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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cystitis or inflammation of the bladder is one of the pathologies of the urinary system, which significantly decreases the quality of life of patients. Inflammation is unpleasant in itself, but if it is accompanied by pain and burning during urination, the dispatch of a physiological need becomes a problem. Avoiding pain, a person tries to restrain himself and go to the toilet for little need as little as possible. But the retention of urine in the body - a state no less dangerous than infection or inflammation. It is fraught with overstrain of the walls of the diseased organ and the formation in the urine of calculi that prevent its excretion. Moreover, stagnant phenomena lead to intoxication of the body, which only aggravates the situation. So the picture as a whole turns out to be unpleasant. Benefit such effective drugs as "Kanefron" with cystitis help to quickly correct the situation and even prevent the emergence of new diseases of the genitourinary system.
Indications of the kanefron for cystitis
Since herbs in the composition of the drug have a beneficial effect on the tissues of the urinary system, the drug is most often used to treat cystitis. Treatment of cystitis "Kanefronom" - is a relatively safe way to restore the normal functioning of the bladder without the use of chemicals, the use of which does not have the best effect on the liver, kidneys and other important organs.
Tablets and drops "Kanefron" can be prescribed by a doctor with acute cystitis, accompanied by a strong inflammatory process in the body and greater problems with the emptying of the bladder due to the pain syndrome. The drug can be used as the main therapy for mild disease, and for severe and nonspecific infections it can be used in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics (or systemic antifungals if the inflammation is provoked by Candida fungus).
In chronic cystitis, when the symptoms of the disease are observed in a lubricated form and the patient feels more or less normal, "Kanefron" is considered a good remedy against exacerbation of the disease. After all, a relapse of cystitis can be caused both by activation of the pathogens of the disease against the background of weakening of the defenses of the organism, and by stagnant phenomena in the bladder, which will be promoted by a slow, prolonged inflammation.
Chronic inflammatory diseases often occur with relapses. Exacerbations of the disease are also observed with cystitis, it is only necessary for a person to freeze, which will weaken the immune system and activate the infection. "Kanefron" will be useful in this case, since it has all the necessary effects: it prevents the reproduction of infection, reduces inflammation and pain, cleanses the bladder from bacteria, inflammatory exudate and urinary sediment.
"Kanefron" can be prescribed by doctors and with cystitis with blood, which is usually observed if the inflammation of the bladder was caused by urolithiasis. The fact is that urinary stones can have not only different composition, but also different density. Solid stones, their fragments or sand can injure the inflamed mucosa of the bladder and the tissues of the urinary tract, and the wounds in turn can bleed. Hence the blood in the urine.
What can help a plant product? Its components reduce the absorption of excess mineral salts, which prevents further formation of stones in the kidney and bladder. Such preventive action will be useful for patients who previously had an operation to remove stones in the urinary system, because the probability of relapse in this case remains quite high.
Thanks to a diuretic and antispasmodic action, the drug helps to remove small stones and stones that have been shattered by other methods, removing the bladder from them. If small stones and sand are removed regularly, it will help prevent the formation of large stones, the removal of which requires surgical intervention.
Based on the above, it can be concluded that "Kanefron" can be used not only for the treatment and prevention of cystitis, but also for the prevention of urine and nephrolithiasis, excretion of sand and small stones that can provoke the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis.
"Kanefron" has a healing effect not only on the bladder, but also on other organs of the urinary system. Therefore, the indications for the use of the drug alone with cystitis and urolithiasis are not limited in different forms. With this herbal medicine, doctors manage to effectively treat urethritis (urethral inflammation of the urethra), pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, traumatic inflammation in the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.
In some diseases of the urinary system (for example, in the case of an infectious allergic pathology called glomerulonephritis ), there is a phenomenon such as proteinuria, which indicates an increased protein content in the urine. Due to the influence not only on the tubular but also on the glomerular system of the kidneys, "Kanefron" allows to normalize the composition of urine. The drug helps prevent the excretion of protein from the body together with urine, in parallel fighting inflammation and infectious agents.
The safe herbal composition of the drug with a mild diuretic effect allows it to be used as a remedy for edema, which is most often caused by impaired renal function (except for cardiac and renal failure). At the same time, there is no too active excretion of potassium from the body, which is characteristic of other diuretics (especially synthetic ones), which makes such treatment safe in patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Release form
The drug "Kanefron" is the brainchild of German pharmacists, which has helped to treat kidney and bladder diseases for many decades. At home, the drug is known since the mid-thirties of the twentieth century and despite the emergence of new effective drugs has not lost its relevance. In our country, the medicine appeared relatively recently, and has already won the sympathy of many doctors and patients.
Does "Kanefron" help with cystitis and what is so interesting about this drug? First of all, it is interesting for its plant composition. The medication contains extracts of plants (rosemary, lovage, gold-centner), which help fight infection and inflammation in the urinary tract, relieve spasms and pain caused by irritation of inflamed tissues with urine components. It is clear that such a drug will show a good therapeutic effect with inflammation of the urinary tract, which is usually associated with the activation of bacterial (less often fungal) infection.
In addition to effective composition, the drug also has convenient release forms that allow treatment of both adults and small patients. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find 2 forms of the drug:
- Tablets "Kanefron" (sometimes called pellets), commonly used in cystitis for the treatment of adult patients, contain equal parts of the extracts of all three plants (18 mg each) and the auxiliary components necessary for the formation of the tablet and its coat and enhance the properties of natural components.
The tablets are placed in blisters. The package contains 60 tablets.
- Kanefron drops for oral administration with cystitis contain 0.6 g extracts of each of the herbal components dissolved in a water-alcohol solution. The solution is placed in bottles with a 100 ml dispenser.
Both forms of the drug are produced under the same name and have a similar effect. Advantage of tablets can be considered convenience of use. But the form in the form of a solution allows you to treat even small children, because the dispenser allows you to measure any number of drops. Although drops of "Kanefron" in cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the urinary system can be successfully applied and adult patients, if it is considered that this form of medicine is preferable to them.
With the composition of the active ingredients of the herbal preparation "Kanefron" we already had the good fortune to get acquainted. But what is the effect of various herbs in the composition of tablets and drops "Kanefron" in cystitis, because it is the combination of effects of different active substances that determine the mechanism of action of a specific complex drug, i.e. Its pharmacodynamics.
From the point of view of pharmacodynamics, the main medical component in inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract is still rosemary. In addition to the medicinal essential oil, the plant extract also contains flavonoids (natural substances with antimicrobial effect) and rosmarinic acid. It is this acid that helps to reduce the production of inflammatory mediators in the body in response to the irritating effect of negative factors (fungi, bacteria, toxins produced by microorganisms, etc.).
As for essential oils, they are attributed a diuretic and anti-edematous effect due to the expansion of the blood vessels of the kidneys and the improvement of their blood supply, as well as the slowing down of the absorption of excess fluid and sodium compounds. Despite the fact that the act of urinating with cystitis can be quite painful, the regular excretion of urine, which helps purify the bladder from pathogens and urinary sediment, from which stagnant phenomena can form stones. Excretion of stones can become a process no less painful, so it is always better to prevent stone formation.
The benefits of timely and careful removal from the sick body of pathogens are unnecessary and needless to say. After all, an effective fight against inflammation is impossible if the infection remains in the body and beyond. Flavonoids reduce the activity of the infectious factor, inhibit the multiplication of microorganisms, but can not remove them from the bladder. If the infection is not removed, then in time, the surviving bacteria and fungi can trigger a new inflammation, beginning to actively multiply with the slightest decrease in immunity.
Flavonoids in combination with rosemary oil can relax the smooth muscles of the organs and stop painful spasms, which adds to all the beneficial properties of the drug and spasmolytic effect.
Thanks to the extract of rosemary leaves, the preparation has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, spasmolytic and diuretic effect. However, other active substances of the drug do not stand aside. For example, the herb of a gold-bearing mill, in addition to flavonoids, also contains phenolic acids, glycosides and alkaloids. The first two substances have antibacterial action, glycosides support the affected and healthy organs of the urinary system, alkaloids provide an anesthetic effect.
In the extract of the root lovage, we find phthalides and phenolcarbonic acids. These components have a pronounced antibacterial effect. Plus, all 3 plants have antioxidant properties. Why is it so important? Because with any inflammation increases the production of free radicals, which, as we know, have a negative effect on the body, reduce resistance to infections and promote the transition of acute pathology into a chronic form, treatment of which presents special difficulties.
The content of the preparation of antibacterial components of various plants makes the ego active against most pathogens. In this case, the antimicrobial effect of the drug is equated with the action of antibiotics used to control the E. Coli, streptococci, staphylococci and some other representatives of the opportunistic microflora, which under appropriate conditions can become causative agents of urinary and other infections.
The advantage of the drug "Kanefron" used for cystitis, in front of many antibiotics is also the lack of information about the resistance of the microorganisms to the drug. But the drug has existed for many decades, during which many antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria appeared.
Unlike antibiotics, plant flavonoids act more selectively. They have a disastrous effect on the pathogen cells, but even with oral administration, they do not disturb the normal intestinal microflora. This helps to avoid such frequent complications after antibiotic treatment, such as intestinal dysbacteriosis and candidiasis.
As for the pharmacokinetics of the drug "Kanefron", produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bionorica CE, then, as with other multicomponent drugs, it is not possible to consider the kinetic properties of each individual component. But, proceeding from the fact that according to the instructions to take the medicine three times a day, we can assume that in the body it is not less than 8 hours, during which the effects declared by the manufacturer are observed.
Dosing and administration
Many patients who are fortunate enough to recover from excruciating painful urination wonder how quickly "Kanefron" works with cystitis, bringing noticeable relief already in the first days of taking the medicine. Someone might even think that a reduction in the pain syndrome is a signal to stop treatment.
In fact, one must understand that the anesthetic effect is only a symptomatic treatment, which, thanks to the alkaloids contained in it, can provide the drug in a short time. But in order to remove the inflammation, the plant components, which are much less effective than corticosteroids and NSAIDs, require much more time, which means that it takes as many days as the doctor will prescribe.
To say exactly, after how many passes the cystitis after "Kanefron", it is impossible, because the effectiveness of treatment will depend on the severity of the pathology and the cause that caused it. But in any case, treatment is unlikely to be limited to one week. Once again, the effect of the plant components has a lasting result, but it takes more time to obtain it than to be treated with synthetic drugs.
In the treatment of chronic cystitis, which can last almost the entire life, doctors prescribe the drug courses. But what is the duration of the course "Kanefron" for cystitis can say only a specialist doctor, taking into account the patient's condition, the reaction of the body to the drug, the dynamics of the disease. And in the case of complex therapy, "Kanefron" enhances the effectiveness of other anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, which may require less prolonged treatment, as in the case of monotherapy.
Now it's time to consider the method of application and the dose of the drug necessary for effective control of the disease. As we have already said, the drug is available in two forms: in drops and in the form of tablets (dragees).
Tablets doctors are allowed to take patients older than 6 years, with children under 12 years of age taking 3 tablets per day, and adults increase the daily dose by half (6 tablets).
To chew or grind tablets in a special film is not recommended. They need to be swallowed whole and washed down with water.
As for drops "Kanefron", they can be offered even to monthly babies, 30 drops per day, bred in sweet water. Babies older than a year put 45 drops, and children from 6 to 12 years - 75 drops. Adult patients take 150 drops a day for treatment.
Any form of the drug implies a three-time intake, recommended before meals. Thus, a single dose of medicine for each category of patients is calculated by dividing the daily dose by three.
As we have already mentioned, the herbal remedy "Kanefron" makes it possible to carry out effective treatment for cystitis in adults and children. Tablets can treat patients older than 6 years (the child should be able to take the tablet form of the drug), but a more preferred form for the treatment of cystitis in children are drops. Despite the rather high content of alcohol used as an extractant, the use of the drug "Kanefron" in the form of drops for children is allowed, starting from a month old. True, the bitter taste of the medicine is unlikely to be to the taste of a small child, so such babies should be diluted with sweet water or a drink.
Patients of advanced age can be treated with the drug without dosage adjustment, as is usually the case with synthetic drugs. There are no age limits for taking medication.
Patients with diabetes mellitus can also take usual doses of the drug if there is a need for treatment of the urinary system. But they will have to limit the intake of carbohydrates.
The drug "Kanefron" has no inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, which allows it to be taken even to people whose activities require increased concentration and caution. But drivers need to take into account that the medicine in the form of drops contains alcohol, which can later be found in saliva, blood, exhaled air. In order to avoid conflicts with the traffic police, it is better to give preference to the drug in the form of a dragee.
Use of the kanefron for cystitis during pregnancy
According to the manufacturer's instructions, the use of the drug during pregnancy is also not limited to anything. It must be understood that the burden on the pregnant woman's body is extremely high, and it increases with each new day as a new life develops and grows inside a woman. The digestive and excretory system is especially stressed, so mothers with tummy so often complain about problems with the digestive tract and kidneys.
In the last months of pregnancy, the kidneys do not cope with such a load to remove the fluid and young mothers have swelling. Moreover, most of the happy mothers discharged from the hospital have a diagnosis of "chronic pyelonephritis" in the medical chart, which requires further treatment, despite the need for breastfeeding, which should provide the child with strong immunity. It is clear that, willy-nilly, it is necessary to search for relatively safe herbal remedies with the possibility of application during pregnancy and lactation.
Of course, no special studies were conducted on the safety of this drug for the maternal and fetal organism (studies involving animals did not reveal any negative effects), but there is already a certain experience of using the drug in this period, and it turned out to be positive. The only thing that is required of a future mother, is not to risk and give preference to tablets that do not contain alcohol.
Doctors do not prohibit taking medicine during lactation, but again insist on using the form as a dragee.
Since "Kanefron", used for cystitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, is a herbal preparation, and its negative effect on the body is reduced to zero, there will be few restrictions on the use of the drug. The prohibition on the use of the drug primarily applies to patients who have a hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. Moreover, not only the main components (3 grasses, each of which can cause allergic reactions) are taken into account, but also auxiliary substances (tablets contain components that can cause reactions of intolerance in people with lactose and fructose metabolism disorders).
Tablets and especially drops are not suitable for treating patients with exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers, since they will exert an additional irritant effect on the inflamed mucosa and can cause bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
The drug "Kanefron" can be used for edematous syndrome, caused by some malfunctioning of the kidneys, which are often provoked by inflammatory processes in the body. But if it is a heart or kidney failure, the drug can be prescribed only as part of a comprehensive therapy for these diseases.
The drug in the form of drops in its composition contains ethyl alcohol. The use of alcohol and water-alcohol compounds is undesirable for serious liver diseases and alcoholism, especially if a person has recently been treated for this addiction (such patients can not take drops even in a diluted form). It is better to take pills for patients with epilepsy or organic brain diseases, in which ethanol can provoke exacerbations.
Since the drug is a mild diuretic, its use must be combined with the use of a sufficient amount of liquid. It makes no sense to prescribe a medicine for pathologies, when the use of water should be limited.
Side effects of the kanefron for cystitis
Despite the fact that "Kanefron" belongs to the category of natural preparations, it is not spared from the side effects inherent in synthetic drugs. The fact is that in itself, herbal therapy does not suit all patients, because even medicinal plants can cause allergic reactions and unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.
Applying "Kanefron" with cystitis for the first time a person does not always know in advance how his body can react to this or that component of the medicine. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions, which usually occur in mild (in the form of rash and itching on the skin, redness of the skin and other manifestations of allergies).
Some patients complain of the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. This may be due to both intolerance of some components, and erosive and ulcerative gastrointestinal pathologies, to which a person could simply not pay attention until now. With a stomach ulcer, pain in the epigastrium can not be ruled out, especially after taking alcohol-containing drops.
The occurrence of the aforementioned side effects or other undesirable symptoms during or after taking the drug is an alarming signal that indicates that the medication should be stopped and consult a doctor for a new prescription. It must be remembered that the same allergic reaction, even taking place in mild form, is an stress for the body (trauma), which has never helped improve the patient's condition and get rid of the disease.
"Kanefron" is a herbal preparation that does not lead to an overdose even if the doses prescribed by the doctor are exceeded, and they may differ from those recommended in the instructions. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to experiment, checking your body for strength by taking high doses. It is unlikely that such treatment will be more effective than the one appointed by the specialist.
Interactions with other drugs
Taking "Kanefron" with cystitis or another disease of the urinary system, it must be remembered that this is primarily a medicinal product, albeit of plant origin, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the possibilities and results of its interaction with other drugs.
The annotation to the drug says that this herbal medicine does not enter into negative reactions with other drugs, weakening the effect of drugs or causing unpleasant and sometimes dangerous symptoms. But "Kanefron" is able to increase the effectiveness of cystitis treatment with other medications.
Nevertheless, for safety reasons, it is always advisable to consult beforehand about the possibility of combining the drug with other medications that are used, which should not necessarily be directed to the treatment of cystitis.
As for the conditions for storing medicines of any form of release, temperatures of up to 25 degrees are considered optimal for this condition. Keep the drug in drops or tablets in a place protected from light.
Despite the similar storage conditions, different forms of the drug have different shelf life. Tablets can be stored and used for 4 years from the release date, and drops are stored only 2 years, provided that the bottle has not been opened. If the vial of the drops has already been opened, then it should be used within six months.
Analogues of "Kanefron" with cystitis
So, what to do if "Canfron does not help with cystitis? Really it is necessary to drink again "chemistry" in tablets and drops and put an additional blow to the kidneys? Do not panic, in pharmacies today there is a pretty decent choice of drugs that help with inflammation in the urinary tract, and among them there are necessarily safe means.
To begin with, the modern pharmaceutical industry produces fewer plant products than synthetic drugs, and especially when it comes to treating kidneys and the bladder, especially sensitive to inflammatory processes. Here is just a small list of medicines that doctors prescribe for these pathologies: "Tsiston", "Phytolysin", "Urolesan", "Uronefron", "Nefrosan", etc. Let's try to figure out which of the drugs can be replaced, if necessary, by "Kanefron" "Without prejudice to health.
"Cyston" or "Kanefron"? The drug "Cyston" has virtually the same indications for use as "Kanefron", but it is produced only in the form of tablets, which does not allow using it in the therapy of children. According to the instruction, it is allowed to be used only after 12 years.
"Cyston" is also a combined preparation, but it contains even more components than "Kanefron":
- extracts of bicarbonate, saxifrage, madder, strawflower, whiskey, onsmy, faith,
- extract of a mixture of herbs: basil, horse beans, anchor, mimosa, pawonia, horsetail, teak seeds,
- powder mummy and lime,
- auxiliary components.
On the one hand, such a rich composition should have a good therapeutic effect: diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, etc. And even it is believed that he dissolves urinary stones more efficiently than Kanefron. But the more components are included in the drug, the higher the likelihood of allergic reactions to one or more components, which will make it impossible to take the drug as a whole.
However, in the absence of reactions of intolerance, acute pain in the urinary tract and large stones in them (more than 9 mm), "Cyston" will be a very good replacement for "Kanefron" and will certainly help cope with cystitis and urolithiasis.
"Kanefron" or "Phytolysin"? "Phytolysin" is also a multi-component herbal preparation, produced in a somewhat unusual form - in the form of a paste, which allows the drug to be used even for the treatment of very young children, even though the age of patients older than 18 years is indicated in the instructions. The effect of the drug is similar to those described above.
The composition of "Phytolysin" differs from "Kanefron." The preparation contains water extracts from the husks of onions, roots of wheatgrass and lovage, parsley seeds and fenugreek, horsetail herb, mountaineer bird, goldenrod, hernia, leaves of parsley and birch. Several essential oils are noted in the preparation: sage, mint, pine, orange.
Again, such a rich in plant components of the drug can cause allergies. In addition, the form in the form of a paste has a not very appetizing appearance and a specific smell, which can cause disgust. By the way, the use of the paste most often causes nausea and other unpleasant reactions from the digestive tract, so it is undesirable to receive people with stomach diseases.
If the drug does not cause unpleasant sensations, it can also be used as a substitute for "Kanefron", but it must be taken into account that the drug has other contraindications besides hypersensitivity to the drug. This is cardiac and renal failure due to the impossibility of consuming a large amount of water necessary for drug treatment, glomerulonephritis, the presence of phosphate stones, obstruction of the urinary tract, nephroses, increased blood coagulation, etc.
"Kanefron" or "Urolesan"? I must say that doctors are very fond of such a drug as " Uroles n." It is his preferred to prescribe to women after childbirth for the treatment of pyelonephritis, considering it the safest.
Forms of release in the form of drops, syrup and capsules make it possible and convenient to use the drug in different age groups of patients. So the syrup can be used already from the age of one year, drops - from 7 years, and capsules - from the age of 14 years. Yes, and adults can choose their shape to taste. At the price of "Urolesan" will be somewhat cheaper than the drugs mentioned above.
As for the composition of the drug, then again, a complete set: fir and mint essential oils, extracts of wild carrot, cones of hops, oregano, castor oil. The components, of course, are smaller, but allergic reactions and unpleasant phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract appear no less frequently than with other analogues of "Kanefron" used for cystitis and other pathologies of the urinary tract. "Urolesan" is better not to take people with intolerance to drug comonents, gastritis or stomach ulcers, as well as children with a tendency to convulsions.
"Nefrosan" or "Kanefron"? The drug "Nefrosan" is a separate conversation. In fact, this is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement that improves the condition of the urinary tract. The drug in the form of balm in bottles contains natural cranberry juice with sugar. Cranberry also shows vitamin, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and other beneficial effects. It positively affects not only the kidneys and the bladder, it increases the body's immunity and reduces the tendency to various diseases.
Balsam can be taken without restrictions on the duration, but from the age of 14 twice a day as a general restorative.
Capsules "Nefrosan forte" are also considered a dietary supplements, but they have a richer composition: an extract of cranberry fruit, a herb of a thousand-thousandths, leaves of rosemary and cowberry, lactose. They are taken as a diuretic that relieves acute symptoms of the disease and improves the condition of the urinary system, adult patients with the exception of pregnant women and nursing mothers.
It is possible to consider all possible analogues of the drug "Kanefron" for a long time in cystitis, arguing about which medicine will be better. But, in the end, the last word will remain for our body and its reaction to the drug. And that this reaction was not unexpected and did not cause disappointment, getting any medicine should first consult about the appropriateness and safety of its use with the attending physician.
Reviews about the drug "Kanefron"
"Kanefron" is one of the herbal remedies that doctors gladly write out to their patients with cystitis and other pathologies of the urinary system of the inflammatory plan. And this is not surprising, because the high efficiency of the drug showed that it is quite capable of competing with synthetic drugs, bringing the body much less harm.
Particularly indicative is the possibility of treating inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in small children, the choice of drugs for which is severely limited. On the Internet, you can find many reviews of grateful mothers, whose children "Kanefron" helped to cope with the disease, saving the kids from pain and anxiety.
The herbal composition of the drug also attracts pregnant women, who are not prohibited from drug treatment, and the restrictions apply only to the form of the drug (a dragee that does not contain alcohol is allowed). After all, the future mother should worry not only about herself, but also about the native man in her stomach, whose health depends entirely on what his mother is taking.
Yes, it's a sin to conceal, we all are cautious about chemical preparations, understanding that they are treating one thing and mutilating another. Therefore, if possible, most of us will prefer a plant product, if its effect is not worse than synthetic. Another thing is that herbs can often cause allergic reactions, which are the cause of some negative reviews about the drug.
Another part of negative reviews is caused by the lack of the effect of treatment with Kanefron. Doctors reason such a result is that patients prescribe medication alone, considering it a panacea for inflammation and infections. But if the drug copes with the first problem "perfectly", then the fight against infection is not always successful. Sometimes to help "Kanefron" have to take antibiotics, which are considered to be more powerful drugs. If this is not done, the inflammation will return again and again, and the disease will only pass into a chronic form.
To make a calculation that "Kanefron" will completely cure a relapsing illness is also not worth it. Yes, it will help relieve the symptoms of an exacerbation and drive the infection into a dormant state, but in order to avoid relapses it will be necessary to take the medicine for prevention and simultaneously increase the immunity that will not allow the bacteria to multiply. This is the response to those reviews in which people complain about the ineffectiveness of "Kanefron" in the treatment of chronic pathologies.
It is clear that, like any drug, "Kanefron" has some percentage of unsuccessful treatment caused by the peculiarities of the organism, which is insensitive to the action of plants in the composition of the drug. In this case, it is worth trying to treat the disease with other drugs, the action of which is similar to the described drug.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Kinefron" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.