
Information about doctor

Dov Laksman - a high professional in the field of gynecology, surgical oncology. Head of the Department of Advanced Surgical Gynecology at the Assuta Clinic.

He is known worldwide for his invaluable experience in the field of gynecological therapy, minimally invasive gynecological surgery. He practices infertility treatment, performs IVF procedures, is engaged in oncologic gynecology and surgical vaginal reconstruction.

Practical medical experience exceeds thirty years. During this period, the doctor improved in carrying out surgical gynecological procedures, becoming a recognized expert in the field of gynecology and organ-sparing surgical interventions. The main goal-oriented activity of the doctor Laksman is the restoration and conservation of a woman’s childbearing ability, regardless of the pathology present.

Dov Laksman practically uses both conventional classical therapy and advanced innovative techniques. Thanks to ultramodern minimally invasive techniques, the doctor performs the most complex unique interventions, achieving excellent results.

The doctor has already written more than four dozen scientific works devoted to the problems of gynecological surgery. He systematically lectures at international advanced training courses, participates in international specialized congresses and forums, covers the results of his own research in the field of surgery and gynecology, and is a world-renowned expert.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Internship in General Surgery at Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Internship in the field of gynecology in the Maternity Hospital “Lys” at the “Ichilov” Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Internship in the field of endoscopic gynecological surgery at the University. Christian Albrecht in Kiel, Germany
  • Internship in the field of female plastic genital surgery at the Institute of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation in Los Angeles, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israeli Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • Israeli Fertility Research Society
  • Israeli Society of Gynecological Endoscopy
  • European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
  • American Association for Gynecological Laparoscopy
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