Review of treatment methods for thrush in women
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In order to get rid of thrush in women, it is necessary to go through several stages that the doctor determines, based on the results of the tests and the general condition of the patient. Vaginal candidiasis is a disease in which a fungal infection affects the lower parts of the genital organs. Candida is present in the microflora of the mouth, intestines and genitals of a healthy person, but a decrease in the immune system leads to its activation.
The specific cause of the disease is difficult to determine, but there are a number of predisposing factors:
- Prolonged use of antibiotics, corticosteroids and other agents weakening immunity.
- Dysbacteriosis of the genitals.
- Pregnancy and lactation. In the period of gestation in the female body, hormonal reorganization begins, which leads to a decrease in the immune status of the organism.
- Diseases of the endocrine system and diabetes.
- Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner.
As a rule, thrush in women affects the vagina, in rare cases, the cervix, urethra and bladder. Patients complain of abundant cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor from the genitals and severe itching. Pain occurs with urination, and during sexual intercourse, burning and resists may occur. When gynecological examination, you can find redness of the walls of the vagina and small erosion.
There are many methods of eliminating the disease, but they all have an integrated approach and are aimed at reducing the development of fungal infection in the female body. For effective therapy, a systematic approach is used, that is, tablets for oral administration and topical treatment in the form of suppositories, creams, and ointments for vaginal use. Treatment implies an individual approach when designing a therapy regimen. Preparations are selected depending on the stage of the disease. Thus, mild forms of fungal infection are treated with a course of local and systemic medicines.
Treating the yeast with tampons
More and more often tampons are used to eliminate vaginal yeast fungal infection. They can be made independently with various herbal medicinal additives or purchased at a pharmacy. Tampons with kefir, essential oils, honey, zelenok, chamomile, onions, garlic, aloe vera, hydrogen peroxide and other antifungal agents will suit the candidiasis therapy.
As for pharmacy options, you can find on sale: Beautiful Life and Clean Point. They consist of plant extracts, which have a strong therapeutic effect on the affected genitals. The course with the use of these funds lasts about a month, until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
Tampons are rightly considered an alternative to antibiotics and various painful procedures. Provided a properly selected product for a tampon, in a day you can feel the positive changes. Since therapeutics use herbal supplements, they are not capable of harming the body.
Treatment of thrush with douching
One of the most common methods of eliminating thrush is syringing. The procedure is the treatment of the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls with various antiseptic pharmacological solutions or phytotherapy. The method has a minimum of contraindications and does not affect internal organs and systems. But do not forget that self-medication can cause a violation of healthy vaginal microflora, enhance the symptoms of the disease or provoke colpitis. Therefore, the number of procedures and the drug should be selected by a gynecologist, focusing on the form of the disease and the stage of the fungal infection.
Disadvantages of douching and the main dangers when using this method:
- The natural composition of the vaginal microflora is disturbed, which leads to bacterial vaginosis and an exacerbation of the symptoms of yeast infection.
- Promotes the spread of infection, causes inflammation of the uterine appendages, endometriosis and endometritis.
For syringing, different solutions with antibacterial and antifungal components are suitable: iodine, hydrogen peroxide, manganese, chlorhexidine. It is believed that these funds destroy pathogens and relieve the symptoms of the disease.
As a rule, the procedure is carried out at home. For the therapeutic effect of sufficient 1-2 douching per day, it is best in the morning or at bedtime. To wash the vagina, take a sterile syringe without a needle, a mug of Esmarch or a gynecological syringe. The procedure is best done in a horizontal position, lying in a bath with bent and slightly dilated knees. Let's consider the basic rules of the procedure:
- The solution should be room temperature, for one procedure it is enough 200-300 ml.
- The tip of the syringe or mugs is gently inserted into the vagina for 3-5 cm. If the patient is not careful, microtraumas of the mucous membrane are possible, which will aggravate the course of candidiasis and promote penetration of the bacterial infection.
- The jet entering the vagina should not be powerful or sharp, as the fluid can enter the uterus, provoking inflammation. After the procedure, it is better to lie down for 15-20 minutes. The course should not exceed 10 days.
There are many drugs and medicines for syringing. But the wrong chosen means will not help in therapy, but will only strengthen the symptoms of the inflammatory process. Consider the most popular solutions for insertion into the vagina:
- Sage - a plant with essential oils and tannins, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Heals damaged mucous membrane, eliminates itching, burning, swelling.
- Chamomile - has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Washing the vagina has a disinfectant effect, relieves inflammation and other painful symptoms.
- Miramistin is an antibacterial medication with a wide spectrum of action, effective in the treatment of candida fungi. Safe, has a minimum of contraindications, is available with a special nozzle for insertion into the vagina and spraying.
- Cytale - solution is prepared from warm water and 1-2 caps of medicament. After the procedure, the vagina should be rinsed with clean water.
- Furacilin - an antibacterial agent, helps to get rid of burning and itching.
- Chlorophyllipt is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drug. Can be used for scouring and irrigation. Eliminates itching, burning, redness.
Treatment of thrush during breastfeeding
Treatment of thrush during breastfeeding can be done only with the appropriate medical clearance. Before embarking on therapy, do not forget that the fungus affects not only the genitals, but also very often the nipples. This is why lactation should be stopped. The site of the localization of candidiasis does not affect the methods used, so medicinal medicines are applied either locally to the affected areas, or systemically.
Medical therapy is divided into two groups: oral and topical. Many doctors do not recommend using oral medications for lactation. Antibiotics and antifungal medicines help get rid of the disease in a short time. Women are prescribed Pimafucin (tetraene antibiotics) in the form of ointments and tablets, Terzhinan - vaginal pills and various douching as a local form of therapy. Douching is necessary to create an alkaline environment that inhibits fungal growth. The most safe in the period of breastfeeding is syringing with a solution of soda (a teaspoon of soda for 1 liter of warm water). In addition to soda, you can use decoctions of herbs with antiseptic effect (oak bark, calendula, chamomile).
But do not rely entirely on drug therapy, since the drug helps at the time to get rid of candidiasis and eventually the ailment can return. Therefore, special attention is paid to diet, that is, nutrition. In the period of illness, it is necessary to abandon flour and confectionery products, starch, beverages with caffeine. Useful are dairy products with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir).