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Mucutine for coughs for children and adults
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Coughing is a protective reflex of the body caused by contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract and triggered by irritation of the receptors. Its role is to clear the trachea and bronchi from mucus, pus, foreign objects, dust, toxic gases and provide breathing. Cough can also occur with heart failure, throwing the stomach contents into the esophagus, diseases of the nervous system and ENT organs. The name "mukultin" is known to us from childhood, as a remedy for coughing. So what kind of cough is mucaltin?
Indications Mucutin from a cough
Indications for the appointment of mukultina are respiratory diseases, both acute and chronic. These include bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema of the lungs. His task, like other antitussive drugs, is not to eliminate the cough, but to alleviate it.
Mukaltin with a dry and barking cough
With a dry cough, mucaltin is prescribed as mucolytics, a means for diluting sputum. Sometimes a dry cough turns into an uninterrupted barking. Usually such a character is provoked by inflammation of the larynx and pharynx, pertussis or diphtheria, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, adenovirus. As a rule, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature, hoarse voice, difficulty breathing. This condition is dangerous to health and requires the intervention of a doctor. Along with other medications, mucaltin is also prescribed, as it thanks to its composition envelops the mucous membrane and protects it from irritation.
Mucaltin with a damp cough
The rationale for the appointment of mucaltin in wet cough is determined by its ability to influence the density of secretion. Under the action of the drug, it becomes less dense and viscous, moves away faster and faster, and a strong cough becomes less intense and gradually stops.
Release form
Mucaltin can be used from the age of two, so there are various forms of release, including those suitable for the treatment of young children:
- tablets - contain 0.05 g of active ingredient, depending on the manufacturer, they have different contour packings: with cells and without cells for 10pcs. In each, completed in cardboard boxes of 3, 5 and 20 pieces;
- syrup is a complex preparation, besides the main substance it is supplemented with pectins and amino acids. The viscosity inherent in syrups is achieved by starch in its composition, color from yellow to reddish-brown;
- cough mixture - beige shade powder containing, in addition to the main ingredient, anise oil, notes of which are found when the package is opened, licorice root extract and several other components, diluted with water before use.
Composition of mucaltin from cough
What is the composition of mukultina such that it brings relief, reduces the convulsive urge to cough, causes the viscous sputum to leave the trachea and bronchi ? The composition of all forms of mukaltina includes a dry extract of the altea root, on the properties of which the action of the drug is based. This medicinal plant contains mucous substances, mineral salts, fatty oils, amino acids, pectin, carotene, lecithin. It reduces the inflammatory process, promotes expectoration. In tablets there is sodium bicarbonate (soda), which is also important in the process of reducing the density and excretion of secretion.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug consists in enhancing the stimulation of the sputum synthesis reflex, its normalization, increase in the peristalsis of the bronchioles and motor function of the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi, which leads to the evacuation of sputum from the respiratory apparatus. Due to the vegetative mucus in the composition of the preparation, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are enveloped, their softening, inflammation is removed, the damaged tissues are regenerated.
Dosing and administration
How to drink mukaltin for cough? The method of administration and dose depend on the form of release, age, the nature of the cough and the course of the disease. So, dry medicine for children is brewed cold after boiling with water to the mark on the bottle (200ml) and shaken well. Before use, too, you need to shake the capacity, because there is a deposit upon storage. Children under 6 are prescribed a teaspoon after eating 4-5 times during the day, after this age dessert 3-4 times.
Mukaltin in tablets for children under 12 years is recommended: one piece before meals 3-4 times a day. Small patients need to rub a tablet and dilute it in a small volume of water.
How to drink mukaltin when coughing adults? For them, you can increase the dose to 2 tablets and take it at the same frequency.
Mukaltin in syrup - before use, shake, take before eating. The dose of adults and children after 14 years - 15ml 4-6 times a day, in the interval of 6-14 years - 10ml, and 2-6 years - 5ml with the same frequency. A measuring spoon is attached.
The recommended duration of treatment is 14 days. Cases of overdose were not detected.
Mukaltin for children for coughing
Similar recommendations for children. In order to avoid negative consequences and taking into account the fact that no tests were performed in this category of patients, it is recommended to treat the drug with children only after 2 years.
Recipes with mucaltin from cough
Mucaltin is taken according to the instructions, but there are various recipes with its use, which in practice have proved effective and have been successfully applied. Here are some recipes with mucaltin for cough treatment:
- mineral water "Borjomi" from cough with mucaltin - this solution helps with dry cough. Water (120 mg) is heated to 40 °, 2 tablets of the drug dissolve in it. Drinking the medicine is best at night and it's good to take cover to sweat. In the morning, sputum is much better starting to go away. Taking a solution three times a day and supplementing inhalations with Borjomi, you can get rid of a cough within a week;
- licorice and mucaltin in cough syrup tablets - this combination exists in cough syrup, but the option is possible with the use of tablets: 3 pieces are crushed, diluted with a tablespoon of licorice syrup and 100 mg of boiled water, shaken well. In acute condition, you need to drink after an hour and a half on a full spoon, as the cough subsides less often;
- Milk with mucaltin from a cough - effective with dry barking cough. Dissolving the tablet in warm milk, we obtain the same effect as when adding soda: the production of sputum in the bronchi is accelerated, its consistency becomes lighter.
Use Mucutin from a cough during pregnancy
Is it possible for pregnant women to get mucutin from a cough? Mukaltin is not contraindicated in pregnancy, and yet in the first trimester in order to minimize the risks for the future child it is not recommended to use. In the future, only a doctor, knowing the state of a woman's health and the features of the course of pregnancy, can determine the need for therapy with the drug and its dose. So, with diabetes mellitus, gastritis and gastroduodenitis pregnant mucaltin is not prescribed. The period of treatment with the drug should not be more than 7 days.
Side effects Mucutin from a cough
Side effects of the drug include an allergic reaction, manifested in itching and rashes on the body. The allergy is capable to strengthen a cough. Possible light nausea and discomfort in the epigastric region. With the advent of such reactions, it is necessary to stop treatment.
What if you get a cough from mucaltin at night?
Mukaltin is a herbal antitussive. It is used to treat cough. The course of treatment is quite long - at least 3 weeks. Treatment can be accompanied by the appearance of a wet cough, or there will be a worsening of the condition, in which there will be a cough, which especially disturbs the person at night.
This is not a cause for concern, and not a side effect. Treatment is worth continuing, to reduce the dosage is also not worth it. This means that treatment is effective. This is explained by the fact that cough is a reflex reaction that occurs in response to irritation of the mucous membrane. It is a protective reflex aimed at removing foreign matter, various accumulations and deposits from the mucous membrane. During the cough, microvilli of the mucous membrane come into play, the submucosal muscle layers move and contract. As a result, mucus and sputum are displaced and its progress is directed towards the external environment.
Therefore, increasing cough means that mucus has started movement, sputum is liquefied and injected outside. An inflammatory process can also occur, since in almost all cases, recovery and structural and functional recovery can occur through the phase of the inflammatory process. But in any case, it is worth consulting with a doctor to make sure that this is indeed the action of mukultina, and not a complication that requires immediate treatment.
Interactions with other drugs
From interactions with other drugs, it is known that mucaltin can not be drunk with antitussive drugs containing codeine. This leads to difficulty coughing up phlegm.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions provide a temperature regime of no higher than 25 ° C away from direct sunlight and children.
Shelf life
Shelf life of syrup and tablets is 3 years. After opening the package, the drug can be used no longer than two weeks.
Mukaltin is used to treat coughing not by one generation of people, therefore it causes trust, is experienced by many on themselves and their children. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. They emphasize that when treating serious infectious diseases, one should not rely on this alone, but in complex therapy it uniquely accelerates the process of recovery.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Mucutine for coughs for children and adults" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.