and reduce the appearance of odors, but if they are not changed in time, they can become a hotbed of bacteria. Tip: use them only in cases of extreme need, but do not wear constantly;
- During menstruation, the hygiene of the intimate zone should be the most thorough. It should be washed several times a day, changing the gaskets and tampons - every 2 hours. At night, it is preferable to use gaskets. By the way, if you have a tendency to allergies, choose usual pads and tampons without flavorings.
Remember - the smell from the vagina signals to you that there is something wrong in your intimate sphere. For this reason, you should not hesitate or engage in self-treatment: go to a specialist, take necessary examinations and a course of therapy. Correctly selected treatment and observance of preventive measures will allow you to forget about an unpleasant problem for ever.